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Argus Courier

Don’t turn Next prez

could be
down good Californian
projects Several high profile
politicians from the state
Scrutiny is good, but too much are posturing for 2020
could drive away developments By THOMAS ELIAS
that Petaluma wants and needs

rom the time this year’s
California political cam-

ccording to Petaluma’s General paigns began taking shape
Plan, the document guiding the last fall, they’ve had the poten-
city’s land use decision-making pro- tial to produce the state’s most
cesses, new development should be built viable presidential candidate in
on “existing vacant and underutilized almost half a century.
sites” in order to avoid urban sprawl. It may be about time. Califor-
“The Central Petaluma area … nia has not provided the nation
contains extensive vacant land and with a President — nor even a
underutilized parcels, particularly along credible primary election candi-
the Petaluma River,” the plan states. date — since Ronald Reagan left
One such parcel ripe for infill devel- office in 1989.
opment is the site of the proposed North In that time, the strongest
River Apartments on Water Street just run by a Californian for Ameri-
north of East Washington Street. Water
Street dead ends into a dirt and gravel
parking lot in an area featuring thorny
■ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ■ ca’s top political job came from
ex-Gov. Pete Wilson, who lasted
through only a few primaries
bushes that sprout up alongside the and caucuses. His abortive 1996
occasional discarded mattress or graffi-
tied boxcar sitting atop rusted railroad
Supports hospital niors are not allowed. Some towns allow
adults and seniors access to their Boys
run was hampered both by a
throat problem that dimmed
tracks. It is not very pretty.
A builder, attracted by the city’s vision
operator and Girls Clubs on weekdays between
6 a.m. and 2 p.m. when students are in
his voice and his strong 1994
backing of the anti-illegal im-
encouraging the construction of high EDITOR: It’s great to see some cover- school. migrant Proposition 187, which
density housing on the site, submitted age finally about our local hospital and Perhaps there’s a chance Petaluma destroyed any chance he might
plans more than three years ago for some of the challenges the community can afford the same to our seniors. have had for getting Latino
badly needed pedestrian-friendly rental faces regarding access to health care in Access to an indoor court right next to support. Gov. Jerry Brown also
housing and a small amount of commer- our city. There has been mention of a our senior center to shoot hoops or put staged a long run, in 1992, but
cial space. The city’s planning commis- lack of hiring new doctors by St. Joseph up a badminton net on rainy days would never had a serious chance
sion finally approved the project earlier in several of the recent articles. This is provide variety in our efforts to stay against Bill Clinton.
this month, but only after a discussion absolutely not true. healthy and active. Currently we play Since then, this state’s top
in which at least one commissioner Just in the past year, a partial list some pickleball in the outside tennis officials, the likes of Gray Davis
lamented that the developer was not of new doctors that have come to our courts when its not raining. and Arnold Schwarzenegger
doing enough for the city, such as paying community are: Neema Pourtaheri, Other than Leghorn Park, there are and Brown and Dianne Fein-
into a fund for a future trolley that has orthopedics; Chris Walter, orthopedics; no public basketball courts on the east stein and Barbara Boxer have
become a pipe dream. Naomi DeTablan, podiatry; Keri Weigle, side. There must be some way to allow been no threat to national pol-
A.G. Spanos Companies hopes to move general surgery; Steve Kmucha, ENT; adults and seniors access to the Boys iticians in either major party.
forward with its project, incorporating Alexis Alexandridis, general surgery; and Girls Club at Lucchessi Park during Yes, Schwarzenegger might
extensive community feedback and Aldo Gamarra, general surgery. certain hours. have been a credible candidate
adding many new features that were This list just includes the surgical spe- and would have loved to run,
requested in numerous public meetings. cialties. We have also added at least six Alfred Johnston but his Austrian birth rendered
The project will rebuild Water Street, in- new hosptialists in the past year as well. Petaluma him ineligible.
cluding an intersection with an extension A new infectious disease specialist was So California has not only
of Oak Street from Petaluma Boulevard. also hired over the summer specifically lacked influence at the top levels
The developer will build 184 apartment to cover PVH. Going vegan of American politics for decades
units, all within walking distance of the In addition, St. Joseph is very close EDITOR: Along with unforeseen chal- because of its usually-belated
SMART station and other popular down- to hiring another general surgeon to lenges, calamities, and miscalculations, primary elections, but also has
town spots, making a significant dent in join Dr. Weigle’s practice. We have also the future holds promise. The prolifera- had no skin in the game.
the city’s housing shortage. hired another ENT physician who will tion of mankind has created a necessity Lately, though, there’s been
The company will build new bike start in June and another offer has been and hopefully a willingness to lessen talk about the state’s current
paths, sidewalks, a couple hundred new extended to another ENT physician just our impact on the environment, other junior senator, Democrat Ka-
parking spaces, and pay $650,000 into this past week. humans, and animals. When making mala Harris. Her anti-Donald
an affordable housing fund to construct To ensure further accuracy to hopeful- this effort, we need not study under the Trump tone in several nation-
homes for the people who are priced ly more articles regarding the medical “greased palms” of so-called experts. ally televised Senate hearings
out of our community. Yet despite all of care in Petaluma, please note that Dr. The numbers are there for all to see has won some support among
these benefits to the city, some commis- Peter Leoni is not the chief of surgery. and the math is simple. It takes one sixth ultra-liberals nationally, but no
sioners wanted to see more commercial In fact, Dr. Leoni holds no administra- of an acre to sustain one person on a poll has shown she has either
space when the market demand for tive or medical staff appointments at vegan diet while a person eating a stan- strong or widespread appeal.
small retail space is actually in decline. PVH. He is the least busy of the five dard American diet requires three acres. Plus, the one time she faced a
Why is it that whenever a developer general surgeons in the community. That’s 18 times as much land. significantly financed election
proposes a visionary project to remake a I have practiced in Petaluma for over Buying a low-flow shower nozzle is opponent, in her 2010 election
blighted area of Petaluma and add badly 20 years and operate at PVH on a regular great and you could save maybe 300 gal- as state attorney general, she
needed housing, officials demand the basis. St. Joseph has provided me with lons of water per person in a month, or barely eked out a victory even
developer do more than is reasonable? all of the equipment and support that I you could eat one vegan meal and save in this solidly Democratic state.
If developers find Petaluma’s planning have needed and I certainly do not share roughly twice that amount. So it’s a safe bet Harris won’t
process too onerous, costly or time con- or support the views of Dr. Leoni. If you were to look at our other areas be California’s next major pres-
suming, they will simply walk away, leav- of impact, there is potential, but it’s idential player. But there are
ing the city’s vision unrealized. There are, Michael A. Johnson minimal compared to what we eat three some possibilities among this
after all, ample opportunities elsewhere. Physician Administrative Director, PVH times a day. year’s crop of candidates, not
We are not going to resolve this com- Housing is one area where we could to mention Democratic Los An-
munity’s unprecedented housing crisis incorporate energy saving ideas, but geles Mayor Eric Garcetti, who
by building a handful of granny units. It Open up gym they can only be minimized so much. makes noises about a possible
will take thoughtful, well-designed infill EDITOR: I am a senior who likes to Housing itself is always a need and 2020 national run even though
projects, and city officials need to look at play some basketball. I went to the Boys many aspects are considered non-nego- he’s not running for anything
developers of these proposed projects as and Girls Club next to our senior center tiable. just now.
partners, not as cash cows to extort. at Lucchessi Park early one morning Transportation is another area that The most likely future pres-
Walkable development, affordable and noticed that they have a large multi- can be minimized to some extent, but idential contenders among the
housing and bike paths are sensible ideals hoop basketball court. people are very reluctant to give up the current hopefuls for governor
long embraced by a large majority of Pet- It was empty and not in use. I asked freedom of personal travel. Even if they and the Senate are Lt. Gov.
alumans and codified in the General Plan. one of the staff members if I can shoot Gavin Newsom, former Los
City officials presiding over development some hoops and he said adults and se- See Letters, A7 Angeles Mayor Antonio Villara-
proposals need to remember this, and do
what they can to achieve those goals. See Candidates, A7


St., Petaluma 94952. ci.petaluma.ca.us,
778-4345. Poll: Fix downtown trestle for pedestrian use
David Glass, mayor, 778-4345 majority of respondents to an on-
Chris Albertson, 778-4525 line Argus-Courier poll said that ■ “Cheapest thing would be to repair LAST WEEK’S POLL:
Teresa Barrett, 953-0846 Petaluma should repair the down- it. It’s one of the biggest eye sores in PETALUMA TRESTLE
Dave King, 778-4552 town train trestle for use as a pedestrian bucolic Petaluma. Not really our best What should be done with the downtown
Mike Healy, 762-8768 promenade. tourist attraction.” trestle? Here are the results:
Gabe Kearney, 778-4521 Here are some comments:
Kathy Miller, 778-4524 Ped. use 267 76.7%
■ “Don’t demolish it. The trestle is
PETALUMA SCHOOL BOARD: 200 ■ “Allow residents and tourists to part of Petaluma history. Repairing it as Trolley use 39 11.2%
Douglas St., Petaluma 94952. petalumaci- experience our beautiful city as it was a pedestrian promenade is the most cost Demolish it 32 9.2%
tyschools.org, 778-4604. meant to be. Encourage less four- effective solution, and will preserve that Do nothing 10 2.8%
Mike Baddeley, 778-6313 wheeled traffic and more pedestrian important part of the culture of Petalu-
Sheri Chlebowski, 925-876-5816 gathering areas.” ma.”
Frank Lynch, 981-7837 THIS WEEK’S QUESTION
Ellen Webster, 778-4604 ■ “A pedestrian promenade would ■ “First repair it so it’s walkable and ■ What should the Petaluma Health Care
Phoebe Ellis, 769-8849 add a strong element of connecting the bikeable, but keep the option open for a District do with Petaluma Valley Hospital? To
heart of Petaluma to the river. Towns trolley line if/when grant funds become participate in this week’s online poll, go to
PETALUMA HEALTH CARE DISTRICT don’t just spring up anywhere. All the available.”
BOARD: 1425 N. McDowell Blvd. Suite petaluma360.com.
good towns were informed and formed
103, Petaluma 94954, phcd.org, 285-2143, out of the lay of the land.” ■ “I believe that Petaluma has ■ To see results of previous online polls and
Fax: 285-2277. Email: scochrane@phcd.org more pressing problems than the train read comments, visit pulse-of-petaluma.
Elece Hempel ■ “As it stands now, the trestle is a trestle. How about spending some time blogs.petaluma360.com.
Becky Monday haven for rats.” and money to fix our terrible pot hole
Josephine Thornton streets.” Pulse of Petaluma poll results reflect senti-
Fran Adams ■ “A walking promenade would be a ments of persons participating in the online
Joe Stern fantastic feature to enhance the beauty of poll the previous week.
our town. ”

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