May Yaminoo

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Name : Ma May Yamin Oo

Module Name : Principles of Organizational Behavior

Course : Professional Diploma in Business Management

Student ID :
1(a)The nature of organizational Behavior (OB)
Nature of Organization behavior
(b) Various type of organizational structure
2(a) Decision Making Process
(b) Type of planning
(c) Management by objective (MBO)
Advantages and disadvantages of management by objectives
3.(a) Differences between manager and leader
(b) Two management style
(c) Leadership Theories
4.(a) Importance of employees’ motivation and job satisfaction
(b)Organizational performance
No.(1)(a) The nature of organizational Behavior (OB)

Organizational behavior setting is belonged the

human behavior, the interface between human behavior and the
organization, and the organization itself. Organizational behavior can be
researched in at least three ways. We can study as the following ways,

The first one is individuals in organizations (Micro Level)

The second is work groups (Miso – level)
The final way is how organizations behave (macro – level)

Organizational behavior (OB) is the study of the way for

people interact work groups and can be get more smoothly
communication with each other. Normally this study will apply in an
attempt to create and get more efficient and effective and effective for
business organization management of the workers can be applied for
the central idea of the study of the organizational behavior is that a
scientific approach. Organizational behavior has a variety of different
models and philosophy of the organizational behavior. When we are
research the area include improving job performance, increasing job
satisfaction, get more promoting innovation and encouraging
Leadership. In order to be achieved the desired results, managers may
be adopted and different tactics, including reorganization work groups
and modified the compensation structures changing the way for
performance is evaluated.
Organizational behavior has focused and depend on the
various and different topics of the study. One finding to focus, some
people have argued and a little big problem is to ignore a wider set of
studies that will be become credited for the development of
organizational behavior as like a field of the study and the human
resources profession also as we will know it right now. In the
workplace, we are looking the idea of scientifically at organizational
behavior and productivity and that with the goal of increasing the
amount and the quality of work an employee can get finish and working
along also with the idea that worker weren’t get interchangeable
resources but some of them are will be instead unique interns of their
organizational, psychology and potential fit with their company
compound. And they are helped and created a field of study and an
entire professional field. Organizational behavior has many different
topics. The topics will be covered Micro OB, included cognition, decision
making, learning , motivation, negotiation, impressions group process,
stereotyping and power and influence. The second of the Macro OB
covered organizations, as social systems, dynamics of change, markets,
relationships between organizations and their environment in
organization process of the social network. Organizational behavior can
be broken down into sections of personality satisfaction and reward
management, leadership, authority, and politics.

Nature of Organization behavior

A field of study and not a discipline
Interdisciplinary approach
An applied science
Normative and value centered
Humanistic & optimistic
Oriented towards organizational objectives
A total systems approach
Organizational behavior are social systems and combination of
humanity and technology. Organizational behavior is the studied and
application of knowledge about how they will act within the
organization. It is a human tool for human benefit. It may be classified
into four areas.
(1) People
(2) Structure
(3) Technology
(4) Environment
Organizational behavior is a recent origin and developing as a separate
field of the study.

No.1.(b) Various type of organizational structure

All manages should carry that there are two organizations they
should carry and deal with one formal and the other informal.


Head of Department
Supervisor Manager

Worker Worker Worker Sale officer

Sale Officer

Sale person Sale person

Formal organizational Structures are as follows,

(i) Line organizational structure
(ii) Staff or Functional authority organizational structure
(iii) Line and staff ( organizational structure )
(iv) Committee (organizational Structure )
(v) Divisional ( Organizational Structure )
(vi) Project ( organizational Structure )
(vii) Matrix organizational Structure
(viii) Hybrid organizational structure

(i) Advantages

1. Tends to simplify and classify authority, responsibility and

accountability relationships
2. Promotes fast and decision making
3. Simple direct and easy to understand with each other
(ii) Disadvantages:
(1) Neglects specialists in planning for their compound
(2) Overloads key persons
Some of the advantages of pure line organization are as follow:
(i) A line structure lends to simplify and classify responsibility
authority and accountability relationships levels of responsibility
and authority are most likely to understandable.
(ii) A line structures should promote fast decision making and
(iii) Line organizations are small, managements and employees have
greater closeness.

Some of the disadvantages of pure line organization are as

(i) The firm grows larger, line organization becomes more
(ii) Line structure will be improved speed and flexibility cannot
offset the lack of specialized knowledge.
(iii) Manager should be had to become experts in too many fields.
(iv) There is a tendency to become and dependent upon directly
people who perform numerous jobs.
1. Staff or Functional Authority Organizational structure
The positions form their company in an organizational may
be categorized as following:
(i) Line Position
(ii) Staff position



COO Professional Secretary

General Manager
IT Department Finance Department Operation Department

Finance Inbound Tour Outbound Ground

Manager Manager Tour Manager Operation
IT Manager

Tour Guides
Office Tour Operation Assistant

Buyer & Tour Bus

Office Staff Driver

Requirement Positions Posts

1. Chief Operating Officer 1

2. General Manager 1

3. IT Program Manager 1

4. Finance Manager 1

5. Accountant 2

6. Tour Operator Manager (Inbound) 1

7. Tour Operator Manager (Outbound) 1

8. Tour Guide (Permanence, Freelance, Trekking) 15

Requirement Positions Posts

9. Reservation Executive 2
10. Sale Executive 2

11. Tour Operation Assistant 5

12. Office Assistant 1

13. Buyer & Cleaner 1

14. Tour Bus Driver 7

3. Line and staff Organizational structure

Three types of specialized staffs can be identified :
(i) Advising
(ii) Service and
(iii) Control
Some staffs are performed only one of these functions but some
can be performed two or all the three functions. The primary
advantages is used of expertise of staff specialists by the line
personnel. Span of the control of the line manager may be
increased and relieved of many functions which the employees
perform to assist the line.
1. Committee decisions are better than individual decision.
1. Committees may be delay decisions, consume more time and hence
more expensive.

4.Divisional organizational Structure.

This type of structure, the organization has different basics on which
departments are as following. They are :
(i) Function
(ii) (production
(iii) (Geographic tersitory
(iv) Project and
(v) Combination approach
5.Project Organizational Structure
1. It may be decentralized and decision making.
2. It is strong product / project co- ordination
3. It can be improved their environmental monitoring in their
4. It may be fast responded to change.
5. It is flexible used of resources.
6. It is efficient use of support to their systems.
1. Can get high administration cost
2. Can be potential confusion over authority and responsibility
3. Can get high prospects of conflict.
4. It was overemphasis on group decision making.
5. It was excessive focus on internal relations.
This type of organization is often used when the firm has to be highly
responsive and changing the external environment.

7. Hybrid Organizational Structure

It may be alignmented of corporate and divisional goals
It makes the functional expertise and efficiency
Adaptability and flexibility in division their compound.
It makes conflicts between corporate departments and units.
Excessive and administration overhead.
It makes and slow response to exceptional situations in their
compound. ( )
No.(2)(a) Decision Making Process
Decision making process is the process of making
choices by identifying a decision, gathering information and
assessing alternative resolutions. Decision making process can be
used and describe both individual and group decisions. Decision -
making process can help and use a step - by step, when you make
more delidesate, thoughtful decisions by organization relevant
information and defining alternatives. When you will choose that
increase the chances and the most satifying alternative possible.
Step 1 : Identify the decision
Step 2: Gather relevant information
Step 3: Identify the alternatives
Step 4: Weigh the evidence
Step 5: Choose among alternatives
Step 6: Take action
Step 7: Review your decision & its consequence.
Step 1 : Identify the decision
You will arrange that you need to make for decision. This decision you must
be made and try to clear. This step is very important for your decision.
Step 2: Gather relevant information.
You will be made and collected some of the pertinent information before
your decision. What information do you needed, you must find the best
sources for information and how to make and get it. You must be find both
internal and external "work" for your information. You may get some
information of your internet compound. You will search it through a process
of self - assessment. Other information will be get and find external: you
must find it from online, books other compound, other people and the other
field and other sources.
Step 3: Identify the alternatives
As you collect information, you will be probably identify several possible
paths of action or alternatives. You can be used your imagination and
additional information. In this alternatives step, you will be list all possible
and require alternatives.
Step 4: Weigh the evidence
You will draw of your information and emotions to imagine what it you would
be carried out for each of the alternatives to the end.
Step 5: Choose among alternatives
When you weighed all the evidence, you are ready to select the alternative
that feel to the best one for you. You will be choosed a combination of
Step 6: Take action
You're ready to take some positive action by beginning to implement the
alternative you can chose in step 5 also right now.
Step 7: Review your decision & its consequences. In this final step, will
consider the results of your decision and need identified in Step: 1.
No.2.(b) Type of planning
Planning helps an organization chart a course for the achievement of its
goals. The process begins with reviewing the current operations of the
organization and identifying what needs to be improved operationally in the
upcoming year. Planning involves the results the organization wants to
achieve and determining the steps necessary to arrive at the intended
destination success, whether that is measured in financial terms, or goals
that may be included begin the highest- rated organization in customer

Type of plan
Strategic Vs Operation Plans
Short Terms Vs Long term Plans
Specific Vs Directional Plan
The Importance of planning
All of the people are loved point out those projects which are
popular and claimed they are overnight success story. Success can be get
only a day away. Most of the greatest companies that were termed
overnight success was come from different background and compound their
feedback. Most of great ideas have involved planning.
Planning has important 5 reasons.
1. Planning is helped identify goals
2. Planning may offer directions
3. Planning will uncover problems
4. Planning is added professionalism
5. Planning will give perspective
Strategic Vs Operation plans
An operational plan can be defined as an organization prepared
how to make the plan by a component that clearly defined action that will
take to support the strategic objectives and plans is upper layer of
management. However, to make understand operational plans, we have to
look and decide at the overall planning process within organizational and
business in their compound. Operational planning is the process of planning
strategic goals and objectives to tactical goals and objectives.
Operational Plans should contain:
- Clear objectives
- Activities to be delivered
- Quality standards
- Desired outcomes
- Staffing and resources requirement
- Implementation time able
- A process for monitoring progress
Long Term planning
Long term plan is the plan for a good future to need and get
estimated at formulating and usually by extrapolation of the present or
known needs. This plan begins with the current status and a path to the
projected status and it includes short – term for more achieving goals for
their company or business.
Directional Plan
Directional plan is liked a game plan for a company it may be
decided on their plan and implements are grew business, increased profits
and accomplished goals and
No.2.(c) Management by objective (MBO)
Advantages and disadvantages of management by objectives
Advantages of MBO
1. Before all the levels of management obtained after that you need to
make and clarify objectives. It makes stressed and suggestion for
2. In organizational compound all managers must good clear idea of their
important area for their organizational compound and standards required.
3. In organizational, they can be seem and assumed the performance of
staff and their need for that improvement highlighted.
4. In management by objectives, greater participation will be improved
morale and communication.
5. Management by objectives makes individuals more aware of
organizational goal.
Disadvantages of MBO
1. MBO takes to be effective for a few years.
2. Some companies are made and tend to raise goals for always. When
these are too high in organizational compound, employees are become
3. Some employees do not held responsible and goals forced upon them
may lead to ill- feeling.

3.(a) Differences between manager and leader

1. Managers are used forces and pressure his charge.
2. Depends and tell on his authority
3. Creates awe amongst workers
4. Says who made the mistake
5. Always talks with " I "
6. Orders the job to be done.
7. Usually rough and uses harsh language
8. Demands respect
9. Does not always love his work
10. Seldom accepts his mistake
11. Does not care for the views and opinions of workers
12. Seldom appreciates good work
1. Motivates and persuades the workers to love their work and give their
2. Depends on his goodwill.
3. Treats them with love and compassion, and wins them by creating a lively
environment all round
4. Shows what has gone wrong, and show to avoid mistakes
5. Uses the word "We"
6. Explains how it is to be completed
7. Polite and humane
8. Earns and commands respect
9. Treats it his own and loves it, giving more than what he was paid for.
10. Is quick to admit it
11. Respects their views and opinions
12. Quick to appreciate good work.
3.(b) Two management style
Autocratic Management Style
- An autocratic manager dicatates orders to their staff and makes decision
without any consultation
- The leader likes to control the situation they are in.
- Decision are quick.
- This type of management style can decrease motivation and increase
staff turnover.

Democratic or participative style

- A democratic manager delegates authority to the staff giving them
responsibility to complete the task.
- Staff will complete the tasks using their own work methods on time.
- Employees are involved in decision making giving them a sense motivating
- Increase job satisfaction by involving employees or team members.
- Slow decision making process.

3.(c) Leadership Theories

- Trait Theories
- Behavioral Theories
- Contingency Theories
1. Trait Theories
Trait theories of leadership. Theories that consider personally, social,
physical, or intellectual traits to differentiate leaders fron nonleaders. A basis
for selecting the right people to assume formal leadership positions.
Leadership Traits:
- Ambition and energy
- The desire to lead
- Honest and integrity
- Self - confidence
- Intelligence
- High self - monitoring
- Job - relevant knowledge
- No universal traits found that predict leadership in all situations.
- Unclear evidence of the cause and effect of relationship of leadership and
2. Behavioral Theories
Behavioral Theories of Leadership
Theories proposing that specific behaviors differentiate leaders from non-
-Traits theory:
Leaders are born, not made.
- Behavioral theory:
Leadership traits can be taught.

No.4.(a) Importance of employees’ motivation and job satisfaction

Introduction of employees’ motivation
For a company, it is needed that the employee as the staffs must have
great motivation concerning with individual duty and the company goal or
success. The work load with great motivation will reach the target condition
of the company starting from the head of company to other staffs with
individual duty, all must have great motivation with due respect to the work
as job. But to get great motivation on the job. The employee’s motivation
directly depend on the rewards from the company.

(a) Trust

The employees must be trusted. It is important to trust

employees with their great work hard. The trust must be shown to the
employees concerning with their duties. Without trust, the employees will
afraid to do their work and the mistake from them will appear more & more
with trust to them, they will have confidence to their children and will complete
the mission and goals with amazing word hard.

(b) Set smell mission or weekly goals and appreciate them

With possible work load from employees, they may
have their proud for their proud with weekly goals as mission
complete, don’t forget to appreciate them for their dutiful mindset.
From this way, they will try more & more to complex their mission as
work. Without equal appreciate to their work hard, their motivation on
work will be lose. Then, never forget their work load on company and
let them know how company thank and remember to them.

(c) Build the employees’ motivation with suitable and great

rewards equal to their work and success

Everybody need the equal reaction as reward for their

work done. So, with suitable time or success for company. They
should be rewarded. The give form employees must be effective for
company and the reward equivalence to their work must be taken.
This is very important factors for motivation. Nowadays, the
conditions from owns and workers can be clearly. Without rewards,
the worker or staff will not know what is motivation to work.

(d) Understand the employee’s abilities equivalence to the duty

It is important to know and understand well the duty

to the employee and that duty can be done with the employee’s work
hand, knowledge and his situation or not. The duty that the employee
can’t afford must not be given. If the employee work the duty that
he can’t afford, the work will kill his mindset or motivation on work.

(e) Let them involve testing from the big decision to the smeller one

Let them know all the missions and decision of the

company and involve them in making the big decision. Respect the
ideas from the employees. Without respect, their motivation will be
fell down.

(f) Build family type style with the employees

Keep the company relationship inside the company. Let

them feel warmly in company. Without any stress, the work most
make them happy. The company must know about each workers and
eves motivate them. With their stress and unhappiness, the company
must solve the psychosocial problems and counselling must be down.

Need theory
Need theories suggest that individuals have certain innate needs (Gary
D., 2005). When a need is unsatisfied, the individual experiences tension-and
acts in pursuit of goals that will satisfy the need (Gary D., 2005). Abraham
Maslow developed the original and most famous need theory (Gary D., 2005).
He argued that human beings have five innate needs, which he suggested
could be arranged in a hierarchy of relative prepotency (Gary D., 2005).
Self-actualization - for growth and fulfilment of personal potential
Esteem needs - for independence, recognition, status, respect from others
Love/social needs – for relationship, affection, belonging
Safety needs - for security, order, predictability, freedom from threat
Physiological needs – for food, shelter, sleep
Each level of need is dominant until satisfied; only then does the next level of
need become a motivating factor.

Job Analysis
These are the skill, duties, knowledge in job analysis. The
determination of one’s skill, duties, knowledge is the systemic process, job
analysis. Everyone in organization must be skillful, dutiful and full with
knowledge far his as her work. Job analysis impacts every aspect of HRM
in planning, recruitment and selection.
(i) Job Description
(ii) Job Specification

Sample of Job Description

I/ Information of position
Position: Maintenance Staff
PC: 43-44-45
Division: Maintenance Department
Place of work:
Reporting to/ Maintenance Manager

Reporting Sup
Out side Maintenance Manager In side

Your position


Maintenance Staff


II/ This job is in need for:

- Conduct maintenance activities daily, cutting and installing all tools,
equipment of machine to serve production
II/ This job is in need for:
- Implement daily works, check and maintain all machines which
is assigned
- Giving the improvement plan and action on time to the potential
issues may attack machine running
- Joining in team to study in purpose to build up new method of
technique to increase productivity and cost saving, is able to join
producing some aspects of machine
- usually checkup the status and quality during using of machine
and update
- Work in teamwork with other staff to exchange idea and collect
new idea in improving performance
- Seriously follow with safety rules, co-ordinate with fire protection
& safe team
- Preserve machine and tools and do all tasks assigned by

Requirement Skill
- BA or graduated from mechanical university
- Having Knowledge and can do: maintenance, install, have basic understood
on boiler, electric, refrigeration. And can read docs relate
- Understand & ability to repair all kinds of machine well. Installation,
maintain, operation of animal food/food factory
- Understand the technology of making out machine, tool of machine
-At least 2 Years
Necessary Skill
- Writing procedure, regulation
Other Skills
-Team work
- Word, Excel, Internet
- Is able to work under high pressure
Requirement Skill
- BA or collage graduated from mechanical university
- Having Knowledge and can do: maintenance, install, have basic understood
on boiler, electric, refrigeration. And can read docs relate
- Understand & ability to repair all kinds of machine well. Installation,
maintain, operation of animal food/food factory
- Understand the technology of making out machine, tool of machine
- Can use auto card
Training and Development
Human resource management also manages the training for all
employees. Some training give and provide to get higher the motivation,
skill and other things who will need for that and how we will give to them
connecting for our company policies. Human resource managers must
coordinate off-site training through trainer within their organization. Their
employees also can get from training for existing employees who need to
improve skills testing with computer software, excel, writing and oral.
Compensation and benefits
They can get basic salary, meal allowance , transportation
allowance, telephone allowance ,OT charges, annual bonus, new year gift,
13month salary , SSB, oversea training , vacation with team additional
financial reward, sick leave, leave, annual leave, casual leave, holidays
depend on the Myanmar calendar and medical insurance and so on.
Interview Section
1. Personal interview
2. Telephone interview
3. One by one interview
4. Group Interview
5. Department interview
6. Skype interview
7. Computer interview

4.(b)Organizational performance
The employer and employee are made on the strengths of
employee for formal evaluations of employee work behavior helps. And those
areas the employees will need and improvement to get more efficient and
effective in their job compound. Performance that will meets and measure an
employee’s performance and needs improvement level is higher or not in the
work objective at issue.
Performance evaluation cannot make the creation of reasonable
performance and that will be considered both supervisor and employee are
aware of work ”acceptable performance”. In performance evaluations involves
both the supervisor and the employee, an important channel of two- way
communications is opened.
Communication also very important to get and increase
cooperation and understanding between supervisors and employees, which in
turn can enhance performance and environment in their work and providing
to get better customer service to our community and each other.

Performance appraisal
An employee of the performance of the systematic evaluation by
his or her superiors.

Purpose of performance appraisal

- Is an important HR
- Is the quality of performance of different employees
- Is standardized method of measurement
- It is also useful training program for employees
- It forms an unbiased and systematic basis
- It helps in identifying employees who may be considered for

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