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Name : Pelagia Sedyati

NIM :1651009
Nurse S1
English V Assignment
1. Attitude – A complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings. “Behaviours
have changed and attitudes have changed," Mr Taylor said”.
2. Justify – Show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for. “He felt
sure that if the circumstances justified it, the necessary proceedings could be
3. Minute – Infinitely or immeasurably small. “The minute stain on the
document was not visible to the naked eye”
4. Notion – A general inclusive concept. “Does that old notion that defense
wins championships still hold up these days?”
5. Inclined – At an angle to the horizontal or vertical position. “Such an inclined
passage following a seam of coal is known as a slope.”
6. To change – to remove day or night clothes. “You need to change your
clothes when you’re sweaty.”
7. Heed – Pay close attention to. “But Cain was already too far gone to heed
the warning voice.”
8. Accessories – Items you wear but are not essential clothing. “Accessories is
restricted in the operating room.”
9. Allergy – Over reaction of body to certain stimulus. “She has an allergy for
10.Appetite – The desire to eat. “I’ll lose my appetite if I see something gross.”
11.Bathroom – A room that contains bath, washbasin or toilet. “Bathrooms are
very crucial in every patient’s room.”
12.Clothes – Things people wear. “We need clothes as it is our prime needs,”
13.Device – Things invented for specific purpose. “A surgeon must master every
surgical device.”
14.Drawer – Part of desk. “He puts his important letter in the drawer.”
15.Eyesight – The ability to see. “My eyesight is getting worse each week!”
16.Instrument – A tool used to do a specific task. “A surgeon must master all
surgical instrument.”
17.Jewelry – Various ornaments that people wear. “It is not good to wear over-
highlighted jewelry to the church.”
18.Locker – A small cupboard where you keep personal staffs. “My locker was
broken yesterday.”
19.Machine – A piece of equipment that does a particular job. “The washing
machine can carry up to 20 kg of clothes.”
20.Material – A solid substance. “A good material can be built into a good
master piece.”
21.Workers – A kind of people who do the kind of work mentioned. “Those
workers are really fast on doing their job, yes?”
22.Admissions – New patients accepted into hospital. “Each patient must first
deal their business in admissions to enter hospital.”
23.Provoke – Provide the needed stimulus for. “It provoked a bigger reaction
than we could ever have anticipated.”
24.Consultant – An experienced doctor who specializes in one area of
medicine.” Doctor’s main duty is to be a health consultant to his/her
25.Discharges - Patients who are being permitted to go home. “A discharge
plan need to be made before sending patient home.”
26.Intensive care – Special health unit to look on one-to-one and closely to
extreme ill patients. “Patients with cardiac problems are being treated in
intensive care unit.”
27.Prescription – An official hand writer medicines recipe a doctor writes for
patients. “A doctor will write the prescription after a consult.”
28.Procedures – The usual/correct way to do something. “Every nursing
practices has its own procedures.”
29.Shift – The irregular hours worked by staff on a rotating roster. “Each shift
is 8 hours long.”
30.Specimen – A small amount of tissue, blood, urine, etc. taken for analysis.
“The biologist will need a specimen to conduct an analysis.”
31.Measurement – The results in numbers. “They should use the correct
measurement tool for height.”
32.Operation – Performing a surgery. “The operation can take up to 4 hours
33.Purse – A small bag. “Her purse was stolen on broad day light.”
34.Scales – A piece of equipment used for weighing things/people. “The scales
of that data is very large.”
35.Stomach – Human main digestive organ. “I got a really bad stomach ache
when I don’t eat.”
36.Toiletries – Things you use when washing/taking care of your body. “I keep
my toiletries everywhere I go,”
37.Valuables – Small objects that worth a lot of money. “My uncle has a very
valuable watch.”
38.Weight – The weight if person/thing is how heavy they are. “She’s weight
over 90 kg!”
39.To chat – To talk informally. “I need to chat my girlfriend.”
40.Afflict – Cause physical pain or suffering in. “Melanoma globally afflicts
nearly 160,000 new people each year.”
41.Exertion – Use of physical or mental energy; hard work. “One day overcome
by exertion, she fainted in the street.”
42.Empty –Something that has nothing in it. “That room is empty, as always.”
43.Hungry – A state of not eaten. “I’m so hungry.”
44.Itchy – An unpleasant feeling on your skin that makes you want to scratch.
“My skin is itchy because of my allergy.”
45.Rarely – Things doesn’t happen very often. “I rarely late submitting my
46.Sick – Ill, not well. “She’s sick. Don’t interrupt her.”
47.Tall –Something/someone taller than average. “He’s really tall for a
basketball player.”
48.Alignment – Something that in its correct position. “The bone alignment of
that patient is wrong due to the fracture.”
49.Bacteria – Microorganism, some that causes disease. “We need to check
what kind of bacteria to determinate the disease.”
50.Behavior – The way people/animals do things. “Her behavior might be
unstable due to her decreasing self-conscious.”
51.Professional – A person who has a job that requires advanced education.
“Medical professional should work accordingly to every SOP.”
52.Rate – The speed of time it takes for something to happen. “The patient’s
heart rate is increasing due to anxiety.”
53.Recovery – Returns to good health. “Patients recovery is highly dependent
on many aspects.”
54.Relationship – The way in which 2 people, groups, countries behave on each
other. “Their relationship is getting better and better.”
55.Skill – A type of work which requires special training. “Nursing clinical skill is
very important.”
56.Staff – The people who work for an organization. “These staffs never make
a mistake in doing their job.”
57.Surgery – Medical treatment that involves cutting open body and or
removing/replacing organs. “This patient needs a renal transplant surgery.”
58. Syllabus – The subjects studied in a particular course. “This subject’s
syllabus doesn’t make any sense to me.”
59.Tool – Any equipment you use to do your work properly. “This surgery needs
a certain tool.”
60.Training – Learning a skill for a particular activity. “Training is crucial to
achieve skills.”
61.Bone – The hard parts inside human/animal body that form the skeleton.
“He has really large bones for a 14-year-old.”
62.Cell – The smallest part of human/animals that is abide to function. “There
are trillions cells in human body.”
63.Classification – A division of something in human body. “The classification of
these case is complex.”
64.Cramp – A sudden, strong pain caused by a muscle contracting. “I had cramp
once when I was swimming.”
65.Defense – Action to protect against attack. “Your body immune system will
defense any strange diseases.”
66.Depression – A state of mind that’s sadness/not able to enjoy anything. “His
depression is getting worse each day.”
67.Disease – An illness that affects the health of person, animal, plants. “He
once had a very serious disease.”
68.Drain – A type of tube to redirect liquid flow to somewhere else. “The doctor
had to insert a drain during the surgery.”
69.Exchange – A passing from one area to another at the same time. “The
biologist must exchange a sample with the physician.”
70.Fatigue – A feeling of extreme physical/mental tiredness. “Fatigue is a
symptom to many diseases.”
71.Function – A function of something that is useful. “That device has a lot of
72.Hormone – A chemical substance in human body that stimulate other
organs. “Male and female main hormones are different.”
73.Joint – A place where two main parts come together. “He has a joint pain
due to the incident.”
74.Muscle – A structure composed cells that can relax or contract for
movement. “Go to the gym if you want to build up your muscle.”
75.Offspring – Human and animal young. “A dog offspring is the cutest.”
76.Organ – A collection of various tissues integrated into distinct structural unit
to perform specific functions. “The human organs are most complex.”
77.Pathology – The study of disease. “Every disease has its own pathology.”
78.Physiology – The study of body function. “His physiology is so strong.”
79.Structure – The way in which something is made. “The body structure is
80.Brook – A natural stream of water smaller than a river. “He walked across
the little bridge over the brook and at once his mood changed.”
81.Entreat – Ask for or request earnestly. “Let me go now, please," she
entreated, her eyes unable to meet his any longer.”
82.Care – Looking for something and keeping them in good condition. “Every
nurses should care for their patients.”
83.Career – A job someone does for a long period of their life. “Besides being a
career, nursing is also a way of life.”
84.Clinic – A building where people go to receive medical attention. “UNAI has
its own clinic.”
85.Empathy – The ability to share another person’s feelings. “Empathy is one of
the key factors to a therapeutic communication.”
86.Environment – The physical place where breathing being live. “The
environment must fulfill a certain standard to achieve full health.”
87.Health – The condition of human body free form illness. “Nursing ultimate
goal is health.”
88.Lecturer – A teacher at college. “UNAI’s nursing lectures are from the best
education places!”
89.Opportunity – A situation where it is possible for you to do things you want.
“A nursing student must seek every opportunity to improve their clinical
90.Personnel – The people who work for an organization. “That company’s
personnel are the on what they do.”
91.Surgeon – A doctor specialized in performing surgery. “A surgeon must
always pay a high concentration and accuracy in every surgery.”
92.Ward – A room in hospitals which has many beds for people. “That ward is
almost full.”
93.Candid – Openly straightforward and direct without secretiveness. “The
actor was candid about his own difficult childhood growing up with alcoholic
94.Ranging – Wandering freely. “His detective work is fascinating and wide
95.Accident – Something happens by chance and deliberately. “An accident of
occurs when things are work not according to standard procedures.”
96.Disease – An illness that affects human, animal, plant. “No one wants to get
a disease.”
97.Injury – Physical damage to the body. “A severe injury requires advanced
98.Trainee – Someone employed at junior level/ “Every trainee need to focus
on their supervisor every leads.”
99.Swollen – Parts pf body becomes larger as result of injury/disease. “That
man’s forehead is swollen badly die to bee sting.”
100. Caprice – A sudden desire. “Nobody is really in charge, and decisions
are made on whim and caprice.”

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