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a. In pairs, answer the questions.

1. Are you a talkative or a quite person?

I’m a quiet person, I love to enjoy more of the here and now, I’m one of the people
who know where they go and what they want, following the rhythm of things. I’m
very observant, intuitive and very perceptive.

2. Who is ...?
a) Who is the most talkative person in your family?

In my family, the most talkative person is my uncle. He is a person who talks

uncontrollably without thinking about what they are going to say.

b) Who is the most talkative person you know?

I do not know a talkative person, only in my family, the most talkative is my

uncle, he is always talking at all times, he always brings up a topic of

3. Do you think that, generally speaking, women are more talkative than men?

Yes, I do. When a woman begins to tell or express herself of something, the man
begins to tremble because a woman remembers even the most insignificant detail,
she remembers moments and parts with unusual precision streets, people, dates.

4. What topics do …?
a) What topics do men talk about more than women?

Men often talk a lot about work issues or a sport they have in common such as
football. When they talk about these issues, they usually talk much more than

b) What topics do women talk about more than men?

Women talk about our relationships, inspiring people, decoration, series, work,
our frustrations but also desires and aspirations, crafts and, of course, feelings.
But in the end, the best thing about getting together with our friends is that we
laugh a lot.
b. Look at the definition of stereotype. Then A read the article Men talk just as
much as women and B read the article Gossip with the girls? Find answers no
questions 1 – 4.
1. What was the stereotype that the researchers wanted to investigate?

The stereotype that the researchers wanted to investigate is “that women talk more
than men may not be true”.

2. Where was the research done?

The research was done at the University of Arizona.

3. How was the research done?

In the study, hundreds of university students were fitted with recorders and the
total number of words they used during the day was then counted.

4. What did the research show?

The research showed that women speak about 16,000 words a day and men speak
only slightly fewer. In fact, the four most talkative people in the study were all men.

c. In pairs, tell each other about your article, using questions 1 – 4 to help you.
d. Now read both articles again and look at the highlighted words and phrases,
which are commonly used in articles about research. Match them with
definition 1 – 10.
1. In fact, adverb really
2. Reduce, verb make less
3. Range from, usually do it
4. Slightly, adverb a little bit
5. Whereas, linking word used to connect or contrast two facts
6. Claimed, verb say that something is true
7. According to, as said or shown by somebody
8. Tend to, verb include several different things in addition to the ones mentioned
9. Almost, adverb nearly
10. Been skeptical of, not completely believed, doubted
e. Which of the two pieces of research do you think is …?
1. More credible

I think the first one is more credible than the second because that issue has always
been a stereotype in society, and now with that research it can define the opposite.

2. More important

I think the first is more important than the second because the first issue has always
had a great controversy in society, and with this research you can base each human
sex on the truth about this stereotype.

3. More surprising

I think the second is more surprising than the first.


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