Conjunctive Adverb

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Essential Question:
What is the function of a conjunctive adverb?
What does CONJUNCTIVE mean?
■ Conjunctive means “serving to join” or “connected.”
– i.e. coordinating conjunctions (FANBOYS) connected independent clauses to
form compound sentences and subordinating conjunctions (AWUBIS)
combine independent and subordinate clauses to form complex sentences

Refresher: What is an adverb?

■ An adverb is a part of speech that describes verbs,
adjectives, and other adverbs.
■ They answer the questions How? When? Where? To
What Extent? And Why?
What is a conjunctive adverb?
■ A conjunctive adverb is an adverb that joins two
independent clauses. It is preceded by a semi-colon and
; + adverb +
followed by a comma. [semicolon comma]

Common conjunctive adverbs:

Accordingly However Next Therefore Furthermore
Hence Nevertheless Then Finally Meanwhile
Moreover Subsequently Consequently Likewise Similarly
Still Besides Instead Otherwise Yet
Also Indeed Nonetheless Thus
What are punctuation rules for
conjunctive adverbs?
- When the adverb appears at the VERY beginning of the sentence, use a comma AFTER
the word because it is functioning as a transition.
- Example: Indeed, the student proved to be incredibly well-prepared for his exam.

- When the adverb interrupts an independent clause, commas are needed BOTH BEFORE
and AFTER the adverb.
- Example: The boy is willing, nevertheless, to mow our yard for free to make
amends for his mistake. (Remove “nevertheless” and you still have one complete
What are punctuation rules for
conjunctive adverbs? Cont.
- When the adverb concludes an independent clause, a comma is needed BEFORE the
- Example: She did sneeze all over the main course, unfortunately.

Conjunctive Adverb:
- When the conjunctive adverb joins two independent clauses, a semi-colon is placed
BEFORE the adverb, and a comma is needed AFTER the adverb.
- Example: We will leave as soon as we can ; however, we will still probably arrive

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