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CODE OF PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY between free expression and the integrity of the system

of administering justice.
Gonzalez, apart from being a lawyer and an officer of the
court, is also a Special Prosecutor who owes duties of
Canon 1 Promote and Respect Law and Legal
fidelity and respect to the Republic and to the Supreme
Court as the embodiment and the repository of the judicial
power in the government of the Republic. The
responsibility of Gonzalez to uphold the dignity and
authority of the Supreme Court and not to promote
distrust in the administration of justice is heavier than
Zaldivar v. Gonzales, 166 SCRA 316 (1988)
that of a private practicing lawyer.
166 SCRA 316 – Legal Ethics – Contemptuous Language
– Duty of a Lawyer Gonzalez is also entitled to criticize the rulings of the court
but his criticisms must be bona fide. In the case at bar,
Zaldivar was the governor of Antique. He was charged
his statements, particularly the one where he alleged that
before the Sandiganbayan for violations of the Anti-Graft
members of the Supreme Court approached him, are of
and Corrupt Practices Act. Gonzales was the then
no relation to the Zaldivar case.
Tanodbayan who was investigating the case. Zaldivar
then filed with the Supreme Court a petition for Certiorari, The Supreme Court suspended Gonzalez indefinitely from
Prohibition and Mandamus assailing the authority of the the practice of law.
Tanodbayan to investigate graft cases under the 1987
Constitution. The Supreme Court, acting on the petition
issued a Cease and Desist Order against Gonzalez Laquindamum v. Quintana, AC No. 7036, June 29,
directing him to temporarily restrain from investigating 2009;
and filing informations against Zaldivar. FACTS:

Gonzales however proceeded with the investigation and Complainant:

he filed criminal informations against Zaldivar. Gonzalez  An administrative case was filed by Judge
even had a newspaper interview where he proudly claims Laquindanum of the Regional Trial Court of
that he scored one on the Supreme Court; that the Midsayap, Cotabato against Atty Quintana,
Supreme Court’s issuance of the TRO is a manifestation requesting that proper disciplinary action should
theta the “rich and influential persons get favorable be imposed on the latter for the following
actions from the Supreme Court, [while] it is difficult for reasons:
an ordinary litigant to get his petition to be given due (1) he performed notarial functions in
course”. Midsayap Cotabato, which is beyond
the territorial jurisdiction of the
Zaldivar then filed a Motion for Contempt against
commissioning court that issued his
Gonzalez. The Supreme Court then ordered Gonzalez to
notarial commission which is within
explain his side. Gonzalez stated that the statements in
Cotabato City and the Province of
the newspapers were true; that he was only exercising his
Maguindanao only;
freedom of speech; that he is entitled to criticize the
o AM No. 03-8-02-SC states
rulings of the Court, to point out where he feels the Court
that executive judges are
may have lapsed into error. He also said, even attaching
required to closely monitor
notes, that not less than six justices of the Supreme Court
the activities of notaries
have approached him to ask him to “go slow” on Zaldivar
public within the territorial
and to not embarrass the Supreme Court.
bounds of their jurisdiction
ISSUE: Whether or not Gonzalez is guilty of contempt. and to see to it that notaries
public shall not extend
HELD: Yes. The statements made by respondent
notarial functions beyond the
Gonzalez clearly constitute contempt and call for the
limits of their authority.
exercise of the disciplinary authority of the Supreme
o Evidences: Notarized the
Court. His statements necessarily imply that the justices
Affidavit of Loss ATM Card
of the Supreme Court betrayed their oath of office. Such
and Affidavit of Loss of
statements constitute the grossest kind of disrespect for
Driver’s License in Midsayap,
the Supreme Court. Such statements very clearly debase
and degrade the Supreme Court and, through the Court,
o Respondent alleged that he
the entire system of administration of justice in the
was singled out by Judge
Laquindanum when he filed
Gonzalez is entitled to the constitutional guarantee of free for notarial commission
speech. What Gonzalez seems unaware of is that freedom before the RTC in Midsayap,
of speech and of expression, like all constitutional Cotabato as he was
freedoms, is not absolute and that freedom of expression humiliated (I.e. disseminated
needs on occasion to be adjusted to and accommodated information) and was asked
with the requirements of equally important public for much more requirements
interests. One of these fundamental public interests is the (i.e. payment to be a
maintenance of the integrity and orderly functioning of member of the IBP of
the administration of justice. There is no antinomy Kidapawan City) compared
to other lawyers; thus, he
withdrew his petition and profession including notarial acts in the entire
chose to be affiliated with Philippines?
the IBP of Cotabato City. (2) Whether or not Atty Quintana can perform
o Complainant alleged that she notarial acts with an expired commission?
did not act upon such (3) Whether or not Atty Quintana can pass the
petition because he failed to blame to his wife for her unauthorized practice of
pay his IBP dues which is a law- notarizing documents?
requirement. (4) Whether or not Atty Quintana can notarize
(2) he performed notarial acts with an documents despite one of the signatories being
expired commission; dead?
o Atty Quintana continued to
notarize documents in 2006 RULING:
and 2007 even if his
commission as notary public OBC ruling
within Cotabato City and the
Province of Maguindanao In its Report and Recommendation, the OBC
expired in December 31, recommended that Atty. Quintana be disqualified from
2005. being appointed as a notary public for two (2) years;
(3) he let his wife do notarial acts in his and that if his notarial commission still exists, the same
absence; should be revoked for two (2) years. The OBC found the
o Atty Quintana alleged that defenses and arguments raised by Atty. Quintana to be
those documents notarized without merit,
by his wife within Midsayap,
Cotabato was an (1) NO- Although lawyers in good standing are
entrapment operation by allowed to engage in the practice of law in the
Judge Laquindanum, Philippines, not every lawyer even in good
knowing that his wife was standing can perform notarial functions without
not a lawyer. having been commissioned as notary public as
(4) he notarized a document wherein provided for under Section 11 of the 2004 Rules
one of the signatories therein on Notarial Practice. And it is also based on the
already passed away that time. discretion of the commissioning court whether
o Evidence: Deed of Donation lawyer should be issued notarial practice or not.
notarized by Atty Quintana
in 2004 when the donor’s  Section 11 of the 2004 Rules on Notarial Practice
wife, which was one of the states that:
signatories, died in 2003. Jurisdiction and Term A
Respondent: person commissioned as
(1) He maintained that he did not act outside notary public may perform
the province of Cotabato since Midsayap, notarial acts in any place
Cotabato, where he practices his legal within the territorial
profession and subscribes documents, is part jurisdiction of the
of the province of Cotabato commissioning court for a
(2) Atty. Quintana alleged that he filed a petition period of two (2) years
for notarial commission before Branch 18, commencing the first day of
Regional Trial Court, Midsayap, Cotabato. January of the year in which
However, the same was not acted upon by the commissioning court is
Judge Laquindanum for three weeks made, unless earlier revoked
(3) He also denied the he authorized his wife to [or] the notary public has
notarize documents. According to him, he resigned under these Rules
slapped his wife and told her to stop doing it and the Rules of Court.
as it would ruin his profession|.
(4) Atty. Quintana lamented that he was singled  Aside from violating Section 11
out by Judge Laquindanum, because the of the 2004 Rules on Notarial
latter immediately issued notarial Pratice, this also partakes of
commissions to other lawyers without asking malpractice of law and
for so many requirements||| falsification as stated in Rule
(5) Atty. Quintana asked for forgiveness for 1.01 of the Code of Professional
what he had done and promised not to Responsibility which talks about
repeat the same. He also asked that he be the lawyers oath which
given another chance and not be divested unconditionally requires lawyers
of his privilege to notarize, as it was the not to do or declare any
only bread and butter of his family. falsehood.

ISSUES:  Thus, respondent may perform

(1) Whether or not Atty Quintana, being a lawyer in his notarial acts only within the
good standing, has the right to practice his territorial jurisdiction of the
commissioning court of Cotabato
City and the Province of lessen the penalty. It should be reminded that a notarial
Maguindanao and not in commission should not be treated as money-making but
Midsayap or Kabacan which is a privilege to perform duties to protect public interest
part of Cotabato Province located such that only those qualified may act as such since
in North Cotabato or anywhere notarizing converts a private document into a public one
beyond. admissible in evidence without further proof of
(2) NO- Notarizing documents with an expired
commission is a violation of the lawyers oath to  Atty Nestor Q. Quintana is being revoked and
obey the laws, more specifically, the 2004 Rules disqualified from being commissioned as a notary public
on Notarial Practice. Since the public is deceived for a period of two (2) years. He is also suspended from
into believing that he has been duly the practice of law for six (6) months.
commissioned, it also amounts to indulging in
deliberate falsehood, which the lawyer's oath No Unlawful, Dishonest, Immoral, Deceitful
proscribes as stated in the Code of Professional Conduct - Rule 1.01; Rules of Court
responsibility Rule 1.01. Rule 1.01 - A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful,
dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct.
(3) NO- Respondent cannot take refuge in claiming
that he did not authorize his wife to notarize Rule 138, S21;
thus it was his wife's act. A person who is Section 21. Authority of attorney to appear. — an
commissioned as a notary public must not only attorney is presumed to be properly authorized to
take full responsibility for all the entries in his represent any cause in which he appears, and no written
notarial register , but also take personally power of attorney is required to authorize him to appear
accountability for the activities in his office and in court for his client, but the presiding judge may, on
acts of his personnel including his wife who is his motion of either party and on reasonable grounds therefor
secretary. being shown, require any attorney who assumes the right
to appear in a case to produce or prove the authority
 Respondent therefore is guilty of violating Canon under which he appears, and to disclose, whenever
9 of the Code of Professional Responsibility, pertinent to any issue, the name of the person who
which requires lawyers not to directly or employed him, and may thereupon make such order as
indirectly assist in the unauthorized practice of justice requires. An attorneys wilfully appear in court for
law. a person without being employed, unless by leave of the
court, may be punished for contempt as an officer of the
 In the case of Lingan v. Calubaquib et al., Adm. court who has misbehaved in his official transactions.
Case No. 5377, June 15, 2006 the Court held,
thus: A notary public is personally Ui v. Bonifacio, 333 SCRA 38 (2000);
accountable for all entries in his notarial Facts: A complaint for disbarment was filed by the
register; He cannot relieve himself of this complainant, Leslie Ui against respondent Atty. Iris
responsibility by passing the buck to their Bonifacio before the Commission on Bar Discipline of the
(sic) secretaries IBP on the grounds of immorality, for carrying on an illicit
relationship with the complainant’s husband, Carlos Ui. It
(4) NO- Sec. 2, (b), Rule IV of the 2004 Rules on is respondent’s contention that her relationship with
Notarial Practice provides, thus: A person Carlos Ui is not illicit because they were married abroad
shall not perform a notarial act if the and that after June 1998 when respondent discovered
person involved as signatory to the Carlos Ui’s true civil status, she cut off all her ties with
instrument or document (1) is not in the him.
notarys presence personally at the time of
the notarization; and (2) is not personally Issue: Did the respondent conduct herself in an immoral
known to the notary public through manner for which she deserves to be barred from the
competent evidence of identity as defined practice of law?
by these Rules.
Held: NO. The practice of law is a privilege. A bar
 In failing to determine the presence and candidate does not have the right to enjoy the practice of
qualifications of the affiants, respondent only the legal profession simply by passing the bar
shows his gross negligence and ignorance of the examinations. It is a privilege that can be revoked,
provisions of the 2004 Rules on Notarial Practice. subject to the mandate of due process, once a lawyer
violates his oath and the dictates of legal ethics. If good
The Supreme Court adopts the findings with adjustments moral character is a sine qua non for admission to the bar,
to the penalty then the continued possession of good moral character is
also requisite for retaining membership in the legal
 Atty. Quintana fell short of his obligation under Canon profession.
7 of the Code of Professional Responsibility, which
directs every lawyer to uphold at all times the integrity Membership in the bar may be terminated when a
and dignity of the legal profession lawyer ceases to have good moral character. A lawyer
may be disbarred for “grossly immoral conduct or by
 Although Atty Quintana relies on his notarial reason of his conviction of a crime involving moral
commission as his sole source of income, this will not
turpitude”. A member of the bar should have moral gave birth to a baby girl and wrote the name of the
integrity in addition to professional probity. respondent as the father in the certificate of live birth.

Circumstances existed which should have aroused Petitioner filed a petition for annulment of marriage to
respondent’s suspicion that something was amiss in her Irene and a criminal complaint for adultery against
relationship with Ui, and moved her to ask probing respondent and Irene.
questions. Respondent was imprudent in managing her
personal affairs. However, the fact remains that her Petitioner also filed a complaint for disbarment before the
relationship with Carlos Ui, clothed as it was with what IBP-CBD on the ground of gross immoral conduct and
respondent believed was a valid marriage, cannot be unmitigated violation of the lawyer's oath which was
considered as an immoral. For immorality connotes dismissed by the IBP Board of Governors due to lack of
conduct that shows indifference to the moral norms of merit.
society and to opinion of good and respectable member
of the community. Moreover, for such conduct to warrant Hence, the petition of complaint before the Supreme
disciplinary action, the same must be grossly immoral, Court.
that is it must be so corrupt and false as to constitute a
criminal act or so unprincipled as to be reprehensible to a Issue:
high degree.
Would an illicit affair between a married lawyer and a
A member of the Bar and officer of the court is married woman constitute gross immoral conduct?
not only required to refrain from adulterous
relationships . . . but must also so behave himself as to Ruling:
avoid scandalizing the public by creating the belief that he
is flouting those moral standards. Whether a lawyer's sexual congress with a woman not his
wife or without the benefit of marriage should be
characterized as 'grossly immoral conduct' depends on
the surrounding circumstances." The case at bar involves
Respondents act of immediately distancing herself from a relationship between a married lawyer and a married
Carlos Ui upon discovering his true civil status belies just woman who is not his wife. It is immaterial whether the
that alleged moral indifference and proves that she had affair was carried out discreetly.
no intention of flaunting the law and the high moral
standard of the legal profession. Sexual relations outside marriage is considered
disgraceful and immoral as it manifests deliberate
Figueroa v. Barranco, 276 SCRA 445 (1997); disregard of the sanctity of marriage and the marital vows
Facts: protected by the Constitution and affirmed by our laws.
Simeon Barranco, petitioner, was a bar exam passer. (Vitug v. Rongcal)
However, before he could take his oath, Patricia Figueroa,
respondent, petitioned that respondent be denied Respondent has been carrying on an illicit affair with a
admission. Her complaint was that respondent and she married woman, a grossly immoral conduct and indicative
had been sweethearts, a child of them was born out of of an extremely low regard for the fundamental ethics of
wedlock, and that respondent did not fulfill his repeated his profession. This detestable behavior renders him
promises to marry. Furthermore, respondent married and regrettably unfit and undeserving of the treasured honor
settled with another woman. Complainant further claimed and privileges which his license confers upon him. (Tucay
that respondent forced complainant into sexual relations v. Atty. Tucay)
with him.
Respondent in fact also violated the lawyer's oath he took
Issue: before admission to practice law.
Are the charges set against the respondent enough to
disbar him from taking the lawyer’s oath? Respondent admittedly is aware of Section 2 of Article XV
(The Family) of the Constitution reading: Section 2.
Ruling: Marriage, as an inviolable social institution, is the
No, the charges required to constitute a disbarment not foundation of the family and shall be protected by the
only be immoral, but grossly immoral. In the case at State.
hand, the allegation on respondent merely suggest a
doubtful moral character. Furthermore, complainant In this connection, the Family Code (Executive Order No.
continued to see respondent for a while, even after giving 209), which echoes this constitutional provision, obligates
birth to the child, thus suggesting that the sexual relations the husband and the wife "to live together, observe
were consensual and not forced. mutual love, respect and fidelity, and render mutual help
and support."
Guevarra v. Eala, 529 SCRA 1 (2007);
Facts: Furthermore, respondent violated Rule 1.01 of Canon 1 of
the Code of Professional Responsibility which proscribes a
Wife of petitioner, Irene Moje was having an illicit affair lawyer from engaging in "unlawful, dishonest, immoral or
with the respondent. After leaving the conjugal home, deceitful conduct," and Rule 7.03 of Canon 7 of the same
petitioner found out that Irene and respondent was living Code which proscribes a lawyer from engaging in any
together in a residential house few blocks away from the "conduct that adversely reflects on his fitness to practice
church they were married. Few months thereafter, Irene law."
as to be reprehensible to a high degree. On sexual relation
WHEREFORE, Petition is GRANTED. Respondent, Atty. and on respondent’s subsequent marriage, by his own
Jose Emmanuel M. Eala, is DISBARRED for grossly admission, respondent is obviously guilty of immorality in
immoral conduct, violation of his oath of office, and violation of Rule 1.01 of the Code which states that a
violation of Canon 1, Rule 1.01 and Canon 7, Rule 7.03 of lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral
the Code of Professional Responsibility. or deceitful conduct. The Court find credence in
respondent's assertion that it was impossible for her not
Vitug v. Roncal, 501 SCRA 166 (2006) to have known of his subsisting marriage, complainant’s
FACTS: Catherine Joie P. Vitug sought the service of allegations of deceit were not established by clear
respondent Atty. Diosdado M. Rongcal who was preponderant evidence required in disbarment cases.
introduced to her by her former classmate. Complainant
asked Atty. Rongcal to represent her in the support case (2) NO. It was not unlawful for respondent to assist his
she was going to file against her former lover, Arnulfo client in entering into a settlement with Aquino after
Aquino. Soon after, herein complainant and respondent explaining all available options to her. The law encourages
started having sexual relationship with each other. the amicable settlement not only of pending cases but
According to Vitug, respondent also gave her sweet also of disputes which might otherwise be filed in court.
inducements such as the promise of a job, financial Rule 1.04, Canon 1 of the Code of Professional
security for her daughter, and his services as counsel for Responsibility states that: A lawyer shall encourage his
the prospective claim for support against Aquino. clients to avoid, end or settle a controversy if it will admit
of a fair settlement. As complainant voluntarily and
On 9 February 2001, respondent allegedly convinced intelligently agreed to a settlement with Aquino, she
complainant to sign an Affidavit of Disclaimer which the cannot later blame her counsel when she experiences a
latter signed without reading the said affidavit. On 14 change of heart. Suspicion, no matter how strong, is not
February 2001, respondent allegedly advised complainant enough in the absence of contrary evidence, what will
that Aquino gave him P150,000.00 cash and P58,000.00 prevail is the presumption that the respondent has
in two (2) postdated checks to answer for the medical regularly performed his duty in accordance with his oath.
expenses of her daughter. Instead of turning them over
to her, respondent handed her his personal check in the WHEREFORE, premises considered, this Court finds Atty.
amount of P150,000.00 and promised to give her the Diosdado M. Rongcal GUILTY of immorality and impose on
balance of P58,000.00 soon thereafter. However, him a FINE of P15,000.00 with a stern warning that a
sometime in April or May 2001, respondent informed her repetition of the same or similar acts in the future will be
that he could not give her the said amount because he dealt with more severely.
used it for his political campaign as he was then running
for the position of Provincial Board Member of the 2nd The charge of misappropriation of funds of the client is
District of Pampanga REMANDED to the IBP for further investigation, report and
Complainant argues that respondent's acts constitute a recommendation within ninety (90) days from receipt of
violation of his oath as a lawyer. She filed an this Decision.
administrative case against Rongcal which was referred to
the Integrated Bar of the Philippines. It was then No Counseling to Defy Law - Rule 1.02;
recommended that respondent be suspended from the Rule 1.02 - A lawyer shall not counsel or abet activities
practice of law for six (6) months and that he be ordered aimed at defiance of the law or at lessening confidence in
to return to complainant the amount of P58,000.00 within the legal system.
two months. The same was approved by the IBP Board of
Governors. Respondent then filed a Motion for Estrada v. Sandiganbayan, 416 SCRA 465 (2003);
Reconsideration with Motion to Set Case for Clarificatory Facts:
Questioning with the IBP and a Motion to Reopen/Remand -Attorney Alan F. Paguia, as counsel for Estrada, averred
Case for Clarificatory Questioning with the Supreme that the respondent justices have violated Rule 5.10 of
Court. the Code of Judicial Conduct by attending the ‘EDSA 2
Rally’ and by authorizing the assumption of Vice-President
ISSUES: Gloria Macapagal Arroyo to the Presidency in violation of
(1) Whether or not respondent be disbarred for the 1987 Constitution.
(2) Whether or not respondent’s act of preparing and “Rule 5.10. A judge is entitled to entertain personal views
notarizing the Affidavit, a document disadvantageous to on political questions. But to avoid suspicion of political
his client, is a violation of the Code. partisanship, a judge shall not make political speeches,
contribute to party funds, publicly endorse candidates for
HELD: political office or participate in other partisan political
(1) NO. One of the conditions prior to admission to the activities.”
bar is that an applicant must possess good moral
character. Said requirement persists as a continuing -Also, petitioner contended that the justices have
condition for the enjoyment of the privilege of law prejudged a case that would assail the legality of the act
practice, otherwise, the loss thereof is a ground for the taken by President Arroyo. The subsequent decision of the
revocation of such privilege. The Court has held that to Court in Estrada v. Arroyo (353 SCRA 452 and 356 SCRA
justify suspension or disbarment the act complained of 108) is, petitioner states, a patent mockery of justice and
must not only be immoral, but grossly immoral. A grossly due process.
immoral act is one that is so corrupt and false as to
constitute a criminal act or so unprincipled or disgraceful
-According to Atty. Paguia, during the hearing of his formalized after the litigants shall have undergone the
‘Mosyong Pangrekonsiderasyon’ on 11 June 2003, the charade of a formal hearing. After the justices had
three justices of the Special Division of the authorized the proclamation of GMA as president, can
Sandiganbayan made manifest their bias and partiality they be expected to voluntarily admit the
against his client. unconstitutionality of their own act?”

-Thus, he averred, Presiding Justice Minita V. Chico- Issue: WON Atty. Paguia committed a violation of the
Nazario supposedly employed foul and disrespectful Code of Professional Responsibility.
language when she blurted out, ‘Magmumukha naman
kaming gago,’ (Rollo, p. 13.) and Justice Teresita Held:
Leonardo-De Castro characterized the motion as -Criticism or comment made in good faith on the
insignificant even before the prosecution could file its correctness or wrongness, soundness or unsoundness, of
comments or opposition thereto, (Rollo, p. 12.) remarking a decision of the Court would be welcome for, if well-
in open court that to grant Estrada’s motion would result founded, such reaction can enlighten the court and
in chaos and disorder. (Ibid.) Prompted by the alleged contribute to the correction of an error if committed. (In
‘bias and partial attitude’ of the Sandiganbayan justices, Re Sotto, 82 Phil 595.) However, Attorney Paguia has not
Attorney Paguia filed, on 14 July 2003, a motion for their limited his discussions to the merits of his client’s case
disqualification. within the judicial forum. Indeed, he has repeated his
-The petitioner also asked the Court to include in its Joint assault on the Court in both broadcast and print media.
Resolution the TRUTH of the acts of Chief Justice Davide,
et al., last January 20, 2001 in: “Rule 13.02 of the Code of Professional Responsibility
prohibits a member of the bar from making such public
‘a) going to EDSA 2; statements on any pending case tending to arouse public
opinion for or against a party. By his acts, Attorney Paguia
‘b) authorizing the proclamation of Vice-President Arroyo may have stoked the fires of public dissension and posed
as President on the ground of ‘permanent disability’ even a potentially dangerous threat to the administration of
without proof of compliance with the corresponding justice.”
constitutional conditions, e.g., written declaration by
either the President or majority of his cabinet; and -It should be clear that the phrase “partisan political
activities,” in its statutory context, relates to acts
‘c) actually proclaiming Vice-President Arroyo on that designed to cause the success or the defeat of a particular
same ground of permanent disability. candidate or candidates who have filed certificates of
candidacy to a public office in an election. The taking of
-In a letter, dated 30 June 2003, addressed to Chief an oath of office by any incoming President of the Republic
Justice Hilario G. Davide, Jr., and Associate Justice before the Chief Justice of the Philippines is a traditional
Artemio V. Panganiban, he has demanded, in a clearly official function of the Highest Magistrate. The assailed
disguised form of forum shopping, for several advisory presence of other justices of the Court at such an event
opinions on matters pending before the Sandiganbayan. could be no different from their appearance in such other
official functions as attending the Annual State of the
-Subsequently, the court ruled that the instant petition Nation Address by the President of the Philippines before
assailing the foregoing orders must be DISMISSED for the Legislative Department.
gross insufficiency in substance and for utter lack of merit.
The Sandiganbayan committed no grave abuse of -The Supreme Court does not claim infallibility; but it will
discretion, an indispensable requirement to warrant a not countenance any wrongdoing nor allow the erosion of
recourse to the extraordinary relief of petition for our people’s faith in the judicial system, let alone, by
certiorari under Rule 65 of the Revised Rules of Civil those who have been privileged by it to practice law in the
Procedure. Philippines.

-In a resolution, dated 08 July 2003, the Court strongly -Canon 11 of the Code of Professional Responsibility
warned Attorney Alan Paguia, on pain of disciplinary mandates that the lawyer should observe and maintain
sanction, to desist from further making, directly or the respect due to the courts and judicial officers and,
indirectly, similar submissions to this Court or to its indeed, should insist on similar conduct by others. In
Members. liberally imputing sinister and devious motives and
questioning the impartiality, integrity, and authority of
-Unmindful of the well-meant admonition to him by the the members of the Court, Atty. Paguia has only
Court, Attorney Paguia appears to persist on end. In fact, succeeded in seeking to impede, obstruct and pervert the
on the 7th September 2003 issue of the Daily Tribune, dispensation of justice.
Atty. Paguia wrote to say -
-The Court has already warned Atty. Paguia, on pain of
“What is the legal effect of that violation of President disciplinary sanction, to become mindful of his grave
Estrada’s right to due process of law? It renders the responsibilities as a lawyer and as an officer of the Court.
decision in Estrada vs. Arroyo unconstitutional and void. Apparently, he has chosen not to at all take heed.
The rudiments of fair play were not observed. There was
no fair play since it appears that when President Estrada -WHEREFORE, Attorney Alan Paguia is hereby indefinitely
filed his petition, Chief Justice Davide and his fellow suspended from the practice of law, effective upon his
justices had already committed to the other party - GMA receipt hereof, for conduct unbecoming a lawyer and an
- with a judgment already made and waiting to be officer of the Court.
Not to Encourage Lawsuit or Proceedings - Rule - Petition for review of the decision of the Court of Appeals
1.03; FACTS
Rule 1.03 - A lawyer shall not, for any corrupt motive or - 1955 – Castaneda and Henson filed a replevin suit
interest, encourage any suit or proceeding or delay any against Ago in the CFI of Manila to recover certain
man's cause. machineries.
-1957 – judgment in favor of Castaneda and Henson
De Ysasi v. NLRC, 231 SCRA 173 (1994); - 1961 – SC affirmed the judgment; trial court issued writ
Jon De Ysasi and Jon De Ysasi III are father and sons of execution; Ago’s motion denied, levy was made on
respectively. The elder Ysasi owns a hacienda in Negros Ago’s house and lots; sheriff advertised the sale, Ago
Occidental. De Ysasi III is employed in the hacienda as moved to stop the auction; CA dismissed the petition; SC
the farm administrator. In November 1982, De Ysasi III ffirmed dismissal
underwent surgery and so he missed work. He was - Ago thrice attempted to obtain writ of preliminary
confined and while he’s nursing from his infections he was injunction to restrain sheriff from enforcing the writ of
terminated, without due process, by his father. De Ysasi execution; his motions were denied
III filed against his father for illegal dismissal before the - 1963 – sheriff sold the house and lots to Castaneda and
National Labor Relations Commission. His father invoked Henson; Ago failed to redeem
that his son actually abandoned his work. - 1964 – sheriff executed final deed of sale; CFI issued
writ of possession to the properties
ISSUE: Whether or not De Ysasi III abandoned his work. - 1964 – Ago filed a complaint upon the judgment
rendered against him in the replevin suit saying it was his
HELD: No. His absence from work does not constitute personal obligation and that his wife ½ share in their
abandonment. To constitute abandonment, there must be conjugal house could not legally be reached by the levy
a.) failure to report for work or absence without valid or made; CFI of QC issued writ of preliminary injunction
justifiable reason, and b.) a clear intention to sever the restraining Castaneda the Registed of Deeds and the
employer-employee relationship, with the second element sheriff from registering the final deed of sale; the battle
as the more determinative factor and being manifested by on the matter of lifting and restoring the restraining order
some overt acts. No such intent was proven in this case. continued
- 1966 – Agos filed a petition for certiorari and prohibition
The Supreme Court, in making its decision, noted that the to enjoin sheriff from enforcing writ of possession; SC
lawyers for both camps failed to exert all reasonable dismissed it; Agos filed a similar petition with the CA
efforts to smooth over legal conflicts, preferably out of which also dismissed the
court and especially in consideration of the direct and petition; Agos appealed to SC which dismissed the
immediate consanguineous ties between their clients petition
especially considering that the parties involved are father - Agos filed another petition for certiorari and prohibition
and son. This case may have never reached the courts with the CA which gave due course to the petition and
had there been an earnest effort by the lawyers to have granted preliminary injunction.
both parties find an off court settlement but records show
that no such effort was made. The useful function of a ISSUE
lawyer is not only to conduct litigation but to avoid it WON the Agos’ lawyer, encourage his clients to avoid
whenever possible by advising settlement or withholding controversy
suit. He is often called upon less for dramatic forensic
exploits than for wise counsel in every phase of life. He HELD
should be a mediator for concord and a conciliator for - No. Despite the pendency in the trial court of the
compromise, rather than a virtuoso of technicality in the complaint for the annulment of the sheriff’s sale, justice
conduct of litigation. demands that the petitioners, long denied the fruits of
their victory in the replevin suit, must now enjoy them,
Rule 1.04 of the Code of Professional Responsibility for, the respondents Agos abetted by their lawyer Atty.
explicitly provides that “(a) lawyer shall encourage his Luison, have misused legal remedies and prostituted the
client to avoid, end or settle the controversy if it will admit judicial process to thwart the satisfaction of the judgment,
of a fair settlement.” Both counsel fell short of what was to the extended prejudice of the petitioners.
expected of them, despite their avowed duties as officers - Forgetting his sacred mission as a sworn public servant
of the court. In the same manner, the labor arbiter who and his exalted position as an officer of the court, Atty.
handled this regrettable case has been less than faithful Luison has allowed himself to become an instigator of
to the letter and spirit of the Labor Code mandating that controversy and a predator of conflict instead of a
a labor arbiter “shall exert all efforts towards the amicable mediator for concord and a conciliator for compromise, a
settlement of a labor dispute within his jurisdiction.” If he virtuoso of technicality in the conduct of litigation instead
ever did so, or at least entertained the thought, the of a true exponent of the primacy of truth and moral
copious records of the proceedings in this controversy are justice.
barren of any reflection of the same. - A counsel’s assertiveness in espousing with candor and
honesty his client’s cause must be encouraged and is to
Encourage Client to Avoid Controversy - Rule 1.04; be commended; what the SC does not and cannot
Rule 1.04 - A lawyer shall encourage his clients to avoid, countenance is a lawyer’s insistence despite the patent
end or settle a controversy if it will admit of a fair futility of his client’s position.
settlement. It is the duty of the counsel to advice his client on the
merit or lack of his case. If he finds his client’s cause as
Catsaneda v. Ago, 65 SCRA 505 (1975); defenseless, then he is his duty to advice the latter to
acquiesce and submit rather than traverse the profession to support the legal aid program of the
incontrovertible. A lawyer must resist the whims and Integrated Bar of the Philippines.
caprices of his client, and temper his client’s propensity to
litigate. SECTION 4. Definition of Terms. - For purposes of
this Rule:


(a) Practicing lawyers are members of the
Philippine Bar who appear for and in behalf of
parties in courts of law and quasi-judicial
Not to Reject Oppressed or Defenseless - Rule 2.01;
agencies, including but not limited to the
Rule 138, S31;
National Labor Relations Commission, National
Rule 2.01 - A lawyer shall not reject, except for valid
Conciliation and Mediation Board, Department of
reasons, the cause of the defenseless or the oppressed.
Labor and Employment Regional Offices,
Department of Agrarian Reform Adjudication
Section 31. Attorneys for destitute litigants. — A court
Board and National Commission for Indigenous
may assign an attorney to render professional aid free of
Peoples. The term "practicing lawyers" shall
charge to any party in a case, if upon investigation it
appears that the party is destitute and unable to employ
an attorney, and that the services of counsel are
necessary to secure the ends of justice and to protect the (i) Government employees and
rights of the party. It shall be the duty of the attorney so incumbent elective officials not allowed
assigned to render the required service, unless he is by law to practice;
excused therefrom by the court for sufficient cause
shown. (ii) Lawyers who by law are not allowed
to appear in court;
IBP Handbook, Guidelines Governing the
Establishment and Operation of Legal Aid Office, (iii) Supervising lawyers of students
Art.1, Sec. 1; enrolled in law student practice in duly
accredited legal clinics of law schools and
SECTION. 1. Public service. – Legal Aid is not a matter of lawyers of non-governmental
charity. It is a means for the correction of social organizations (NGOs) and peoples’
imbalances that may and often do lead to injustice, for organizations (POs) like the Free Legal
which reason it is a public responsibility of the Bar. The Assistance Group who by the nature of
spirit of public service should, therefore, underlie all their work already render free legal aid
legal aid offices. The same should be so administered as to indigent and pauper litigants and
to give maximum possible assistance to indigent and
deserving members of the community in all cases, (iv) Lawyers not covered under
matters and situations in which legal aid may be subparagraphs (i) to (iii) including those
necessary to forestall an injustice.
who are employed in the private sector
but do not appear for and in behalf of
parties in courts of law and quasi-judicial
Bar Matter No. 2012 Proposed Rule on Mandatory
Legal Services for Practicing Lawyers, June 23, (b) Indigent and pauper litigants are those
2009; defined under Rule 141, Section 19 of the Rules
of Court and Algura v. The Local Government
SECTION 1. Title. - This Rule shall be known as "The Unit of the City of Naga (G.R. No.150135, 30
Rule on Mandatory Legal Aid Service." October 2006, 506 SCRA 81);

SECTION 2. Purpose. - This Rule seeks to enhance the (c) Legal aid cases are those actions, disputes,
duty of lawyers to society as agents of social change and and controversies that are criminal, civil and
to the courts as officers thereof by helping improve administrative in nature in whatever stage
access to justice by the less privileged members of wherein indigent and pauper litigants need legal
society and expedite the resolution of cases involving representation;
them. Mandatory free legal service by members of the
bar and their active support thereof will aid the efficient (d) Free legal aid services refer to appearance in
and effective administration of justice especially in cases court or quasi-judicial body for and in behalf of
involving indigent and pauper litigants. an indigent or pauper litigant and the
preparation of pleadings or motions. It shall also
SECTION 3. Scope. - This Rule shall govern the cover assistance by a practicing lawyer to
mandatory requirement for practicing lawyers to render indigent or poor litigants in court-annexed
free legal aid services in all cases (whether, civil, mediation and in other modes of alternative
criminal or administrative) involving indigent and pauper dispute resolution (ADR). Services rendered
litigants where the assistance of a lawyer is needed. It when a practicing lawyer is appointed counsel de
shall also govern the duty of other members of the legal oficio shall also be considered as free legal aid
services and credited as compliance under this Court attesting to the number of hours spent
Rule; rendering free legal aid services in a case.

(e) Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) is the The certificate shall contain the following
official national organization of lawyers in the information:
(i) The case or cases where the legal aid
(f) National Committee on Legal Aid (NCLA) is service was rendered, the party or
the committee of the IBP which is specifically parties in the said case(s) for whom the
tasked with handling legal aid cases; service was rendered, the docket
number of the said case(s) and the
(g) Committee on Bar Discipline (CBD) is the date(s) the service was rendered.
committee of the IBP which is specifically tasked
with disciplining members of the Bar; (ii) The number of hours actually spent
attending a hearing or conducting trial
(h) IBP Chapters are those chapters of the on a particular case in the court or
Integrated Bar of the Philippines located in the quasi-judicial body.
different geographical areas of the country as
defined in Rule 139-A and (iii) The number of hours actually spent
attending mediation, conciliation or any
(i) Clerk of Court is the Clerk of Court of the other mode of ADR on a particular case.
court where the practicing lawyer rendered free
legal aid services. In the case of quasi-judicial (iv) A motion (except a motion for
bodies, it refers to an officer holding an extension of time to file a pleading or for
equivalent or similar position. postponement of hearing or conference)
or pleading filed on a particular case
The term shall also include an officer holding a shall be considered as one (1) hour of
similar position in agencies exercising quasi- service.
judicial functions, or a responsible officer of an
accredited PO or NGO, or an accredited mediator The Clerk of Court shall issue the
who conducted the court-annexed mediation certificate in triplicate, one (1) copy to
proceeding. be retained by the practicing lawyer, one
(1) copy to be retained by the Clerk of
SECTION 5. Requirements. - Court and one (1) copy to be attached to
the lawyer's compliance report.
(a) Every practicing lawyer is required to render
a minimum of sixty (60) hours of free legal aid (c) Said compliance report shall be submitted to
services to indigent litigants in a year. Said 60 the Legal Aid Chairperson of the IBP Chapter
hours shall be spread within a period of twelve within the court’s jurisdiction. The Legal Aid
(12) months, with a minimum of five (5) hours Chairperson shall then be tasked with
of free legal aid services each month. However, immediately verifying the contents of the
where it is necessary for the practicing lawyer to certificate with the issuing Clerk of Court by
render legal aid service for more than five (5) comparing the copy of the certificate attached to
hours in one month, the excess hours may be the compliance report with the copy retained by
credited to the said lawyer for the succeeding the Clerk of Court.
(d) The IBP Chapter shall, after verification,
For this purpose, a practicing lawyer shall issue a compliance certificate to the concerned
coordinate with the Clerk of Court for cases lawyer. The IBP Chapter shall also submit the
where he may render free legal aid service. He compliance reports to the IBP’s NCLA for
may also coordinate with the IBP Legal Aid recording and documentation. The submission
Chairperson of the IBP Chapter to inquire about shall be made within forty-five (45) days after
cases where he may render free legal aid the mandatory submission of compliance reports
service. In this connection, the IBP Legal Aid by the practicing lawyers.
Chairperson of the IBP Chapter shall regularly
and actively coordinate with the Clerk of Court. (e) Practicing lawyers shall indicate in all
pleadings filed before the courts or quasi-judicial
The practicing lawyer shall report compliance bodies the number and date of issue of their
with the requirement within ten (10) days of the certificate of compliance for the immediately
last month of each quarter of the year. preceding compliance period. Failure to disclose
the required information would cause the
dismissal of the case and the expunction of the
(b) A practicing lawyer shall be required to
pleadings from the records.
secure and obtain a certificate from the Clerk of
(f) Before the end of a particular year, lawyers (d) The NCLA shall prepare the following forms:
covered by the category under Section 4(a)(i) certificate to be issued by the Clerk of Court and
and (ii), shall fill up a form prepared by the forms mentioned in Section 5(e) and (g).
NCLA which states that, during that year, they
are employed with the government or incumbent (e) The NCLA shall hold in trust, manage and
elective officials not allowed by law to practice or utilize the contributions and penalties that will be
lawyers who by law are not allowed to appear in paid by lawyers pursuant to this Rule to
court. effectively carry out the provisions of this Rule.
For this purpose, it shall annually submit an
The form shall be sworn to and submitted to the accounting to the IBP Board of Governors.
IBP Chapter or IBP National Office together with
the payment of an annual contribution of Two The accounting shall be included by the IBP in its
Thousand Pesos (P2,000). Said contribution shall report to the Supreme Court in connection with
accrue to a special fund of the IBP for the its request for the release of the subsidy for its
support of its legal aid program. legal aid program.

(g) Before the end of a particular year, lawyers SECTION 7. Penalties. -

covered by the category under Section 4(a)(iii)
shall secure a certification from the director of
(a) At the end of every calendar year, any
the legal clinic or of the concerned NGO or PO to
practicing lawyer who fails to meet the minimum
the effect that, during that year, they have
prescribed 60 hours of legal aid service each
served as supervising lawyers in a legal clinic or
year shall be required by the IBP, through the
actively participated in the NGO’s or PO’s free
NCLA, to explain why he was unable to render
legal aid activities. The certification shall be
the minimum prescribed number of hours. If no
submitted to the IBP Chapter or IBP National
explanation has been given or if the NCLA finds
the explanation unsatisfactory, the NCLA shall
make a report and recommendation to the IBP
(h) Before the end of a particular year, lawyers Board of Governors that the erring lawyer be
covered by the category under Section 4(a)(iv) declared a member of the IBP who is not in good
shall fill up a form prepared by the NCLA which standing. Upon approval of the NCLA’s
states that, during that year, they are neither recommendation, the IBP Board of Governors
practicing lawyers nor covered by Section shall declare the erring lawyer as a member not
(4)(a)(i) to (iii). The form shall be sworn to and in good standing. Notice thereof shall be
submitted to the IBP Chapter or IBP National furnished the erring lawyer and the IBP Chapter
Office together with the payment of an annual which submitted the lawyer’s compliance report
contribution of Four Thousand Pesos (P4,000) by or the IBP Chapter where the lawyer is
way of support for the efforts of practicing registered, in case he did not submit a
lawyers who render mandatory free legal aid compliance report. The notice to the lawyer shall
services. Said contribution shall accrue to a include a directive to pay Four Thousand Pesos
special fund of the IBP for the support of its legal (P4,000) penalty which shall accrue to the
aid program. special fund for the legal aid program of the IBP.

(i) Failure to pay the annual contribution shall (b) The "not in good standing" declaration shall
subject the lawyer to a penalty of Two Thousand be effective for a period of three (3) months
Pesos (P2,000) for that year which amount shall from the receipt of the erring lawyer of the
also accrue to the special fund for the legal aid notice from the IBP Board of Governors. During
program of the IBP. the said period, the lawyer cannot appear in
court or any quasi-judicial body as counsel.
SECTION 6. NCLA. - Provided, however, that the "not in good
standing" status shall subsist even after the
(a) The NCLA shall coordinate with the various lapse of the three-month period until and unless
legal aid committees of the IBP local chapters for the penalty shall have been paid.
the proper handling and accounting of legal aid
cases which practicing lawyers can represent. (c) Any lawyer who fails to comply with his
duties under this Rule for at least three (3)
(b) The NCLA shall monitor the activities of the consecutive years shall be the subject of
Chapter of the Legal Aid Office with respect to disciplinary proceedings to be instituted motu
the coordination with Clerks of Court on legal aid proprio by the CBD. The said proceedings shall
cases and the collation of certificates submitted afford the erring lawyer due process in
by practicing lawyers. accordance with the rules of the CBD and Rule
139-B of the Rules of Court. If found
administratively liable, the penalty of suspension
(c) The NCLA shall act as the national repository
in the practice of law for one (1) year shall be
of records in compliance with this Rule.
imposed upon him.
(d) Any lawyer who falsifies a certificate or any Ledesma v. Climaco, 57 SCRA 473 (1974);
form required to be submitted under this Rule or Facts:
any contents thereof shall be administratively
charged with falsification and dishonesty and Petitioner Ledesma was assigned as counsel de parte for
shall be subject to disciplinary action by the an accused in a case pending in the sala of the respondent
CBD. This is without prejudice to the filing of judge. On October 13, 1964, Ledesma was appointed
criminal charges against the lawyer. Election Registrar for the Municipality of Cadiz, Negros
Occidental. He commenced discharging his duties, and
(e) The falsification of a certificate or any filed a motion to withdraw from his position as counsel de
contents thereof by any Clerk of Court or by any parte. The respondent Judge denied him and also
Chairperson of the Legal Aid Committee of the appointed him as counsel de oficio for the two defendants.
IBP local chapter where the case is pending or On November 6, Ledesma filed a motion to be allowed to
by the Director of a legal clinic or responsible withdraw as counsel de oficio, because the Comelec
officer of an NGO or PO shall be a ground for an requires full time service which could prevent him from
administrative case against the said Clerk of handling adequately the defense. Judge denied the
Court or Chairperson. This is without prejudice motion. So Ledesma instituted this certiorari proceeding.
to the filing of the criminal and administrative
charges against the malfeasor. Issue:

Whether or not the order of the respondent judged in

SECTION 8. Credit for Mandatory Continuing Legal
denying the motion of the petitioner is a grave abuse of
Education (MCLE). - A lawyer who renders mandatory
legal aid service for the required number of hours in a
year for the three year-period covered by a compliance
period under the Rules on MCLE shall be credited the
following: two (2) credit units for legal ethics, two (2)
No, Ledesma's withdrawal would be an act showing his
credit units for trial and pretrial skills, two (2) credit
lack of fidelity to the duty rqeuired of the legal profession.
units for alternative dispute resolution, four (4) credit
He ought to have known that membership in the bar is
units for legal writing and oral advocacy, four (4) credit
burdened with conditions. The legal profession is
units for substantive and procedural laws and
dedicated to the ideal of service, and is not a mere trade.
jurisprudence and six (6) credit units for such subjects
A lawyer may be required to act as counsel de oficio to
as may be prescribed by the MCLE Committee under
aid in the performance of the administration of justice.
Section 2(9), Rule 2 of the Rules on MCLE.
The fact that such services are rendered without pay
should not diminish the lawyer's zeal.
A lawyer who renders mandatory legal aid service for
the required number of hours in a year for at least two Ratio:
consecutive years within the three year-period covered
by a compliance period under the Rules on MCLE shall be “The only attorneys who cannot practice law by reason of
credited the following: one (1) credit unit for legal their office are Judges, or other officials or employees of
ethics, one (1) credit unit for trial and pretrial skills, one the superior courts or the office of the solicitor
(1) credit unit for alternative dispute resolution, two (2) General (Section 32 Rule 127 of the Rules of Court
credit units for legal writing and oral advocacy, two (2) [Section 35 of Rule 138 of the Revised Rules of
credit units for substantive and procedural laws and Court]. The lawyer involved not being among them,
jurisprudence and three (3) credit units for such subjects remained as counsel of record since he did not file a
as may be prescribed by the MCLE Committee under motion to withdraw as defendant-appellant’s counsel after
Section 2(g), Rule 2 of the Rules on MCLE. his appointment as Register of Deeds. Nor was
substitution of attorney asked either by him or by the new
SECTION 9. Implementing Rules. - The IBP, through counsel for the defendant-appellant (People vs.
the NCLA, is hereby given authority to recommend Williams CA G.R. Nos. 00375-76, February 28,
implementing regulations in determining who are 1963)
"practicing lawyers," what constitute "legal aid cases" To avoid any frustration thereof, especially in the
and what administrative procedures and financial case of an indigent defendant, a lawyer may be required
safeguards which may be necessary and proper in the to act as counsel de officio (People v. Daban) Moreover,
implementation of this rule may be prescribed. It shall The right of an accused in a criminal case to be
coordinate with the various legal chapters in the crafting represented by counsel is a constitutional right of the
of the proposed implementing regulations and, upon highest importance, and there can be no fair hearing with
approval by the IBP Board of Governors, the said due process of law unless he is fully informed of his rights
implementing regulations shall be transmitted to the in this regard and given opportunity to enjoy them
Supreme Court for final approval. (People vs. Holgado, L-2809, March 22, 1950)
The trial court in a criminal case has authority
SECTION 10. Effectivity. - This Rule and its to provide the accused with a counsel de officio for such
implementing rules shall take effect on July 1,2009 after action as it may deem fit to safeguard the rights of the
they have been published in two (2) newspapers of accused (Provincial Fiscal of Rizal vs. Judge Muñoz
general circulation. Palma, L-15325, August 31, 1930)

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