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Grup 5

1. Ade Prihastini Eka Yatsih

2. Cecep Fahrizal
3. Diva Grasia Lestyanti
4. Felia Maulida
5. Irena Christine
6. Murniati Mappeabang
7. Nur Sriwahyuni
8. Rima Aprilia R.
9. Sinta Puspita Sari


Theme : Fly High And Reach Your Dream English

Title : Land of 5 Towers
Role : 1) 5 dream fighter children
a. Ayu (London)
b. Felia (Africa)
c. Mappe (Indonesia)
d. Diva (Europe)
e. Iren (Asia)
2) Antagonist teacher : Ade
3) Head of the hostel : Ade
4) Protagonist teacher : Cecep
5) Antagonist friend : Rima A, Sinta, Wita


It is told a story from the land of Borneo, Ayu. Since childhood Ayu has aspirations to become
a Susi Susanti but her mother wants Ayu to be a Barack Obama. That is what is a barrier to achieving
Ayu's ideals. At that time Ayu was given 2 choices to continue her education namely in the field of
sports or in the field of health. That choice made Ayu very angry, because she could not reach her
goal. Finally Ayu chose for a health school at a University of Indonesia. Hearing her decision, her
mother felt heavy because Ayu did not choose the Athlete school in Kalimantan. Her mother's
concern was caused by Ayu who never left Kalimantan.

In the health campus, Ayu felt heavy hearted because in her little heart she wanted to
continue studying abroad. But there is one thing that makes Ayu change the view that health
schools can also bring success for her in the future. Her teacher ever said "don't be an ordinary
person, but be an extraordinary person if you want to achieve your success".
The most difficult thing when in health campus is Ayu and her friends have to study for 24
hours and only sleep for a few minutes, they study hard to prepare they mentally to examinations.
Interrupted busyness Ayu and her friends always took time to gather at the campus park. To talk
about their dreams while looking at the clouds to imagine.

The following year, Ayu and her friends already adapted with condition of the health campus.
But Ayu's most intelligent and diligent friend named Felia decided to leave health school because
economic reasons and family problems. Ayu and other friends feel very sad because they have to
say good bye with Felia. That made Ayu, Mappe, Iren, and Diva more enthusiastic to graduate soon
and become success people and realizing their dreams of exploring the world.

Because of their efforts and struggles, now they dreams come true. Ayu is in London, Felia in Africa,
Mappe in Indonesia, Diva in Europe, and Iren in Asia. Ayu and her five friends are under they dream


Ayu is a simple girl who graduated from high school in Kalimantan. Friendly with yuni, ayu wants
continue her study to athlete school. But the dream was a dream when her mother wanted Ayu to
go to health school in Yogyakarta. Even though Ayu didn't want to, finally Ayu following her
parents' request.

Ayu went to Yogyakarta with her father. Ayu also took the test and she accepted being a student at
the health campus.

Scene one

Head of the hostel (Ade) : Good night

All students : Good night, ma’am

Head of the hostel (ade) : Good, don't be shy here. I'm ade, head of the hostel here. You know each
other ?? Not yet?? What are you waiting for .. Ahh still embarrassed
apparently,. So my advice is to get acquainted with new families.

Felia : I am Felia, from East Java

Head of the hostel (Ade) : another ??

Mappe : I mappe,I from south sulawesi

Iren : I am iren from north Kalimantan

Diva : I am diva from Central Kalimantan

Head of the hostel (Ade) : Come on, another

Ayu : I am ayu from East Kalimantan

Head of the hostel (Ade) : I hope you are familiar with it

After the boarding house read the rules, they rushed to sleep preparing energy for tomorrow.

Scene two

All the students arrived in the classroom

Cecep teacher : Good morning

All students : Good morning sir

Cecep teacher : How are you ?

All students : Thank God, sir

Cecep teacher : So are you really sure about entering this class?

All students were silent.

The teacher took the tree branch, then tried to break the branch with both hands. At first the
teacher squeaked hard. But finally the branch broke too.

Cecep teacher : Ever remember the proverbs in Islam? "Man jadda wajada" means
whoever truly means he will succeed. Breaking these branches is not the
strongest. but who is the most serious.

Ayu : Man Jadda Wajada (then all students followed)

Scene three

Each of student may join extracurricular activities on campus. Ayu chose to be a journalist. Ayu and
her friends always sit together on campus park every day, they telling about their dreams.

Ayu : Hey, see that cloud. Looks like an elephant, and that is like a monkey ...

Diva : Oh my god

Mappe : I see a map of the world, ..

Felia : I imagined, where we go after graduation?

Iren : Well, you see that ... I want to go to Asia , give greetings to the kingdom

Diva : If I go to Europe
Mappe : If I love Indonesia, so I see Indonesia. Tuh the land of Irian Jaya

Felia : I want to go to Africa want to eradicate pain in Africa there

Mappe : Hey where are you dreaming?

Ayu : I want to go to london ..

Felia : Your dreams for far away to

Mappe : Uh, every place has a tower. That means there are five towers that we
must conquer ...

Felia : That's right, I will take photo under the Al Noor tower

Iren : I will also take pictures under the Burj Khalifa Tower

Ayu : Hey guys how about we make a deal. When we success we will meet
with the photo under our towers ... Agree ??

Diva : Agree

Others also agreed to agree.

When the bell rang, they rushed in. On the other side Wita heard their conversations and rushed
over to her friend.

Wita : hey guys, I have gossip, just now I heard the village boy talked about
their dream of going abroad. It's really tacky.

Sinta : Well, it's only natural that they have never been abroad.

Rima : So poor

They laughing out loud mockingly at Ayu and her friends. They conversation was heard by Ayu. Ayu
was upset.

Ayu : Who do you think you are? How good your dreams are?

Wita : Well, let's just say the village boy.

Rima : Is it really your business?

Felia : so what your problem with our dreams. We also not ask money from you

Sinta : Yes, it's still not suitable for village children from abroad.

Wita : In the village children are the place in the village, do not need dream height.
Just go home to your village.
Ayu : Come on guys, let’s get out of here, they are not important.

Scene four

Day after day passed, they continued the activities as usual. Until one day, Felia got a letter from the
village that her grandmother's illness was getting worse, and no one else could take care of her
because her parents had died.

Felia : I understand your disappointed. You once asked me why I never received the
letter or any family to visit me here ?? This one remind me if I ever had any
parents, and this is makes me surfive to remember Al- Quran. So that I can
give a cloak of glory for my parents in afterlife. Now I just have my
grandmother, she was illiterate and not very strong. Now she sick, he can no
longer from his bed. I definitely have to go home, friends .

Ayu : Is that your uncle outside ?? Let him take care of your grandma, why do you
have to go home ??

Felia : He is not my uncle, he is my neighbor, days he boarded the ship from East
Java to West Java, I definitely have to go home ... Don't be afraid I will be a big
person there later, hold on to it.

Mappe : Hmmmmm, okay be careful there

Diva : Take care of yourself and your friend’s health

Iren : Don't forget our promises

Ayu : See You Friend

Since Felia leave, Ayu began to lose her enthusiasm to continue her studies at the health campus.
She then made a letter for her mother in the village, to make a transfer permit so she could study in
his dream school in Kalimantan.

Ayu pensive and then think about it ... A few days later a letter from her mother came, and it turned
out that it was permissible to change athletes' schools.

The letter contains "Mommy and daddy can understand, maybe my fault is too pushy. Mom and
dad will not ban, i have sent a transfer permit letter. Only one i asked for, whether it's in Kalimantan
or wherever you study, do it with sincerity. Mama also realized the place of learning is important but
sincerity is more important ... "

Ayu thinks of many things after reading a letter from his mother including the promise of the five of
them. At last ayu decided to not move to Kalimantan, and stay together with her friends.
Scene five

Day after day passed very hard, added the test weeks all the tasks felt piled up.

Mappe : Yeah, I'm so tired, I only slept one minute last night.

Ayu : I haven't finished Mr. Cecep report

Diva : I haven't eaten from yesterday

Iren : Your energy reserves are a lot

Diva : Oh, I'm rumbling

Ayu : Oh my god, you look bad, how about felia there, huh ..

Wita : By the way by the way there seems to be less personnel

Sinta : yes obviously there are those who can’t afford to pay for college

Rima : So dont college

Sinta : they want to leave the country, she said

Wita : That's a village girl's dream that is too high, can only be obtained when
they sleeps

The three of them laughed out loud.

Ayu : God, I'm very upset, I want to hit they putty face

Mape : Just think they are not here yu (with eyestrain)

Diva : We better eat

Iren : Come on, I guess mape needs coffee

The test day arrived, they took the exam until the final session. Come on the exam announcement

Ade teacher : Children today announcement exam scores. It's a pity that one of the
students who didn't graduate must pay the exam money again and attend
the remedies. The student was named mape tut wuri handayani. So for
mape, please set your time for the next exam.

Mape felt devastated, why could he not graduate even though he had stayed up late to study the

Mape : Astaghfirullah (while crying) I only slept one minute so that I could study
optimally, but I didn't even graduate.
Ayu : Calm down pe

Diva : Drink this first so that your mind is clear

A few minute later Mape has begun to calm down.

Iren : Pe, what about your finances is there anything we can help?

Mape : actually I have used my deposit to pay for the seminar so I don't have
money to pay for the exam.

Ayu : Let's sell food to get money. Diva is good at cooks. (very excited)

Iren : Wow good idea

Diva : I love cooking,let’s go to market guy’s

Finally they went to the market to buy ingredients for cooking. Tomorrow they sell on campus.

Ayu : Come on, brother and sister, please come, we have meatballs, ice candles,
and more, let's go hungry.

Wita : Wow, I thought they took care of the passport, it turned out to be a

Rima : So poor

Sinta : surely the food isn’t tasty

Rima : it's because the ingredients are cheap

Ayu : if you don’t buy just go or i stuff your mouth with ice lolly

Finally, after getting enough money, Mape can take a remedial exam. The next exam announcement
day comes. The teacher is in the class a little upset.

Ade teacher : Okay, today's kids are a little disappointing, yesterday, 1 person did not pass
the exam, today it even increased, just those who did not pass were Wita
Kusumabangsa, Rima Mutiara, and Sinta Siti Aisyah. Please three of you
prepare what is needs.

Wita : What? Why? I already tutored private.

Rima : Oh nooo… What will my mom said later (crying)

Sinta : me ... me ... huaaaaaaaa

Ayu : hey guys, I have hot news. Putty face can also cry, so sad.
Iren : So, don't like to talk carelessly.

Diva : hahahahahaha …absolutely right,so talk must be maintained and do not

like to insult

After that they continue their lives as students who excellent. Wita and friends don't bother
anymore. Until one day a few years later they all managed to become big people. They meet Felia
and showing they picture under they each tower. Man Jadda Wajada.

The End

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