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L.L.I MANUEL JESUS CARRILLO EK VALOR 40 % FECHA______________________________

NOMBRE: _______________________________________________________________________

1. Complete the sentences in the box below with the present simple or present continuous
form of the verbs in brackets.

When he was young, Marco's parents had a restaurant. He loved helping in the kitchen and
by the age of 12 he was a pretty good cook. Now, Marco (1) ________ (want) to be a chef -
a famous chef. But he (2) ___________ (know) it is a hard job. At the moment, Marco (3)
________________ (train) to be a chef in college. To get experience , (and a little money!)
he (4) ___________________ (work) in a restaurant at night. He (5) ________________ (not
do) interesting jobs at the moment: he (6) ______________(wash) dishes and
(7)_________________ (prepare) things for the chef every day. How (8) ____________ he
(feel) about it? 'It's only temporary, he says. 'And it's all part of the training.' 'The best cook
I know is my mother,' Marco says. 'So I (9) _____________ (write) down all her secrets little
by little. Maybe one day I'll write a book. But at the moment I (10) ____________ just
(work)______________ hard and (10) _________________ (learn) as much as I can.'

2. You interviewed Marco. Write questions for Marco's answers. Use the present simple or
the present continuous.

11. ______________________________________the job?

Well, I know it´s hard.
12. __________________________________________?
A famous chef.
13 _________________________________________________ in college?
I'm training to be a chef.
14. ______________________________________________ at the moment?
In a restaurant.
15. __________________________________________________________?
I wash dishes and help the chef.
16. __________________________________________________________?
Because she is the best cook I know!
17. __________________________________________________?
No, I'm not. But, who knows? Maybe one day I will write one
3 Look at these sentences about Jodie and write past if they refer to something that happened
in the past, present if they refer to a situation in the present, or future if they refer to the
18. Last year I went to France for a year. ____________
19. Next year I'm going to go to Russia to learn Russian___________
20. At the moment I'm studying French at night school. ___________
21. My family and I are going to buy a new house this year__________
22. I've never been to Russia before. ______________
23. My friends work in that school over there. _______________
24 I'm not going to be a teacher, I'm going to be a translator_________________
4 Read the conversation and complete it with the correct form of going to.

LAURA: So, what (25)________________________________(do) this weekend, Frank?

FRANK: Well, (26) ___________________________________(go) to a party on Saturday.
LAURA: Great! Whose party?
FRANK: My uncle John (27)_______________________________ (get) married on
Saturday and he and his wife (28)___________________________(have) a big reception in
the evening.
LAURA: (29)_________________________________ (take) anyone with you?
FRANK: No, (30)_____________________________________ (take) anyone.
FRANK: What (31) ______________________________(do) on Saturday?
LAURA: Nothing. (32 ) ________________________(do) anything.

5. Write the participles of the following verbs

33. Write________________ 34 Do_________________ 35. Forget ______________
37. Keep ________________ 38. Choose_____________ 39. Sing _______________
6. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. PAST SIMPLE
40. Oh no! My bag ____________________(go)! I (leave) it here a minute ago

41. Petra! I _______________________(not recognise) you!____________ you ___________(lose)


42. You_______________________ (live) in Paris since 2001.

43. Yes, I __________________ (be) on a diet for the last few weeks.

44. Can you help me with my English? I _________________________(forget) when to use the past
simple, and when to use the present perfect.

7. Make sentences with following words in the following modes IN PRESENT PERFECT


45.______________________________________________________________ (POSITIVE)


46. _______________________________________________________________(NEGATIVE)


47. ______________________________________________________________(INTERROGATIVE)


48. _____________________________________________________________(NEGATIVE)


49. _____________________________________________________________(POSITIVE)


50. ______________________________________________________________(NEGATIVE)

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