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Supported Opinion Paragraph

Ravi Patel 3/22/2017

The preeminent eco zone in Canada is indisputably the Pacific Maritime. The unique
maritime climate, excellent forests, and conspicuous mountains all add up to be prominent
distinctive features of the eco zone. Ocean currents coming from the Pacific Ocean provide cool
and moist climate throughout the maritime all year long. Since temperatures rarely drop below
zero, many immigrants tend to reside in coastal cities leading towards exceptionally exorbitant
housing rates. The cool climate is certainly a major factor towards why Vancouver has one of the
fastest growing economies in Canada. Excellent climate also allows for great deciduous forests
to dominate the whole eco zone with most of the western coastal land being covered in Douglas-
fir and alder trees, some of the tallest and oldest trees in the country. These skyscraping trees
make up for a great industry, with 145 000 jobs in BC depending on a healthy forest; The forest
industry also adds 12 billion to the annual provincial GDP. However, the greatest feature in this
eco zone must be the striking coastal mountains spreading across the region. The young
mountains, which are part of the Western Cordillera landform region rise steeply from beautiful
fjords along with the metamorphic and sedimentary rock in the mountains being very rich in coal
and natural gases. Despite all these features, its unambiguously sensational how several different
landforms can spread throughout this small eco zone, whether it being the great coastal
mountains or the excellent deciduous forests from great climate. In conclusion, all the
tantamount features of the Pacific maritime devote to it being the optimum eco zone in Canada!

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