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2013. május 14.

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Biológia angol nyelven emelt szint — írásbeli vizsga 1311

Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító

Important information
Read the following instructions carefully before you start your work.

You have 240 minutes to complete your advanced level examination.

Your written paper consists of two parts.

For answering correctly the first part (tasks I-VIII.), which is compulsory for everyone
you are awarded 80 points.
The second part (task IX.) contains two versions (A and B). YOU ONLY HAVE TO
You can be awarded the total of 20 points FOR ANSWERING ONLY ONE OF THE TWO
OPTIONAL TASKS. It means that by answering both you cannot get more points. If you do
start answering both optional tasks CROSS OUT THE ONE WITH A PEN WHICH YOU
DON NOT WANT TO BE INCLUDED. If you fail to do this the examiners will
automatically evaluate the ‘A’ version.

Your questions are either multiple choice or open-ended ones.

When answering multiple choice questions you need to write one or two capital letters into
the empty boxes. These are the letters of the correct answer or answers. Make sure that your
answers are unambiguous, otherwise they will not be accepted. If you want to correct your
answer cross out the wrong one and write the correct letter next to it.

A D correct A DC acceptable BD wrong

When answering open-ended questions, you need to write technical terms, a few words, a
whole sentence or several sentences or an essay. When answering the open-ended questions
you need to write your answer on the dotted line (........). Mind your grammar because if your
answer is not understandable because of bad grammar, or because it is ambiguous (e.g. it is
not clear what the subject of the sentence is), it will not be acceptable even if it contains the
correct terms. Answers given to the same question but contradictory to one another cannot be
accepted either.

Each correct answer is awarded 1 point, unless otherwise indicated.

Use black or blue pen!

Do not write anything into the grey boxes!

Good luck for your work!

írásbeli vizsga 1311 2 / 24 2013. május 14.

Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító

I. Cells 11 points
Match the letters of the appropriate cell types with the statements.

A) a mature human red blood cell (corpuscle)

B) an epithelial cell of the human skin
C) a bacterial cell causing tuberculosis
D) a mature human sperm cell
E) a body cell of a diploid green algae
F) a fertilised central cell of a broad bean plant (Vicia faba) (the body cells of the broad
bean plant contain 12 chromosomes)

1. It does not contain a cell nucleus.

2. It contains an odd number of chromosomes.

3. It contains a single ring-like chromosome.

4. It is unable to divide.

5. It was produced by meiosis.

6. It is capable of an autotrophic way of life.

7. Its typical molecule is a water insoluble protein.

8. It is a differentiated cell (it has a specialised function).

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. total

írásbeli vizsga 1311 3 / 24 2013. május 14.

Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító

II. Plant life of bare saline soils / „A kopár szík sarja” 9 points

The poetic genius of János Arany was revealed in his precise description of nature. Interpret
the following lines from a biological point of view.

„Ég a napmelegtől a kopár szík sarja

tikkadt szöcskenyájak legelésznek rajta;
Nincs egy árva fűszál a tors közt kelőben…” (Toldi, első ének)

Rough translation:
The scarce plants of the bare saline soil is burnt by the sun,
Thirsty grasshopper herds are grazing about
There is not a single blade of grass emerging from among the dry rhizomes…

1. Most insects including the grasshoppers are R-strategist. What characterises the
distribution pattern of grasshoppers in the field according to the poem. Write the letter of
the correct answer into the box.

A) They have uniform distribution.

B) The males maintain territories to ensure a more economic use of food.
C) They have random distribution.
D) They form groups (which the individuals can join or leave).
E) They form groups based on dominance hierarchy (ranked by dominance)

2. The ‘grazing grasshopper’ digests the cellulose obtained from the grass. What is the name
of the process?

A) hydrolisis
B) biological oxidation
C) condensation
D) fermentation
E) glycolisis

3. The bare saline soil / ‘a kopár szik’ (saline spot/vakszik) is a type of soil which has very
little, if any, vegetation growing on it. What type of salt covers the surface of the bare
saline soils?

A) calcium carbonate
B) magnesium salts
C) sodium salts
D) aluminium salt
E) humic acids

4. What is the typical pH value of the saline soil where the salts crystallise?

A) acidic
B) neutral
C) alkaline

írásbeli vizsga 1311 4 / 24 2013. május 14.

Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító

Very few plant species survive on the heavily saline, dry soil.

5. “Nincs egy árva fűszál a tors közt kelőben.”/ There is not a single blade of grass
emerging from among the dry rhizomes. Which of the following grasses
(Gramineae) can be endemic to the plain habitat in the poem. To answer this question,
consider the environmental requirements of the species in the TWR table.
A Quaking-grass /rezgőpázsit 5 6 0
B Wood melick / egyvirágú gyöngyperje 5 4 4
C Creeping bentgrass / fehér tippan 5 8 4
D False striated fescue / sovány csenkesz 5 2 0
E Purple moor grass / magyar kékperje 5 5 0

T Temperature requirement W Water requirement R (the pH of the soil)

of the species with its of the species
typical climatic zone
0 Wide range of temperature 0 Extremely arid 0 wide range of pH tolerance
1 Tundra 1 Very arid 1 Acidic
2 Forst tundra 2 Arid 2 Slightly acidic
3 Taiga 3 Moderately arid 3 Nearly neutral
4 Mixed forest 4 Moderately fresh 4 Slightly alkaline
5 Deciduous forest 5 Fresh 5 Alkaline
6 Sub-Mediterranean 6 Moderately wet
deciduous forest
7 Mediterranean, Atlantic 7 Wet
8 Moderately aquatic
The “kopár szik sarja” / ‘plants of the saline spot’ is a form of asexual propagation typical of
grasses, while the “tors közt kelő” /’emerging blade of grass/seedling from among the dry
rhizomes’ is a grass germinating from the seed. Compare the two types of reproduction
writing the appropriate letter next to each statement.
A) Typical of asexual/vegetative budding and the plant produced this way
B) Typical of the process of germination and the germinating seedling
C) Typical of both
D) Typical of neither

6. It is produced by a series of mitotic divisions.

7. Its first leaf is a cotyledon.

8. The new plantlets produced by the mother plant are genetically identical.
9. There are stomata on both the upper and lower sides of the leaves of the new
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. total

írásbeli vizsga 1311 5 / 24 2013. május 14.

Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító

III. The water of Balaton 11 points

‘The quality of the open waters of the Balaton continues to be excellent. The cast pupal case
(pupal exuviae) of the swarming nonbiting midge (árvaszúnyog /Chironomus species) floating
on the surface and accumulating in sheltered bays in the recent hot period might cause some
disturbance for holidaymakers. This phenomenon, however, is part of the natural processes of
a lake and is not considered to be a type of pollution. There is very little algae even in the
open waters of the Keszthely Basin with the highest productivity (less than 10 micrograms per
litre expressed in chlorophyll). The river Zala, however, carries a huge supply of organic
matter into the lake. At the mouth of the river the concentration of orthophosphate
phosphorous* nearly amounts to 200 microgram/litre of water, which has a negative effect on
the quality of water. There is also a substantial supply of nutrients containing nitrogen but the
total amount of nitrogen present in the form of ammonium, karbamid and nitrate
(100 microgram/litre) in the river Zala is less than its orthophosphate phosphorous content.
Similarly to the previous years, the concentrations of the different forms of nitrogen as well as
phosphorous present in the form of phosphate ions are found to be low (a few micrograms per
litre) in the lake. The low nitrogen-phosphorous ratio of the external loading arriving from the
river Zala has adverse effects on the microscopic algae composition of the lake because it
gives a competitive advantage to the nitrogen fixing filamentous blue-green algae. The
composition of algae in the Keszthely Basin shows similarities to the one found in early
summer. Although in small quantities, the filamentous nitrogen fixing blue-green algae have
already appeared and can produce a substantial build-up until midsummer if the current rate
of high phosphorous supply continues.’

*Orthophosphate phosphorous: the phosphorous content of phosphate ions dissolved in water

1. What type of post embryonic development is typical of the nonbiting midge mentioned in
the text? Support your answer by quoting the relevant piece of information from the text.


2. The Hungarian name of the nonbiting midge is based on the fact that they are harmless
insects presenting no danger for humans. Their larvae feed on algae either floating in the
water or living in the sediment of the lake, whereas the larvae themselves serve as food for
fish. The mature insects are preyed upon by frogs, spiders, birds and dragon flies. Which
trophic level do the nonbiting midge larvae represent in the food chain?


írásbeli vizsga 1311 6 / 24 2013. május 14.

Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító

Both the quantity and the relative proportions of the algae species living in the lake are
influenced by the quantity and proportion of the inorganic nutrients in the water. It was Alfred
Redfield who established that the elemental/molar ratio of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous
in the organic molecules of floating marine organisms is approximately constant and was
determined to be: C:N:P=106:16:1.
Which biologically important molecules are made up of nitrogen and phosphorous? Write the
letters of the compounds into the correct empty boxes. There is an odd one out, whose letter
does not fit anywhere and you do not need to write it anywhere.
A) DNA B) RNA C) keratin (simple protein) D) Stearic acid
E) Phosphatidic acid (an ester of glicerol and stearic acid as well as phosphoric acid) F) ATP
In addition to carbon, oxygen and hydrogen …
3. it contains only nitrogen.

4. it contains only phosphorous.

5. it contains both nitrogen and phosphorous.

The ratios established by Redfield were found to be similar in fresh water species, too.
For most pond algae (incapable of fixing nitrogen) nitrogen only becomes a limiting factor if
the mass ratio of total nitrogen and total phosphorous is less than 9. Alternatively, it is the
phosphorous that limits the rate of growth if this ratio is higher than 22 (but the dissolved
phosphorous cannot be a limiting factor if its concentration exceeds 10 microgram/litre). In
the range between these two values both elements have an effect on the rate of growth.
6. Is it the nitrogen or the phosphorous that limits the rate of growth of most algae in the
mouth of the river Zala? Give your reason to support your answer.

7. ‘The low nitrogen to phosphorous ratio of the external loading arriving mainly from the
river Zala has adverse effects on the microscopic algae composition of the lake because it
gives a competitive advantage to the nitrogen fixing filamentous blue-green algae.’
Explain why the blue-green algae/bacteria can proliferate at a rate higher than other algae
8. The swarming of the nonbiting midge (flying out of the adult insects) has an effect on the
nitrogen and phosphorous content of the lake. How does it affect the composition of the
lake and why? Give your reason to support your answer.


írásbeli vizsga 1311 7 / 24 2013. május 14.

Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító

The spreading of nitrogen fixing filamentous blue-green algae (including the introduced
Cylindrospemosis raciborskii blue-green algae/ süveges kékmoszat of tropic origin) in the
70’s and 80’s gave considerable reason for concern since they produced toxins. In order to
improve water quality the river Zala has not been directly channeled into the Balaton since
1985 but has been passed through the reservoir lakes of the Kis-Balaton. The graph below
shows the total organic matter production (P) of the organisms living in the Balaton over the
period of the last 50 years. (Along the vertical line each dot represents the result of a
particular measurement in the different seasons of the given year.)
P (mgC m-2 day-1)


9. What influence did the building of the reservoir have on the organic matter production of
the lake? Write the letter of the correct answer into the empty box.

A) The maximum production decreased and the difference between the seasons increased.
B) The maximum production increased and the difference between the seasons increased.
C) The maximum production decreased and the difference between the seasons
D) The maximum production increased and the difference between the seasons
E) The production and the differences increased for a while then they decreased.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. total

írásbeli vizsga 1311 8 / 24 2013. május 14.

Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító

IV. The structure and function of the male reproductive organs 9 points
Fill in the table below. In order to fill in the gaps in the table choose the appropriate
expressions from the list below. (Not all the expressions are needed.)

pituitary gland testis vas deferens adrenal cortex

adrenal medulla sperm cells erection ejaculation
testosterone oestrogen seminal vesicle urinary bladder
urethra thoracic sacral lumbar

Name of the organ Description of its function and structure

(1)……………………. Produces a hormone that stimulates the production of male

sex hormone and spermatogenesis.

In its tubules (3) ....................... are produced and mature,

(2)………………..….. while the cells in between the tubules produce a hormone

called (4) .........................

(5)…………………….. A pair of tubules, whose function is to empty the sperm

cells rapidly.

(6) ……………………. It secrets a mucous fluid with alkaline pH.

When its cavernous bodies are filled with blood
(7) ........................ occurs. Since it is mainly brought about
by the parasympathetic nervous system, it is caused by the
activity of the (8)....................... region of the spinal cord.

(9) ……………………... It produces steroid hormones, which are involved in the

regulation of reproductive processes in addition to the
regulation of the body’s performance as well as its sugar,
salt and water balance.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. total

írásbeli vizsga 1311 9 / 24 2013. május 14.

Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító

V. Protein synthesis 9 points

The base order of a stretch of DNA molecule is shown in the table:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

1. Which statements are true for the stretch of DNA? Write the letters of the correct
statements into the boxes. (3 points)
A) When this DNA molecule is replicated the third base of the molecule will bind to a
thymine based on the base pairing rule.
B) The 4th base of the molecule will bind to the appropriate base of the complementary
polynucleotide strand by 2 hydrogen bonds.
C) It can also be found in the chloroplasts of eukaryotic cells.
D) It can also be found in the cell nucleus of bacteria.
E) It can be a component of ribosomes.
F) It was produced by a series of condensation reactions.
2. The rules of base pairing had been recognised by Erwin Chargraff even before the
structure of the DNA was worked out. Chargraff had the DNA molecules of different
species hydrolysed and investigated the proportion of the nucleotides. What could he have
found? (2 points)
A) The number of nucleotide containing double-ring purine and the number nucleotide
containing single-ring pyrimidine was always the same in one single individual of any
B) The proportion of adenines and thymines was characteristic for a
given species.
C) The proportion of adenines and guanines varied from species to
D) Looking at two individual organisms belonging to the same species the proportion of
adenine and guanine bases was found to be always the same.
E) If the proportion of adenine in a given sample was 25%, then the proportion of
guanine was 25%, too.
3. This stretch of DNA (this is the active strand in protein synthesis) is the gene encoding for
a short peptide which consists of 5 amino acids. The first amino acid of the peptide is lys
(lysine), the second amino acid is gly (glycine). With the help of the codon dictionary
determine the next three amino acids (it is enough to give the three-letter abbreviations).
third amino acid: ……...……
fourth amino acid: ……………
fifth amino acid: ………….....…
4. What is the meaning of the mRNA codon transcribed from the last triplet of the DNA
molecule in question?
5. Let us suppose that prior to cell division as a result of a point mutation the 10th base of the
given stretch of DNA is replaced by another base and this error is passed on to the
descendent cells. How does this all affect the amino acid order of the resultant peptide?
Give your reason to support your answer.

írásbeli vizsga 1311 10 / 24 2013. május 14.

Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító

Codon dictionary
UUU phe UCU ser UAU tyr UGU cys U
U UUC phe UCC ser UAC tyr UGC cys C
UUG leu UCG ser UAG STOP UGG trp G
CUU leu CCU pro CAU his CGU arg U
C CUC leu CCC pro CAC his CGC arg C
CUA leu CCA pro CAA gln CGA arg A
CUG leu CCG pro CAG gln CGG arg G
AUU ile ACU thr AAU asn AGU ser U
A AUC ile ACC thr AAC asn AGC ser C
AUA ile ACA thr AAA lys AGA arg A
AUG met / ACG thr AAG lys AGG arg G
GUU val GCU ala GAU asp GGU gly U
G GUC val GCC ala GAC asp GGC gly C
GUA val GCA ala GAA glu GGA gly A
GUG val GCG ala GAG glu GGG gly G

6. Part of the given stretch of DNA does not belong to a gene encoding a peptide. What other
function can a DNA fragment like this perform? Name one such possible function.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. total

VI. A sober approach to alcohol 11 points

Alcohol has been part of the cultural history of mankind for thousands of years. People of
antiquity were sure to have made alcoholic beverages but it is widely assumed that even Neo-
Palaeolithic people were capable of making beer.
1. Which statements are true about the metabolic process, which forms the basis of
making alcoholic drinks? (2 points)
A) It is typical of the brewer’s yeast cells, but not typical of the baker’s yeast cells.
B) It is accompanied by the production of a gaseous by-product.
C) It also takes place in the human body.
D) It does not involve the release of energy (ATP).
E) The process can start off from glucose.
If the alcoholic drink is made exclusively with the help of living cells in a biological way, a
drink with only a given percentage of alcohol (either 7-8% or 12-15% depending on the cell
type) can be produced. Higher concentrations of alcohol in the drink can only be achieved by
distillation (“pálinkafőzéssel”).
2. What is the physiological basis of the fact that alcoholic drinks with a high percentage
of alcohol cannot be produced by living cells?


írásbeli vizsga 1311 11 / 24 2013. május 14.

Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító

Once consumed, the alcohol is absorbed relatively quickly into the circulatory system and is
carried to the different organs to exert its manifold effects.
Recently, neuroscientists have found that the alcohol also binds to the receptor of two
neurotransmitter molecules: gamma-butyric-acid (GABA) and glutamate. The effect of
glutamate is often excitation, whereas that of GABA is inhibition. By binding to the GABA
receptor the alcohol exerts an excitatory effect on the GABA receptors, while by binding to
the glutamate receptors the alcohol inhibits them. By exciting the inhibitory neurons and
inhibiting the excitatory neurons a double inhibitory effect is achieved. The alcohol addiction
can be traced back to several biological causes. The physical addiction is the result of the
reaction of the human body. In alcoholics the number of GABA receptors decreases, while the
number of glutamate receptors increases in line with the body’s attempt to restore the normal
conditions. After a while, due to the changes in the number of receptors the body requires
alcohol even for normal functioning. In the absence of alcohol serious withdrawal symptoms
occur. Although these changes disappear in a couple of weeks, the seriously damaged and
destroyed neurons will not be replaced any more.
3. What is true of the GABA receptors mentioned in the text? (2 points)
A) They are protein molecules.
B) They are specialised neurons.
C) As a result of their stimulation the polarity of the given neural membrane (the
potential difference between the outside and the inside of the cell) decreases.
D) They are found in synapses.
E) They are neurotransmitters
4. What are the effects of consuming large amounts of alcohol permanently?
A) Less and less alcohol is enough to bring about an altered state of consciousness.
B) The structure of the neurotransmitters (glutamate and GABA) is altered.
C) The function of GABA is gradually taken over by alcohol.
D) The body is trying to adapt to the increased amounts of alcohol.
E) The number of receptors exposed to the permanent excitatory effect of the alcohol
Luckily, the breakdown of alcohol gets underway soon after it is absorbed, which is effective
enough to avoid permanent damaging effects as long as the amount of alcohol consumed is
within the normal range. There are two enzymes involved in the breakdown process: the
alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and the aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH). ADH oxidises the
alcohol molecules turning them into acetaldehyde, which in turn is further oxidised by ALDH
into acetate ions.
5. In which organ does the breakdown of alcohol primarily take place?
A) In the stomach.
B) In the liver.
C) In the wall of the small intestine.
D) In the skeletal muscles.
E) In the kidneys
The intermediate product of the breakdown of alcohol is the acetaldehyde. This compound is
responsible for some of the unpleasant symptoms of hangover following alcohol consumption.
Following the absorption of alcohol, due to the action of ADH the level of acetaldehyde in the
blood is gradually rising until it exceeds a threshold level and starts causing splitting headache,
nausea, sickness at the stomach and vomiting. If, for some reason, the compound accumulates in
the blood in large quantities it can bring about the so called ‘flushing syndrome’, whose
symptoms include decreased blood pressure, increased pulse rate and heart-beat, muscle
weakness, sickness and vomiting. The unpleasant symptoms of the syndrome are evoked
artificially with the help of medicines in alcohol detoxification treatments in an attempt to
overcome emotional dependence.

írásbeli vizsga 1311 12 / 24 2013. május 14.

Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító

6. What is the mechanism of action of the medicine which produces the desired effect?
A) it activates ADH and inhibits ALDH
B) it activates ALDH
C) it activates both ADH and ALDH
D) it inhibits ADH and activates ALDH
E) it inhibits both ADH and ALDH
A substantial proportion of the East Asian population have the impaired version of the
enzymes involved in the breakdown of alcohol as discussed earlier. For them the consumption
of only a small amount of alcohol has severe consequences. This also has its own advantage:
because of its intense physiological symptoms, alcoholism has not become so widespread
among them.
In their case the appearance of flushing syndrome can be traced back to genetic causes.
ADH and ALDH are each determined by a single gene, which are inherited independently of
one another. In each case the disorder in the breakdown of alcohol is caused by a recessive
mutation. In the homozygous form the recessive alleles result in the production of a faulty
enzyme. The impaired function of either enzyme is enough to bring about the problem.
Human populations differ from each other in terms of which of the two genes responsible for
alcohol sensitivity is faulty.
Let us suppose that a woman who is homozygous for both genes but has only her ADH
enzyme impaired marries a man who is also homozygous and sensitive to alcohol due to his
faulty ALDH enzyme.
7. What can we say about the son of the married couple? (As long as no mutation has taken
A) He is certain not to have genetic predisposition to alcoholism.
B) He has 50% chance of having a faulty ADH enzyme.
C) The rate at which his organism can break down alcohol is half the
normal rate.
D) His genotype can be determined with absolute certainty.
E) He can more easily become alcoholic than those with homozygous dominant
8. The child of the married couple discussed above establishes a family with a woman who is
heterozygous for both genes. What is the probability of them having a child with increased
sensitivity to alcohol? Show your calculations. (In your calculation indicate the alleles of
the ADH enzyme with A and a and those of the ALDH enzyme with B and b. (2 points)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. total

írásbeli vizsga 1311 13 / 24 2013. május 14.

Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító

VII. Monkeys on the (evolutionary) tree 10 points

The phylogenetic tree shows the evolutionary descent and relatedness of some primates.
1. What do the branching points of the A
phylogenetic tree represent?
………………………………………………………. C
2. Of the following letter combinations which one
represents such unit which cannot be regarded E
as a correct taxonomic group in a phylogenetic
A) The group of species B, C, D and E without species A.
B) The group of species A, B, C, and D without species E.
C) The group of species C and D, without species A, B and E.
D) The group of species A, B, C, D, and E.
E) Species E on its own.
In classical taxonomic studies conclusions with regard to evolutionary relationships were
drawn on the basis of anatomical features and similarities. Characteristics of the skeletal
system in vertebrate species are good examples of this. In the figures below the skeletal
systems of a human and of a gorilla are shown. Observe the differences.


human gorilla

The figure of the full skeletons shows the gorilla in an unnatural, fully erected position in
spite of the fact that this posture is typical of humans. It is also supported by the fact that the
bones of the human skeleton are also adapted to this mode of walking.
3. Name one such feature of the human skeletal system which can be associated with its
upright posture.


írásbeli vizsga 1311 14 / 24 2013. május 14.

Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító

In the drawings of the skulls the arrows point to two protuberances/bumps which are far more
pronounced in the gorilla than in the human.
4. Which bones have these protuberances?
A) The frontal bone and the parietal bone.
B) The frontal bone and the temporal bone.
C) The parietal bone and the occipital bone.
D) The frontal bone and the occipital bone.
E) The temporal bone and occipital bone.

Nowadays, in order to make estimates about evolutionary relationships instead of anatomical

comparisons, the structures of different biopolymers are investigated.
5. What are the basic principles of the phylogenetic trees obtained in this way? (2 points)
A) Only nucleic acid molecules (DNA or RNA) are suitable for drawing conclusions.
B) They provide direct evidence about the evolutionary history.
C) Conclusions are drawn based on the order of monomers in the polymer molecules.
D) Conclusions are drawn based on the structure of monomers.
E) The more similar the polymer molecules deriving from two different species are, it is
assumed that the more closely related the two species are.

The table below shows the results obtained from investigating purposely
chosen biopolymer molecules of the primate species shown in the phylogenetic tree. The
figures in the cells of the table indicate the measure of differences between the species at the
beginning of each row and the top of each column with regard to their biopolymer molecules
derived from them. The figures are the results of appropriate statistical analysis.

Bonobo Chimpanzee Gorilla Orang-utan

0,017 0,016 0,019 0,031
(Homo sapiens)
0,009 0,020 0,032
(Pan paniscus)
0,009 0,019 0,032
(Pan troglodytes)
0,020 0,019 0,033
(Gorilla gorilla)
0,032 0,032 0,033
(Pongo pygmaeus)

bonobo chimpanzee gorilla orang-utan

írásbeli vizsga 1311 15 / 24 2013. május 14.

Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító

Based on the figures representing the measure of differences match each individual species
with the corresponding branch (marked by a letter) of the phylogenetic tree.

6. Which two species are impossible to assign to any of the letters. Name these two species?

A) The human and the chimpanzee.

B) The bonobo and the human.
C) The gorilla and the orang-utan.
D) The bonobo and the chimpanzee.
E) The human and the orang-utan.

7. Which species can be assigned to the branch indicated by A?

A) The gorilla.
B) The human.
C) The chimpanzee.
D) The orang-utan.
E) The bonobo.

8. Which species can be assigned to the branch indicated by E?

A) The gorilla.
B) The human.
C) The chimpanzee.
D) The orang-utan.
E) The bonobo.

9. Based on the available information of the task calculate the number of genuses the five
species on the evolutionary tree represent.

A) One
B) Two
C) Three
D) Four
E) Five

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. total

írásbeli vizsga 1311 16 / 24 2013. május 14.

Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító

VIII. Body fluids in humans 10 points

1. The body fluids play an important role in the maintenance of homeostasis. The composition
of these fluids shows a lot of similarities as well as some differences due to their different
The task, which involves the table below, refers to the body fluids of a healthy person who
has not taken in food for half a day. Write 'yes' in the table if the substance occurs and 'no' if
the substance does not occur (or occurs in negligible amounts relative to the volume of the
blood plasma) in the given body fluid. (4 points)
(at the start of the SERUM FLUID (with intact
nephron) capillaries and cells)
sex hormones

2. Which ones are true of the following statements? Write the letters of the correct statements
into the empty boxes. (2 points)
A) The blood serum is formed from the blood plasma.
B) The filtrate is formed from the blood serum.
C) The water is actively transported into the filtrate.
D) The glucose is actively transported into the interstitial fluid.
E) The glucose is actively transported from the filtrate into the blood plasma.
F) The composition of the interstitial fluid is the same as that of blood plasma.

3. Osmosis has an essential role to play in determining the direction of fluid movements.
Which of the following statements are true about it? (2 points)
A) The osmotic pressure (suction force) is brought about by the plasma proteins present
in the plasma, which causes some of the interstitial fluid to move back into the blood
B) Fibrinogen also plays a role in maintaining the osmotic pressure of the blood plasma.
C) If the osmotic pressure of the blood plasma increases, diluted urine is produced in
large volumes.
D) If the osmotic pressure of the blood plasma decreases, the ADH (vasopressin)
secretion increases.
E) Increasing production of ADH results in the osmotic pressure of the
blood increasing.
F) Increasing production of ADH leads to decreased amounts of filtrate produced.

4. What are needed directly for the fibrin to precipitate from the blood? (2 points)
A) Prothrombin
B) Thrombin
C) Calcium ions
D) Potassium ions
E) Haemoglobin
1. 2. 3. 4. total

írásbeli vizsga 1311 17 / 24 2013. május 14.

Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító

Optional essay or problem solving task

IX. A The human respiration and its modeling 20 points

The bell jar model (Donders model) 6 points

The diagram shows the so called bell jar model which is supposed to demonstrate the working
of the respiratory organ system:

glass tube

bell jar

air ballon

rubber sheet

Fill in the numbered gaps in the following sentences with the appropriate expressions:

The air balloon of the bell jar model demonstrates the working of the (1).................., while the
rubber sheet (considering also its position relative to the balloon) shows the functioning of the
(2)..................... – as the organs of the respiratory organ system. If the tap marked by 'A' is
(3)..................... and the rubber sheet is pulled downwards (see the drawing on the right) the
air pressure inside the jar (4)......................,which causes the balloon to expand.

5. Which one of the following events can be modeled by manipulating with tap 'A'?

A) The Caisson disease / decompression sickness.

B) The pneumothorax.
C) Vocalisation.
D) The blockage of the trachea.
E) The blockage of the oesophagus.

6. Name at least two such anatomical characteristics of the human respiratory system and
breathing which is not represented in the bell jar model.


írásbeli vizsga 1311 18 / 24 2013. május 14.

Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító

Mechanism and regulation of respiration 14 points

Discuss the process of the human respiration including the following points:

Follow the route the inspired air takes from the nasal cavity to the alveoli (name the relevant
anatomical parts in the right order).

Explain the breathing movements, volume and pressure changes along with the organs
involved during the course of normal and forced inspiration and expiration.

Discuss the role of the pleural membrane.

Discuss the location of carbon dioxide sensitive and mechanical/stretch receptors involved in
the regulation of respiration and their effect on respiration.

You can write your essay on page 22.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. essay total

írásbeli vizsga 1311 19 / 24 2013. május 14.

Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító

IX. B Population interactions 20 points

Aquatic plants 10 points
In Hungary the surface of ponds and lakes are often covered in rapidly reproducing, tiny
flowering plants called duckweed (békalencse) (Lemna minor). If it becomes abundant, it
substantially filters the light needed by the rooted aquatic plants like the hornwort (tócsagaz)
Researchers investigated whether rooted aquatic plants have any effects on the life of the
duckweed population floating above them. In order to test it three 200 litre containers each
filled with water of different origin and each containing the same number of duckweed
individuals were set up and the rate of reproduction of the duckweed was recorded. The
results are shown in the first diagram.
Rate of increase in the number of
duckweed per day %
45 A: water which had
40 hornwort growing in it
35 B: drinking water
30 C: distilled water
5 A
0-2 days 3-5 days hornwort (Ceratophyllum species)
figure 1
The time elapsed since the start of the experiment

1. Based on the diagram calculate the number of duckweed individuals at the end of the
second day in container 'A' and 'B' if the starting population consisted of 100 individuals
in both containers. Let us suppose that none of the individuals died in the period under
investigation. (2 points).

2. Name the type of population interaction between the duckweed and hornwort populations.
3. The rate of reproduction of the duckweed was changing in each container during the
period of investigation. Give one possible explanation that accounts for the changes in all
three cases.

írásbeli vizsga 1311 20 / 24 2013. május 14.

Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító

4. The difference between the drinking water and the distilled water in their effect can be
explained by the presence of dissolved ions. Name the types of ions that are required for
the synthesis of the following molecules or parts of molecules (give their chemical
formula or exact names). (3 points)
• for the group connecting the sugar units in DNA: …………………………………………
• for the amino groups of proteins: …………………………………………………………..
• for the sugar units of cellulose: ……………………………………………………………
According to the hypothesis of researchers the hornwort exerted its effect on the duckweed
through some kind of compound. In the second half of the experiment the germination of
lettuce seeds was investigated under different conditions which differed in the type of liquids
applied. The results are shown in figure No2.
The germination of lettuce seeds in concentrated ‘hornwort solution’”

B A1: „hornwort solution”,

% pH = 7,8
2. ábra

A2: „hornwort solution”,

pH = 6,7

B B: distilled water

C: concentrated drinking water

(ions of drinking water in
higher concentrations)

A1 A2 C A1 A2

Time elapsed since the start of the experiment in hours

5. Explain how the effect of the compound released from the hornwort depends on the
acidity of the medium.
6. Give one example of how the variables in the experiments affect the rate of reproduction
of the duckweed and the germination of the lettuce seed in a similar way.
7. Give one example of how the variables in the experiments affect the rate of reproduction
of the duckweed and the germination of the lettuce seed in a different way.

írásbeli vizsga 1311 21 / 24 2013. május 14.

Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító

Population interactions – Essay 10 points

Summarise the types of population interactions by giving their names and providing one
example for each.
In each example discuss the way the populations in question benefit from or harmed by the

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. essay total



írásbeli vizsga 1311 22 / 24 2013. május 14.

Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító


írásbeli vizsga 1311 23 / 24 2013. május 14.

Biológia angol nyelven — emelt szint Azonosító

Maximum Achieved
score score
I. Cells 11
II. Plant life of bare saline soils „A kopár szík sarja” 9
III. The water of Balaton 11
IV. The structure and function of the male reproductive 9
V. Protein synthesis 9
VI. A sober approach to alcohol 11
VII. Monkeys on the (evolutionary) tree 10
VIII. Body fluids in humans 10
Total score of the test: 80
IX. Optional essay or problem solving task 20
Total score of the written examination: 100

marking teacher

Date: …………………………………..


elért pontszám programba

egész számra beírt egész
kerekítve / pontszám /
achieved score integer score
rounded to an written into
integer the programe
Feladatsor /
Választható esszé vagy problémafeladat /
Optional essay or problem solving task

javító tanár/marking teacher jegyző/administrator

Dátum/Date: ……………………………… Dátum/Date: …………………………………..

írásbeli vizsga 1311 24 / 24 2013. május 14.

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