Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds: 2005 Wiley-Vch Verlag GMBH & Co. Kgaa, Weinheim

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Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds 1

Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds

Günter Petzow, Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung, Institut für Werkstoffwissenschaften, Stuttgart,
Federal Republic of Germany (Chap. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14)
Fritz Aldinger, W. C. Heraeus GmbH, Hanau, Federal Republic of Germany (Chap. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12, 13 and 14)
Sigurd Jönsson, Leybold-Heraeus GmbH, Hanau, Federal Republic of Germany (Chap. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14)
Peter Welge, Berufsgenossenschaftliches Forschungsinstitut für Arbeitsmedizin, Bochum, Federal Republic
of Germany (Chap. 15)
Vera van Kampen, Berufsgenossenschaftliches Forschungsinstitut für Arbeitsmedizin, Bochum, Federal
Republic of Germany (Chap. 15)
Thomas Mensing, Berufsgenossenschaftliches Forschungsinstitut für Arbeitsmedizin, Bochum, Federal
Republic of Germany (Chap. 15)
Thomas Brüning, Berufsgenossenschaftliches Forschungsinstitut für Arbeitsmedizin, Bochum, Federal
Republic of Germany (Chap. 15)

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8. Quality Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2. Physical Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 9. Beryllium Alloys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3. Mechanical Properties . . . . . . . . . . 3 10. Beryllium Compounds . . . . . . . . . . 17
4. Chemical Properties . . . . . . . . . . . 6 11. Chemical Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5. Resources, Raw Material . . . . . . . . 7 12. Storage, Transportation, Legal
6. Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
6.1. Processing of Beryl . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
13. Uses of the Metal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
6.2. Processing of Bertrandite . . . . . . . . 9
14. Economic Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
6.3. Production of Reducible Compounds 10
6.4. Metal Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 15. Toxicology and Occupational Health . 20
6.5. Refining and Further Processing . . . 12 16. Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
7. Environmental Protection . . . . . . . . 14 17. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

1. Introduction mental beryllium in 1828 by reduction of beryl-

lium chloride with potassium. In 1899 Lebeau
Beryllium [7440-41-7], Be, is the first element in [4] obtained beryllium crystals by electrolysis
the second main group of the periodic table. It of molten sodium beryllium fluoride. Industrial
is a light metal with hexagonal-closest-packed production of beryllium began in 1916 in several
(hcp) structure. Both finely divided metal and countries. The publication in 1916 by Oester-
the compounds have serious toxic effects on the held [5] of the phase diagrams of beryllium with
lungs. In addition to the name beryllium, derived iron, nickel, and copper led to the first important
from the mineral beryl, this element with atomic use of beryllium in 1931, namely, as an additive,
number 4 was formerly called glucinium, chiefly about 2 wt%, in age-hardenable copper alloys
in France, because of the pronounced sweetish [6].
taste of its salts. The demand for beryllium increased around
In 1797 Vauquelin [1] discovered beryllium 1950 with the development of nuclear reactors
oxide while analyzing varieties of beryl includ- because the nuclear properties and low density
ing emerald and aquamarine. Wöhler [2] and of beryllium seemed to indicate that the metal
Bussy [3], working independently, prepared ele- would be especially suitable for nonstationary

c 2005 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

10.1002/14356007.a04 011.pub2
2 Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds
Density at
nuclear reactors of the types used in airplanes,
298 K 1.8477 g/cm3
space craft, ships, and submarines [7, 8]. How- 1773 K 1.42
ever, beryllium was a disappointment because Standard enthalpy 216 J/g
it swells and becomes brittle when exposed to Standard entropy 1.054 J g−1 K−1
Heat of fusion 1357 J/g
the simultaneous action of radioactivity and heat Entropy of fusion 0.87 J g−1 K−1
[9]. However, the increased research activity in Heat of transformation 837 J/g
beryllium technology associated with this period Entropy of transformation 0.186 J g−1 K−1
produced significant advances in the chemistry, Vapor pressure at
500 K 5.7×10−29 MPa
physics, and processing technology of beryllium 1000 K 4.73×10−12
[7, 10 – 14]. 1560 K 4.84×10−6
Since the end of the 1950s, there has been Specific heat at
increased interest in beryllium as a structural 298 K 1.830 J g−1 K−1
700 K 2.740
material, especially in aeronautical and astro- Thermal conductivity at 298 K 165 ± 15 W m−1 K−1
nautical uses because its mechanical and ther- Linear coefficient of thermal
mal properties relative to weight are superior to expansion, 298 – 373 K 11.5×10−6 K−1
those of all other materials [15 – 19]. Most of Electrical resistivity at 298 K 4.31×10−8 Ω m
Magnetic susceptibility at
the beryllium produced today is used for mil- 93 K − 0.75×10−9 m3 /kg
itary purposes. Greater use in the civilian sec- 293 K − 1.00×10−9
tor is hindered mainly by the high price, the 573 K − 1.20×10−9
toxicity, and the room-temperature susceptibil- Hall coefficient 2.4×10−9 m3 A−1 s−1
Thermoelectric voltage at 298 K ≈ 5×10−6 V/K
ity to brittle fracture of the metal. On the other Photoelectric work function 3.92 eV
hand, beryllium oxide is finding increasing use Compressibility
in electrical engineering as an electrical insulator isothermal 0.0883×10−10 m2 /N
adiabatic 0.103×10−10
[20]. Beryllium properties, production methods,
Speed of sound 12600 m/s
and applications have been comprehensively re- Surface tension at
viewed [21]. 1557 K 1.960 J/m2
1773 K 1.100
Volume contraction
on solidification 3%
2. Physical Properties
The c-to-a ratio of hexagonal-closest-packed
The properties listed here were measured, for the beryllium is very small and decreases with
most part, on commercial grades of beryllium. temperature [26]. The existence of the body-
These contain various impurities and have vari- centered-cubic high-temperature modification
ous grain structures. The most reliable values of was disputed for many years but has now been
the important physical properties of beryllium demonstrated conclusively [24, 27]. The trans-
[10, p. 320], [18, p. 201], [22 – 36] are compiled formation point is slightly below the melting
below. On first glance the most outstanding char- point [24 – 28]. The sum of the heats of fusion
acteristics of the metal are low density and high and transformation is given as 1641 J/g, which
melting point. allows a heat of transformation of 284 J/g to be
estimated [28]. However, a much higher value,
Atomic number 4
Atomic weight 9.0122 ≈ 837 J/g, was determined directly [18, p. 201].
Electronic structure 1s2 2s2 The vapor pressure values in the literature
Atomic radius 112.50 pm show considerable variation, probably due to the
Atomic volume at 298 K 4.877 cm3 /mol
Crystal structures
variable formation of oxide and nitride coatings
hexagonal closest [37]. They were compiled by Hultgren [28].
packed at 293 K a 228.56 pm The high specific heat [28] and thermal con-
c 358.32 pm ductivity [7], [10, p. 320], [31] are noteworthy.
c/a 1.5677
body-centered cubic Low-temperature measurements show that the
at 1523 K a 255.0 pm thermal conductivity perpendicular to the basal
Melting point 1560 K or 1287 ◦ C plane is greater than that parallel to the basal
Boiling point 2745 K or 2472 ◦ C
Transformation point 1527 K or 1254 ◦ C
plane [38].
Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds 3

The coefficient of linear expansion is com- The nuclear reactions of beryllium with fast
paratively low. The values given in the literature neutrons and hard γ rays do not result in long-
vary widely, a fact that can be attributed to dif- lived radioactivity. However, additional neu-
ferences in grain structure of the samples. This is trons and gaseous reaction products may be pro-
shown by measurements on single crystals par- duced. For example, bombardment with 1022
allel and perpendicular to the basal plane [39] fast neutrons per cm2 generated a total of 23
and on highly textured material perpendicular cm3 of gas per cm3 of beryllium: 5% of this
and parallel to the pressing direction [40]. gas was tritium, the remainder was helium [56].
The electrical resistivity between 40 and The gas was initially located at interstitial sites
200 K is significantly lower than that of cop- or at dislocations. Heating at 1170 K caused the
per or aluminum [41]. Of course, the differ- formation of gas-filled pores at the grain bound-
ences among the reported values are particularly aries and within the grains, which resulted in a
great for electrical properties [11, 22, 31, 36, decrease in density of 20%. The volume increase
42 – 45] because impurities are especially im- due to pore formation begins at about 870 K. In
portant here, as has been clearly shown by mea- addition to the formation of noble gases and tri-
surements of residual resistance in materials of tium, normal radiation damage also occurs as a
different degrees of purity [46, 47]. The infor- result of elastic collisions of fast neutrons with
mation on the superconductivity of beryllium is beryllium atoms [7], but the effect of this radi-
contradictory. Some investigators [22, 48] have ation damage can hardly be separated from the
found superconductivity at temperatures below effect of the gas formation.
11 K, others [49] have found superconductivity The moderator and reflector properties of
only in thin films below transition temperatures beryllium for thermal and epithermal neutrons
between 7 and 9 K, and still others [45, 50, 51] are also favorable [8, 9].
have been unable to find superconductivity at all.
Beryllium is diamagnetic; little work [33, 34]
has been reported on the magnetic properties. 3. Mechanical Properties
The available measurements on the thermoelec-
tric force show considerable variation, probably As in the case of other metals and alloys, e.g.,
a result of the experimental conditions and sam- aluminum or brass, the term beryllium is under-
ple characteristics [7, 38, 52]. stood to mean a large group of different beryl-
The reflexivity of beryllium is high, partic- lium grades, whose properties differ to a greater
ularly in the infrared region [53]. Beryllium or lesser extent as a result of differences in re-
transmits x rays well because of its low atomic covery and processing. This is also the reason
number. Even relatively long-wave gamma rays for the more or less large ranges for many prop-
cause beryllium to emit neutrons, on account of a erties. Nevertheless, the principles of the defor-
(γ,n) reaction. Other nuclear reactions of beryl- mation modes are known, which is the bridge to
lium and its most important nuclear properties an understanding of the mechanical behavior of
[10, pp. 14, 328], [22, 53, 54] are given below polycrystalline beryllium.
and in Table 1: Beryllium deforms primarily on basal planes
and secondarily on first-order prismatic planes.
Magnetic dipole moment 5.9468 A m2
Electric quadrupole moment 0.02×10−24 cm2
Slip systems with a nonbasal Burgers vector,
Binding energy of the last 1.664 MeV e.g., second-order pyramidal slip, are difficult
neutron to activate, especially at room temperature. The
Absorption cross section for
thermal neutrons (0.025 eV)
strong anisotropy of flow stresses on the active
microscopic (σ a ) 0.9 fm2 slip systems is illustrated in Figure 1. The basal
macroscopic (Σ a ) 0.0011 cm−1 plane has a very low surface energy and hence
Scattering cross section for acts as a cleavage plane. One main reason for the
epithermal neutrons
microscopic (σ s ) 610 fm2
brittleness of beryllium is the fact that the basal
macroscopic (Σ s ) 0.76 cm−1 plane acts both as the cleavage plane and the slip
plane [21, vol. I, pp. 7 – 114]. Twinning, which
is a very important deformation mechanism in
several hcp metals, e.g., zinc, titanium, zirco-
4 Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds
Table 1. Properties of beryllium isotopes

Isotope Half-life Radiation, Source

Be 0.4 s − −
7 6
Be 53.5 d γ Li(d,n)
0.453 – 0.485 Li(p,n)
Be 1.4×10−16 s α 9
0.055 Be(n,2n)
Be stable − −
Be 2.7×106 a β 9
0.56 – 0.65 Be(d,p)
Be − − −
Nuclear reactions of the stable isotope 9 Be:
Gamma-ray bombardment Be(γ,n)8 Be
Neutron bombardment Be(n,α)6 He
Be(n,γ)10 Be
Be(n,2n)8 Be

nium, does not play a similar role in beryllium. The reason for this tendency toward brit-
In beryllium, twinning acts more as a crack in- tle fracture is the preferred occurrence of basal
ducer or enhances crack propagation, rather than slip due to the described strong deformational
to increase the deformability. anisotropy, which induces microcracks [10, p.
372], [60 – 62]. The brittleness can be reduced
by purification of the material (e.g., to reduce
oxide content) and special thermomechanical
treatment (upset forging), which results in a mi-
crostructure with a very small grain size [63].
The average modulus of elasticity of beryl-
lium is unusually high, 320000 MPa, and is
strongly anisotropic [64, 65]: 269000 MPa in
the basal plane and 365000 MPa perpendicular
to the basal plane [28]. As a result the modulus
of elasticity of individual polycrystalline spec-
imens shows considerable variation depending
on the type of working, and thus on differences
in microstructure (Fig. 2 A). The shear modu-
lus decreases somewhat more rapidly than does
the modulus of elasticity as the temperature in-
creases. The Poisson ratio shows a correspond-
ing increase with temperature (Fig. 2 B).
Figure 1. Flow stress for basal, prismatic, and pyramidal c The deformational anisotropy and suscepti-
+ a slip versus temperature [21, vol. I, pp. 7 – 114] bility to brittle fracture become lower as the
CRSS stands for the critical resolved shear stress.
temperature is increased [10, p. 372] so that
beryllium is readily workable above 450 K [57].
In polycrystalline beryllium brittle fracture
However, the elongation of some commercial
occurs even after comparatively low strain at
grades of beryllium decreases sharply in the
room temperature [11, 15, 57 – 59].
temperature range 650 – 900 K, then increas-
Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds 5

Figure 2. Mechanical properties of beryllium as a function of temperature

A) Modulus of elasticity of various grades of beryllium: a) Pressure sintered [66]; b) Cross-rolled cast material [66]; c) Extruded
cast material [66]; d) Extruded P/M (powder-metallurgy) material [66]; e) Pressure sintered, 1 wt% BeO [67]
B) Shear modulus and Poisson ratio of cross-rolled cast beryllium [66]

ing again [15, p. 3], [57, 58] (Fig. 3, Curves a, [58, 70 – 72]. The mechanical properties af-
b, and c). This decrease in elongation at inter- ter powder-metallurgical processing are signifi-
mediate temperatures is caused by impurities. cantly better than those after casting, and mate-
However, when the concentrations of aluminum, rial produced by powder metallurgy is now used
iron, and beryllium oxide are adjusted in a well- almost exclusively.
defined manner, the hot-working characteristics
can be greatly improved by effective heat treat-
ment [15, p. 112], [68, 69] (Fig. 3, Curve e). The
preferred occurrence of basal slip during warm
working, which is usually performed in the tem-
perature range 670 – 1360 K, also results in a
pronounced microstructure. This consists of a
preferential orientation of the basal planes, e.g.,
parallel to the direction of extrusion or parallel
to the rolling plane [12, p. 240], [15]. The mi-
crostructure strongly limits the basal slip at room
temperature in the case of deformation parallel Figure 3. Elongation of various beryllium grades as a func-
to this preferential direction so that the suscepti- tion of temperature
bility to brittle fracture in this direction of defor- a) Cast, extruded [57]; b) Pressure sintered [15, p. 3];
mation is reduced. Considerable elongation can c) Pressure sintered, impurities uncontrolled; d) Pressure
sintered, Fe and Al content controlled; e) Pressure sintered,
be attained because of the preferred occurrence BeO, Al, and Fe content controlled [69]
of prismatic slip. Perpendicular to the preferred
direction of the basal plane the potential elonga-
tion is almost equal to zero because the direction The susceptibility of beryllium to cleavage
of prismatic slip lies in the basal plane. fracture is significantly reduced under compres-
Improvement of the forming characteris- sive load so that the deformation values of cast
tics by grain refining during melting and cast- or pressure-sintered material are usually greater
ing is possible only to a limited extent [10, than 20%. The buckling strength is comparable
p. 136], [12, p. 55], [15, pp. 193, 237, 246], to the yield strength; however, the compressive
6 Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds

strength is significantly higher than the tensile and tellurium vapor; in each case, beryllium
strength (Table 2). burns with a flame.
The adhering oxide film protects beryllium
Table 2. Strength values, MPa, of extruded beryllium measured in
compression test [73] from attack by both cold and hot water. It also
protects cold beryllium from attack by oxidiz-
Cast Pressure sintered ing acids [76]. The stability of the film can be
Room 670 K Room 670 K increased by addition of dichromate to the wa-
temper- temper-
ature ature
ter to form a protective chromate layer as in the
case of aluminum. Beryllium dissolves in dilute
Two-tenths nonoxidizing mineral acids, accompanied by hy-
buckling strength 210 179 240 178
Compressive strength 657 460 635 460 drogen evolution and salt formation. In accord
with its amphoteric nature it is also attacked by
aqueous hydroxide accompanied by hydrogen
evolution and beryllate formation. Since most
beryllium compounds have a highly exothermic
4. Chemical Properties heat of formation, beryllium reduces the salts
and the borates and silicates of many metals.
The two 2s electrons of beryllium are valence For example, the only halides that are stable to-
electrons. The first ionization potential (Be0 → wards beryllium are those of the alkali metals
Be+ + e) is 9.32 eV, and the second (Be+ → and magnesium; all others are reduced by beryl-
Be2+ + e) is 18.21 eV [74]. Although beryllium lium. Molten alkali-metal hydroxides react ex-
is almost always divalent in its compounds, it is plosively with beryllium.
far more similar to aluminum than to magnesium Beryllium forms several intermetallic phases
or calcium [7, 10, 11, 37, 74, 75]. For example, with carbon; all transition metals; the alkaline-
like aluminum, it is amphoteric, and in humid air earth metals magnesium, calcium, and stron-
and water vapor forms a strongly adhering sur- tium; and the metalloids boron, arsenic, tel-
face layer of oxide that prevents further oxida- lurium, etc. [25]. Some of these phases have
tion up to about 600 ◦ C [37, 76]. Above 600 ◦ C extensive homogeneity ranges and high melting
the oxide layer thickens, but oxidation that de- points [77 – 79]. With very few exceptions, the
stroys the metal by break away does not occur solubility of metals in solid beryllium and vice
below 700 ◦ C. versa is very low, even at high temperatures. The
The affinity of beryllium for oxygen is very binary and ternary beryllium systems were re-
viewed [21, vol. I, pp. 235 – 305].
Be (s) +1/2O2 (g) →BeO (s) Beryllium is very stable towards liquid
lithium, sodium, potassium, zinc, magnesium,
∆G0T (J/g) = −66469+10.5T±4.7 cadmium, mercury, gallium, indium, tin, lead,
and beryllium is an excellent reducing agent. antimony, and bismuth. Some of these metals do
At temperatures > 900 ◦ C it reacts violently not dissolve beryllium at all, even at high tem-
with nitrogen or ammonia to form beryllium ni- peratures, so long as oxygen is not present. If
tride, Be3 N2 . However, beryllium does not re- the melts contain metal oxides, the metal oxides
act with hydrogen, even at high temperatures, are reduced by beryllium with the formation of
because the formations of the hydrides BeH2 beryllium oxide. The layer of BeO formed in this
and BeH, which are difficult to prepare, are en- way is not adherent and is removed by the melt,
dothermic, and the hydrides rapidly decompose so that a fresh surface of beryllium is always
at only slightly elevated temperatures. Below available for reduction.
500 – 600 ◦ C beryllium is not attacked by dry Beryllium is very reactive in the liquid state,
carbon dioxide and is attacked only very slowly reacting with most oxides, nitrides, sulfides, and
by moist carbon dioxide. Beryllium powder re- carbides, including those of magnesium, cal-
acts with fluorine at room temperature, and at cium, aluminum, titanium, and zirconium.
elevated temperatures it reacts with chlorine,
bromine, and iodine and with sulfur, selenium,
Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds 7

5. Resources, Raw Material lected out by a sorter guided by a neutron counter

Beryllium is a rare element; its abundance in the The recovery of beryllium from both beryl
earth’s crust is about 6 ppm. However, it occurs and bertrandite includes several stages. The ores
in concentrated form in various minerals. The are first converted to an acid-soluble form by fu-
total exploitable world reserves of beryllium are sion. Complex chemical processes are then used
estimated at 200000 tons. to obtain comparatively pure beryllium hydrox-
The first beryllium mineral commercially ex- ide or oxide and then beryllium chloride or fluo-
ploited was beryl [1302-52-9], 3 BeO · Al2 O3 · ride. These halogenides are reduced to metallic
6 SiO2 , mp 1650 ◦ C,  2.67 – 2.76 g/cm3 , hard- beryllium with other metals or by melt electrol-
ness of 7.5 – 8 on the Mohs’ scale, optically ysis. The beryllium metal obtained is subjected
negative with weak double refraction, n = 1.57 – to one or more refining processes and then to fur-
1.60. It crystallizes in hexagonal prisms, which ther treatment by powder metallurgy or in some
are often very large in size; indeed, crystals cases fusion metallurgy [7, 10 – 12].
weighing several tons have been discovered. It
is found in mica schist, granite, pegmatite, and
argillite. The crystals often show signs of weath- 6.1. Processing of Beryl
ering, and only rarely do they have the ideal
composition. Beryl contains about 11% beryl- Beryl is treated mainly by the sulfate and fluoride
lium oxide (4% Be) and is often obtained as processes. The chloride process is a direct, inex-
a byproduct of feldspar quarrying. The largest pensive process for recovering beryllium chlo-
deposits are found in Brazil, Argentina, India, ride for electrolysis [10, p. 102]. Other processes
Mozambique, Madagascar, Uganda, Zimbabwe, are not used because of problems with reactions
South Africa, and the Former States of USSR. and apparatus [11, 83].
In addition to the aluminum oxide and silicon
dioxide, principal impurities in the ores include Sulfate Process. First the beryl, which is
alkali metals, alkaline-earth metals, iron, man- only slightly soluble in sulfuric acid even under
ganese, and phosphorus. such extreme conditions as heating for several
Until the late 1960s, beryl was the only beryl- hours in an autoclave at 400 ◦ C, is subjected to
lium mineral having industrial importance. In either an alkali or a heat treatment.
1969 Brush Wellmann Inc. began the process- The alkali treatment corresponds to the usual
ing of bertrandite [12161-82-9] ores in Utah. silicate treatment of analytical chemistry: finely
This is presently the most important commercial ground beryl is heated until fusion or sintered be-
beryllium mineral. Its formula is 4 BeO · SiO2 · low the melting point with a sufficient quantity of
H2 O, but ores contain only 0.2 – 0.35% Be [19, alkaline flux. Suitable alkalies include hydrox-
p. 21]. Chrysoberyl, BeO · Al2 O3 ; phenakite, 2 ides or carbonates of sodium, potassium, and
BeO · SiO2 ; euclase, BeAlSiO4 (OH); and the calcium; mixtures of these carbonates; calcium
precious varieties of beryl, emerald and aqua- oxide; borax; lead chloride; and sodium sulfate
marine, are highly prized as gemstones. About and charcoal. The mechanism of the fusion is
40 other beryllium-bearing minerals are known. still not fully understood [84]. The ratio of flux
to beryl depends on the operating conditions, es-
pecially the temperature: the higher the tempera-
6. Production ture the less flux. For alkali treatments involving
molten material, gas-heated or oil-heated rotary
Since the density of beryl is close to that of furnaces or blast furnaces are suitable. Rotary
quartz, concentration by density is not possi- kilns, muffle furnaces, or tunnel kilns are used
ble. Hand sorting has been the chief means of for sintering.
separation. Flotation is successful only for a In the heat treatment the beryl is melted (mp
few ores [80]. An automatic machine, the Beryl 1650 ◦ C) without additives and then quenched
Picker, has been used [81]: the ore is first γ- in water. After this treatment about 50 – 60% of
irradiated to render the beryllium atoms radioac- the beryl has a greater solubility in sulfuric acid.
tive, 9 Be(γ,n)8 Be. The beryl crystals are then se-
8 Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds

The rest of the beryllium oxide forms a solid so- tated as hydroxide, while these complexes re-
lution with silicon dioxide that is not attacked by main in solution.
sulfuric acid. At 900 ◦ C this solid solution sepa- If the separation process does not lead di-
rates into its components, and a heat treatment at rectly to fine-grained, readily filterable beryl-
this temperature produces a free beryllium oxide lium hydroxide or oxide, the fusion liquor is
that is soluble in sulfuric acid. Such a two-stage adjusted to pH 7.5 with ammonia or sodium hy-
heat treatment renders a total of 90 – 95% of the droxide and then heated to 95 – 98 ◦ C. A crys-
beryl soluble. talline, readily filterable beryllium hydroxide is
The heat-treated beryl is extracted with obtained under these conditions. At lower pH
hot concentrated sulfuric acid, whereas alkali- gelatinous hydroxide is obtained; at higher pH,
treated beryl is extracted with cold sulfuric acid. amorphous hydroxide is obtained [11]. If the
In the second case there is no heating cost, but temperature is too low, the crystalline hydrox-
the total consumption of acid is greater because ide forms too slowly.
of the alkali added. The liquor is diluted with Brush Wellman Inc., the world’s largest
water, and the insoluble silicon dioxide sepa- beryllium producer, has fully automated its pro-
rated by filtration. At this point the filtrate con- cess, called the caustic process. This process
tains not only beryllium and aluminum sulfate uses a heat fusion treatment and is characterized
but also considerable quantities of iron sulfate by low consumption of sulfuric acid, reliable
and smaller amounts of other impurities, all of separation of iron and other heavy metal impu-
which must be removed before precipitation of rities by combined alum and chelate separation,
beryllium hydroxide. Examples of the many sep- and recovery of an easily filterable beryllium hy-
aration methods [11] include the alum separa- droxide by hydrolysis of the sodium beryllate
tion, the ammonium carbonate separation, and [10, p. 71].
the chelate separation.
In the alum separation excess ammonium or Fluoride Process. In the fluoride process
potassium sulfate is added to the hot sulfate so- beryl is melted or sintered at ≈ 700 ◦ C with
lution. Upon cooling, all the aluminum precip- sodium hexafluorosilicate. Only the beryllium
itates as alum and can be separated from the oxide is converted to a water-soluble salt; alu-
beryllium sulfate solution in a centrifuge. The minum oxide, silicon dioxide, and other impu-
filtrate is diluted and then oxidized with potas- rities are essentially unattacked [83, 85]:
sium permanganate. It is then heated to the boil-
ing point, and calcium carbonate slurry is added 2(3BeO · Al2 O3 · 6SiO2 )+6Na2 (SiF6 ) →
until a pH of 3.8 – 4.2 is reached. This causes 6Na2 BeF4 +2Al2 O3 +15SiO2 +3SiF4
iron and manganese to precipitate as the hydrox-
ides and calcium to precipitate as calcium sul-
fate dihydrate. The beryllium hydroxide is then The formation of other beryllium salts
precipitated by addition of ammonia. (NaBeF3 , BeF2 ) is not observed. Water-soluble
In the ammonium carbonate separation the Na3 AlF6 may also be formed in small amounts.
liquor obtained from the fusion treatment is Other suitable extracting agents are hydro-
treated with saturated ammonium carbonate so- gen fluoride at 630 ◦ C, molten fluorides, other
lution to precipitate aluminum, iron, and other fluorosilicates, or silicon tetrafluoride [86]. Ro-
heavy metals as hydroxides, which are then sep- tary kilns are used for reaction with the gases;
arated by filtration. The filtrate, which contains the solid mixtures are briquetted and sintered in
the soluble beryllium hydroxide, is concentrated muffle furnaces or tunnel kilns.
by boiling to precipitate readily filterable spar- The sodium hexafluorosilicate needed for the
ingly soluble basic beryllium carbonate, which fluoride process is relatively expensive. How-
is converted to low-density beryllium oxide by ever, consumption can be greatly reduced by
calcining at low temperatures. adding sodium fluoride [87] or sodium carbonate
In the chelate separation iron and alu- [88], which traps and thus “recycles” the liber-
minum are chelated, e.g., with ethylenediamine- ated silicon tetrafluoride.
tetraacetic acid. The beryllium can be precipi- The sodium fluoride remaining in solution af-
ter precipitation of the beryllium hydroxide can
Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds 9

also be recovered. Sodium hexafluoroferrate(III) 1960 cannot be economically smelted by con-

is obtained by precipitation with iron(III) sulfate ventional methods. A new process was there-
[89] and can be used instead of sodium hexaflu- fore developed by Brush Wellman Inc., called
orosilicate. the SX-Carbonate process (Fig. 4) [98, 99]. This
The reaction product must be leached with process produces a very pure beryllium hydrox-
water at room temperature because silicon diox- ide (Table 3) by liquid – liquid extraction with
ide is attacked by fluoride solutions at elevated organic phases [74].
temperatures. On the other hand, the leaching
Table 3. Typical analyses of beryllium hydroxide obtained by two
must be performed as rapidly as possible be- processes, ppm, with respect to BeO [98, 99]
cause otherwise the beryllium salt that is already
dissolved will precipitate [11] and in this form Element SX-Carbonate Caustic
process process
it is sparingly soluble, unlike the form which is
present in the original fusion product. In order to Al 200 3 000
obtain beryllium hydroxide the solution is made Fe 200 1 300
Cr 50 125
alkaline with NaOH. Beryllium hydroxide pre- Li 70 300
cipitates when the solution is diluted with water Mg 100 6 000
and then boiled. The fluoride process is being Mn 10 900
tested in a pilot plant by Bhabba Atomic Re- Ni 10 30
Na 500 10 000
search Centre, India [90]. Ca 200 800
Cu 5 25
Chloride Process. At temperatures above Si 100 1 500
630 ◦ C the components of beryl can be extracted Zn 20 700
in a stream of chlorine; reducing conditions
greatly enhance the yield:
3BeO · Al2 O3 · 6SiO2 +18Cl2 +18C→
Unlike beryl, bertrandite is soluble in sul-
furic acid without pretreatment. The insoluble
3BeCl2 +2AlCl3 +6SiCl4 +18CO
residue (SiO2 , etc.) and the aluminum content,
which precipitates as an aluminum alum, are re-
In practice a mixture of pulverized beryl and moved. The sulfate solution, pH = 0.5, then con-
carbon is either heated near 800 ◦ C in a stream of tains the beryllium and also aluminum, calcium,
chlorine [91, 92] or melted in an electric-arc fur- iron, sodium, and traces of other elements.
nace. In the second case the carbides that form The sulfate solution is extracted with
are chlorinated [93, 94]. The reaction can also be a 0.3 m solution of ammonium di-2-ethyl-
carried out with gases that contain chlorine, such hexyl phosphate/di-2-ethylhexyl phosphoric
as hydrogen chloride [83], carbon tetrachloride acid/kerosine (DAP) in a five-stage mixer at ≈
[95], sulfur chloride [83], or phosgene [96, 97]. 50 ◦ C. In the first mixer the pH is about 2, and af-
The volatile chlorides are separated by fractional ter the last stage it is about 5.5. The acid strength
condensation or liquid – liquid extraction with is adjusted in a well-defined manner in each
sulfur dichloride, sulfuryl chloride, phospho- stage by means of the ratio of the ammoniacal to
rus trichloride, phosphorus oxychloride, boron the acid component of the organic phase. Beryl-
chloride, carbon tetrachloride, or phosgene [83]. lium, aluminum, and iron enter the organic phase
Reducing chlorination of the beryllium hy- almost quantitatively, while the other impurities
droxide or oxide obtained in the sulfate or fluo- remain in the sulfate solution. Following sepa-
ride process gives beryllium chloride, the start- ration of the two liquid phases, the metal ions
ing material for the electrolytic production of are removed from the organic compounds by a
beryllium. 3.0 – 3.5 m ammonium carbonate solution in a
two-stage mixer. This results in the formation
of a basic beryllium carbonate solution, which
6.2. Processing of Bertrandite is actually a slurry since it contains precipitated
aluminum hydroxide (the ABC slurry). The or-
The beryllium-poor bertrandite ores ( 0.5 – ganic phase, which is now free of metal ions, is
0.8% BeO) discovered in the United States in returned to the process after purification. Iron is
10 Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds

Figure 4. Flow diagram of the SX-Carbonate process (Brush Wellman Inc., USA) [98, 99]
DAP is the abbreviation for the solution ammonium di-2-ethylhexyl phosphate – di-2-ethylhexyl phosphoric acid – kerosine.

precipitated from the ABC slurry by heat treat- beryllium hydroxide that is easily filtered off and
ment, 45 min at 85 ◦ C, and filtered off with the that is quite pure (Table 3). The ammonia and
aluminum hydroxide. The beryllium remains in carbon dioxide are used to produce ammonium
solution as basic carbonate. The specified time carbonate, which is returned to the process. The
must be observed as closely as possible: if the ABC slurry can be treated additionally to further
heat treatment is too short, iron is only par- reduce the concentration of impurities, e.g., to
tially precipitated. If it is too long, the beryl- reduce the iron content to less than 50 ppm. For
lium loss will be too great. Even so, about 2% this reason beryl ores are today also treated by
of the beryllium is coprecipitated and about 4 the SX-Carbonate process, following the usual
– 6% is contained in the hydroxide filter cake. heat treatment.
Half of the beryllium can be separated by care-
ful washing. The remainder is recovered by dis-
solving the precipitate in sulfuric acid, extract- 6.3. Production of Reducible
ing the iron with an organic phase, and recycling Compounds
the beryllium- and aluminum-containing sulfate
solution to the process before the alum precipi- The most important metal production processes
tation. are based on reduction of beryllium fluoride by
The basic beryllium carbonate solution sep- magnesium and beryllium chloride by melt elec-
arated from the ABC slurry by filtration is de- trolysis. Therefore, the beryllium hydroxide or
composed in an autoclave (140 – 160 ◦ C, 1.0 – oxide obtained from the fusion process must be
1.4 MPa) into ammonia, carbon dioxide, and a converted into one of these halides.
Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds 11

Beryllium Fluoride. First beryllium hydrox- stable intermetallic compound CaBe [103]. Re-
ide is dissolved in an ammonium hydrogen fluo- duction of BeO with titanium, zirconium [104],
ride solution. The resulting ammonium tetraflu- or carbon [105] at high temperatures is theoreti-
oroberyllate is dissociated to such a small extend cally possible: the volatile beryllium would have
in the solution that the pH can be varied over a to be distilled off from the reaction zone imme-
wide range without beryllium hydroxide precip- diately. However, this method is not used.
itating. Impurities can thus be precipitated rela-
tively easily as hydroxides. Aluminum is precip- Reduction with Metals. The most impor-
itated as hydroxide by increasing the pH to 8.3. tant industrial process is the reduction of beryl-
Chromium and manganese are precipitated by lium fluoride with magnesium [10, p. 71],
oxidation with lead dioxide, and manganese is [106 – 109], the process presently used by Brush
precipitated by oxidation with lead dioxide and Wellman Inc.
manganese dioxide. Copper, nickel, and lead are The reaction is started by heating a mixture
precipitated as sulfides. of relatively coarse-grained beryllium fluoride
Ammonium tetrafluoroberyllate is freely sol- and magnesium in a graphite crucible. At a tem-
uble in water. When concentrated by evapo- perature of about 1300 ◦ C the reaction produces
ration, it crystallizes without water of hydra- a mixture of beryllium pebbles and magnesium
tion. Above 130 ◦ C it dissociates into ammo- fluoride. The reaction cannot be performed with-
nium fluoride and beryllium fluoride. Between out external heating because the heat of reaction
900 and 1100 ◦ C ammonium tetrafluoroberyl- is not great and because the beryllium fluoride
late dissociates into gaseous beryllium fluoride must be processed in the form of relatively large
and gaseous ammonium fluoride. The latter can particles due to its toxicity and hygroscopicity.
be recycled to the process as ammonium hydro- Normally about 70% of the stoichiometric quan-
gen fluoride by dissolution in aqueous hydrogen tity of magnesium is used. In this way a read-
fluoride. Cooling produces beryllium fluoride as ily water-soluble beryllium magnesium fluoride
vitreous grains [10, p. 71], [100]. slag, easily separated from the coarse-grained
Beryllium Chloride. Beryllium chloride can beryllium, is produced. The unreacted beryllium
be prepared either directly from beryl by the fluoride is separated from the magnesium fluo-
chloride process or by chlorination of beryllium ride and returned to the process.
oxide under reducing conditions [101]. The reaction of beryllium chloride with mag-
Beryllium chloride is especially well suited nesium or sodium or the reaction of beryllium
for purification by distillation in a stream of hy- fluoride with sodium cannot be carried out in the
drogen [10, p. 102] and fractional condensation same way. Sodium is more difficult to work with
[102]. The significantly lower-boiling chlorides because of its low boiling point and its reaction
of aluminum, silicon, and iron(III) can be sep- with graphite. Beryllium chloride (bp 520 ◦ C)
arated by careful temperature control. Iron(II) is too volatile. The reduction of beryllium chlo-
chloride, which is reduced by hydrogen, stays ride with sodium in the vapor phase at 250 ◦ C
in the residue. is the only process developed to the production
stage [110 – 112]. However, this process has no
economic importance.
6.4. Metal Production
Fusion Electrolysis. All practical elec-
The chief difficulties involved in the production trolytic methods of production are based on
of beryllium metal are the reactivity and high the decomposition of beryllium fluoride, beryl-
melting point of the metal and the extreme sta- lium oxide, or beryllium chloride mixed with
bility of the oxide. Of the many possible methods halides of the alkali metals or alkaline-earth
of producing beryllium [10, 11, 84] two are used metals [83]. These main group I and II halides
in industry presently: fusion electrolysis and re- are necessary to form a stable melt electrolyte
duction of halides by metals. with good conducting properties — the molten
Only calcium is able to reduce the extremely beryllium halides are covalently bonded and
stable beryllium oxide directly under standard thus poor electrical conductors. In addition,
conditions. However, calcium forms the very only beryllium fluoride has a sufficiently large
12 Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds

interval between melting point and boiling point 6.5. Refining and Further Processing
at atmospheric pressure.
The electrolysis of the fluoride was developed The as-reduced beryllium pebbles or flakes still
by A. Stock, H. Goldschmidt [113], Siemens & contain many impurities and have to be re-
Halske [114], and the Beryllium Research Soci- fined before they are used to fabricate struc-
ety. The electrolysis was carried out above the tural pieces. The main impurities in electrolytic
melting point of beryllium, at 1290 – 1400 ◦ C. beryllium are sodium and chlorine. The main
These methods and the similar methods of J. impurities in beryllium from the magnesium re-
Dickinson [115] and A. C. Vivian [116] are now duction process are magnesium and magnesium
obsolete. fluoride. Other impurities include beryllium ox-
The electrolysis of beryllium chloride [117] ide, carbon, and metals, the most important be-
can be carried out at temperatures so low that the ing aluminum, iron, and silicon. Typical analy-
metal neither melts nor oxidizes. The beryllium ses of magnesium-reduced beryllium and elec-
is obtained as solid flakes, which are separated trolytic beryllium (CR flakes, Pechiney Cie.) are
by washing out the electrolyte. given in Table 4. Some of the impurities have ad-
Mixtures of approximately equal parts of verse effects on the mechanical properties and
beryllium chloride and sodium chloride are elec- corrosion of beryllium or are reactor poisons.
trolyzed at ≈ 350 –400 ◦ C. The composition of Commercial grades of beryllium are refined ex-
the electrolyte is held as constant as possible. clusively by vacuum melting in beryllium ox-
The apparatus consists of two identical nickel ide or magnesium oxide crucibles and casting in
vessels hanging in electric furnaces. The cru- graphite ingot molds. The ingots weigh ≈ 200
cible covers are fitted with the connections. One kg. Their surfaces are machined (skinned) to re-
of the covers contains the anode and can be move the high carbon content material adjacent
placed alternately on each crucible; the crucibles to the mold wall.
themselves serve as cathodes. During electrol- Table 4. Composition of beryllium produced by various methods,
ysis (4 – 6 V, 0.08 A per cm2 of cathode sur- ppm [12]
face area) the metal is deposited as flakes on Element Mg-reduced, Electrolysis
the cathode wall. When the beryllium chloride coarse- CR flakes SR flakes
concentration in the melt has fallen to 45 wt%, grained
the melt is siphoned into the second crucible, O − 2300 500 – 800
in which beryllium chloride and sodium chlo- Al 400 <200 60
ride have previously been melted down in quan- Fe 500 300 50
tities corresponding to the quantities consumed Ni 100 150 30
Si 50 75 30
by the electrolysis in the first crucible. In this B − 2 2
way the bath is again given its original compo- Cr 100 20 5
sition. The crucible covers are then exchanged, Mn 100 60 30
Ca − 200 30
and electrolysis is started in the second crucible.
Mg 15000 50 30
The chlorine generated at the anode during elec- Na − 300 −
trolysis is collected and used in the production C 300 300 150
of beryllium chloride. F 20000 − −
Cl − 1000 700
The equipment for this process was devel-
Be, wt% 96.0 96.5 99.87
oped by Degussa. Since the Second World War
this process has been used by Pechiney Cie.
Chloride electrolysis was also used in France by The melting of magnesium-reduced beryl-
Trefimetaux G.P., a joint subsidiary of Pechiney lium in a high vacuum produces a degree of
Cie. and Kawecki Berylco Ind. Inc., and by NGK purity comparable to that of electrolytic beryl-
Insulators in Japan. It was used in slightly mod- lium. Melting the electrolytic flakes in a vacuum
ified form by Murex Ltd., England [10]. It was further reduces the content of halides and low-
also used in the Soviet Union [118]. boiling metals. A very pure grade of beryllium,
particularly with respect to the content of ox-
ide, aluminum, iron, silicon, carbon, and halides,
can be produced by electrolytic purification (SR
Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds 13

flakes, Pechiney Cie.). Other methods, such as is heavy duty: a multipoint tool can chip a 65-
vacuum distillation [10, 11, 18, 119 – 123], zone kg ingot in a single pass. These relatively coarse
melting [18, 47, 124, 125], or liquid-metal ex- chips must be ground, or otherwise comminuted
traction [18] have been used in the laboratory to finer particle sizes.
only. The first milling method commercially em-
ployed was rotary grinding between one sta-
Melting and Casting. The main purpose of tionary water-cooled and one rotating beryllium
melting and casting of beryllium is purifica- disk. The coarse chips were fed through a cen-
tion (see above); the production of semifinished tral hole in the stationary disk, and the fine pow-
goods is of secondary importance [12, p. 55]. der emerged peripherally. The mill was enclosed
The reason for this is that parts produced from into a sealed system to minimize contamination
castings have significantly poorer properties, of the powder and to protect the environment
even after working, than parts made by pow- from the toxic beryllium dust. This method was
der metallurgy. Cast flaws due to gas evolution the standard for many years. Almost everywhere
during solidification and transcrystalline micro- it has now been replaced by the impact attrition
cracks [10, p. 136], [15, p. 677] caused by cool- mill.
ing stresses cannot be prevented, even though Within the impact attrition mill the coarse
they can be greatly reduced by mold design and powder is fed into a gas stream, accelerated
construction [126]. Another significant disad- through a nozzle and impacted against a beryl-
vantage is the coarse-grained texture that devel- lium target. The morphology of the powder
ops during solidification, resulting in poor me- particles comminuted by this process is more
chanical properties not improvable by thermo- spherical and less flat than disk-milled powder.
mechanical treatment [10, p. 136], [12, p. 55], Therefore, the mechanical properties of impact-
[15, pp. 193, 237, 246], [71, 72]. Fairly often ground powder compacts are more uniform. Be-
crystals several centimeters in length are ob- cause of the improved isotropy and a lower
served after induction melting [12, p. 55], and amount of inclusions and impurities the elonga-
often crystals several millimeters in length are tions of beryllium grades produced from impact-
observed after electric-arc melting [15, pp. 677, attrition material are higher.
687], [126]. No effective grain-reducing agent Another commercial production process is
is known [126]. ball-milling. It is used for high-oxide ultra-
fine powder (≈ 5 µm), which is made espe-
Powder Manufacture. Beryllium was first cially for instrumentation uses. The high mi-
worked by powder metallurgy in 1946. Since croyield strength specified for such qualities is
then many methods of powder production and provided by the fine particle size and the high
compaction capable of producing ductile beryl- oxide content that strengthen the grain bound-
lium parts with good high-temperature strength aries within the unpacked material. Because
have been studied and tested [12], [21, vol. ball-milled powders are flat, like the particles
2, pp. 13 – 29], [127]. However, the concentra- produced by rotary grinding, they are difficult to
tion of impurities is increased during powder- handle and cause anisotropic physical and me-
metallurgical working. Atmospheric oxygen and chanical properties in the compacted beryllium
nitrogen, as well as iron and carbon from the me- billets.
chanical working of the material into powders, Other powder production methods, like fluid-
are especially important. Above all, there is an energy milling, disintegration of beryllium melts
increase in the oxide content as the grain size is by gas atomization, rotating electrode process,
decreased, i.e., as the specific surface increases. or centrifuged shot-casting, have been used only
On the other hand, the oxide is desirable in cer- in the laboratory [21, vol. 2, pp. 13 – 29]. Nev-
tain circumstances because it increases strength ertheless, some of these processes may be used
and inhibits grain growth. to produce commercial beryllium powder within
Powder manufacturing starts with cast ingots the foreseeable future.
of inherently coarse grain size characterized by
low ductility and resistance to fracture. These Powder Consolidation. Vacuum hot press-
ingots are chipped with a lathe. The equipment ing of beryllium powder in graphite or steel dies
14 Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds

is by far the most important commercial consol- Production of Single Crystals. The first
idation process. The powder is either dynami- comprehensive work on beryllium single crys-
cally compacted in the die or prepressed under tals was done in the early 1950s [10, p. 372],
cold isostatic conditions. After the die has been [134 – 137]. These crystals were used mainly
heated to 1000 – 1200 ◦ C, a pressure of 1.4 –10 for investigations of the mechanical and cleav-
MPa is applied. In this way billets up to 1.80 m in age fracture behavior of beryllium and were pro-
diameter and 6 t in weight, with relative density duced only in the laboratory. They were grown
of nearly 100%, have been manufactured. by slow solidification from the melt in a crucible
Hot isostatic pressing is used to produce more [10, p. 372], [137], direct crystallization from
complicated parts with improved isotropic prop- vapor [138], and crucibleless zone melting [134,
erties. The powders are either directly consoli- 139 – 145]. Efforts to produce beryllium single
dated in a one-step process or preconsolidated. crystals using the Bridgeman method were un-
In preconsolidation the powder is prepressed at successful [146].
210 – 700 MPa under cold isostatic conditions During the late 1970s it was recognized that
in rubber containers, the cold compact degassed beryllium would be the most efficient mate-
at 650 ◦ C, and the compact pressed isostatically rial for neutron monochromators, both because
for 2 – 3 h at 70 MPa and ≈ 760 ◦ C in evacuated of its excellent nuclear properties and its ex-
stainless steel containers [128]. cellent crystallographic properties [147, 148].
The combination of cold pressing and sin- Many attempts to obtain beryllium single crys-
tering has been applied in the production of spe- tals with monochromator qualities failed [146,
cial parts, e.g., aircraft brake segments. Preforms 149 – 152].
may be sintered using mandrels to limit distor- Crystals with a diameter of 15 mm having a
tion and give better shape control. Sintering is proper substructure can be grown by crucibleless
usually carried out in a vacuum, which ensures zone melting at a rate of 1 mm/min. The appli-
better consolidation and higher densities than cation of the necking technique is inevitable. A
those achieved in argon. modified double-ellipsoid mirror furnace, origi-
The hot-pressed ingots are worked into nally developed for crystal growth experiments
semifinished goods or finished parts by ma- during spacelab missions, is used [153]. The mo-
chining, rolling (760 – 870 ◦ C), extrusion (900 saic spread of the as-grown beryllium crystals
– 1090 ◦ C), drawing (400 – 430 ◦ C), deep- can be increased from a few minutes to any de-
drawing (710 –760 ◦ C), forging, and compres- sired value by plastic deformation on prismatic
sion (400 – 430 ◦ C) [13, 14]. planes [154].
During hot deformation the beryllium is usu-
ally enclosed in a steel container. Working with
such “canned” material greatly simplifies the op- 7. Environmental Protection
eration because the workpieces need not be in
a vacuum and need to be heated only slightly Because of the toxicity of beryllium vapor and
or not at all. The steel cover reduces oxidation dust, all operations should be carried out in prop-
and surface damage, improves lubrication, and erly ventilated rooms, and with vented equip-
produces a uniform temperature distribution in ment. Source exhaust has been found to be most
the workpiece. Although hot-deformed parts are effective [155 – 157]. In the presence of poorly
usually less expensive than machined parts, they controlled high workplace concentrations, fine-
have highly anisotropic properties, with the fa- dust masks with filters of the specific safety level
vorable values in the direction of material flow must be worn. The following limits have been
during deformation and the less favorable val- recommended by the U.S. Atomic Energy Com-
ues perpendicular to this direction. Cross-rolling mission and the American Conference of Gov-
produces uniform properties, e.g., in the sheet ernmental Industrial Hygienists as a guideline
plane. Other processes used only in special cases for controlling beryllium hazards:
are slip casting [21, vol. 2, pp. 13 – 29], [127,
129, 130], spark sintering [131], sinter forging 1) In-plant atmospheric concentration should
[12, p. 102], [132], plasma injection [133], and not exceed 2 µg/m3 throughout an 8-h work-
isostatic hot-pressing [128]. ing day.
Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds 15

2) A brief exposure should not exceed 25 µg/m3 . 8. Quality Specifications

3) In the neighborhood of a plant handling
beryllium the average monthly concentration To date there is only one company — Brush-
should not exceed 0.01 µg/m3 . Wellman Inc. — in the Western world that
produces beryllium, beryllium-rich alloys, and
In order to meet these safety regulations the
beryllium compounds commercially. Brush-
plant exhaust air has to be efficiently filtered be-
Wellman Inc. produces beryllium from bertran-
fore it is discharged into the atmosphere. All per-
dite by the SX-Carbonate process, reduces
sons employed in processing areas with high risk
beryllium fluoride with magnesium, and re-
potential for beryllium dust exposure are advised
fines it by vacuum melting and casting. Differ-
to wear shop-laundered work clothes to prevent
ent grades are produced by different powder-
neighborhood contamination. Care must also be
metallurgy processes and metallurgical treat-
exercised in disposal of wastes from beryllium
ments, e.g., forging, extruding, rolling, and an-
facilities: securely packed solid wastes are dis-
posed by ground burial in concrete trenches. Liq-
The composition, yield strength σ 0.2 , tensile
uid wastes are chemically treated to remove the
strength σ F , and failure strain δ of several typ-
toxic substances and to bring down the beryllium
ical, commercial types of beryllium are com-
concentration to a safe level of approximately 1
piled in Tables 5 and 6. However, these values
ppm before discharge into public sewers.
guaranteed by the manufacturers are generally
In order to monitor the workplace concentra-
exceeded. The vacuum hot-pressed materials of
tion of 2 µg/m3 , dust collectors must have suc-
Table 5 are used in nuclear technology, aeronau-
tion speeds between 0.02 and 2 m3 /min, depend-
tics, astronautics, and wherever high strength is
ing on the type of sampling [155]. Presently a
required. The table shows that the yield strength
sufficiently sensitive analytical method for de-
and tensile strength increase with oxide content,
tecting the comparatively low beryllium con-
while the elongation is not significantly affected.
centrations is spectral analysis. Metallic beryl-
The brake grade (BG-170) is characterized by
lium in powder form can burn when ignited by
greatly reduced hot brittleness (Curve e in Fig.
sparks or an external heat source but does not
3) [68, 69]. In the case of the instrument grades
self-ignite or explode. Beryllium oxide and al-
I-220A and I-400, the concentration of impuri-
loys are not combustible. The naturally occur-
ties is used to give a high precision elastic limit
ring isotope 9 Be is not radioactive.
(PEL), below which the plastic strain is smaller
than 10−6 or one microstrain.

Table 5. Manufacturer-guaranteed composition and mechanical properties of various grades of beryllium [158]

S-65B S-100E S-200E I-70A I-220A I-400 BG-170

Chemical composition
Be, min. % 99.0 98.5 98.0 99.0 98.0 94.0 98.0
BeO, max. % 1.0 1.2 2.0 0.7 2.2 4.2 * 1.2
Al, max. ppm 600 1400 1600 700 1000 1600 500
C, max. ppm 1000 1500 1500 700 1500 2500 1500
Fe, max. ppm 800 1500 1800 1000 1500 2500 1500
Mg, max. ppm 600 800 800 700 800 800 800
Si, max. ppm 600 800 800 700 800 800 500
Others, each, max. ppm 400 400 400 400 400 1000 −

Tensile properties
σ F , min. MPa 290 241 276 241 310 344 345
σ 0.2 , min. MPa (0.2% offset) 207 186 207 172 241 − 207
Elongation, min. % 3 1 1 2 2 − 1
Microyield, min. MPa − − − − 34 55 −

* BeO specified is minimum in this instance.

16 Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds

Table 6. Mechanical properties of various semifinished beryllium

ide [37]. The little information that is available
products [158, 159] on the fatigue strength [161 – 165] (Fig. 6) in-
dicates that beryllium has high fatigue strength
Plates * Extruded Forged Wire,
and that the dynamic crack propagation is much
parts * parts * Ø <0.25
mm less critical under alternating stress than under
normal stress.
BeO content, wt% max. 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.02
σ 0.2 , MPa 350 280 280 760
σ F , MPa 480 480 450 900
δ, % 10 5 3 1

* Properties parallel to the direction of extrusion or to the rolling


The development of texture in extruded parts

and plates results in failure strain values of 5
and 10% in the direction of extrusion and in the
rolling plane, respectively (Table 6); perpendic-
ular to this direction the failure strain is < 1%.
Forged parts have elongations of 3%, and high-
strength wire (Ø < 0.25 mm) has an elongation
of 1%.
As an example of the effect of temperature
on tensile strength, yield strength, elongation, Figure 6. Fatigue strength of pressure-sintered, hot-worked
and necking at failure, the values measured for beryllium [161]
plate material parallel to the plane of the plate are a) Extruded and forged; b) Cross rolled
plotted in Figure 5. The plate material was pro-
duced by cross-rolling high-purity isostatically
hot-pressed ingot material. A compilation [163, 164] of the KIc (a mea-
sure of the toughness) values published so far
shows that there is a great deal of variation. Most
values lie between 10 and 20 MPa/m1/2 , but
values up to 40 MPa/m1/2 have been reported.
However, the impact strength of notched and un-
notched specimens is very low and depends on
the type of working (Table 7).

Table 7. Impact strength (Charpy test), 10−2 MPa, of beryllium

produced in various ways [58]

Un- Notched

Cast and extruded 0.16 −

Pressure sintered 1.1 – 3.4 0.68 – 1.3
Pressure sintered and extruded 5.6 – 6.1 −
Pressure sintered and rolled 2.7 – 4.1 −
Figure 5. Mechanical properties of high-purity beryllium
The hardness of high-purity beryllium
The creep rupture strength is usually high (Pechiney SR) is plotted in Figure 7 as a function
[67, 161, 162]. In the case of cross-rolled plates of the mean grain size. The Brinell hardness of
the ten-hour creep rupture strength is equal to commercial pressure-sintered beryllium varies
the tensile strength up to 800 K and can be sig- between 100 and 200, depending on the compo-
nificantly increased by carbon or beryllium ox- sition of the tested material [52].
Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds 17

more they can be used to a limited extent even

at 400 – 500 ◦ C.
Beryllium is used as an alloying component
in a number of age-hardening alloys [6] based
on copper, nickel, cobalt, and/or iron [10, pp. 24,
49], [175 – 179]. Small amounts of beryllium
improve the castability and oxidation resistance
of aluminum and magnesium alloys [180 – 187].
These alloys are described under the principal
component, → Copper Alloys, etc.
Table 8. Mechanical properties of powder-metallurgy Lockalloy
[169] and beryllium – titanium composite materials (extruded
Figure 7. Brinell and Rockwell hardnesses of high-purity powder mixtures) [174]
beryllium (Pechiney SR) as a function of the mean grain
size [74] , σF , E, δ, σ 0.2 ,
g/cm3 MPa MPa % MPa

Lockalloy 2.09 386 200000 ≈10 255

60 vol % Ti 3.4 1100 175000 5 ≈770
9. Beryllium Alloys 40 vol % Ti 2.85 829 215000 2.5 ≈580

Beryllium-rich alloys have little industrial im-

portance. The motivation for industrial research
on beryllium alloys [10, p. 555], [12, p. 179],
[15, pp. 601, 634], [17, p. 103], [132, 166 – 174] 10. Beryllium Compounds
is not great because the solubility of most el-
ements in solid beryllium is low ( 1 mol%), Most beryllium compounds are important only
and only copper, nickel, cobalt, iron, silver, and in the production of beryllium metal, and these
platinum have solubilities between 1 and 10 mol aspects are described earlier in this article.
%, even at elevated temperatures. In addition, Beryllium oxide [1304-56-9], BeO, M r
most metals form intermetallic compounds with 25.0122, is obtained directly from beryllium hy-
beryllium [25, 77 – 79], and these intermetallics droxide by calcination or from the basic car-
are usually quite brittle. bonate, acetate, or sulfate by ignition [11]. The
The only alloy containing large amounts of white, reactive powders differ in grain size, mor-
beryllium is Lockalloy [169], which is produced phology, and impurity content [188]. They are
by powder metallurgy and contains 38 wt% Al. used in the production of beryllium oxide ceram-
Aluminum does not form any beryllides. There- ics, some of which have most unusual properties
fore, this alloy contains beryllium grains embed- (Table 9). These ceramics are being used to an
ded in the ductile aluminum phase with a more ever increasing extent [20].
or less uniform distribution. This combination Beryllium oxide is extremely stable [37].
has a comparatively high modulus of elasticity However, its stability depends on its structure
(E), low density, and comparatively useful de- and is determined by the content of bound wa-
formation behavior at room temperature. In ad- ter. The higher the calcination temperature the
dition, the notch sensitivity is lower than that more inert the beryllium oxide.
of commercial beryllium (Table 8) [17, p. 103], Beryl, see Chapter 5 and 6.
[173]. However, Lockalloy has found only lim- Bertrandite, see Chapter 5.
ited commercial use. Beryllium nitride [1304-54-7], Be3 N2 , M r
Composite materials made of beryllium and 55.0440, is formed by heating beryllium in dry
titanium have been developed for use, e.g., as nitrogen in the presence of 2 – 6% hydrogen
compressor blades in gas turbines [174]. At (700 – 1400 ◦ C) or ammonia (1000 ◦ C) [10, p.
present, these materials are the only composite 570]. Moldings are produced by nitration of
materials that allow definite plastic deformation, beryllium powder in porous molds by hot press-
are impact resistant, and offer the choice of sec- ing the nitride at 1800 – 1900 ◦ C. Relative den-
ondary cold or hot working (Table 8). Further- sities up to almost 100% are achieved in this
18 Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds

way. Beryllium nitride is stable in dry oxygen carbide grades which were tested had indefinite
up to 500 ◦ C, but in the presence of water va- structure. The nuclear properties of beryllium
por it reacts at lower temperatures. Beryllium carbide are favorable. Beryllium borocarbide is
nitride is cubic at room temperature, convert- extremely hard and is formed by melting mix-
ing to hexagonal at 1400 ◦ C. Two other nitrides, tures of beryllium oxide, boron, and carbon in
Be(N3 )2 and BeN, and two beryllium silicon ni- an electric arc.
trides, Be4 SiN4 and BeSiN4 , are known. These Beryllium hydride [7787-52-2], BeH2 , M r
ternary nitrides are very hard, extremely inert, 11.028, is a very light ( 0.58 g/cm3 ), white pow-
and stable up to 1850 ◦ C [191]. der at room temperature that is difficult to pre-
pare. It dissociates into beryllium and hydrogen
at ≈ 130 ◦ C [37]. Beryllium hydride is of inter-
Table 9. Physical properties of beryllium oxide and carbide [7, 8], est as a high-energy solid fuel.
[10, p. 599], [11], [12, p. 267], [37, 189, 190]
Beryllium hydroxide [13327-32-7],
BeO Be2 C Be(OH)2 , M r 43.028, is obtained as a white
voluminous precipitate on addition of bases to
Structural type ZnS CaF2
Melting point, ◦ C 2300 – 2570 ≈ 2400 beryllium salt solutions. The fresh precipitate
Density, g/cm3 3.01 ≈ 2.3 dissolves in sodium and potassium hydroxide
Modulus of elasticity, MPa 370000 320000 and ammonium carbonate solution, but it ages
Linear coefficient of
thermal expansion, K−1 5×10−6 5.8×10−6
quickly and becomes less and less soluble. The
Specific heat, J g−1 K−1 hydroxide also dissolves in aqueous BeSO4 to
60 K 0.029 form basic sulfates.
292 K 1.00 1.4 Basic beryllium carbonate, BeCO3 · n
1173 K 2.04
Thermal conductivity,
Be(OH)2 , n = 2 – 5, is formed in the reaction
W m−1 K−1 of beryllium salt solutions with alkali-metal or
room temp. 264 24 ammonium carbonate solutions. If excess am-
673 K 92 monium carbonate is used, then a readily filtered
1073 K 29
Electrical resistance, Ω m precipitate of variable composition is formed
room temp. 1016 1.1×10−2 on boiling. This salt is a suitable starting ma-
1273 K 8×1011 0.45×10−2 terial for the preparation of beryllium salts of
2373 K 8×106
all types. Gentle calcining causes ammonia to
Compressive strength, MPa 800 720
Bending strength, MPa 285 – 380 91 – 98 escape, leaving beryllium oxide.
σ a *, fm2 0.9 2.3 Beryllium nitrate, Be(NO3 )2 · 4 H2 O, M r
Σ a *, cm−1 0.00066 0.0011 205.08, is obtained by dissolving pure hydroxide
σ s *, fm2 990 1690
Σ s *, cm−1 0.72 0.81
or gently calcined, pure basic carbonate in nitric
acid and concentrating the solution until crys-
* Defined in Chapter 2. tallization takes place. Concentrated solutions
are also commercially available. The nitrate is
Beryllium carbide [506-66-1], Be2 C, M r sometimes used in the incandescent gas mantle
30.0355,  2.3 g/cm3 , mp ≈ 2400 ◦ C, cubic, is industry for stiffening mantles.
obtained by direct reaction of solid or liquid Beryllium sulfate [7787-56-6], BeSO4 · 4
beryllium with carbon or by reaction of beryl- H2 O, M r 177.14, is obtained by heating beryl-
lium oxide with finely divided carbon at 2080 ◦ C lium oxide with sulfuric acid. The tetrahydrate
[7], [10, p. 570]. Moldings are produced by hot crystallizes from the aqueous solution in well-
pressing the carbide powder in graphite molds at developed crystals. It can be obtained in very
1800 – 1950 ◦ C and 7 – 35 MPa. Beryllium car- pure form by this method. The tetrahydrate is
bide hydrolyzes very readily, even at room tem- stable in air, can be dehydrated at about 400 ◦ C,
perature, to form beryllium oxide and methane. and decomposes above 600 ◦ C to sulfur triox-
At high temperatures it is not stable in air. Beryl- ide. The aqueous solution can dissolve consid-
lium carbide vaporizes and decomposes in a vac- erable quantities of BeO to form basic sulfate.
uum above 2100 ◦ C. The properties given in Ta- The sulfate is important chiefly for the recovery
ble 10 are reference values because the beryllium of beryllium.
Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds 19
1640 K

Beryllium fluoride [7787-49-7], BeF2 , M r

strength, MPa



47.01, is a white, freely soluble, low-melting

salt. Molten beryllium fluoride is a poor electri-




cal conductor due to the its covalent character.


(See Section 6.3 for production of BeF2 .) In ad-

dition to its use as an intermediate in the prepara-
tion of beryllium, it is also sometimes used as an
1640 K 1790 K

additive to welding and soldering fluxes because




it dissolves metal oxides readily.

Strain at failure, %

Beryllium chloride [7787-47-5], BeCl2 , M r

79.92, crystallizes in asbestos-like matted nee-


dles. It is extremely hygroscopic, forming a

tetrahydrate. Its reaction with water is intensely


exothermic and is accompanied by the release of

HCl vapor. Beryllium chloride melts at 416 ◦ C,
boils at 520 ◦ C, and, like the fluoride, is a poor
electrical conductor in the molten state. (See
1640 K

Section 6.3 for production of BeCl2 .) Its prin-



Modulus of

cipal uses are as the raw material for the elec-

104 MPa

trolytic production of beryllium and as the start-



ing material for syntheses of organoberyllium

Beryllium bromide, [7787-46-4], BeBr2 ,
M r 168.85, melts at 490 ◦ C. It is obtained as
1640 K 1790 K
Bending strength, MPa

white needles by the reaction of bromine with


a mixture of beryllium oxide and carbon. It is

used in organic syntheses.
Beryllium orthophosphate, Be3 (PO4 )2 · 6

H2 O, M r 325.08, is obtained by reaction of


beryllium salts with disodium phosphate or di-

ammonium phosphate in acetic acid solution. Its
W m−1 K−1

solubility is very low at room temperature but


RT – 1790 K 1750 K

increases sharply with temperature.




Beryllium ammonium phosphate,

NH4 BePO4 , whose composition varies greatly
10−6 K−1
Coeff. of

due to partial separation of beryllium hydrogen




phosphate, is sparingly soluble. Freshly precip-

itated NH4 BePO4 is amorphous.

10−3 mm in 100 h

Aqueous beryllium perchlorate [13597-95-

1640 K 1750 K
Oxidation in air,

0], Be(ClO4 )2 , is a solvent for cellulose.





Basic beryllium acetate [19049-40-2], a

Table 10. Properties of some beryllides [193]

hexaacetato complex, Be4 O(CH3 COO)6 , like


the acetylacetonate and a few other organic

beryllium compounds can be distilled without

[12010-12-7] 1960
[12010-34-3] 1980

[12010-13-8] 2130
[12010-36-5] 2265
[12010-33-2] 2200
[12010-37-6] 2260

decomposition. Insoluble in water, it melts at

mp, K

280 ◦ C and boils at 331 ◦ C. The organic beryl-

RT = room temperature.

lium compounds are being used to an increas-


ing extent as intermediates in the purification of

Beryllide CAS

Beryllides of some transition metals are
Nb2 Be17
Nb2 Be19

Ta2 Be17

Zr2 Be17



promising structural materials or protective

coating materials for high-temperature applica-
20 Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds

tions because of their low density, high melt- structural parts that must be light and are ex-
ing point, good mechanical properties, and resis- posed to inertial or centrifugal forces. In addi-
tance to oxidation, even up to high temperatures tion, it has a high modulus of elasticity, which
(Table 10) [192 – 197]. gives light-weight components a high degree of
rigidity [19]. Another area of use is in so-called
dimensionally stable parts, in which high mi-
11. Chemical Analysis croyield strength and good thermal conductivity
and reflexivity are exploited. It is an excellent
The quantitative determination of beryllium, heat sink, and therefore used especially for brake
even in very small amounts, is especially impor- systems of airplanes. Applications in civilian nu-
tant because of the toxicity of beryllium [155, clear reactors as reflectors and moderators have
198]. The best method is atomic absorption spec- not met expectations because of radiation dam-
trometry. When an acetylene/nitrous oxide flame age. However, its favorable nuclear properties
is used, even beryllium oxide is excited, and it have been exploited in weapons systems and in
is possible to analyze any solution or dispersion various physical instruments. Beryllium single
without preliminary treatment [155, 199, 200]. crystals are the most efficient material for neu-
Other methods [201 – 205] have also been de- tron monochromators. Beryllium foil is widely
scribed. used as windows in energy-dispersive X-ray an-

12. Storage, Transportation, Legal

Aspects 14. Economic Aspects
Solid parts and structures made from beryl- Data on production and consumption of beryl-
lium metal, alloys, and ceramic beryllium can lium is scanty and incomplete, in most cases
be stored and transported safely without special because beryllium is used mainly for military
precautions as long as neither vapor nor dust is and similar purposes. The most complete sum-
generated. Beryllium and beryllium oxide pow- mary is published annually by the U.S. Bureau of
der have to be handled with care, as is described Mines (Table 11), but the data mainly concerns
in Chapter 7. For storage and transportation of mined beryl.
the powders, sealed, unbreakable containers and
proper instructions are a necessity.
Because beryllium is used mainly in military, 15. Toxicology and Occupational
nuclear, aeronautical, and rocket technologies,
its trade is restricted. A special license is neces- Health
sary for export from the United States.
Occupational Exposure. Exposure to be-
ryllium and inorganic beryllium compounds
(e.g., beryllium oxide, beryllium sulfate, beryl-
13. Uses of the Metal
lium fluoride) can lead to impairment of human
The properties of beryllium, especially the me- health. The highest levels of human exposure oc-
chanical properties, are strongly affected by cur through occupational inhalation of beryllium
even small amounts of additives, e.g., 1000 ppm dusts or fumes. But also dermal contact with
or less, and in this sense even commercial grades beryllium-containing products is a possible ex-
of beryllium (Table 5) represent alloys. The cru- posure pathway. The general population can be
cial advantage of beryllium over other materi- exposed to trace amounts of beryllium through
als is its combinations of favorable properties. inhalation of air, consumption of food and water,
Detailed discussions of the relationship between and skin contact with air, water, or soil that con-
properties and uses have been published [19, 41]. tains beryllium. The inhalation route is of great-
The low density of beryllium combined with est concern for systemic effects. Beryllium and
its high strength, high melting point, and re- its compounds are poorly absorbed after oral (<
sistance to oxidation is the basis for its use in
Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds 21
Table 11. World production of beryl, as compiled by the U.S. Bureau of Mines, in short tons (2000 pounds)

1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 r 1980 r 1981 p 1982 p

Argentina 303 123 182 24 13 34 33 29

Brazil 770 406 547 815 498 606 894 882
Madagascar 0 0 17 e 12 11 11 10 11
Mozambique 9 0 NA NA 31 22 20 17
Portugal − − − − 6 21 20 21
Rwanda 20 51 60 e 64 51 119 100 110
South Africa 3 3 3 4 1 − 134 66
Uganda e 0 60 50 − − − − −
Former States 1760 1820 1870 1930 2000 2000 2000 2000
of USSR e
Zimbabwe e 70 70 114 39 31 10 46 22
Other b 135 20 1 − 6 21 20 NA
Total 3070 2553 2844 2888 2642 2823 3257 3158

b U.S. bertrandite included;

e estimated;
p preliminary;
r revised; NA, not available.

1%) and dermal exposure. The respiratory tract throughout the body via blood. Beryllium was
is the primary target of beryllium toxicity [206]. detected in lungs, brain, kidney, spleen, liver,
Workers with the highest potential for exposure muscle, heart, and skeleton. There is suggestive
include beryllium miners, beryllium alloy mak- evidence that beryllium is transferred across the
ers and fabricators, phosphorus manufacturers, placenta and excreted via breast milk. The pri-
ceramics workers, missile technicians, nuclear mary routes of elimination are urine and feces.
reactor workers, electric and electronic equip- Beryllium and its inorganic compounds are not
ment workers, and jewelers [207]. About 134 metabolized in the body. Only soluble beryllium
000 workers are potentially exposed to beryl- salts are partially converted in the lungs into less
lium and its compounds in the USA [208]. soluble forms [206].

Toxicokinetics and Metabolism. After in- Mechanism of Action. Beryllium can elicit
halative exposure beryllium and its inorganic a strong cellular immune response in vivo.
compounds are absorbed primarily in the res- Chronic beryllium disease is an allergic reac-
piratory tract. The absorption of inhaled beryl- tion of the delayed type, in which beryllium ap-
lium depends on physical and chemical proper- pears to act as a hapten that binds to peptides
ties like particle size and solubility of the beryl- on mucosal surfaces. In susceptible individuals
lium compounds. The higher the solubility, the the beryllium-peptide complex initiates an im-
faster relatively uniform distribution in the or- mune response which may progress ultimately
ganism takes place, with moderate retention in to granuloma formation in the pulmonary inter-
the lungs [209]. In the case of poorly soluble stitium. The genotoxic effects of beryllium are
beryllium compounds, 70 – 99% remains in the based on the induction of DNA-protein com-
lungs [210]. Clearance from the lung is bipha- plexes [211]. Beryllium may inhibit the repair
sic; the initial phase is rapid and involves mu- of DNA damage and act in a cooperative man-
cociliary clearance, while the second, slower ner to enhance the genotoxicity of other agents.
phase involves translocation to tracheobronchial The effects of beryllium on cellular metabolism
lymph nodes, alveolar macrophage clearance, and DNA replication combined with its ability
and solubilization. In humans beryllium often to promote an immune response with concomi-
is detectable in the lungs for several years and tant induction of reactive oxygen species (and
can also serve as evidence of previous exposure. oxidative DNA damage to the target tissue) may
Beryllium is poorly absorbed from the gastroin- be sufficient to promote carcinogenesis in vivo
testinal tract. Dermal absorption from intact skin [212]. Beryllium is the least studied carcino-
is also low. Absorbed beryllium is distributed genic metal with respect to gene modulation.
22 Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds

The mechanisms by which beryllium induces tu- can induce cell-mediated immune responses.
mors are still obscure [213]. Beryllium-sensitized cells accumulate at sites of
chronic beryllium disease, resulting in granu-
Effects in Humans. The main adverse lomas in the lungs. Nonspecific immunological
health effects of beryllium are respiratory effects findings in chronic beryllium disease include an
and lung cancer following inhalative exposure, increase in serum gamma globulin levels. The
gastrointestinal effects following oral exposure, existence of specific antibodies to beryllium was
and skin effects following dermal exposure. reported.
Respiratory Effects. The inhalation of beryl- Genotoxicity. Beryllium compounds yielded
lium can cause, depending on duration and level contradictory results in mutation or chro-
of exposure, acute or chronic beryllium disease mosomal aberration assays. Bacterial tests
(berylliosis). Acute beryllium disease is usually were largely negative; mammalian test systems
observed after inhalative exposure to high beryl- showed evidence of beryllium-induced muta-
lium concentrations (> 100 µg/m3 ). It is the re- tions, chromosomal aberrations, and cell trans-
sult of the direct toxicity of water-soluble beryl- formation. No genotoxic effects (micronuclei
lium compounds. Acute beryllium disease has and sister chromatid exchange) were observed
a short induction period and is usually resolved in a group of beryl cutters. Thus, the results of
within a couple of months after termination of genotoxicity assays of soluble beryllium com-
exposure. It is believed to be an inflammatory re- pounds are inconsistent. Differences in the re-
sponse to beryllium, and most regions of the res- sults depend on assay conditions, type of assay,
piratory tract are affected. Individuals who have and chemical form of beryllium. Soluble beryl-
previously suffered from acute beryllium dis- lium compounds appear to be weakly genotoxic.
ease have an elevated risk of lung cancer. Long- The carcinogenicity of beryllium is supported by
term exposure to relatively low beryllium con- the mutagenic potential in some of these studies
centrations (≥ 0.5 µg/m3 ) of soluble or insolu- [206, 214, 215].
ble beryllium compounds can result in chronic Reproductive and Developmental Effects.
beryllium disease. The duration of this disease The available data on the potential of beryllium
is more than one year, and the latency period to induce reproductive and/or developmental ef-
may range from a few weeks to 20 years after fects are inconclusive [206].
exposure. Here immunological mechanisms in Carcinogenicity. Increased mortality from
the sense of an allergic reaction of delayed type lung cancer was found in epidemiological stud-
play a role. ies of workers in beryllium plants [216 – 221]
Dermal Effects. Edematous papulovesicular and in an evaluation of the American Beryl-
dermatitis was observed in workers exposed to lium Case Register [222, 223]. A relationship
airborne beryllium compounds. Beryllium ex- between the duration of employment and lung
posure may also cause a delayed hypersensitiv- cancer mortality was not determined. However,
ity reaction in the skin. Skin granulomas from there was an association between death from
beryllium workers contained the same mononu- lung cancer and an increasing time span since
clear infiltrates as detected in the lungs [206]. the beginning of employment or previous acute
Cardiovascular Effects. Severe cases of beryllium disease. Exposure to high levels of
chronic beryllium disease can result in cor pul- beryllium, which is regarded as the trigger for
monale, that is, hypertrophy of the right heart acute beryllium disease, is associated with a sig-
ventricle. It is not likely that the cardiac effects nificantly increased risk of lung cancer [224,
are due to direct toxicity to the heart, but rather 225]. The data indicate that the carcinogenic
are a response to impaired lung function. effects occur mainly at high beryllium concen-
Renal Effects. Kidney stones were observed trations, which are no longer to be expected in
in association with chronic beryllium disease workplaces today. The epidemiological data for
[206]. the pulmonary carcinogenicity of beryllium and
Immunological and Lymphoreticular Effects. its inorganic compounds is also supported by the
While acute beryllium disease is a chemical results of animal experiments [210].
pneumonitis, chronic beryllium disease appears
to be an immunological disease. Beryllium
Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds 23

Occupational Health (Clinical Symptoms, eases, especially sarcoidosis. A blood test, the
Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention). beryllium-induced lymphocyte proliferation test
Acute Beryllium Disease. Acute beryllium (Be-LPT), is a valid method for detecting beryl-
disease develops after a short and heavy expo- lium sensitization, but it is not sufficient for di-
sure. Because such high beryllium concentra- agnosis of chronic beryllium disease. The pres-
tions are no longer to be expected in workplaces ence of granulomas in the lung of an individ-
today, this form of the disease is rarely encoun- ual with a positive lung Be-LPT confirms the
tered today, except for accidental or unexpected presence of chronic beryllium disease. In the ab-
exposure. Acute beryllium disease usually lasts sence of granulomas or other clinical evidence,
for less than one year, has a latency period of individuals with a positive Be-LPT are classified
usually around three days, and may take sev- as sensitized to beryllium. In beryllium workers
eral forms. Symptoms are coughing, breathing involved in the production of beryllia ceramics
difficulties, tightness of the chest, appetite and and nuclear weapons, sensitization rates of 1 –
weight loss, and general weakness and tired- 15% were found [206]. In more than half of the
ness. Pneumonitis is the most serious of the beryllium-sensitized workers chronic beryllium
acute effects from beryllium exposure. It varies disease was diagnosed.
in severity and can result in death as a result The only available therapy for chronic beryl-
of the formation of severe pulmonary edema. lium disease is the administration of corticos-
But fatal cases are rare and recovery is usually teroids. Individuals with impaired respiratory
complete in about six months. In isolated cases gas exchange may require continuous oxygen
transition to the chronic form is possible without administration. Asymptomatic individuals who
further exposure and after several years [211]. are only sensitized do not need medical treat-
Diagnosis and evaluation of acute beryllium dis- ment. But once sensitization has occurred, it is
ease requires the identification of the exposure medically necessary to prevent additional expo-
conditions and the analysis of the employment sure to beryllium.
history. Treatment for acute beryllium disease Because high beryllium concentrations trig-
includes removal from exposure, bed rest, and ger the occurrence of acute beryllium disease,
administration of oxygen and corticosteroids, which is a risk factor for lung cancer, the aim
which prevent inflammation. of prevention must be to minimize and control
Chronic Beryllium Disease (Berylliosis). exposure at the workplace. Enclosed processes
Unlike the acute form, chronic beryllium disease separate workers from harmful substances and
is still frequent in exposed and susceptible indi- prevent toxic substances from escaping into the
viduals. This disease is caused by an immune workroom. Workers should use wet processes
reaction to inhaled beryllium that is deposited or pellets instead of powders. Workplaces need
in lung airspaces and retained for a prolonged warning devices in areas with a potential of
period. This disease primarily affects the lungs, massive contamination. Air from the local ex-
but it may also affect other organs because the haust system should be conducted to the atmo-
blood transports beryllium throughout the body. sphere through high-efficiency filtration equip-
Observed symptoms were weight loss, dyspnea, ment. Good housekeeping includes proper stor-
cough, fever, chest pain, cor pulmonale, fatigue, age of substances, frequent disposal of waste,
and appetite loss. prompt spill cleanup, periodic maintenance of
On physical examination, signs of chronic equipment, and no dry sweeping. Respiratory
beryllium disease are rales (changes in lung protective devices and protective clothing can
sounds), cyanosis (lack of oxygen), digital club- help reduce exposure. The workplace should
bing, and lymphadenopathy (enlarged lymph also provide training and educational programs
nodes). An X-ray of the lungs may show many to inform workers about the nature of substances
small scars. Patients may also have an abnor- they are exposed to and how to work safely.
mal lung function. Histological examination of Medical surveillance should include chest X-
the lung tissue after biopsy may show granu- rays and spirometry prior to employment, annu-
lomas, which are signs of damage due to the ally, and on termination. For minimum expo-
body’s reaction to beryllium. Chronic beryllium sure risks, less frequent intervals may be sat-
disease may be confused with other lung dis-
24 Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds

isfactory. A possible sensitization to beryllium 10. D. W. White, J. E. Burke: The Metal

may be tested by Be-LPT. Beryllium, The American Society for Metals,
Cleveland 1955.
Regulations. The OSHA PEL and the 11. G. E. Darwin, J. H. Buddery: Beryllium,
ACGIH TLV-TWA for beryllium are 2 µg/m3 . Butterworths, London 1960.
The OSHA ceiling concentration is 5 µg/m3 , 12. H. H. Hausner: Beryllium, Its Metallurgy and
and the ACGIH TLV-STEL is 10 µg/m3 . The Properties, University of California Press,
National Toxicology Program (NTP) lists beryl- Berkeley – Los Angeles 1965.
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