Problem 01 - Right Spherical Triangle: Click Here To Show or Hide The Solution

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9/23/2018 Problem 01 | Right Spherical Triangle | Spherical Trigonometry Review

Problem 01 | Right Spherical Triangle

Solve for the spherical triangle whose parts are a = 73°, b = 62°, and C = 90°.

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Encircled the given parts for easy reference

To solve for angle A, use SIN-TAAD rule for b

sin b = tan Ā tan a sinb=tanA¯ tana
sin 62∘ = tan(90∘ − A) tan 73∘ sin62∘=tan(90∘−A) tan73∘
sin 62∘
tan(90∘ − A) = tan(90∘−A)=sin62∘tan73∘
tan 73∘
90∘ − A = 15.11 ∘ 90∘−A=15.11∘
A = 74.89∘ A=74.89∘ answer

To solve for side c, use SIN-COOP rule for c̄ c¯

sin c̄ = cos a cos b sinc¯=cosa cosb
sin(90∘ − c) = cos 73∘ cos 62∘ sin(90∘−c)=cos73∘ cos62∘
90∘ − c = 7.89 ∘ 90∘−c=7.89∘
c = 82.11 ∘ c=82.11∘ answer

To solve for angle B, use SIN-TAAD rule for a

sin a = tan b tan B̄ sina=tanb tanB¯
sin 73∘ = tan 62∘ tan(90∘ − B) sin73∘=tan62∘ tan(90∘−B)
∘ sin 73∘
tan(90 − B) = tan(90∘−B)=sin73∘tan62∘
tan 62∘
90∘ − B = 26.95∘ 90∘−B=26.95∘ 1/2
9/23/2018 Problem 01 | Right Spherical Triangle | Spherical Trigonometry Review

B = 63.05∘ B=63.05∘ answer 2/2

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