Bulletin - January 19 2019

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CHURCH AT STUDY - 9:30-10:40 A.M. We are delighted that you have chosen to worship with us today.

o worship with us today. 10) January 27 Women’s Ministry Prayer Breakfast from 10 AM
We extend our sincere welcome to our church family and guests. to 12PM. All women are invited to come and share in this
Song Service………………………………………………………………………….. prayer session of refreshing, renewal and recommitment.
Opening Hymn………………………………………………………………………. ANNOUNCEMENTS
11) January 28 Outreach to the homeless continues.
Scripture Reading………………………………………………………………….. 1) Today, all deacons and deaconesses are invited for a brief Volunteers are needed to serve meals to the group. If
you can help, please speak to Teresa Ferreira.
Opening Prayer……………………………………………………………………… meeting immediately following the service at the front of the
Superintendent………………………………………….Simone Shepherd 12) January 30 The ABC Book Mobile will be at the London
2) This afternoon -Friends of Jesus Adventurer Club meets this Church, between 8-9 p.m. Please pre-order by Monday,
Lesson Study….“Jesus’ Messages to the Seven Churches “..…Classes
afternoon 4:00 – 6:00 PM January 28th at 1-800-765-6955).
3) Inviting ALL to prayer, Bible Study and testimonies on 13) February 2 Annual Church Business meeting at 6:00 p.m. the
*Introit……………………………………………………………..Congregation 2019 Budget will be presented for approval.
Wednesday night at 7 pm. Come and be blessed!
*Invocation…..………………………………………….Pr. Juan C. Atencio
4) The church board has appointed Wanetta Atencio as 14) February 9 ADRA fundraising dinner at 6:00 PM. Cost - $25
*Hymn of Praise ……….“Rejoice Ye Pure in Heart” ………… #27 Children's Ministry Leader for VBS. for family, $10 per person. For tickets in advance, see Teresa
Ferreira or at the door. Dress code – Semi Formal.
Congregational Prayer. ………………….…………...Cameron Munro
(Praying for - New York Conference and Sabbath School Team) 5) 2019 Devotionals – Please see the bulletin board for order
Offering……………….. ”Religious Liberty” ……………Eileen Plyley form and prices. Larris Biggs or Cameron Munro can place 15) March 1& 2, 2019 -“Great marriages don’t happen by
your order. Please put your money in a tithe envelope accident but are small daily acts of intentionality.” Be
Praise & Worship…………………………………………………Male Group marked – “DEVOTIONALS” and give directly to Larris Biggs. intentional about growing your marriage relationship and
register today for the Journey Toward Intimacy, the 2019
Children’s Story………….…..………….………..……….Marilyn Topper 6) Parents with Children: The Mother’s room is available for marriage enrichment conference at the Toronto Novotel
*Scripture Reading……….…..”Psalm 1:1-2………..Makayla Reid your comfort. If you need assistance, please speak to the Vaughan, $150 couple: includes conference registration,
deacons/deaconess on duty. Saturday lunch buffet, and 3 refreshment breaks (hotel
Special Music………………………………………………….Atencio Family accommodations must be booked directly with hotel at $149
7) Parents and guardians please be aware of your +tax/night). Registration & Info: www.adventistontario.org
Spoken Word……..”In the Pursuit of Happiness”……….Pr. Juan
child’s/children’s whereabouts in church. Your child(ren)
*Hymn of Consecration….“Tis Love That Make Us Happy”…..#579 MUST always BE in your company. 16) March 22-23, 2019 Adventist Ministries Convention
DISCIPLESHIFT, @ Sheraton Parkway Toronto North. Training
*Benediction……………………………..……………..Pr. Juan C. Atencio 8) January 20 If you are over 55, you are invited to join our available for ALL ministries. There will be workshop and
Golden Agers. We are planning a mall walk at Westmount at seminar especially for Seniors’ Ministry’s leaders, and leaders
10 AM sharp at Kidney Care Centre inside upper level door. to be. Please register ASAP at: http://www.discipleshift.ca
Legend: *Congregation stands Some of us will be going for brunch at Angelos following the
Offering next week: NAD Evangelism walk. Please talk to Don Topper, Adrien Intering or any 17) Need your prayers - Connie Soares, Ruth Stoddard, Yvonne
Elder on duty: Clara Baptiste members of the Senior's Ministry for more information. Thuillard, Michelle Taylor and the Dowdell family.
Sunset today 5:19 P.M Next Friday: 5:27 P.M.
9) January 26 Ontario Conference Youth Leaders - Summit
Birthday Wishes for January Sermon Notes
Jan 1 Aleanna Atencio Jan 7 Casey Dawson Jan 24 Alisha Sealy
Jan 1 Mary Tavares Jan 9 Rico Gultom Jan 24 Leonard Maskoko
Jan 1 Evarline Zablon Jan 10 Marilyn Nicotera Jan 27 Pat Thompson
Jan 1 Hemos Zablon Jan 15 Betty Haskell Jan 28 Abiola Olawoore
Jan 3 Valdemar Ferreira Jan 18 Gavin Reid- Jan 28 Rosa Mashoko
Jan 4 Daniel Atencio Kindness Jan 28 Leeniel Maestre
Jan 5 Sheena Teague Jan 18 Nolan Reeve Jan 29 Kayhanna Allen
Jan 6 Cathy Wood Jan 19 Ivan Kasule Jan 29 Kayannie Allen
Jan 7 Barry Beckles Jan 21 Mario Carreiro Jan 31 Rita Topper-Orielly
Jan 21 Inathi Ncube

Please send bulletin related information by TUESDAY, 10:00

p.m. to larris.biggs@gmail.com. Late submission will be
deferred to the next week’s bulletin.

Thought for Today: “Consequently, faith comes from hearing the

message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.”
(Romans 10:17)

Adventist Christian Elementary School (ACES)

Website: www.aceslondon.ca
Principal: Mr. David Forsey
Cell: 226-232-5444
Office Phone: 519-601-2277
Office Email: davids4c@gmail.com
School Hours: M - TH 8:30 - 4:15

Communication Card
Pastor Juan Carlos Atencio
In order for us to serve you better, please complete this Communication
Form, detach and give it to the Pastor or place it in the Offering Plate. 519-535-8945
Name: _______________________________________________
Phone: ______________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
First Elder: Clara Baptiste
Email: _______________________________________________
 Is ill at home
 Requests Visitation www.adventistlondon.ca
 I want to be baptized (519) 680-1965
 Seeks transfer of membership
 Is in ____________________ Hospital
 Is interested in Bible Studies Has a Prayer Request January 19, 2019
 Other:_____________________________________________

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