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Biological Control 1

Biological Control
Leslie C. Lewis, Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Ankeny, Iowa 50021, and Iowa State University,
Ames, Iowa 50011, United States

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3.3. Higher Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

1.1. Entomophagous Insects . . . . . . . . 2 4. Biological Control of Plant
2. Biological Control of Insects . . . . . 3 Pathogens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.0.1. Parasitoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4.1. Macroorganisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.0.2. Insect Predators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4.2. Microorganisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.1. Other Predators . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5. Other Biological Methods of Control 12
2.2. Entomopathogens . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5.1. Biochemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.2.1. Bacteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5.1.1. Growth Regulators . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.2.2. Pathogens with Protozoal Characteris- 5.1.2. Semiochemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
tics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5.1.3. Bioderived Toxicants . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2.3. Insect Viruses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 5.2. Autocidal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2.4. Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5.2.1. Sterile Male . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3. Nematodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 5.2.2. Hybrid Sterility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3. Biological Control of Weeds . . . . . 11 6. Formulation, Application,
3.1. Phytophagous Insects . . . . . . . . . 11 and Efficacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.2. Plant Pathogens . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 7. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

1. Introduction States, are pests because they were introduced

accidentally, or on purpose, leaving their com-
Biological control is the action of natural ene- plex of natural enemies behind. For example,
mies in maintaining another organism’s popu- several thousand species of insects have been
lation density at a lower level than would oth- introduced into the United States in attempts to
erwise occur. In this article, however, the tra- control a few species of insect pests.
ditional definition has been expanded to in- Applied biological control is sometimes im-
clude chemicals that duplicate or mimic natu- plemented when a natural enemy does not be-
ral ones. The major effort in biological control come established. This involves: (1) augmenta-
has been focused on the suppression of popula- tion and (2) conservation. Augmentation is the
tions of pest insects. However, biological con- manipulation of a natural enemy, and conserva-
trol of weeds and plant pathogens is a very ac- tion is the manipulation of the environment, both
tive area of research. Biological control tech- to enhance the impact of the natural enemy on
niques also have been used successfully to sup- the pest population. Examples of augmentation
press populations of animals other than insects. are colonization and periodic release of natural
Biological control is a global endeavor; special- enemies and improvement of the efficiency of a
ists in this discipline have developed a world- natural enemy through selection. Conservation
wide organization, International Organization involves, e.g., using different cultural practices
for Biological Control of Noxious Animals and that serve to protect the natural enemy in the
Plants (IOBC). More information on IOBC may environment.
be obtained by contacting: Secretary-General, Natural enemies are: (1) parasitoids, (2)
G. Mathys, 1, rue Le Nôtre, F-75016 Paris. predators, and (3) pathogens. A parasitoid (par-
Classical biological control involves: (1) dis- asite) is an insect that lays an egg on, or in, a
covery, (2) importation, (3) release, and (4) es- single host insect. The parasitoid develops inter-
tablishment of exotic species of natural ene- nally, killing the host. Predators are free-living
mies. Most pest insects, especially in the United organisms that kill and consume their prey im-

c 2005 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

10.1002/14356007.a04 077
2 Biological Control

mediately or within a short period of time. Preda- icals. Hormones are chemicals that are pro-
tory insects kill and consume more than one duced in certain body tissues, are transported
host or prey during their development. Preda- within the body by the circulatory system, and
tors are found in all major orders of insects. Par- elicit a response in another part of the body
asitoids and predators are referred to as ento- (→ Hormones). Semiochemicals also are pro-
mophagous insects. Pathogens are microorgan- duced within the body but are emitted externally
isms that cause diseases in insects. Most insect to elicit a response. The hormones of interest in
diseases are caused by bacteria, fungi, proto- biological control are those that regulate growth
zoa, microspora, and viruses. These organisms and molting of the insect; the semiochemicals
are collectively referred to as entomopathogens. are those that elicit a sexual response or attract
The phylum Nematoda consists of a group of an insect to a point source. The use of biochem-
round worms called nematodes. Some nema- icals, such as hormones and semiochemicals, is
todes are natural enemies of insects; some ne- not a method of biological control in the strict
matodes behave like parasitoids, whereas others sense. These chemicals, plus male-sterile tech-
behave like insect pathogens. These nematodes niques, host plant resistance, and genetic ma-
are referred to as entomophagous nematodes. nipulation, are merely other biological methods
In the biological control of weeds, natural used to control insects (see Chap. 5).
enemies usually are phytophagous insects and Entomologists have determined the eco-
microorganisms that cause diseases of plants. nomic threshold or economic injury levels for
Natural enemies of plant pathogens include many important insect pests on many agricul-
predacious insects that feed on the fruiting bod- tural crops. These data allow a grower to de-
ies of pathogenic fungi and microorganisms that termine how many insects can be tolerated by
are parasitic on other microorganisms. a crop before control is economically feasible.
In developing this information, researchers have
History. Several references are made to early become aware that complete control or elimina-
examples of natural enemies being used to con- tion of a pest is not necessary and that measures
trol pests. For example, in the year 1200, Chinese less drastic than a chemical insecticide, such as
citrus growers purchased nests of the predacious biological control, can be effective in protecting
ant, Oecophylla smaragdina, and placed them in crops. This has brought about the present-day
citrus trees to control a caterpillar, Tessarotoma approach to pest control known as integrated
papillosa. Many other examples of successful pest management where a holistic approach is
biological control are recorded, including the taken in suppressing pest populations. Briefly,
introduction to California of the vedalia beetle, this involves the assessment of a pest problem
Rodolia cardinalis, in 1888 to control the cot- and the judicious use of two or more methods
tony cushion scale, Icerya purchasi [24]. This of control (parasitoids, chemical insecticides,
project saved the citrus industry of California predators, pathogens, hormones, semiochemi-
and was the impetus for additional biological cals, plant resistance, and cultural practices) in
control projects against insect pests. a compatible system that will reduce the pest
Widespread adoption of host-specific biolog- population to an acceptable level. At all times,
ical control techniques was slowed by the de- attention must be paid to using sound ecologi-
velopment of relatively inexpensive synthetic cal principles so as not to disturb the beneficial
chemical insecticides that had a broad spectrum regulatory factors present in nature.
of insect targets. These compounds were envi-
sioned to be the permanent solution for problems
with insect pests. 1.1. Entomophagous Insects
The public concern for environmental con-
servation that has surfaced over the past 25 An ecosystem has a relationship between a host
years has again stimulated interest in, and fi- (plant, animal, or commodity), insects feeding
nancial support for, biological control programs. on the host, and organisms feeding on the in-
During this time, intensive research has been sects. An example of this relationship is illus-
conducted in the area of insect biochemistry; trated in Figure 1.
specifically, insect hormones and semiochem-
Biological Control 3

These eggs hatch, and then at maturity several

hymenopterous pupae are seen attached to the
surface of the host insect. Trichogramma spp.
are well-known as egg parasitoids. The females
of these minute insects deposit one or more eggs
within the eggs of different species of insects
(Fig. 2). There is sufficient nutritive material
present within the egg to support the develop-
ment of this small parasitoid.

Figure 1. Example of an ecosystem

2. Biological Control of Insects

2.0.1. Parasitoids

The great majority of parasitoids are found in the

insect orders of Strepsiptera, Coleoptera, Lepi-
doptera, Hymenoptera, and Diptera, with by far
the most being classified as Hymenoptera and
Diptera. To be successful, a parasitoid should
have the following attributes: (1) good searching
ability, (2) high biotic potential, and (3) ability Figure 2. Trichogramma wasp preparing to oviposit in an
to operate effectively throughout the entire geo- insect egg
graphic range of its host. A typical female par- ∗ Courtesy of Gerald R. Carner, Clemson University
asitoid selects a suitable host, deposits a single Some Hymenoptera possess a biological
egg either on or within it, and leaves in search of modification known as polyembryony, the de-
other suitable hosts. The parasitoid egg hatches velopment of several individuals from a sin-
and develops within the host insect. During the gle egg. In this situation, an adult female, e.g.,
early stages of development, the parasitoid does Macrocentrus grandii (Fig. 3), a parasitoid of
not greatly disturb the host insect. Later, as the the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis, de-
parasitoid reaches maturity, the host insect be- posits a single egg in a second-stage corn borer
comes immobile, at which time the parasitoid larva. The primary embryonic germ divides by
will leave the host’s body and pupate. Shortly fission to form two secondary germs which split
afterward, the host usually dies. into a variable number of morulae, each of which
There are many variations in the parasitoids develops into an embryo.
as to developmental stage of host most desir- Dipterous parasitoids exhibiting a general de-
able for parasitization. Some parasitoids prefer velopmental cycle are represented by Winthemia
young larvae, some older larvae, and some even quadripustulata, a parasitoid of the armyworm,
the pupal stage. Other parasitoids parasitize only Psuedaletia punctata. The adult female deposits
insect eggs. an egg directly behind the head capsule of a suit-
An example of a “generalized” hy- able host. The parasitoid larva hatches from the
menopteran parasitoid is Bathyplectes curculio- egg and chews its way into the body tissue of
nis, imported from Italy to assist in controlling the host, develops to a mature larva, chews its
the alfalfa weevil, Hypera postica. Some par- way out of the larva, and pupates. A dipterous
asitoids deposit several eggs in a host insect. parasitoid with a different biology is Blepharipa
4 Biological Control

prantensis, a parasitoid of the gypsy moth, Ly- 2.0.2. Insect Predators

mantria dispar. The female parasitoid deposits
its egg on the foliage where gypsy moth lar- Predacious insects differ from parasitoids in that
vae will feed. The parasitoid is fully developed a predator consumes several insect forms during
within the egg, and the slight pressure exerted its life cycle. Also, in many instances, both the
by the mandibles during feeding causes the par- immature and adult stages of the insect are ac-
asitoid to break out of the egg shell. tive predators. Most orders of insects contain at
least one family of predators.
The scope of this article does not allow a treat-
ment of examples from all orders of insects; only
a few predators that a home gardener or gen-
eral naturalist would most likely recognize are
described. The order Coleoptera (beetles) con-
tains by far the greatest number of predacious
species. The ubiquitous lady beetle (Fig. 5) has
been observed by many. The female lady bee-
tle lays its eggs in clusters in a habitat near a
food source. The newly hatched larva is a vo-
racious feeder, consuming insect eggs, aphids,
Figure 3. Adult female Macrocentrus grandii, parasitoid of and small immature insects. The adult lady bee-
the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis tle also is predacious, devouring a general vari-
ety of prey. However, some of these coccinelid
Bonnetia comta (Fig. 4), a parasitoid of sev- beetles are very specific in their prey, i.e., the
eral cutworms, deposits eggs on host fecal ma- vedalia beetle, Rodolia cardinalis, feeds only on
terial. These eggs immediately hatch, and the the cottony cushion scale, Icerya purchasi. The
neonates or planidia rest on their freshly cast ground beetles are another group of ubiquitous
egg chorion waiting for their host to move. Coleoptera that are general predators, feeding
on insect eggs, caterpillars, and even the adult
moths of some species. There also are many
predacious aquatic beetles that prey on almost
any aquatic form of life that can be captured.

Figure 4. Adult female, Bonnetia comta, parasitoid of sev-

eral cutworm larvae

Still another unique modification is the

larvipositing phenomenon exhibited by Lydella
thompsoni, a parasitoid of O. nubilalis. The adult
female searches for entrance holes that tunneling Figure 5. Adult lady beetle, Coleomegilla maculata
larvae of the European corn borer have made and
deposits live larvae in the fecal material voided
Dragonflies and damselflies (order Odonata)
by the feeding corn borer larva. The parasitoid
frequent country ponds in the summer. The im-
larvae actively search for and enter the host by
mature forms of these insects are aquatic and are
chewing through the insect cuticle.
predators of pond life. The adults capture their
These few examples of parasitoids give only a
prey in flight. Depending on the size of the preda-
brief overview of the fascinating and sometimes
tors, the prey ranges from mosquitoes to adults
complex biology of insect parasitoids.
of the orders Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera.
Biological Control 5

Another common predator found near water classified, they have one thing in common, they
is the robber fly (order Diptera). The larvae feed can be grown in an insect and/or in a bacterio-
on pest insects in the soil, whereas the adults logical medium. The most prominent bacteria in
capture flying insects in flight. Their prey con- biological control are in the genus Bacillus, the
sists mainly of mosquitoes and midges that are group of gram-positive, mobile, spore-forming
readily found in an aquatic environment. Syr- rods.
phid larvae, also in the order Diptera, feed on
aphids. Bacillus thuringiensis is the most widely
Most members of the order Neuroptera known and researched bacterium within this
are predators. A representative is the green group and is differentiated from other spore-
lacewing. The larvae of this insect feed on forming bacilli by the presence of a paraspo-
aphids, mealybugs, thrips, and other small in- ral body that is formed within the sporangium
sects. These larvae also are known to prey on during sporogenesis. The parasporal body is a
the eggs of several lepidopterans. The adult high-molecular-mass protein crystal that is re-
lacewings prey on aphids and mealybugs if they ferred to as crystalline protein, δ-endotoxin, as
feed on insects at all. well as a parasporal body. This protein moi-
The praying mantid is predacious in both the ety possesses some of the insecticidal properties
immature and adult stages. These insects prey of the bacterium [26]. Certain subspecies of B.
on almost any insect that they can overcome. thuringiensis under specific growing conditions
They frequent flowers and capture insects visit- produce several other toxins with insecticidal ac-
ing the flowers for nectar. The Chinese mantid, tivity: α-exotoxin, β-exotoxin, and γ-exotoxin.
Tenodera aridifolia sinensis, is frequently made The δ-endotoxin, however, is the most important
available commercially for the home gardener. toxin relative to insecticidal activity and thus is
the one most studied.
The δ-endotoxin is produced commercially
2.1. Other Predators in submerged culture under the conditions de-
scribed in the patent [27]. Fermentation medium
Insects are a main ingredient in diets of several is crucial to successful production. It primarily
birds, rodents, fish, amphibians, reptiles, and contains an energy source (carbohydrate) and a
arachnids. For example, several birds, including nitrogen source. Common sources of carbohy-
the downy woodpecker, crow, robin, red-winged drate are hydrolyzed corn products, starch, dex-
blackbird, purple grackle, chickadee, starling, trose, and molasses. Sources of nitrogen are fish-
and ring-necked pheasant, are known predators meals, cottonseed flour, corn steep liquor, soy-
of the European corn borer [25]. beans, autolyzed yeast, and casein. Trace min-
erals, namely Mg2+ , Mn2+ , Fe2+ , Zn2+ , and
Ca2+ , are usually added to the medium.
2.2. Entomopathogens
Bacillus thuringiensis is primarily a pathogen
Insect pathogens (entomopathogens) are mi- of lepidopterans. A general infection cycle is
croorganisms that cause diseases in insects. illustrated in Figure 6. To elicit its effect, the
These pathogens can cause diseases in benefi- crystalline protein must be consumed by a sus-
cial insects as well as pest insects. In this article, ceptible insect larva. The protein crystal is actu-
only diseases of pest insects will be addressed. ally a protoxin that is hydrolyzed by enzymes in
the gut of susceptible insects, releasing the pure
toxin. The toxin causes paralysis of the gut. The
2.2.1. Bacteria insect either starves to death, or the midgut ep-
ithelial cells are damaged, allowing the gut con-
Entomopathogenic bacteria can be divided into tents, including B. thuringiensis spores, to enter
three groups – those that fit the description of the hemocoel. At this time, a general infection
classical biological control (see Chap. 2), those occurs.
that fit the description of applied biological con- Most Lepidoptera are susceptible to the δ-
trol, and those that fit into either group. Regard- endotoxin, but there are basic differences in the
less of the category in which these bacteria are
6 Biological Control

Figure 6. Infection cycle of the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis

pathological responses of insects to this toxin. Insects susceptible to B. thuringiensis do not

Researchers have divided lepidopterous larvae necessarily respond the same to all subspecies
into four groups according to response [28]. The of B. thuringiensis. Likewise, a subspecies of B.
first group, designed Type I, shows a rapid gen- thuringiensis does not have the same virulency
eral gut paralysis resulting in death 1 – 7 h after to all susceptible insects. A bioassay technique
ingestion of the crystal toxin. Type II larvae are is used to quantify the toxicity or potency of the
characterized by midgut paralysis a few min- many isolates of the several subspecies.
utes after ingestion of crystals and by cessation Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis
of feeding, but not by general paralysis. Type III was isolated from a mosquito breeding site in Is-
larvae have to ingest both spores and crystals, rael [33]. The discovery of this subspecies pro-
do not exhibit either general or gut paralysis, vided researchers with an isolate with consis-
but do stop feeding. Affected larvae enter a mor- tently high toxicity against larvae of mosquitoes
bid state of varying duration with a fairly slow and blackflies (order Diptera). All other sub-
bacterial multiplication and finally, with a lethal species are predominantly toxic for larvae of
infection. Type IV larvae are not susceptible to Lepidoptera. This subspecies also contains a
the crystal toxin or spores but are susceptible to parasporal crystal protein. However, this crystal
the thermostable exotoxin(s). is irregular in size and instead of a single crystal,
Within these categories, the definitive re- there are 3 – 5 crystals. The pathology caused
sponse is dependent on the age of the insect. For by subspecies israelensis is similar to that of
example, the European corn borer is a Type III other subspecies of B. thuringiensis in suscepti-
larva responding to a combination of spores and ble Lepidoptera. The pathology in black flies is
crystals. However, pure crystals are highly toxic most likely very similar. Bacillus thuringiensis
to neonate larvae and moderately toxic to 6-d- subspecies israelensis is also produced by sub-
old larvae. A combination of spores and crystals merged culture.
is necessary to cause maximum larval mortality β-Exotoxin [23526-02-5], the other toxin
[29]. produced by B. thuringiensis, is being empha-
Not only are the insects categorized relative to sized as an insecticide.
their response, but also isolates are divided into
subspecies based on the antigenic properties of
the flagella that are present during the vegetative
stage of growth [30], [31]. Some subspecies are
further divided by the serology of the crystalline
protein [32]. With use of one or both of these
techniques, > 20 subspecies of B. thuringiensis
have been identified.

Biological Control 7

β-Exotoxin is a nucleotide produced during 2.2.2. Pathogens with Protozoal

the vegetative stage of bacterial growth [34]. It Characteristics
is composed of adenine, ribose, glucose, and al-
laric acid with a phosphate group. β-Exotoxin Microspora. The phylum Protozoa has been
is heat stable and is produced by subspecies split into seven distinct phyla [37]. This phy-
thuringiensis, kenyae, morrisoni, tolworthi, and lum contains the order Microsporida, intercel-
darmstadiensis [35]. These subspecies produce lular parasites found essentially in all orders of
different quantities of exotoxin, depending on insects, with new species being described and
the culture medium. Also, indications are that host records being published frequently. Patho-
some subspecies produce more than one exo- logically, microsporidia differ greatly from other
toxin. Commercial production of β-exotoxin is disease-causing organisms in that they generally
carried out under patent US 3758383 [36]. do not cause immediate death of the host. A mi-
crosporidian infection usually is chronic. There
are no specific symptoms to describe insects in-
Bacillus popilliae causes a “milky disease” fected with a microsporidium. The infected in-
in some beetles in the family Scarabaeidae, sect usually is lethargic, has reduced feeding, is
but most noted in the Japanese beetle, Popil- small, has morphological deformities, and fails
lia japonica. Bacillus popilliae is eaten by the to molt or pupate.
grub; the spore germinates and penetrates the Although microsporidia are widely dis-
gut wall. Once in the hemocoel, the bacterium tributed in the insect world, most microsporidia
readily multiplies (septicemia), giving the grub infect a single, or at most, a very few hosts.
a whitish appearance visible through the cuticle, Nosema pyrausta is a microsporidium of this
thus the name milky disease. type and is a classical biological control agent.
Bacillus popilliae readily develops in larvae Nosema pyrausta predominantly infects larvae
of the beetle, but microbiological techniques of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis.
have not been developed to induce B. popilliae to A schematic illustration of the relationship bet-
sporulate in vitro; thus, all production is carried ween N. pyrausta and O. nubilalis is presented
out by inoculating Japanese beetle larvae and in Figure 7. Nosema pyrausta has a life cycle
harvesting the infected larvae. This technique typical of the order Microsporida. A corn borer
has a drawback because the Japanese beetle is larva eats a spore (the resting stage N. pyrausta);
not easily grown in the laboratory. the spore extrudes its polar filament, injecting
a sporoplasm into a midgut cell. Some devel-
opment occurs in the midgut, whereas other
Bacillus sphaericus is a spore-forming rod sporoplasms migrate through the midgut into
that is readily found in nature. It has been iso- the hemocoel and eventually infect other tis-
lated from mosquito larvae, and much research sues. In the European corn borer, infections pre-
has been conducted on several strains of this bac- dominantly take place in the Malpighian tubules
terium that are insecticidal to several species of and in the reproductive tissues of the female in-
mosquitoes. Bacillus sphaericus does not pro- sect. At this point, two routes are possible for
duce a parasporal body or β-exotoxin as does the microsporidium (both routes occur in all
B. thuringiensis. However, there is a proteina- cases of infection). The infection can develop
ceous toxin located in the spore coat. Susceptible in the midgut, causing these cells and spores to
mosquito larvae consume the spore and partly di- slough into the lumen and pass from the body
gest the spore wall, releasing a toxin. This toxin in the fecal material. The fecal material then be-
causes feeding inhibition, swelling of the midgut comes a reservoir of N. pyrausta spores available
cells, body tremors, and then death. Death can to infect other corn borer larvae feeding in the
occur as soon as 0.5 h after consumption of the same plant. This is known as horizontal trans-
spores. Like B. thuringiensis, B. sphaericus is mission, i.e., transmission within a generation.
produced in submerged culture. This route readily occurs in nature and is an ef-
fective means of disease transmission [38]. If the
insect in which the reproductive tissues became
infected was a female, the spores either are dis-
8 Biological Control

seminated within the developing insect egg and Apicomplexa. The gregarines and some coc-
infect the embryo during development (transo- cidia with potential as biological control agents
varial transmission), or they are passed on the are representatives of this phylum. An infection
egg shell and are consumed by the larvae at eclo- usually occurs by consumption of spores. The
sion (transovum transmission). Transovarial and development cycle involves schizogeny, which
transovum transmission are collectively known increases the number of spores tremendously,
as vertical transmission, i.e., transmission to a destroying tissues and depleting energy reserves.
subsequent generation. Horizontal and vertical This cycle takes 1 – 6 weeks, depending on the
transmission are two very effective means of specific organism. Mattesia grandis, a pathogen
transmitting and maintaining an organism within of the boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis, is an
an ecosystem. example of this group and contributes to over-
The impact of N. pyrausta occurs in sev- wintering mortality of this insect. Mattesia tro-
eral ways. If the infection is intense enough (a godermae, a pathogen of a stored-grain beetle,
tremendous number of spores per insect larva), Trogoderma glabrum, has great potential for
the infected insect will die. If the insect devel- controlling these beetles in warehouses. Adult
ops to the adult with this infection, the impact of males can be contaminated with spores and can
N. pyrausta is elicited by a shortened life span, transmit these spores to females during copula-
reduction in the number of eggs laid, and a re- tion [40].
duction in the number of eggs hatching and de- Commercial application of pathogens with
veloping to maturity. protozoal characteristics is limited because these
organisms must be produced in vivo, in their re-
spective hosts.
Vairimorpha necatrix is a microsporidium
that infects a great number of insects, all being
phytophagous Lepidoptera. This microsporid- 2.2.3. Insect Viruses
ium also can cause an acute pathology, resulting
in death of the susceptible larvae within several There are two general types of insect viruses,
hours, and is an example of an applied biolog- the occluded and nonoccluded viruses. The oc-
ical control agent. If a newly hatched or rela- cluded-type viruses are characterized by hav-
tively early stage larva consumes an excessive ing the infective units, the virions, enclosed
number of spores, the midgut cells are dam- by a protein capsule (occlusion body). This is
aged, allowing entry of the midgut contents into the most emphasized group relative to biologi-
the hemocoel, and the larva dies from bacterial cal control and includes the nuclear polyhedro-
septicemia. If the larva does not die from sep- sis viruses (NPV), the cytoplasmic polyhedro-
ticemia, the spore enters the hemocoel, and an sis viruses (CPV), the granulosis viruses (GV),
acute infection of the fat body occurs. This infec- and the entomopox viruses or insect pox viruses.
tion becomes very intense, and the host usually The iridescent viruses, parvoviruses and picor-
dies before pupation or during the pupal period. naviruses are representatives of the nonoccluded
The European corn borer is not as susceptible viruses.
to V. necatrix as are several larvae in the family The occlusion body of an NPV is many-sided
Noctuidae (cutworms, armyworms, etc.), and a and encloses several virions. The virions are rod-
few insects develop to adults. However, because shaped, and replication occurs within the cell nu-
of the intense infections at this time, the produc- cleus. A generalized cycle, using a nuclear poly-
tion of offspring is unlikely. The acute pathology hedrosis virus, is illustrated in Figure 8. The in-
caused by V. necatrix makes it improbable that clusion bodies (occlusion bodies) are consumed
any horizontal or vertical transmission will oc- by the insect and the proteinaceous capsule is
cur. If transmission does occur, it is likely by an hydrolyzed in the alkaline gut, releasing the viri-
insect larva feeding on infected cadavers, by can- ons. The virions enter the midgut cell nucleus,
nibalism, or by insects feeding on foliage con- at which point they replicate and destroy the
taminated by infected insects that ruptured after cell, or else the virions pass through the cell
death (horizontal transmission) [39]. into the hemocoel and infect cell nuclei of other
tissues, replicate, encapsulate, and rupture the
Biological Control 9

Figure 7. Infection cycles of the microsporidium Nosema pyrausta

cell. Insects infected with NPV exhibit sluggish The occlusion body contains many ovoid infec-
retarded growth and a behavioral change char- tive units.
acterized by moving to the top of a host plant Insect viruses were believed to be host spe-
where they die, and the integument usually rup- cific (only infecting a single species of insect),
tures. The primary tissues infected with a nuclear but research has revealed that some nuclear
polyhedrosis virus are the midgut, tracheal ma- polyhedrosis viruses will infect more than one
trix, fat body, and hypodermis. A viral infection species. For example, the nuclear polyhedrosis
in these tissues with eventual rupturing of the virus from the alfalfa looper, Autographa cali-
cells gives rise to a classical viral death where the fornica, infects several alternate hosts [41], in-
internal organs have liquefied, and the cuticle of cluding some from which a virus has never been
the insect is a mere “bag” of viral occlusion bod- isolated, i.e., the European corn borer and the
ies. Once this “bag” breaks, the occlusion bodies black cutworm [42], [43]. This aspect of a wider
contaminate the surface to which the insect was host range for a virus increases the feasibility of
attached and become available for consumption using viruses in applied biological control. In-
by other susceptible insects. sect viruses can be produced only in respective
Insects infected with a CPV display discol- hosts.
oration of the midgut (visible through the integu-
ment), experience retarded growth, and eventu-
ally die. The integument does not rupture. The 2.2.4. Fungi
shape of the occlusion body varies, and several
virions, icosahedral in shape, are within each Most entomopathogenic fungi belong to the
occlusion body. The infection occurs within the class Deuteromycetes (Fungi Imperfecti), with
cytoplasm of the cell. some very important entomopathogenic fungi
A GV infection is relatively nondescript but in other classes. Insects infected with a fungus
is generally characterized by retarded growth of exhibit general lethargy, slowed growth, cessa-
the insect and a paling of color of the integu- tion of feeding, and changes in coloration of the
ment. In some infections, the occlusion bodies integument. The difference between fungi and
are passed into the hemolymph, giving a milky other pathogens is that the former do not have
color. The occlusion bodies of this virus are to be eaten by the insect to cause disease, but
formed within the cell nucleus and usually con- instead grow through the insect’s skin.
tain a single rod-shaped virion. Insects infected A general infection cycle for fungi is illus-
with a pox virus are sluggish and have an ex- trated with Beauveria bassiana as an example
tended developmental stage. The occlusion bod- (Fig. 9). The resting stage or conidium comes
ies develop predominantly in the fat body, both in contact with the insect cuticle. The conidium
in the nucleus and in the cytoplasm of the cell. germinates and enzymatic action partly digests
the cuticle, allowing the hyphae to penetrate the
10 Biological Control

Figure 8. Infection cycle of a nuclear polyhedrosis virus

cuticle. The hyphae develop, forming a network that must be met for the fungus to be effective.
of mycelia within the body cavity. Death usu- Fungi can be produced on submerged culture or
ally occurs after this mycelial growth has spread on agar plates.
throughout the body cavity. At this time, the
mycelia grow out of the body, forming conidio-
phores and conidia. These formations are unique
and definitive in some fungi. For example, B.
bassiana conidia cover the infected insect, trans-
forming it into a white covered mummy. This
fungus is referred to as the white muscardine.
Metarrhizium anisopliae turns an insect into a
green-covered mummy and is called the green
muscardine fungus. Both these fungi infect a
wide range of insects. Nomuraea rileyi also
coats insects with a green covering but is not
as “fuzzy” as M. anisopliae. The conidia of
these fungi become airborne and eventually in- Figure 9. Infection cycle of the fungus, Beauveria bassiana
fect other insects.
Some insects exhibit a typical behavior pat-
tern once infected. Diptera (flies) infected with
Entomophthora musca climb to the top of veg- 2.3. Nematodes
etation, wrap their legs around a grass stem,
for example, and die; then mycelia grow on Nematodes (phylum Nematoda) are elongated
the external surface. A similar response occurs cylindrical worms that are parasitic in animals or
in grasshoppers infected with Entomophaga plants, or are free-living in soil or water. Nema-
grylli. These fungi forcibly discharge the coni- todes are of importance in the biological control
dia from the conidiophores. Both these fungi of insects. Several families of nematodes have
are members of the class Zygomycetes. The members parasitic to insects. Nine families show
class Oomycetes contains the species Lageni- potential as biological control agents [14]. In this
dium giganteum, a pathogen of several species article the families Mermithidae and Steinerne-
of mosquitoes. matidae are be mentioned as examples of insect
Entomopathogenic fungi are omnipresent; parasitic forms.
however, their effectiveness as a biological con-
trol agent is dependent on temperature, mois- The mermithids have both aquatic and ter-
ture, and wind. Each species has certain require- restrial species. Romanomermis culicivorax is
ments relative to these environmental variables an aquatic species that is parasitic to several
Biological Control 11

species of mosquitoes. Romanomermis culicivo- 3. Biological Control of Weeds

rax hatches from an egg and actively seeks a
mosquito larva and penetrates the larval integu- The biological control of weeds theoretically in-
ment by use of a stylet and enzymatic secretions. volves the use of any organism that uses the weed
The nematode completes its development within as a food source or as a host. In general, most suc-
the insect hemocoel and then leaves the host by cessful programs in biological control of weeds
boring through the integument. At this time, the involve the use of phytophagous insects or in-
host usually dies. Once in the aquatic environ- sects that feed on these weeds. There are several
ment, the nematode develops to adulthood and programs throughout the world that have been
mates. The female deposits its eggs to continue successful in controlling weeds. For illustrative
the cycle. purposes, a few of the more prominent ones will
Mermis nigrescens, a representative of a be emphasized.
terrestrial mermithid, is mainly a parasite of
grasshoppers, but will occasionally parasitize
other insects, including beetles. Adult M. ni- 3.1. Phytophagous Insects
grescens live in the soil. The female climbs veg-
etation, lays her eggs, and returns to the soil. Control of the prickly pear cactus in Australia
An insect eats an egg. Once in the gut, the in the 1920s was one of the earliest successes.
egg hatches, and the nematode penetrates the Larvae of the moth Cactoblastis cactorum were
midgut, enters the hemocoel, develops within imported from Argentina and destroyed popula-
for several weeks, and then leaves the host (the tions of this group of cacti. In the United States,
host dies at this time); the nematode enters the these cacti have been substantially controlled by
soil and develops to adulthood. Mating may a cochineal insect, Dactylopius opuntiae, im-
or may not occur. Reproduction can take place ported from Hawaii.
parthenogenetically. The Klamath weed, Hypericum perfora-
The steinernematids are represented by tum, was introduced to northwestern North
Neoaplectana carpocapsae, which parasitizes America in the early 1900s and has been suc-
terrestrial insects within several orders. Infective cessfully suppressed by two beetles, Chrysolina
nematode larvae actively enter a host through the hyperici and C. quadrigemina, which were im-
mouth, the anus, or through a spiracle, and pro- ported from Europe via Australia.
ceed to the hemocoel, where they begin devel-
opment. The steinernematids have a symbiotic Musk thistle, a weed in range and pasture
relationship with a bacterium. As the N. car- land in many areas, is host to a weevil, Rhinocyl-
pocapsae larvae develop, a bacterium, Achro- lus conicus, that lays its eggs in the seed head of
mobacter nematophilus, is released through the the thistle. Rhinocyllus conicus was introduced
anus. This bacterium creates a desirable envi- into western Canada and into the United States
ronment in which N. carpocapsae develops. The (Montana, Nebraska, and more recently Iowa)
nematodes develop to maturity and mate, and the and has a definite negative impact on this weed.
female deposits her eggs. These eggs hatch, and These three plants are examples of control
the larvae develop to infective stage and then of terrestrial weeds. Successful control of an
leave the host, ready to start the cycle again. aquatic plant, the alligator weed Alternanthera
Nematodes exist in nature. However, some philoxeroides, has been demonstrated in inland
nematodes, including both the aforementioned waterways in Florida. Control has been obtained
ones, are produced commercially and, there- with a beetle, Agasicles hygrophila, and a moth
fore, are available as applied biological control larva, Vogtia malloi.
agents. Methods have been developed for in vitro
production of nematodes. A high-protein source 3.2. Plant Pathogens
free from bacterial contamination is a necessity
[14]. The use of plant pathogens for control of weeds
is a relatively new approach. Most of the empha-
sis has been with plant pathogenic fungi. Basic
12 Biological Control

research is performed under carefully controlled agents that use these microorganisms as sources
conditions to assure the specificity of pathogens. of food or as hosts.
Phytopthora palmivora is a fungus that is spe-
cific for the milkweed vine. Some of these plant
pathogenic fungi maintain themselves in the soil 4.1. Macroorganisms
and thus are excellent biological control agents.
Fungi (smuts, rusts, and mildews) are food
Alternaria cassiae is a fungus that shows po-
sources for several insects, but applied biocon-
tential for control of sicklepod. Several other
trol of plant pathogens by insects has not been
fungi are being extensively researched for bi-
ological control of weeds. This discipline will
have a tremendous impact on weed control in
the future. 4.2. Microorganisms
The complex interrelationships between plant
3.3. Higher Animals pathogens and microorganisms that have the po-
tential of controlling them have been studied.
Tansy ragwort, Senecio jacobaea, is a biennial Cucumber powdery mildew has been experi-
weed containing pyrrolizidine alkaloids. These mentally controlled by application of the fungus
alkaloids cause liver damage in livestock that Ampelomyces quisqualis [45]. Ampelomyces
consume these weeds. However, sheep are seem- quisqualis is a hyperparasite that obtains nu-
ingly immune to this alkaloid. Therefore, they trients from the mildew. The fungus Tricho-
can graze this plant and keep it from producing derma harzianum has been shown to degrade
seeds, thus reducing the plant population [44]. plant pathogens, such as Schlerotium rolfsii, Rhi-
Biological control of weeds is a very active zoctonia solani, and Pythium aphanidermatum.
area of research. More and more phytophagous Plant nematodes, Criconemella xenoplax, have
insects and plant pathogens are being evaluated been suppressed by the fungus Hirsutella rhos-
as potential biological control agents. Once the siliensis. Here again, researchers are faced with
basic research has been completed, several of a very complicated biological system in which
these organisms will most likely be used to aid a tremendous amount of basic research must
in suppression of weeds. be conducted before biological control of plant
When selecting weedy plants as potential tar- pathogens can be realized to its full potential.
gets for biological control, one must be certain
that the weed is classified as a weed in all areas
of the country where it occurs. In some parts of 5. Other Biological Methods of
a country, a certain plant might be a weed. How- Control
ever, in other locations, the plant might be ben-
5.1. Biochemicals
eficial as food source, habitat for wildlife, or for
ground cover. The host range of phytophagous Interfering with an insect’s growth to make
insects and plant pathogens also must be exten- the insect vulnerable to natural control mea-
sively researched to be absolutely sure that de- sures and maintaining an insect in a “nonpest”
sirable plants that are closely related and might developmental stage have long been intrigu-
become an alternative host, do not exist in the ing ideas for insect control. During normal in-
country of introduction. sect development, immature stages are regu-
lated by hormones (growth regulators). During
4. Biological Control of the adult stage, insect behavior is influenced by
pheromones and kairomones (semiochemicals).
Plant Pathogens
Plant pathogens are a group of pests that cause 5.1.1. Growth Regulators
tremendous loss of plant life every year and are
primarily suppressed or controlled by chemical Ecdysone is secreted by the prothoracic glands
pesticides. However, there are biological control and initiates cell growth. Once released into
Biological Control 13

the hemolymph, ecdysone causes the insect to

molt. α-Ecdysone [3604-87-3], C27 H44 O6 , M r
464, mp 237 – 239 ◦ C, is a water-soluble crys-
talline compound; IR (KBr, cm−1 ) 3333, 1657;
UV (MeOH) 242 nm (ε 12400); NMR (C5 D5 N) Juvenile hormone I
[46]. It was originally isolated from silkworm

Juvenile hormone II

Juvenile hormone III

Juvenile hormone 0

pupae. β-Ecdysone [5289-74-7], 20-hydroxy-

α-ecdysone, is a slightlymore biologically active
compound. Both α- and β-ecdysone are biosyn-
thesized from cholesterol [47]. Phytoecdysones,
steroids with molting hormone activity, have iso-Juvenile hormone 0
been isolated from several plants. The isola-
tion and synthesis of phytoecdysones and α- Juvabione [17904-27-7], a juvenoid (com-
and β-ecdysone have been described in detail pound with JH activity), was isolated from
[47]. Exogenous ecdysones will initiate molting the balsam fir tree [48]; MS 266.188 (M+
in insects when applied to the surface of the C6 H26 O3 ); UV 223 nm; IR (cm−1 ) 1722 (α, β-
cuticle. unsaturated ester), 1645 (saturated ketone).
Juvenile hormones (JHs) are synthesized in
and secreted by the corpus allatum. These hor-
mones stimulate larval development while pre-
venting development of adult characteristics.
They also promote synthesis of yolk proteins and
accumulation of these proteins by the develop-
ing oocytes. Juvenile hormones control the de-
velopment of imaginal discs. Application of JH
to a young embryo will block its development to Juvabione
a larva; however, JH may be important in normal
embryonic development of some insects. Several other juvenoids have been isolated
Five juvenile hormones, JH 0 [55333-14-7], from plants [49]. The determination of the
iso-JH 0, JHsI [13804-51-8], JH II structure of the naturally occurring JHs led
[34218-61-6], and JH III [22963-93-5], have to the synthesis of JH-analogs. Syntheses of
been isolated from insects. The JH I, II, and III JHs, juvenoids, and JH-analogs have been re-
are liquids, JH 0 and iso-JH 0 are presumed to be viewed [50], [51]. Commonly used synthetic JH-
liquids; JH I bp 130 – 145 ◦ C; IR (cm−1 ) 1715, analogs are: methoprene [40596-69-8], Altosid,
1640, 1230, 1150, 850, 1730, 1655, 1722, 1650. ZR 515, mp 135 – 136 ◦ C, d 20 0.926; hydroprene
14 Biological Control

[41096-46-2], Altozar, ZR 512; epofenonane

[57342-02-6], RO 10-3108. The applied use and
chemistry of these and other JH analogs have
been thoroughly discussed [52].


Hydroprene 5.1.2. Semiochemicals

Pheromones. A pheromone is a substance

that is secreted by an organism to the outside and
mediates a response in an organism of the same
species. Sex pheromones are specific chemicals
used in the mating process. Generally, they are
Two compounds, precocene 1 [17598-02-6] emitted by the female insect and attract the male
and precocene 2 [644-06-4], isolated from the insect. Chemical structures of pheromones are
common bedding plant, Ageratum houstoni- scattered among many types of volatile com-
anum, have anti-JH activity against several pounds ranging from alkanes to nitrogen het-
hemipteran species [53]. Precocenes destroy the erocycles. Earlier research usually reported one
corpora allata of insects in the orders Hemiptera, chemical as the pheromone of an insect. Synthe-
Homoptera, and Orthoptera. There is no anti-JH sis of these compounds and field testing for at-
activity against holometabulous insects; how- tractancy has resulted in various degrees of suc-
ever, certain ones have been forced into dia- cess. However, although a single compound is
pause, have been sterilized, or both. Synthesis the major component, there are trace amounts
of precocenes has been described [54]. of additional chemicals that make up the full
complement of the pheromone [57–59].
Using open-tubular capillary chromatogra-
phy analysis, the following composition was de-
termined for the pheromone of the lesser corn-
stalk borer, Elasmopalpus lignosellus: 16.5 %
(Z)-7-tetradecen-1-ol acetate, 8.8 % (Z)-9-
Leaves of the neem tree, Azadirachta indica, tetradecen-1-ol acetate, 3.8 % 1-tetradecanol ac-
yield chemicals that are strong antifeedants [55], etate (C14 ), 28.2 % (Z)-9-hexadecen-1-ol ac-
[56]; however, these chemicals have not led to etate, 17.4 % (Z)-11-hexadecen-1-ol acetate,
any significant use for pest control. The main 9.6 % 1-hexadecanol acetate (C16 ), 2.1 % (Z)-
component of the neem fractions is azadirachtin 7-tetradecen-1-ol, 2.1 % (Z)-9-tetradecen-1-ol,
[70357-01-6], C35 H44 O16 , a compound that acts 7.0 % (Z)-9-hexadecen-1-ol, and 4.4 % (Z)-11-
as a phagorepellent and as a growth regulator; hexadecen-1-ol [59]. The organic synthesis of
UV(MeOH) 217 nm (ε 9100); CD (MeOH), no sex pheromones has been reviewed [50], [60],
extrema above 220 nm; IR (KBr, cm−1 ) 3410, [61]. Biosynthesis of pheromones takes place in
(OH) 1745, 1720, 1700 (esters), 1645, 1620, a glandular area of the abdominal tip of the adult
843 (double bonds); IR (chf. concentration vari- female and is regulated by a hormonal factor pro-
ation) 3580 cm−1 (free OH), 3465 (intramolecu- duced in the brain [62].
lar bonded OH), 3380 (intermolecular H bonded Several pheromones have been synthesized
OH). and these synthetic pheromones are available for
certain pests of agricultural crops [63].
Biological Control 15

Kairomones. Kairomones are compounds and field tests against several insect pests, phy-
given off by one species that induce a greater be- tophagous mites, and a plant parasitic nematode.
havioral response in another species than in the
species exuding the compound. Kairomones in-
clude host-seeking chemicals, e.g., compounds
that aid parasitoids in search of suitable hosts.
Host-seeking compounds, extracted from the
wings (scales) of Heliothis zea and Cadra
cautella, increase parasitization of eggs by
Trichogramma evanescens. These compounds
stimulate the parasitoid to search for suitable
host eggs.
Some plants produce substances that attract
insects, e.g., cucurbitacins. Cucurbitacins are
oxygenated tetracyclic triterpenes produced by Avermectin R1 R2 R3 CAS-Reg.
plants of the family Cucurbitaceae, i.e., Cucur-
bitacin B [6199-67-3]. A complete discussion A1 a C 2 H5 CH3 [65195-51-9]
A1 b CH3 CH3 [65195-52-0]
of the chemistry of these compoundsis available A2 a OH C2 H5 CH3 [65195-53-1]
[64]. A2 b OH CH3 CH3 [65195-54-2]
B1 a C 2 H5 H [65195-55-3]
B1 b CH3 H [65195-56-4]
B2 a OH C2 H5 H [65195-57-5]
B2 b OH CH3 H [65195-58-6]

Where R1 is absent, the double bond (=) is present. Both sugars

are α-l-olendrose.

The fruits of wild species of Cucurbita con- 5.2. Autocidal

tain amounts of these chemicals that are toxic Autocidal methods involve alteration of genetic
to animals. Cucurbitacins are also present in material of insects, thereby reducing the insect’s
extremely small quantities, < 0.02 mg/g, in do- ability to reproduce. Briefly, after the genetic
mesticated fruits of C. ficifolia, C. maxima, C. material of an insect population is altered, this
mixtra, C. moschata, and C. pepo [65]. This population is released into nature. Mating of the
small amount, however, acts as an arrestant genetically abnormal population with the wild
(kairomone) and feeding stimulant to several population causes reduction in the natural pop-
beetles in the genus Diabrotica [66]. ulation.

5.1.3. Bioderived Toxicants 5.2.1. Sterile Male

Some organisms produce chemicals that are The primary autocidal method is the sterile
mere poisons without any novel mode of ac- male technique in which tremendous numbers
tion, such as an attractant and/or growth regu- of male insects are sterilized either by radiation
lator. The avermectins are a class of compounds or by chemical means, and released into natural
described as pentacyclic lactones isolated from populations in such numbers that the sterilized
fermentation of the actinomycete Streptomyces males greatly outnumber the naturally occurring
avermitilis. These natural products contain an α- ones. This technique has been employed with
l-oleandrosyl-α-l-oleandrosyl disaccharide at- success against the screwworm, Cochliomyia
tached to the macrocyclic lactone ring through hominivorax, Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis
the allylic C13 -hydroxy group [67]. These com- capitata, melon fly, Dacus cucurbitae, Mexican
pounds have demonstrated toxicity in laboratory fruit fly, Anastrepha ludens, and pink bollworm,
Pectinophora gossypiella.
16 Biological Control

5.2.2. Hybrid Sterility the environment. Trichogramma maidis is uti-

lized in eastern France to control populations of
Hybrid sterility involves the crossing of two the European corn borer in corn. Researchers ob-
closely related but different species of insects tained 90 – 95 % control by placing 300000 para-
with production of sterile progeny and subse- sitized Anagasta kuehniella eggs/ha [68] in corn
quent release in natural populations. These hy- fields infested with the European corn borer.
brids must be fully viable and able to compete Techniques also have been developed to apply
with feral adults. Other genetic alterations are: Trichogramma with a crop-dusting plane. The
(1) cytoplasmic incompatibility – certain strains host eggs are sometimes oviposited on a car-
within a species when crossed produce either rier, such as wheat bran, and this admixture is
sterile offspring, or sterile and fertile offspring, air – dropped over an insect-infested crop area.
or sterile males; (2) conditional lethals – certain Pediobius foveolatus, a parasitoid of the Mex-
alleles of genes controlling adaptability produce ican bean beetle, was released annually in Mary-
normal effects at certain temperature ranges but land. Approximately 490000 parasitoids were
produce lethal effects at higher or lower temper- released over 94000 ha of soybeans, resulting in
atures; (3) growth alterations – for example, in- up to 84 % parasitism of the Mexican bean beetle
troducing a gene for “nondiapause” into a strain [69].
of insects that must diapause in order to survive Excellent control of aphids on potatoes was
the winter. obtained by releasing a lacewing, Chrysopa
spp., and a coccinellid, Coccinella septempunc-
tata, at the same time. These researchers re-
6. Formulation, Application, and leased 210300 and 74600/ha of Chrysopa and
C. septempunctata, respectively [70].
Efficacy Pathogens are formulated in the same way
that chemical insecticides are, i.e., as dusts, wet-
Insect Control. Formulation and applica-
table powders, flowable concentrates, granules,
tion of biological control agents are a “hand-in-
or baits. An insect-pathogen dust or granule is
glove” type of relationship. The proposed use
made by mixing the pathogen with an inert mate-
of an agent dictates to a great extent the way in
rial called a diluent. Diluents most often used are
which that agent must be formulated to elicit its
talcs, prophyllite clays, clays, calcium carbon-
greatest possible impact. Formulation must be
ate, precipitated hydrated silicates, silicon diox-
done with the recognition that biological con-
ides, synthetic calcium silicate, and diatoma-
trol agents are living organisms which vary in
ceous earth. Potato starch, cornstarch, wheat
their susceptibilities to adverse environmental
flour, wheat bran, ground corn cobs, and ground
corn have been used as experimental diluents.
The formulation techniques for parasitoids
The basic differences between a dust and a gran-
and predators are limited. Basically, these in-
ule is the mere size of the diluent.
sects are colonized, produced in large numbers
Wettable powders are formulations of
in an insectary, and then released into the en-
pathogens containing sufficient wetting agent
vironment at a time predetermined to be most
that the pathogen will be wetted and suspendible
advantagous to the beneficial insect.
in water. Powders can be any of the named dilu-
A special case of formulation and application
ents, only finely ground, so that a sprayable end
of parasitoids is employed when Trichogramma
product is obtained. A flowable concentrate is
are used in applied biological control. Briefly,
essentially a wettable powder suspended in an
Sitotroga cereallella or Anagasta kuehniella
oil or liquid base of some type that can readily
adults are constrained to lay many eggs on sheets
be mixed with water to form a stable suspension.
of cardboard; these eggs are parasitized by Tri-
Baits usually are botanical products, such as
chogramma adults, and the cards of parasitized
apple pomace, grape pomace, citrus pulp, wheat
eggs are placed in an ecosystem containing re-
bran, etc., that are food sources and attract the
cently oviposited eggs of a pest insect. This pro-
target insect.
cedure is timed so that the Trichogramma will
In all these formulations, great care is taken to
emerge within a few hours after being placed in
assure shelf life, stability in the field, and mainte-
Biological Control 17

nance of viability of the pathogen. Commercial ropean corn borer on corn [76]. This applica-
additives are available to protect the pathogen tion caused a significant reduction in damage
from severe drying or wetting and from ultravi- by the borer compared to the untreated check.
olet light. Several mosquito habitats are in areas of heavy
Wettable powder and flowable concentrate vegetation. A granular formulation, when ap-
formulations are employed when complete cov- plied in this type of environment, will pass
erage of an area or vegetation is necessary through the vegetation, enter the water, and be-
for maximum efficiency. The use of Bacil- come available to the mosquito larvae. Granu-
lus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis for lar formulations of Bacillus popilliae are incor-
mosquito and black fly control is a situation in porated into soil for control of Japanese bee-
which these formulations are used. tles in Russia [77]. A specialized formulation
Two wettable powder formulations of B. and application is the impregnation of founda-
thuringiensis subspecies israelensis, Bactimos tion wax with Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies
(Biochem Products, USA) and Vetobac (Ab- galleriae for control of greater wax moth lar-
bott Laboratories, USA), and a flowable concen- vae in beehives [78]. Nosema locustae is for-
trate, Teknar (Sandoz, USA), were tested against mulated as a bait on wheat bran and applied to
mosquito populations in central Italy [71]. Bac- rangeland to control grasshoppers at 2.5×109
timos and Teknar were applied at 0.5 kg/ha and N. locustae spores on 2 kg of wheat bran/ha
2.5 L/ha, respectively, to control the mosquito [79]. This application reduced the population
Aedes caspius in a salt marsh. These applications of immature grasshoppers by 50 %. A simi-
gave complete control of the larvae. Vectobac at lar treatment effectively reduced populations of
0.5 kg/ha gave a range of 67 – 91 % control. A the Mormon cricket, Anabrus simplex [80]. Ne-
flowable concentrate formulation of Teknar was matodes, Neoaplectana carpocapsae, applied as
prepared to give a concentration of 10 ppm and an aqueous suspension ( 1000 nematodes/mL)
applied to the width of a fresh water stream for were highly effective against larvae of the arti-
1 min with complete elimination of the black fly choke plum moth, Platytilia cardiudactyla [81].
larvae [72]. The neoaplectanid nematodes show potential
Aqueous suspensions of insect viruses are for control of several insect pests [82]. Ro-
prepared from wettable powder formulations. manomermis culicivorax, a nematode parasite
Viruses are quantified as polyhedral inclusion of mosquitoes, has been tested worldwide for
bodies (PIB) per unit mass. The European pine mosquito control. Different stages of the nema-
sawfly, Neodiprion sertifer, can be controlled on tode, egg, pre-, and postparasitic, are applied to
Pinus resinosa with an application of 2.5×109 the aqueous environment at rates of a few hun-
PIB/ha [73]. Application rates of this magnitude dred to 200000 units/m2 with varying degrees
have been used to control other forest pests [74] of success. A wettable powder or dust formula-
and pests of other agricultural crops, i.e., cole tion of Hirsutella thompsoni, a myoacaricide,
crops, cotton, and soybeans [75]. Granular for- was effective in stimulating premature fungal
mulations are used in an ecosystem for place- epizootics in citrus rust mite populations [83].
ment of a pathogen on a plant or within a certain The environs of a greenhouse create special
area, or for incorporation into soil. For exam- pest problems but also present a controllable sit-
ple, larvae of the European corn borer feed on a uation for the use of biological control agents.
corn plant at the interface where the developing The successes, problems, and failures of biolog-
leaves are unfolding. Because of the morphol- ical control in such ecosystems have been re-
ogy of the plant, there is a natural funnel that viewed [84], [85]. In a greenhouse-like situation,
will direct granules of a pathogen to this area and the spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, was
thus make them immediately available for con- controlled in a plastic walk-in tunnel by intro-
sumption by the insect. Not only is the pathogen ducing one predatory mite per strawberry plant
more readily available to the insect, but also it is [86]. Control of the greenhouse whitefly, Tri-
protected from ultraviolet radiation. aleuroes vaporariorum, is difficult. A combina-
An 11.25 wt % formulation of Thuricide tion of attracting the whitefly to yellow sticky
HPC on clay granules was applied at 1.12 kg traps and using the parasitoid Encarsia formosa
of B. thuringiensis HPC/ha to control the Eu- has resulted in 90 % parasitization of this pest on
18 Biological Control

spring tomatoes in the greenhouse [87]. In other a population of western spruce budworms at
research [88], several species of parasitoids with dosages comparable to several conventional in-
the potential of controlling the chrysanthemum secticides [97]. Treating male or female adults
leaf miner have been identified. of the western spruce budworm with ZR575,
The use of fishes to control insects is pri- ZR512, or RO 10-3108 reduced the reproduc-
marily focused on controlling the larvae of tive potential of these insects [98]. Precocene 1
mosquitoes that transmit human disease. Gam- and 2 deterred Heliothis zea larvae from feed-
busia affinis, a larvivorous fish, is a native of ing in laboratory studies, resulting in starvation
the southeastern United States but has spread to [99].
most parts of the world where it can survive and Azadirachtin from the neem tree interfered
give excellent mosquito control. Gambusia affi- with molting of the face fly, Musca autumnalis,
nis seeded at 2500 – 5000 fish/ha will reproduce when larvae were exposed to concentrations as
quickly and provide complete mosquito control low as 0.00001 µg/mL [100]. The application of
in 6 – 8 weeks [89], [90]. 2 µg of azadirachtin/larva killed 92 – 100 % of
Spiders definitely have an impact on control Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica [101].
of insects; however, quantification is difficult Insect pheromones have potential for sev-
[91]. eral uses in insect management, e.g., monitoring
populations, trapping insects to a point source,
Weed and Plant Pathogen Control. My- and interfering with mating. The science of in-
coherbicides are also formulated as an aqueous sect pheromones involves several steps, from
suspension and sprayed on foliage for control isolation, identification, and synthesis of the
of weeds. Spores of Colletotrichum coccodes, pheromone to learning the behavioral change
a fungus, were sprayed on velvetleaf, Abutilon that these chemicals manifest in a target in-
theophrasti, at 107 and 109 spores/m2 in 467.5, sect. The state of the art of pheromones has
935, and 1870 L of H2 O/ha. These concentra- been reviewed [102]. Minute amounts of the
tions of spores reduced the velvetleaf biomass by pheromone of a given species of insect will at-
40 and 50 % at the 107 and 109 treatment levels, tract the male. In some insects, several com-
respectively [92]. Progress has been made us- pounds constitute the pheromone. In H. zea,
ing a rust, Puccinia chondrilla, to suppress rush maximum male response is elicited with com-
skeletonweed, Chondrilla juncea [93]. Plant pounds (Z)-7-hexadecenal, (Z)-9-hexadecenal,
size, number of flowers, and seed viability have (Z)-11-hexadecenal, and hexadecanal, whereas
been reduced, but there has been no substantial H. virescens males respond to a mixture of
reduction in plant populations. the above chemicals plus (Z)-9-tetradecenal,
Damage caused by the root-knot nematode tetradecanal, and (Z)- 11-hexadecen-1-ol [57],
Meliodogyne javanica has been reduced using [58]. The female sex pheromone of the lesser
biological control. Tomato roots containing the cornstalk borer, Elasmopalpus lignosellus, is
nematode infected with Bacillus penetrans were composed of 10 compounds (Section 5.1.2). A
air-dried, finely ground, and incorporated into mixture of four of these compounds, 91.6 µg of
the soil at 212 – 600 mg/kg, reducing the num- (Z)-11-hexadecen-1-ol acetate, 11.2 µg of (Z)-
ber of nematodes and the damage caused by 9-tetradecen-1-ol, 46.4 µg of (Z)-9-tetradecen-
the nematodes [94]. Organic extracts from the 1-ol acetate, and 86.8 µg of (Z)-7-tetradecen-1-
fungus Aphanocladium album induce teliospore ol acetate applied to a rubber septum produced
formation on rust fungi. Puccinia graminis, P. maximal capture of lesser cornstalk borer fe-
dispersa, P. striiformis, and P. sorghi formed males [59].
premature telia on plants treated with the ex- Cucurbitacins act as kairomones to beetles in
tract [95]. The biology of introduced predators the subtribe Diabroticites, which includes sev-
and parasitoids of arthropod and weed pests is eral species that feed on Cucurbitaceae. This
available [96]. tribe also includes the corn rootworm beetles.
Amounts as small as 0.003 µg cause complete
Other Methods of Biological Control. arrest of these beetles. If they pass by a point
Growth regulators have been tested for insect source, they stop and begin compulsive feed-
suppression. Lethal effects were induced in ing until the food source is depleted [66]. Re-
Biological Control 19

searchers have demonstrated a strong correlation tally in Puerto Rico, indicating a good potential
between total Cucurbitacin content and the ex- for infusion of the sterility factor into the native
tent of aggregation and feeding by two species of population [107].
Diabrotica. Other researchers have proposed us- Whenever a component is used to manage a
ing fruits of Cucurbitaceae coated with a chem- pest population, the question of safety arises.
ical insecticide to bait insects to a point source Usually, pest control is undertaken to protect a
and kill them [103]. commodity that is in the food chain which even-
tually is consumed by humans. Thus, human
Bioderived Toxicants. Ivermectin [70288- safety is extremely important. Recently, safety
86-7], 22,23-dihydro derivative of avermectin, to the environment and to the ecological bal-
is active at extremelylow dosages against a wide ance has become recognized as important. The
variety of arthropod parasites and nematodes organisms and chemicals discussed in this article
[104]; i.e., 0.001 mg/kg is effective against im- are entities that are indigenous to a certain eco-
mature stages of Dirofilaria immitis, when ad- logical niche or they are synthesized chemical
ministered orally to dogs. Also, 0.02 mg/kg is compounds that are an instrumental part of na-
efficacious against Haematopenus suis when in- ture. Thus, if these components are used within
jected subcutaneously in hogs. A subcutaneous the environmental framework from which they
dosage of 200 µg/kg killed blood sucking flies evolved, safety is relatively assured.
on steers [105]. Pheromone production was sig- Exhaustive lists are available for some organ-
nificantly reduced when adult boll weevils, An- isms, stating which target and nontarget organ-
thonomus grandis were topically treated with isms are susceptible [108]. For others, guidelines
7 µg of avermectin B1 [106]. for safety tests and registration have been estab-
The sterile autocidal male technique has been lished [109], [110]. In depth studies have been
used successfully but depends on the ability to conducted examining the effect of insect nuclear
rear large numbers of insects for sterilization polyhedrosis viruses in mammalian cells [111],
and release. The screwworm, Cochliomyia ho- with no consistent deleterious effects directly at-
minivorax, has been eliminated from Curaçao tributable to the viruses being observed.
and southeastern United States. A program is Prior to inoculative releases, phytophagous
ongoing to suppress the screwworm in Mexico insects and plant pathogens that are candidate
and inhibit its spread to the southwestern United biological control agents are subject to exhaus-
States. To accomplish this, ca. 350×106 sterile tive host range studies to be certain that the in-
flies are released weekly. The established popu- troduced species will not become pests in a dif-
lation of flies has been pushed back in excess of ferent ecosystem.
600 km from the United States – Mexican bor- In general, the biological control agents dis-
der. cussed here will not have a detrimental impact
The sterile insect technique is a major compo- when used sensibly in an integrated pest man-
nent of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis cap- agement program.
itata, program in California. Up to 40×106 flies
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