How Brass Players Do It PDF

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How Brass Players loit. Abook of lip building and flexibility exercises fiyuonnniiienn FOREWORD I have attempted to write collection of supplementary exercises concentrating on the generally overlooked area of study — lip building and lip Mexibitity It includes advice on the essential physical aspects of brass technique, relating specifically to breathing, resistance and the formation of the embouchure, For the beginner there is positive instruction on establishing a good approach, for the player in difficulties a basis for rehabilitation is provided and for those with a sound embouchure I have included many lip building exercises to develop range, stamina and lip ‘teasers’ to develop flexibility. This collection is not a magic formula guaranteed to transform an embouchure overnight, but rather a concise assemblage of my observations and exercises arrived at and written during years of intensive teaching and research. If, having read the text, you recognize an apparent embouchure fault do not attempt to rectify it at once. This invariably prevents a player from performing for some time, leading to frustration and anxiety, symptoms more detrimental than the original physical defect. Changes should be made gradually, working towards the ideal over a period of months. In fact ‘make haste slowly” is the best advice one can proffer generally, but particularly in relation to lip building exercises when developing range, High notes, if they are to be produced correctly, are dependant on gradual muscular de- velopment. ‘Towarils the end of the book I have incorporated studies requiring lip flexibility, fingering dexterity and a facile tonque action. They are demanding but the additional range, flexibility, stamina and confidence gained through successful application of these exercises more than compensate for the hours of labour. John Ridgeon September, 1975 JOHN RIDGEON John Ridgeon was born i 1944, He studied trumpet at the Royal Barking in Academy of Music during which time he developed @ particular interest in the physical aspects of brass playing. His work as a player, teacher and researcher in this field has led to the publication of 4 series of books which have become standard works in the brass library. His lecture tours have taken him to Austfalia, Japan and the USA in addi- tion to his schedule in Britain, Europe and Scandinavia. One of the most challenging aspects of his career is consultation work with professional brass players. This brings together his three main areas of inter- est; musie, teaching and physiology of brass play In education John Ridgeon has had appointments as Supervising Brass Teacher for the London Borough of Redbridge, Instrumental Organiser for the London Borough of Barnet and Senior Music Adviser for Leicester- shire. He established and directed the Instrumental Teaching Course at the Guildhall School of Musie and Drama and was Chairman of the National Association of Brass ‘Teachers in Edu- cation. In 1986 he organised the annual conference of the International Trum- pet Guild which brought to London some of the world's finest players and teachers of trumpet. Since 1986 John Ridgeon has devoted his time inereas- ingly to the training of professional ‘musicians in working in education and the wider community, establishing Access to Music which has rapidly become accepted as a leading organisa- tion in this field. In 1991 he was made an Associate of the Royal Academy of Musie for outstanding Serviees to music John Ridgeon wurde 1944 in Barking goboren. Er studierte Trompete an der Royal Academy of Music. Dabei galt sein besonderes Interesse den physischen Problemen beim Spiclen von Blech- blasinstrumenten. Si Gebiet fidhrte zur Veréffentlichung ine Taitigheit als ler. Lehrer und Forscher auf diesem einer Reihe von Bichem, die au Standardwerken der Literatur tber Blechbliser geworden sind. Neben seiner Lehrtitigkeit in Europa haben ihn seine Vorlesungen auch nach Australien, Japan und in die Verein- igten Staaten gefuhrt Einer der bemerkenswertesten Aspekte seiner Karriere t professionellen Blechblasern Hier kommen seine drei wichtigste Interessengebiete zusammen: die Musik, das Unterrichten und die Physiologie des Spiclens von Blechblasinstrumenten. Als Lehrer warde John Ridgeon berufen zum Supervising Brass Teacher for the London Borough of Redbridge, zum Instrumental Organiser for the London Borough of Bamet und zum Senior Music Adviser fiir Leicestershire. Ex griindete und leitete den Instrumental Teaching Course an der Guildhall Schoo! of Music and Drama, und er war Chair- der Gedankenaus- tausch man der National Association of Brass ‘Teachers in Education. 1986 org: sierte cr die jihrliche Zusammenkunft der International Trumpet Guild, die ¢ der besten Trompeter und Welt in London versammelte. Seit seiner Berufung als ‘Trompetenlehrer General Adviser in Leicestershire konzentriert sich seine Arbeit vor allem auf die Herausgabe einer maligeblichen und vielseitigen Musikzeitschrift fiir Schiller, die eine Vielzahl von Unter- riehts- und Lermmethoden jeter. 1991 wurde er zum Mitglied der Royal Academy of. Musi herausragenden Leistungen auf dem Gebiet der Musik. emannt fiir seine John Ridgeon est né & Barking en 1944, a étudié la trompette a “The Royal Academy of Music” (L’Académie Royale de Musique). Cest a cette période qu'il a commencé @ s‘intéresser tout particuliérement au processus physique. La publication d'une série de livres, aujourd'hui considérés comme ouvrages de référence pour le jouour de enivees, résulte de son travail comme joueur, professeur et chercheur. En tant que conférencier, il parcourt non seulement la Grande Bretagne, Europe et la Seandinavie mais aus le Japon et les Etats Son travail de conseiller auprés de joueurs de cuivres professionels est lun ‘des aspects les plus exaltants de sa carriére, Ce travail de consultation lui permet de se concentrer sur ses trois centres dlintéret_préférés a savoir la musique, Tenseignement et Ie processus physiologique. Au cours de se carrire dans Tenseignement. John Ridgeon a occupé plusieurs fontions telles que professeur responsable pour Tenseignement des cuivres du district de Redbridge (Londres), organisateurinstrumentaliste pour le district de Barnet (Londres) et principal conseiller musical pour Ia région du Leicestershire, Il a eréé et dirigé le cours d'enseignement de musique instrumentale pour I'Ecole dArts et Musique de Guildhall, et fat président de I'Associntion Nationale des Professeurs de Cuivres de Education Nationale. En 1986, il organisa Ia conférence annuelle de L'Association Internationale de Trompette qui réunit plusieurs des meilleurs joueurs et professeurs de trompette du monde. Depuis sa nomi- nation comme principal conseller mu- sical pour la région dia Leicestershire, i Sattache tout particuligrement @ pro- ‘curer un programme musical scolaire approprié et utile & tous les étudiants, tout enexplorantlesdifférentes méthodes denseignement. En 1091, ila été fait Membre Associ de “The Royal Academy of Music” en recon naissance de ses services exceptionnels dans le domaine de la musique.

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