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Above of all we would like to thank the almighty God for his protection and support.

Our special gratitude goes to our hosting company Ethio telecom (Addis Ababa Ethio
telecom) and its human resource manager Mr. HAYLEMARIAM AMARE.

We are by heart thankful to our supervisors Mr.WASIHUN from department of

backbone,Mr.ABRAHAM WUDU from CRO department and Mr.GETACHEW from QPP
department for theire great help.They have always been able to solve our problems and
guieded us throughout.

We are also grateful to our advisors Mr.HERMON and Mr. TEKLE for theire genuine
concern, hospitability, follow up and encouragement.

And it would have been difficult to complete our internship stay had it not been for our
parents support.



ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................................................................. I
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................ IX
CHAPTER 1 ............................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 BACKGROUND OF ETHIO TELECOM .................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Rehabilitation and Expansion of the Network (1941-73) ....................................................... 1
1.2 Mission and Values ........................................................................................................................ 5
1.3 Strategy .......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Services and Products .................................................................................................................... 5
1.5 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................... 6
1.5.1 Fixed line service .................................................................................................................... 6
1.5.2 Mobile service ......................................................................................................................... 7
1.5.3 Internet and Data ..................................................................................................................... 9
1.6 Customers of Ethio-telecom ........................................................................................................ 11
1.7 Work flow ................................................................................................................................... 12
1.7.1 Fixed line access network (FAN) .......................................................................................... 14
1.7.2 Operation and Maintenance (O&M) ..................................................................................... 14
1.7.3 Enterprise .............................................................................................................................. 15
1.7.4 Network Engineering ............................................................................................................ 15
1.7.5 Customer Service .................................................................................................................. 15
1.7.6 Information Technology ....................................................................................................... 15
CHAPTER 2 ............................................................................................................................................. 16
Overall Internship Experience ................................................................................................................ 16
2.1 Entrance to the Company ............................................................................................................. 16
2.2 The sections in the company where we have been working in .................................................... 16
2.3 Work pieces/work tasks undertaken and the technologies used in the departments .................. 19
2.3.1. Access Network ................................................................................................................... 19
2.3.2 Access Medias ...................................................................................................................... 20
2.3.3 Telephone exchange.............................................................................................................. 30
2.3.4 Distribution Frame ................................................................................................................ 33
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 33



2.3.5 Multi-Service Access Gateway (MSAG) .............................................................................. 38

CHAPTER 3 ............................................................................................................................................. 56
3.1 Short summary of the project ....................................................................................................... 56
3.2 Problem statement and justification ............................................................................................. 56
3.3 Objective of the project ................................................................................................................ 56
3.4 Methodology ................................................................................................................................ 57
3.5.1 Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (WDM)......................................................................... 57
3.5.2 DWDM(Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) ............................................................ 58
3.5.3 Effect of optical transmission system ................................................................................. 59
3.5.4 Limitations of WDM............................................................................................................. 60
3.6 ANALYSIS OF CROSSTALK IN WDM SYSTEM .................................................................. 60
3.7 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF OXC CROSSTALK ........................................................................... 61
3.8 Analysis of Bit Error Rate without Crosstalk .............................................................................. 61
3.9 Analysis of Bit Error Rate with Crosstalk ................................................................................... 63
3.10 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................................................................ 64
3.10.1 BER with Crosstalk............................................................................................................. 64
3.10.2 Crosstalk Vs Number of channels ....................................................................................... 65
CHAPTER 4 ............................................................................................................................................. 69
Over all benefits gained from the internship......................................................................................... 69
4.1 In terms of improving our Practical skills .................................................................................... 69
4.3 In terms of improving our Interpersonal communication skills ................................................... 70
4.4 In terms of improving our team working skills ............................................................................ 70
4.6 In terms of understanding Work Ethics related issues ................................................................. 71
4.7 In terms of Entrepreneurship skills .............................................................................................. 72
CHAPTER 5 ............................................................................................................................................. 73
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION.............................................................................................. 73
5.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 73
5.2 Recommendation ......................................................................................................................... 73
Appendix ................................................................................................................................................ 75
A.BER vs Input Power in dbm graph for different Crosstalk ............................................................ 75
B.MATLAB code of Crosstalk vs Number of channels .................................................................... 77



REFERENCE ............................................................................................................................................. 81

List of Figures

Figure 1.1 Old telephone switching technic............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 1.2Work flow of the organization ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 1.3 Department .............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.1 Fixed Access Network Management Chart .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.3Access network ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.4 Appearance of Twisted Pair ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.5 STP cable .................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.6 coaxial cable internal part ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.7 Basic fiber optic communication system ........................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.8 Basic structure of an optical fiber ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.8 Most commonly used fiber connectors .................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.9 splicing machine and fiber cleaver .......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.10 An OTDR machine ................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.11 working principle of an OTDR ............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.12 Fiber traces overview ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.13 simplex PBX diagram ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.14 Main distribution frame ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.15 Functional elements of a customer MDF .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.16 Jumpering of M.D.F ............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.17 Rack of M.D.F ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.18 Working principle of MSAG.................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.19 copper terminal box ............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.20 Allocation of ADSL channel frequencies ................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.21 Allocation of ADSL2 channel frequiencies ............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.22 VDSL communication pipe ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.23 Allocation of VDSL channel frequencies ................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.24 upsteram and downstream transmit with different wavelength ......... Error! Bookmark not
Figure 3.1 WDM(wave length division multiplexing ) ............................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3.2 DWDM with its components .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3.3 Block diagram of an optical WDM OXC .................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3.4 Schematic illustration of a conventional oxc node .................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3.5 BER vs Input power for different crosstalk .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3.6 Crosstalk vs number channels.................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.



List of Tables
Table 2.1 Subscriber card specification ................................................................................................. 42
Table 2.2 Broadband cards ..................................................................................................................... 43
Table 2.3 power card .............................................................................................................................. 44
Table 2.4 ADSL Transmission Rates ....................................................................................................... 49
Table 3.1 parametres used for BER without crosstalk .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 3.2 parametres used for BER with crosstalk.......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 3.3 parameters used for crosstalk vs number of channel ................................................. 66
Table 3.4 Calculated value for Power penality for crorresponding value of BER and and crosstalk .... 68
Table 3.5 Hoops and channels................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Figure 1.1 Old telephone switching technic............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 1.2Work flow of the organization ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 1.3 Department .............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.1 Fixed Access Network Management Chart .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.3Access network ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.4 Appearance of Twisted Pair ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.5 STP cable .................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.6 coaxial cable internal part ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.7 Basic fiber optic communication system ........................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.8 Basic structure of an optical fiber ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.8 Most commonly used fiber connectors .................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.9 splicing machine and fiber cleaver .......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.10 An OTDR machine ................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.11 working principle of an OTDR ............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.12 Fiber traces overview ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.13 simplex PBX diagram ............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.14 Main distribution frame ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.15 Functional elements of a customer MDF .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.16 Jumpering of M.D.F ............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.17 Rack of M.D.F ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.18 Working principle of MSAG.................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.19 copper terminal box ............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.



Figure 2.20 Allocation of ADSL channel frequencies ................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.21 Allocation of ADSL2 channel frequiencies ............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.22 VDSL communication pipe ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.23 Allocation of VDSL channel frequencies ................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2.24 upsteram and downstream transmit with different wavelength ......... Error! Bookmark not
Figure 3.1 WDM(wave length division multiplexing ) ............................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3.2 DWDM with its components .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3.3 Block diagram of an optical WDM OXC .................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3.4 Schematic illustration of a conventional oxc node .................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3.5 BER vs Input power for different crosstalk .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3.6 Crosstalk vs number channels.................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

List of Tables
Table 2.1 Subscriber card specification ................................................................................................. 42
Table 2.2 Broadband cards ..................................................................................................................... 43
Table 2.3 power card .............................................................................................................................. 44
Table 2.4 ADSL Transmission Rates ....................................................................................................... 49
Table 3.1 parametres used for BER with crosstalk.......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 3.2 parameters used for crosstalk vs number of channel ................................................. 66
Table 3.3 Calculated value for Power penality for crorresponding value of BER and and crosstalk .... 68

ADSL………………………........Asychronous Digital Suscriber Line

ALC…………………………......Analog Line Card

BER……………………………...Bit Error Rate

CRO………………………….......Coordination Roll Out

CWDM…………………………...Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing


DSL……………………………....Digital SubscriberLine

DWDM…………………………...Dense Wavelength Multiplexing

EDFA………………………….....Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers



EPD……………………………....Engineering Planning And Design

EPON…………………………….Ethernet Passive Optical Networking

ETA………………………………Ethiopian Telecommunication Authority

ETC…………………………………Ethiopia Telecommunication Corporation

FAN…………………………………Fixed Access Network

FTTB……………………………….Fiber To The Building

FTTC……………………………….Fiber To The Curb

FTTD……………………………….Fiber To The Desk

FTTH……………………………….Fiber To The Home

FTTN………………………………Fiber To The Node

GOTA…………………………..Global Open Trucking Architecture

GPON…………………………...Gigabit Passive Optical Networking

GPRS…………………………...General Packet Radio Service

GSM………………………….....Global System For Mobile

IBRD…………………………...International Bank Of Reconstructions & Develepment

IBTE…………………………...Imperial Board of Telecommunication Ethiopia

IP………………………………Internet Protocol

ITTC………………………….International Telephone And Telegraph Corporation

ITU…………………………...Iternational Telecommunication Union

ISDN………………………....Integrated Service Digital Network

MDF…………………………Main Distribution Frame

MSAG………………………Multi Service Access Gateway


NGN………………………Next Generation Network

O & M………………………Opertation And Maintenance



OTDR………………………Optical Time Domain Reflector

OXC………………………Optical Cross Connect

PBX…………………………Private Branch Exchange

QPP…………………………Quality Performance And Performance

RALC………………………Reverse Analog Line Card

RAN………………………Radio Network Access

SC………………………Subscriber Connector

SNR……………………Signal To Noise Ratio

SONET…………………Sychronous Optical Network

STP……………………Shield Twisted Pair

TDM…………………Time Division Multiplexing

UTP………………….Unshielded Twisted Pair

VAS…………………Value Added Service

VPN…………………Virtual Private Network

WDM………………Wavelength Division Multiplexing




The purpose of this internship report is to write a report about the internship experience that
we have taken for the past four month. The act of preparing the report will help us to get the
most out of out internship experience. In addition to that writing the internship report allows
us to generalize the day-to-day activities of our internship, to reflect on our experiences, and
to create an account of those experiences that displays our professional skills to the best
possible advantage. Our hosting company for the last four month was Ethio telecom It is
concerned with the professional related works. This report consists five main chapters, and we
have clearly explained our internship experience in these five chapters. The first chapter of the
report provides general information about Ethio Telecom Company and the projects
associated with the company. It starts from the brief history of the company and continues to
overall organization and workflow. The second chapter describes overall internship
experience we gained from our hosting company. It includes sections of the company we have
been working in and work pieces we have been executing. The third chapter of the report
describes the project we did which is performance analysis of optical cross connect in DWDM
system. The fourth unit of the report describes the overall benefits we gained from this
internship experience. It further divides the overall benefits into details and tries to explain
them. And the fifth chapter of the report describes the conclusion and recommendation we
made of the company. Finally the appendix part describes the Matlab program used to
evaluate performance analysis of optical cross connect in DWDM system.




The history of telecommunications in Ethiopia--from its introduction to the present day--spans
one hundred years. Telecommunications service was introduced in Ethiopia in 1894 during the
rule of Emperor Menelik II. The first major telephone line construction spanned a total distance
of about 477 kilometers and connected Harrar, a major trade center in the eastern region, with
Addis Ababa, the capital city. The line, which took only two years to construct, also
interconnected small towns situated along the route.

Immediately after the telephone line, a telegraph line was installed following the construction of
the first and only railway line in the country--the Ethio-Djibouti railway. Within two years, an
880-kilometer north-south telephone line connecting Asmara the capital of Eritrea, to Addis
Ababa was constructed and made operational in 1904. The "verbal repeater" system was used to
facilitate long distance calls, making use of the several intermediate stations opened at the small
towns and villages along the route.

Several routes branching out from Addis Ababa to connect provincial administrative centers and
major towns were being extended in advance of the construction of the road network.

By 1930, a rout e distance of 7,000 kilometers was completed and over 170 towns were being
served by the telephone network. The development of Ethiopia's long distance telephone
network, particularly in reaching the country's strategic areas and border towns, was a remar
kable feat given the rugged terrain and the absence of modern transport systems. International
communication services, however, took longer to develop. Until the end of 1930, Asmara and
Djibouti, both under colonial rule at the time, were the only two loc ations with international

By 1941, as the Italian forces finally fled the country, they destroyed the telephone service in
approximately one hundred Ethiopian towns, which they themselves had restored. As a result, by
the end of the war only a handful of Ethiopia's stations were functioning, and then very poorly.

1.1.1 Rehabilitation and Expansion of the Network (1941-73)

In April and May 1950, first International Bank of Reconstructions and Development (IBRD)
mission (which consisted of the organization's founder, Eric Beecroft, and other bank officials)
came to Ethiopia to conduct an investigation of the possibility of reforming the ministry and
creating an organization entrusted with the sole responsibility of restoring and extending
Ethiopia's telecommunications services.



In 1952, the proposals made by the ITTC‟s (International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation)
technical experts were accepted, and the establishment of the quasigovernmental
Telecommunications Board was approved by the Ethiopian government.

Imperial Board of Telecommunications of Ethiopia a (IBTE) was established as a chartered

organization by Proclamation No. 131 in October 1952. The organization was to be independent
of the Ministry of Posts, Telegraph, and Telephone and had the following main objectives:

To rehabilitate, extend, and maintain Ethiopia's telecommunications facilities and to engage on a

for- profit basis in the civilian telecommunications business;

To act as an agent for the Ethiopian government in all matters relating to telecommunications
services in and outside the country; and

To establish appropriate training procedures and a training institute for present and future board

Since its inception, the ETA's investment activities have been carried out through the
"development program" approach. The achievements of this approach and the problems the ETA
has encountered in the investment process are described briefly in the following sections. The First Four Telecommunications Development Programs (1958-73)

Since the establishment in 1953 of what was then known as the Imperial Board of
Telecommunications of Ethiopia (IBTE) (currently known as Ethiopian Telecommunication
Authority or ETA) as a semiautonomous organization, six development programs have been c
arrived out in Ethiopia. During the first four development programs, implemented between 1958
and 1973.

Fig 1.1 old telephone switching technic


INTERNISHIP REPORT The Fifth Telecommunications Development Program (1974-79)

The Fifth Telecommunications Development Program (FTDP) actual implementation of the
program was began in 1975 and lasted until 1984.

The achievements of the FTDP can be summarized as follows:

o Ten new automatic exchanges with a total line capacity of 32,200 were installed.
o The capacity of existing exchanges in eighteen towns (including the capital city) was
raised by a total of 22,000 lines;
o subscriber trunk dialing service was introduced into six towns;
o A total route length of 1,917 kilometers of microwave radio relay system, linking a
number of regional capitals to Addis Ababa, was established;

A satellite earth station and an automatic telex exchange were put into service to cater to
international routes. By June 1985 Ethiopia had direct satellite links with a total of thirteen
citiesin Africa, Asia, Europe, and the United States; and direct microwave links were established
with Djibouti, Kenya, and Tanzania. The Sixth Telecommunications Development Program (1984-91)

The SXTDP differed significantly from the FTDP in the amount of capital expenditure planned,
in the targets it set out to achieve, and in the level of technology employed.

Achievements of the SXDTP in cluded the following:

o Subscriber trunk dialing facilities were extended to twenty-seven towns--an increase of

69 percent on the figure at the beginning of the program;
o Rural telecommunications penetration was raised by opening an additional 150 public
call offices;
o International direct dialing was introduced in some exchange areas; and
o The second satellite earth station (standard A) working with the Indian Ocean satellite
space segment was established in 1986. The Seventh Telecommunications Development Program (1992-97):

Its major objectives were the following:

o To extend basic telecommunications services to as many rural communities as possible;

o To provide telephone connections to as many urban customers as would help narrow the
existing demand/supply gap;
o To improve the quality of service by upgrading as many switching offices as was
economically viable from manual to automatic operation and maintaining the fault rate at
a realistic minimum; and to improve the international telecommunications service by



increasing direct links to additional countries in keeping with Ethiopia's economic and
cultural ties.

On November 1996, the Ethiopian Telecommunications Authority became Ethiopian

Telecommunications Corporation (ETC) by Council of Ministers regulation No. 10/1996.

The subsequent Proclamation 49/1996 expanded the ETC's duties and responsibilities. The
provision of mobile service in Ethiopia has begun in 1999 with a capacity of 36,000 lines in
Addis Ababa. After three years, the number of subscribers reached about 207,000. In 2006, the
number of mobile subscriber has reached 1.5 million throughout the country.

In late 2006, the ETC signed an agreement worth US$1.5 billion with three Chinese companies,
ZTE Corporation, Huawei Technologies and the Chinese International Telecommunication
Construction Corporation, to upgrade and expand Ethiopian telecommunications services. This
agreement will increase the number of mobile services from 1.5 million to 7 million, land line
telephone services from 1 million to 4 million, and expansion of the fiber optic network, from the
present 4,000 kilometers to 10,000 by 2010. It is part of a larger US$ 2.4 billion plan by the
Ethiopian government to improve the country‟s telecommunications infrastructure So as to
render world standard telecom services, On December 2, 2010 ETC was reborn as Ethio
Telecom after France Telecom takes over the management.

The new company, Ethio Telecom, which is also totally owned by the Ethiopian government,
handles all the business activities of the former ETC for the last three years.The government
came up with the decision of outsourcing ETC‟s management because the corporation was not
able to meet the demands of the fast growing country, Ethiopia.

The Ethiopian government paid 30 million euro to France Telecom, mostly known for its Orange
brand, for managing the new company and salary for its 24 professionals for two years start from
November 29, 2010.For its international traffic links and communication services, Ethio telecom
mainly uses its earth station at Sululta which transmits and receives to both Indian Ocean and the
Atlantic Ocean satellites.

Ethiopian government has decided to focus on the improvement of telecommunication services,

considering them as a key lever in the development of Ethiopia. To ensure that Ethio telecom
runs parallel with top telecom operators, the Ethiopian government has reached an agreement
with France Telecom, one of the world‟s leader telecommunication companies, the French
telecom company, has taken over the management of the country‟s sole telecom provider. This
agreement will help Ethio telecom to improve its management capacity through the transfer of
world-renowned know-how and skills.

Ethio-telecom uses satellites, digital radio multi access system (DRMAS), Very Small Aperture
Terminal (VSAT), Ultra High Frequency (UHF), Very High Frequency (VHF), long line and
high frequency (HF) radio networks.



1.2 Mission and Values

Ethio Telecom is born from this ambition of supporting the steady growth of our country. They
wish to implement state-of-the-art processes, to develop reliable network infrastructures and to
provide the best quality of services to their Customers. To meet international standards, the
company has set the following values:

o Commit to understand, meet and exceed the telecommunications needs and expectations
of our country at large and of customers in particular
o Respect customers and recognize that their revenues allow ethio telecom to operate
o Recognize that the company employees are the most valuable asset and want to create an
efficient corporate management environment that allows them to develop and grow
o Be committed to high-level job performance, customer service quality, organizational
excellence and continuous improvement in all areas
o Stay motivated and encouraged to meet all the challenges that we will face
o Make every effort to achieve a superior financial return
o Uphold ethical standards, being honest in all assignments
o Hold the company accountable to all of its stakeholders

1.3 Strategy
Ethio Telecom strategies include:

Ethio Telecom will achieve its goal of both providing a reliable network and of improving
Customer Services through a range of different levers that are part of its development strategy.

Ethio Telecom will develop and enhance the information system. This will help to decrease the
delay for provision, sales and activation as well as to provide more reliable information to

Ethio Telecom will develop a world-class human resources management. This will help to
improve employees‟ ability to meet the needs and expectations of Customers.

Ethio Telecom will implement control standard processes. This will help to increase reactivity
and to faster Customer access to services.

Ethio Telecom will develop better sourcing & facilities processes. This will help to faster
delivery and repair and will offer more transparency to Customers.

1.4 Services and Products

Ethio-telecom is institutionalized with the objectives of promoting the development of high
quality, efficient, reliable and affordable telecommunication services in the country. The services
that provided by Ethio-telecom are:-

o Fixed line telephony



o Fax service
o GPRS(general packet radio service)
o Mobile telephone
o Internet both broadband and narrowband
o Multimedia services
o CDMA both voice and data


1.5.1 Fixed line service

A. Fixed Line

Fixed Line is traditional wired phone service, it delivers voice, fax and Internet services, and it is
fixed in locations such as homes and offices, no mobility. It is most importantly reliable and
cheap alternative for businesses.

B. Fixed Wireless CDMA

Fixed wireless refers to the operation of wireless devices or systems in fixed locations such as
homes and offices. It is much similar to the ordinary fixed telephone service; it uses Fixed
Wireless Terminal (FWT) which enables it to give a voice, data and other value added services.
It works wherever CDMA network is available.

C. ISDN (Integrated services digital network)

Integrated services digital network (ISDN) is an international communications standard for

sending voice, video, and data over digital telephone lines or normal telephone wires. ISDN
supports data transfer rates of 64 Kbps (64,000 bits per second). It can be considered the step of
internet evolution that lies between dial-up and DSL/Cable. ISDN internet service is basically a
telephone-based network system that operates by a circuit switch, or dedicated line. It can
transmit data and phone conversations digitally over normal telephone wires.

D. Fixed Line Value Added Service (VAS)

There are different packages of fixed line value added services which are very important for both
enterprise and residential customers.

CLIP/ Caller Line Identification Presentation: Also called "caller ID", this service allows a
called party to see the telephone number of an incoming call on a display connected to the
telephone line. The local exchange is kept updated on which subscribers have signed up for this
service. .

Call Waiting: A special signal is generated during a call in progress to indicate that a third party
is trying to reach you. This caller receives an ordinary ringing tone..



Call Barring: Certain types of outgoing call can be barred in different ways, for example, by
trunk discrimination. It is also possible to bar specified numbers (such as premium rate numbers)
or to define open numbers and bar the rest. However, as yet no service exists that bars certain
types of incoming call. To effect such call screening, the subscriber has to use the CLIP service
or selective call forwarding.

Abbreviated dialing: Subscribers can enter a list of abbreviated numbers in the local exchange.
This service is practical for a company whose PBX has no function for internal abbreviated
numbers. .

Don't disturb: Calls are connected to recorded message or tone information.

Call Divert:Incoming calls are sent to another number or mobile number.

Fixed Hot line- This service allows the subscriber to be automatically connected to a
programmed number merely by lifting the handset. Two variants are available: The number is
called directly or after a few seconds. The delay enables the subscriber to call a number other
than the programmed one..

Call-Conference: Lets you speak to two or more people at the same time.

Short number call: It is similar to the normal fixed line calls except that this calls are made
through short numbers (three digits).

1.5.2 Mobile service

A. GSM Mobile (prepaid/ postpaid)

The service is given using SIM (Subscriber Information Module). It has voice, data, SMS, and
other value added capabilities, In order to use the service in pre-paid scenario; it is required to
charge using scratch able cards and for postpaid services, users are charged at the end of every
month (usage charge + Rent).

Services offered in addition to Voice are

SMS (Short Messaging Service)

Before using this service the message service center should be set by putting

Call divert
• It allows an incoming call to a called party to be redirected to another mobile or fixed
telephone number.
• It can be activated from the phone.

Call waiting



 Is a feature that alerts someone using the phone to an incoming call and allows
switching between calls
• It can be activated from the phone

Call barring
• This service enables to restrict or bar certain or all types of calls to and from your
mobile phone,
• To use this service to visit nearby sales office and subscribe is required

General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)

• It is a mobile data service available to users of GSM mobile phones
• It provides moderate speed data by using unused microwave resources in the GSM
• to use GPRS setting access point to APN is required

Credit transfer service for prepaid mobile customers

as per its corporate values, Ethio Telecom shall strive to commit to understand, meet and exceed
the telecommunications needs and expectations of the country at large and of customers in
particular. To this end, Ethio Telecom has recently launched a credit transfer service for the
prepaid mobile customers in order to meet the needs of communities living in voucher card
inaccessible areas.

USSD command service introduction

Ethio Telecom has also introduced the USSD command service which has the following
advantages in recharging and balance inquiring:
- It is customer user friendly (that is, no time out, no error to network, no to follow voice
- It reduces voice network congestion.

Ethio Telecom has also recently enhanced other products and service offers such as Machine to
Machine, Bulk SMS and Short Code Premium, in signing partnership with content providers.


It offers a wide range of advanced services; high speed internet access, video and High Quality
image transmission, video conversation, online chat, it requires cell phones that support 3G
services, users are charged at the end of every month (usage charge + Rent), accessing calls
while browsing the web pages is possible, you can transmit and receive data at greater speed and
capacity, and it also supports all services offered by 2G GSM Services offered in addition to



C. GoTa

GOTA (Global Open Trucking Architecture) is a service given using the CDMA2000 wireless
network for the purpose of group communication, the service allows two or more individuals to
communicate and also use it for private and group calls, and the service also allows the
subscriber to make external calls by also subscribing to the mobile wireless service.

It also allows the following functions:

o Users can subscribe for to make or receive calls with external network with full or limited
o One-to-one private calls and one-to-many group calls
o The ability to set the user‟s priority
o The ability to perform forced insertion/forced release based on the user‟s priority
o The ability to provide special services such as system paging, group paging, sub group
paging, and dedicated PTT service as required
o The ability to give organizations a user name and password to manage their users
remotely from their organization as per their requirement.
o Subscription and monthly rental for GoTa (PTT) without voice full mobility

D. Satellite Mobile Telephone

Satellite Mobile Telephone service enables customers in every part of the globe to be
beneficiaries of telecom services through satellites stationed on the universe. This kind of service
needs special telephone apparatus. This telephone services have been also provided to those
customers found outside the mobile telephone coverage. They provide similar functionality to
terrestrial mobile telephones; voice, short messaging service and low-bandwidth internet access
are supported through these systems. It is important service for enterprises mainly working in an
area not covered by the GSM network.

E. Mobile Roaming service

Roaming service will provide the ability for wireless customers to automatically make and
receive voice calls, send and receive data, or access other services when travelling outside the
geographical coverage area of ET, by means of using a visited country‟s operator‟s network.
Simply, roaming will enable ET mobile subscribers to make use of mobile or radio (wireless)
related services beyond the network coverage of ET. There are two types of roaming services.
These are out bound roaming and in bound roaming. This service is provided only for GSM
postpaid customers.

1.5.3 Internet and Data

A. Broadband internet:



Broadband Internet is a relatively fast Internet service provided through wired and wireless

Wired broadband internet: the wired broadband is provided through copper or fiber with
different access methods (ADSL, ADSL2, ADSL2+, and VDSL2). It can be provided with
different speed depending on customers‟ requirement and the access they use. Customers can
buy CPEs or rent from Ethio Telecom. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) is one form
of the Digital Subscriber Line, a data communications technology that enables faster data
transmission over copper telephone lines. Through ADSL customers will get a better, affordable,
reliable and faster internet connection starting from only 950 birr per month.

Wireless broadband internet: the wireless can be given through EVDO, VSAT and AIRONET.
EVDO is a standard for high speed wireless broadband. The acronym is short for "Evolution,
Data Only" or "Evolution, Data Optimized". It is a CDMA technology that supports a High
speed internet data connection with a peak speed of 3.1mb/s and with an average speed of
800kb/s -1.7mb/s. It works where ever CDMA network is available. EVDO is given in both post-
paid and pre-paid format. It offers you fast, affordable and mobile Internet access by using an
EVDO modem and a computer (desktop or laptop). It is now available throughout Addis Ababa
and about 200 major towns and cities throughout Ethiopia. It is in bundled in three packages 1, 2
and 4 GBs, so that it can meet different needs of customers.

B. Broadband Data (MPLS- VPN)

Virtual private network (VPN) is a network that uses a public telecommunication infrastructure,
such as internet, to provide remote offices or individual users with secure access to their
organization‟s network and data. Ethio telecom gives VPN service mainly through MPLS
(Multi-Protocol Labeled Switch) network. MPLS-VPN is a virtual private network with a multi-
protocol labeled switch to deliver data, voice and video services using a shared telecom
infrastructure. Its goal is to provide the organizations with the same, secure capabilities, but at a
much lower cost.

C. Internet VAS

There are different kinds of internet value added services.

Domain Name: If you want to have unique address on the Internet you will be provided a
domain name. A domain name is the part of your Internet address that comes after "www".

Internet Protocol (IP) address: If you want an IP address which is numerical label that will be
assigned to your devices participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for
communication between yours and other nodes. You can get this service through Virtual IP
address or One IP address service.



Graphic Scanning: If you want to use graphic scanning service, it will allow you to scan a
photograph or printed graphic and conversion in to web readable form, includes image
enhancement and optimization.

Counter Service: This service helps you to know the number of visitors to your web pages.

Web hosting: If you want your website to be accessed on the internet, you can be provided with
a web hosting service. The company operates and maintains online servers locally to host the
information that you want to make available on the Internet. The company can provide you with
consultancy in server design, maintenance services and technical support. The company also
provides virtual hosting, dedicating server and hosted server web hosting services.

1.6 Customers of Ethio-telecom

Ethio-telecom provides its different services including fixed line telephony, mobile telephone
and Internet to government organizations, private and commercial companies, international
institutions and individuals.

Government organizations:-

Educational institutions like high schools, Colleges and Universities.

Different governmental offices

Private and Commercial Companies:-

All banks (Dashin bank, Hibret bank…)

Different Internet cafes

Different private companies

Corporate customers like Medroc, Mesebo cement…

International Institutions:-

Different Embassies

Nongovernmental Organizations


The Society who wants the company products.

Employees: - Ethio telecom in north region has created job opportunity for the society of
Mekelle and around Mekelle. In north region Ethio telecom have 423 employers all over the



1.7 Work flow

The head office of ethio-telecom in Addis Ababa is networked with the regional
telecoms. Our hosting company is Addis Abeba and is known as ethio-telecom North
Addis Abeba region(NAAZ).



Executive managment

Board of directors

Chief executive officer Chief operating of


Chief finance officer Chief internal office

audit officer

Chief legal officer Chief security officer

Chief human resource


Chief quality &

Chief sourcing &
process officer
facilities officer

Chief residential Chief Enterprise Chief customer Chief technical

marketing officer service officer officer

Fig 1.2 work flow of the organization

In ethio-telecom north region there are six main departments and these are:-



Ethio telecom

O&M Network Customer Information

FAN Enterprise
Enginneer Service Technology
Fig1.3 Department of Ethio Telecom

1.7.1 Fixed line access network (FAN)

Fixed access network is that part of a telecommunications network which connects subscribers to
their immediate service provider. An access network refers to the series of wires, cables and
equipment lying between a consumer/business telephone termination point (the point at which a
telephone connection reaches the customer) and the local telephone exchange.

o Establishes and keeps up to date the development plan of the Fixed Network including
Backbone network according to Company objectives
o To satisfy the demand for services and customers, establishes guidelines and implement
actions to develop, maintain and optimize the Fixed Network and Backbone network

o Definition of internal processes, Quality and Performance improvement (define KPIs and
Objectives to be dispatched to all department entities)
o Internal coordination with others Departments and External coordination with relevant
o Management of local entities in charge of field operations and network development
o Engineering, planning and design
o Contribution to development of Corporate Services for the domain in charge
o Projects Roll Out

1.7.2 Operation and Maintenance (O&M)

The Operation and maintenance department is responsible for controlling the operation of the
communication system and for maintenance of network and communication equipments.

This department has five sub departments and these are:-



 Radio Access Network (RAN)

 Transmission
 Customer-premises Equipment(CPE)
 Core network, IP, IT
 Performance

1.7.3 Enterprise: Responsible for the sales and financial tasks. It is business part of the

1.7.4 Network Engineering: Is concerned in controlling the wired transmission media.

1.7.5 Customer Service: Is concerned in receiving calls from customers for different
reasons. Example for trouble ticket.

1.7.6 Information Technology: Is responsible for maintenance of different equipments.

Example repairing computers software problem




Overall Internship Experience

2.1 Entrance to the Company
When we were 4th year students we have been told by our industry Linkage officer Mr.
BERHANU DINO to find a hosting company for the internship program. After asking different
hosting company, North Region Ethio telecom (Mekelle Ethio telecom) able to accept us the
next trainers for the next half semester. But things weren‟t going as we expect because we were
told to go Addis Ababa forcefully. The reason we have been told was North Region Ethio
telecom is not good enough for technical things. But it wasn‟t satisfactory because living at
Addis Ababa for about four month is difficult. After one day in Addis Ababa we met the Etio
telecom supervisors in the telecommunication college. The human resource manager called Ato
HAYLEMARIAM AMARE gave us an orientation and over all explanation for about one day.
At that time we have been divided in to nine departments. After one week of visiting we start our
training in NAAZ (North Addis Ababa Zone) for the past four month.

2.2 The sections in the company where we have been working in

Our internship period was almost four months and we divide the whole internship period in to
four sessions because FAN(Fixed Access Network) department has different sections and we
tried to see every section in rotation by staying maximum of one month in one section. During
these four sessions we perform tasks that are useful to the company and that improve our
theoretical and practical skills.



Fig2.1 Fixed Access Network Management Chart

1st session was the first month in the company: In the first month of the internship program we
were trying to understand Engineering, Planning, Design Section and Quality performance and
process Section. In the Engineering, planning and design section (EPD) we were trying to
know how to Establish the mapping of the customer demand at local level and Establish the
Design for all major project (design drawings using AutoCAD).In the Quality performance and
process section we also try to understand how to Update and dispatch the processes and verify
their efficiency and Analyse the results of the activity ( and propose action plans for
improvement of network quality and working methods.

2nd session was the second month in the company: In the second month we become more and
more familiar with Coordination Roll out/Operation Section. In this section we understood how
to trace data from an OTDR (optical time domain reflector) and sometimes we went to sites to
measure fiber loss due to different reasons by using an OTDR. Since the office was found in the
NAAZ (sidist kilo) we got the chance to see in practical how the exchange works.

3rd session was the third month in the company: In the third month we were able to see
backbone and broadband sections. In the backbone section we tried to see giving a new line to
subscribers, relocation and rehabilitation of optical and copper cables. Most of the time we were



able to see how to relocate an existing copper and fiber cables because in Addis Ababa it was the
time in which road and train construction started. In broadband section even it is not what we
expect in the first place we were able to see how to configure an ADSL.

4th session was the fourth month in the company: In these months we begin to collect different
data, books and different parameters that help us to do the project.

1st session: Understanding EPD and


2nd session: Working at CRO

3rd session: Keep working in Backbone

and broadband section.

4th session: Working on projects

Fig2.2 summary of work session



2.3 Work pieces/work tasks undertaken and the technologies used in the

2.3.1. Access Network

Access network connects the customer to the local exchange.

Fig 2.3 Access network diagram

Access media Overview of Access Network

The access network is located between the service node and the user terminal and can be
regarded as a transmission network that is independent from both the service and the application.
It completes the functions of cross connection, multiplexing and transmission. It transmits the
subscriber signaling transparently, making no interpretation of the signaling.

The access network plays a very important role in the telecom network and is critical for the
development in the future. First, its construction cost accounts for half or more of the total cost
of the network construction. Second, the access network faces the vast subscribers and various
application systems directly.

Therefore, it is the part that invites the fiercest competition for high technology and develops
most quickly in the field of current information communications. Classification of Access Modes

In terms of transmission mode, an access network can be classified as :

 A wired access network and

 A wireless access network.

The wired access network includes copper-cable access network, optic fiber access network.
The wireless access network includes the fixed wireless access network and the mobile access
network. However, there is not a single technology that can satisfy the requirements of all cases
and applications up till now.



Fixed access network provides service starting from exchange up to subscriber. To provide this
service they use copper access network and optical access network.

The most common wired access modes include:

 Copper Access Network

 Fiber Access Network Copper Access Network

The major advantage of this network is that it is widely available. The costs of copper-based
networks are affected by the following technological advances

Today the copper-based trunk network is replaced by an optical network, while the access
network is still based on copper lines. Installation of fibers has reduced the cost of capacity in
trunk networks considerably.

Digitalization of switching facilities and use of packet switched transmission technologies has
reduced switching costs.

It is possible to upgrade the copper-based access networks to carry high-speed services through
the use of xDSL technologies; the possible capacity depends on

-The length of the copper cables and

-The quality of the network. Optical Access Network

The rapid development and sustained growth of the Internet has helped to spur the development
of high bandwidth applications such as video conferences, real-time games, IPTV, and
particularly video services like HDTV, which requires even higher access network bandwidth for
its application. The conventional copper-based access network is no longer competent for
handling high bandwidth applications. So much so, that now main carriers all over the world are
whole-heartedly embracing fiber access technologies that promise abundant bandwidth.

2.3.2 Access Medias

Cable is the medium through which information usually moves from one network device to
another. There are several types of cable which are commonly used with LANs. In some cases, a
network will utilize only one type of cable, other networks will use a variety of cable types. The
type of cable chosen for a network is related to the network's topology, protocol, and size.
Understanding the characteristics of different types of cable and how they relate to other aspects
of a network is necessary for the development of a successful network.



Several physical data-transmission media are available to connect together the various devices on
a network. One possibility is to use cables. There are many types of cables, but the most common
are Copper and Optical fiber cable. Twisted Pair copper cable

The following sections discuss the types of cables used in networks. Shielded and unshielded twisted pair
copper (UTP & STP) are the most popular and are generally the best option for LAN networks.

The main reason for twisting pairs of conductors is to minimize crosstalk and noise by
decreasing capacitance unbalance and mutual inductance coupling between pairs. Twisting
conductors also improves the balance (physical symmetry) between conductors of a pair and
reduces noise coupling from external noise sources.

Two types of twisted pair cable are generally recognized:

 Unshielded Twisted-Pair (UTP);

 Shield Twisted pair(STP).

Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP)

UTP cable complies with the 10BaseT specification. This is the most commonly used twisted pair type
and the most widely used on local networks.

Fig2.4 Appearance of Twisted Pair

UTP's major problem is that it is particularly susceptible to interference (signals from one line mixing
with those of another line). The only solution to this is shielding.

Shielded Twisted Pair (STP)

In an STP cable, the copper wires of one pair are themselves twisted, which provides STP cable
with excellent shielding, (in other words, better protection against interference). It also allows
faster transmission over a longer distance.



Fig2.5 STP cable Coaxial cable

Basically, they are used to transmit electrical energy, or signals, from one location to another: to
connect a source to a load, such as a transmitter to an antenna. It is highly resistant to signal
interference. In addition, it can support greater cable lengths between network devices than
twisted pair cable.

A coaxial cable is made of up a central copper wire (called a core) surrounded by an insulator,
and then a braided metal shield.

Fig2.6 coaxial cable internal part Optical Fiber Cable

A fiber optic data link sends input data through fiber optic components and provides this data as output
information. It has the following three basic functions:

 To convert an electrical input signal to an optical signal

 To send the optical signal over an optical fiber
 To convert the optical signal back to an electrical signal

A fiber optic data link consists of three parts - transmitter, optical fiber, and receiver.

A fiber optic data link needs a transmitter that can effectively convert an electrical input signal to
an optical signal and launch the data-containing light down the optical fiber. A fiber optic data
link also needs a receiver that can effectively transform this optical signal back into its original
form. This means that the electrical signal provided as data output should exactly match the
electrical signal provided as data input.



Fig2.7.Basic fiber optic communication system Basic Structure of an Optical Fiber

The basic structure of an optical fiber consists of three parts; the core, the cladding, and the
coating or buffer. The core is a cylindrical rod of dielectric material. Dielectric material
conducts no electricity. Light propagates mainly along the core of the fiber. The core is generally
made of glass.

Fig 2.8 Basic structure of an optical fiber

The cladding performs the following functions:

 Reduces loss of light from the core into the surrounding air
 Reduces scattering loss at the surface of the core
 Protects the fiber from absorbing surface contaminants
 Adds mechanical strength

The coating or buffer is a layer of material used to protect an optical fiber from physical
damage. The material used for a buffer is a type of plastic.


INTERNISHIP REPORT Types of Optical Fiber

Optical fibers are classified by the number of modes that propagate along the fiber. The basic
structural difference is the core size.

Single Mode Fibers

Single mode fibers propagate only one mode, because the core size approaches the operational
wavelength. The value of the normalized frequency parameter (V) relates core size with mode
propagation. Single mode fibers have a lower signal loss and a higher information capacity
(bandwidth) than multimode fibers. Single mode fibers are capable of transferring higher
amounts of data due to low fiber dispersion.

Multimode Fibers
As their name implies, multimode fibers propagate more than one mode. Multi-mode.
Multimode fibers also have some disadvantages. As the number of modes increases, the effect of
modal dispersion increases. Modal dispersion (inter modal dispersion) means that modes arrive
at the fiber end at slightly different times. This time difference causes the light pulse to spread.
Modal dispersion affects system bandwidth. Advantages and Disadvantages of Optical Fiber

Fiber optic systems have many attractive features that are superior to electrical systems.

Bandwidth: Large bandwidth due to very high carrier frequency (light) means that a
great deal of information can be carried.

Electrical Isolation: Fibers do not conduct.

The maintenance of signal quality over extended distances: Fiber optics has superior
record of maintaining signal quality over extended distances than copper cable.

Immunity to electromagnetic Interference: Optical fiber transmits signals as light

pulses rather than electrical pulses. This light transmission is unaffected by the presence
of electro-magnetic fields. As a consequence optical fiber transmission can be used in
applications where links are routed near electrical conductors and electrical machines

Security of Information and Operational Safety: Unlike copper cables fiber cables do
not radiate any signal. As a consequence, fiber cables are virtually immune from
“tapping” and so the signal content is difficult to access for unauthorized parties. As
there are no emissions from optical fiber cable there is no risk that a fiber installation
will act as a ignition source.

Efficient use of duct space: Optical fibre itself is very small, each glass fibre being
only 0.125mm diameter.



Multi-channel capability and “Future Proofing”: If the user may wish to upgrade the
system to support more channels it can be done by using wavelength division
multiplexing or by increasing the signal frequency using electrical multiplexing
techniques. The transmission media is hence “future proofed” and the link will need
only additional terminal equipment to expand the link capacity.


The terminating equipment is still costly as compared to copper equipment.

Of is delicate so has to be handled carefully.

Last mile is still not totally fiberised due to costly subscriber premises equipment.

Communication is not totally in optical domain, so repeated electric –optical – electrical

conversion is needed.

Optical amplifiers, splitters, MUX-DEMUX are still in development stages.

Tapping is not possible. Specialized equipment is needed to tap a fiber.

Optical fiber splicing is a specialized technique and needs expertly trained manpower.

The splicing and testing equipment are very expensive as compared to copper
equipment‟s. Fiber Optic Connectors

An optical fiber connector terminates the end of an optical fiber, and enables quicker connection
and disconnection than splicing. The connectors mechanically couple and align the cores of
fibers so that light can pass.

A variety of optical fiber connectors are available. The main differences among types of
connectors are dimensions and methods of mechanical coupling.In data com and telecom
applications nowadays small form factor connectors (e.g. LC) and multi-fiber connectors e.g.
MTP) are replacing the traditional connectors (e.g. SC), mainly to pack more connectors on the
overcrowded faceplate, and thus reducing the footprint of the systems.

The type of connector most commonly used with multimode fiber is the Subscriber
Connector (SC connector).On single-mode fiber; the Straight Tip (ST) connector is
frequently used.



Fig2.8 most commonly used fiber connectors Fiber Optic Cable Splicing

Two optical fiber splicing methods are available for permanent joining of two optical fibers.
Both methods provide much lower insertion loss compared to fiber connectors.

 Fiber optic cable fusion splicing – Insertion loss < 0.1dB

 Fiber mechanical splicing – Insertion loss < 0.5dB

Fusion splicing
High precision fusion splicers are usually bulky and expensive. With proper training, a fiber
splicing technician can routinely achieve less than 0.1dB insertion loss splicing for both single
mode and multimode fiber cables.

Fiber optic cable splicing procedure (How to splice fiber optic cable)
Strip fiber cable jacket. Strip back about 3 meters of fiber cable jacket to expose the fiber loose
tubes or tight buffered fibers. Use cable rip cord to cut through the fiber jacket. Then carefully
peel back the jacket and expose the insides. Cut off the excess jacket. Clean off all cable gel with
cable gel remover. Separate the fiber loose tubes and buffers by carefully cutting away any yarn
or sheath. Leave enough of the strength member to properly secure the cable in the splice

Strip fiber tubes. For a loose tube fiber cable, strip away about 2 meters of fiber tube using a
buffer tube stripper and expose the individual fibers.

Clean cable gel. Carefully clean all fibers in the loose tube of any filling gel with cable gel

Secure cable tubes. Secure the end of the loose tube to the splice tray and lay out cleaned and
separated fibers on the table. Strip and clean the other cable tube‟s fiber that is to be spliced, and
secure to the splice tray.

Strip first splicing fiber. Hold the first splicing fiber and remove the 250um fiber coating to
expose 5cm of 125um bare fiber cladding with fiber coating stripper tool. For tight buffered



fibers, remove 5cm of 900um tight buffer first with a buffer stripping tool, and then remove the
5cm of 250um coating.

Place the fusion splice protection sleeve. Put a fusion splice protection sleeve onto the fiber
being spliced.

Clean the bare fiber. Carefully clean the stripped bare fiber with lint-free wipes soaked in
isopropyl alcohol. After cleaning, prevent the fiber from touching anything.

Fiber cleaving. With a high precision fiber cleaver, cleave the fiber to a specified length
according to your fusion splicer‟s manual.

Prepare second fiber being spliced. Strip, clean and cleave the other fiber to be spliced.

Fusion splicing. Place both fibers in the fusion splicer and do the fusion splice according to its

Heats shrink the fusion splice protection sleeve. Slide the fusion splice protection sleeve on
the joint and put it into the heat shrink oven, and press the heat button.

Place splice into splice tray. Carefully place the finished splice into the splice tray and loop
excess fiber around its guides. Ensure that the fiber‟s minimum bending radius is not

Perform OTDR test. Perform a OTDR test of the splice and redo the splice if necessary.

Close the splice tray. After all fibers have been spliced, carefully close the splice tray and place
it into the splice enclosure.

Bidirectional OTDR test (or power meter test). Test the splices with an OTDR or power meter
from both directions.

Mount the splice enclosure. Close and mount the splice enclosure if all splices meet the



Fig 2.9 Splicing Machine and Fiber cleaver.

Fiber optic cable mechanical splices

Mechanical splicing uses a small, mechanical splice, about 6cm long and 1cm in diameter that
permanently joins the two optical fibers.

A mechanical splice is a small fiber connector that precisely aligns two bare fibers and then
secures them mechanically. Mechanical splices are small, quite easy to use, and are very handy
for either quick repairs or permanent installations. Their connection losses are usually less than
0.5dB which is much bigger than a 0.1dB fusion splice. time-domain reflectometer (OTDR)

An optical time-domain reflectometer (OTDR) is an optoelectronic instrument used to
characterize an optical fiber. It injects a series of optical pulses into the fiber under test. It also
extracts, from the same end of the fiber, light that is scattered or reflected back from points along
the fiber. The strength of the return pulses is measured and integrated as a function of time, and
is plotted as a function of fiber length.

An OTDR may be used for estimating the fiber length and overall attenuation, including splice
and mated connector losses. It may also be used to locate faults, such as breaks, and to measure



optical return loss. To measure the attenuation of multiple fibers, it is advisable to test from each
end and then average the results, however this considerable extra work is contrary to the
common claim that testing can be performed from only one end of the fiber.

Fig 2.10 An OTDR Machine

How an OTDR works.

A basic understanding of how an OTDR works will help in analyzing a trace, especially when
something unexpected happens. An OTDR takes advantage of the backscattered light that occurs
in all fibers as light travels down the core . The OTDR measures the time the backscattered light
takes to go back and forth through the fiber, and using the speed of light in the fiber, the OTDR
calculates the distance values used in constructing the trace (using the formula: distance = speed
x time).

Fig 2.11 Working Principle of an OTDR



Fig2.12 Fiber traces overview

OTDR Limitations
Interpreting the trace requires too much skill for most field technicians.

Because of the skill requirements, the majority of organizations end up with a small number of
identified "experienced" operators, who train others, and are called out to problem situations.

Limited accuracy when determining the end to end loss of a system. It typically makes a poor job
of measuring the loss of the end connectors.

Accidental connection to a receiver can damage the receiver due to the high instantaneous power
levels. There can be some optical safety issues associated with the high pulse powers in these
instruments, which often exceed +20 dBm.

2.3.3 Telephone exchange

A telephone exchange is a telephone system located at service centers (central offices)
responsible for a small geographic area that provided the switching or interconnection of two or
more individual subscriber lines for calls made between them, rather than requiring direct lines
between subscriber stations. This made it possible for subscribers to call each other at homes,
businesses, or public spaces. These made telephony an available and comfortable communication
tool for everyday use, and it gave the impetus for the creation of a whole new industrial sector.

An exchange consists of electronic components and in older systems also human operators that
interconnect (switch) telephone subscriber lines or virtual circuits of digital systems to establish
telephone calls between subscribers. In the public telecommunication networks a telephone
exchange is located in a central office (CO).



Exchanges in a common local area are interconnected by trunks. In countries where the
telecommunication infrastructure is more developed, these trunks are liable to be digital based on
E1 or T1 techniques. Where the infrastructure of telecommunications is less developed, these
trunks and their connected exchanges are analog. In either case there will be a relatively small
number of these trunks compared to the number of subscriber lines terminating in the associated
local exchanges.

The size of an exchange area (also called a serving area) obviously will depend largely on
subscriber (or potential subscriber) density and distribution. Subscriber traffic is another factor to
be considered.

The shape of a serving area has considerable effect on optimum exchange size.

If a serving area has sharply angular contours, the exchange size may have to be reduced to avoid
excessively long loops. EXCHANGE LOCATION

A fairly simple, straightforward method for determination of the theoretical optimum exchange
location is called center-of gravity method.

1st step: Using a map to scale, a defined area is divided into small squares of 100–500
m a side.

2nd step: write the total number of subscribers in each of the blocks.

This total is the sum of three figures: (1) existing subscribers, (2) waiting list,

and (3) forecast of subscribers for 15 or 20 years into the future.

3rd step: trace two lines over the subscriber area. One is a horizontal line that has
approximately the same number of total subscribers above the line as below.The second
is a vertical line where the number of subscribers to the left of the line is the same as that
to the right. The point of intersection of these two lines is the theoretical optimum center
or exchange location. Types of Exchange

MAX(Main Automatic Exchange)

PABX(Private Automatic Branch Exchange)

1. MAX (Main Automatic Exchange)



A MAX is a telephone system within a service provider that switches calls between service users
on local lines while allowing all the users to share a certain number of external phone lines .The
main purpose of MAX is to save the cost of requiring a line for each user to the telephone
company‟s central office (Exchange).

Today MAX use digital technology (digital signals are converted in to analog for outside calls on
the local loop).

A MAX includes:

 Telephone trunk (Multiple phones) that terminates at the exchange.

 A computer with memory that manages the switching of the calls within the exchange &
in and out of it.
 The network of lines within the MAX.
 A switchboard for a human operator(optional)

2.PABX(Private Automatic Branch Exchange)

A PBX (Private Branch Exchange) is a small telephone switch owned by a company or
organization. These organizations purchase PBX's to reduce the total number of telephone lines
they need to lease from the telephone company. Without a PBX, a company will need to lease
one telephone line for every employee with a telephone.With a PBX system, the company only
needs to lease as many lines from the telephone company as the maximum number of employees
that will be making outside calls at one time. This is usually around 10% of the number of
extensions. It is a small telephone switch owned by a company or organization,Interface to the
public network and Reduce the number of direct lines

Fig2.13 simple PBX diagram

SERVICES given by PBX:



 Call Transfer
 Call Waiting
 Three Party Conferences.

2.3.4 Distribution Frame

It is desirable that the majority of connections between the various items of telephone and
telegraph and telegraph plant shall be of a permanent nature. Provision has to be made. ,
however, to meet continuously changing conditions, Examples of which are as follows:

 Provision and recovery of circuits to subscribers.

 Provision and recovery of circuits between exchanges.
 Change of telephone number without a change of location of an existing subscriber.
 Change of location without a change of telephone number of an existing subscriber. Main Distribution Frame (M.D.F)

The M.D.F. in exchange provides the following facilities:

1. A point, independent of the exchange equipment, at which all the wires in the external
cables entering the exchange can be terminated. This arrangement is necessary because at
any time a percentage of the cable capacity is spare awaiting new subscribers, and if such
spare capacity was permanently connected to the exchange equipment, a considerable
amount of costly plant will be idle. In addition to this a certain amount of the cable
capacity is used for purposes other than subscriber‟s lines.
2. A point at which, by means of cross-connections called „jumpers‟, the subscribers lines
can be rearranged from a cable pair order to a telephone number order,
3. The rearrangement is necessary because if a subscribers number was related to his
location a severe restriction would be imposed on the flexibility of the exchange
numbering scheme.
4. A point where circuits can be cross-connected from one external cable to another. This
arrangement allows the junction cables which run from one exchange to another to be
used as sections of junction circuits between distant exchanges, thus a circuit from
exchange A to exchange D may pass through the M.D.F.s at exchanges B and C.
5. A point at which the fuses, coils and Protectors are inserted into subscribers lines and the
appropriate junction circuits.
6. A convenient point to intercept a circuit for fault location purposes.
7. The side of the frame on which the external cables terminate is termed the „line side‟ and
the other side, on which the exchange numbering scheme terminates, is termed „exchange



Fig 2.14 Main distribution frame



Fig 2.15 Functional elements of a customer MDF

Cabling of M.D.F
There are two side of cabling inside the main distribution frame, namely the line side and
exchange side.

Line Side: Whenever possible the M.D.F. is suited on the ground floor of the building
and is positioned directly above the chamber or trench in which the street cables enter the
building. The lead covered street cables have paper insulated conductors and are of
various sizes, and it is not predictable to terminate these cables directly on M.D.F.

Exchange Side: The circuits on each protector unit associated with subscribers
circuits on the M.D.F. are connected, by means of a switch board cable, to a connection
strip mounted on the multiple side of the I.D.

A jumper is a general term given to a cross-connection on a distribution frame and it provides a
cheap and speedy means of connecting circuits. In practice, jumpers having from 1 to 7 wires are
used and are colored to prevent reversals.

Examples of the codes used are as follows:



M.D.F. 2 Wire jumper


B-Wire……………….. Red/Blue

Fig 2.16 Jumpering of M.D.F The Rack

Changes of practice in the protective equipment provide in the subscribers lines has allowed for
changes in the design of the main distribution frame. The new protection standard requires only a
fuse and heat coil in each wire of a subscribers line at the exchange. A combined fuse and heat
coil, termed a delay- action fuse has been designed and is mounted in a fuse unit on the line side
of the M.D.F.

The delay-action fuse consists of a length of fuse wire, a bead of solder and a helical spring
contained within a glass tube with a metal end connections. Most of the electrical resistance of
the fuse is in the fuse wire which, with sufficient current flowing through it, develops enough
heat to melt the solder. On the melting of the solder, the spring reacts and the fuse is open
circuited. When large currents flow through the fuse, the fuse wire melts and so disconnects the
circuit. The fuse has a rated current of a 200 mA and blows within 5 to 300 seconds when
carrying 350mA.



Fig 2.17 Rack of M.D.F


1. The “A” side of the MDF comprises the termination modules or back mounts
allocated for termination of carrier cables. The “B” side of the MDF comprises the
modules allocated for connection of customer cables.

2. The “B” side modules, earthling conductors and MDF itself are supplied and installed
by the cabling provider. The “A” side module are supplied, installed and owned by the

3.A vacant module position should be left between the “A” side and the “B” side
modules for physical demarcation between the two sides. Planning a new MDF

Different criteria need to be taken into account when planning a new MDF:

1. Room dimensions: Includes height,width,depth

2. Position/environment: Includes Room constitution (e.g. computer/raised floor),Air

conditioning ?Layout of the switching equipment position,Free selection or given ?

3.Capacity:The capacity needed on both line side and system side must be known.Typically
ratio of 1 : 1.2/1.5 (system side/line side)

4.Jumper volume: The total jumpering volume must be sufficient.Example: Typically jumper
diameter 0.6 … 0.9 mm



5.MDF configuration: Wall-secured(Line and system side vertical),Free-standing single-

sided(Line and system side vertical),Free-standing double-sided(Line and system side
vertical),Free-standing double-sided(Line side vertical, system side horizontal)

6.Module types: MDF prepared for: System MDF 71,LSA-PLUS Series 2,LSA PROFIL

7.Delivery conditions: Unassembled,Pre-assembled

2.3.5 Multi-Service Access Gateway (MSAG)

Multiple-Service Access Gateway (MSAG) is a new product that provides the triple-play service.
It provides large-capacity, high-speed, large-bandwidth, and high-quality narrowband and
broadband services. In the growth of telecom services, traditional telephone services and data
services are integrated in to a uniform network, which is called the Next Generation Network
(NGN). As an integrated Network the NGN has an open network architecture that can provide
voice, data and multimedia services. In NGN the access equipment is Multi-service Access
Gateway (MSAG). MSAG Networking Solution

As a multiservice access platform, MSAG supports multiple access modes to adapt to different
networking environments. MSAG provides the following networking solutions:

FTTx optical access solution: With the xPON technology MSAG provides voice, data,
and video service through a single optical fiber.

Broadband multiservice access solution: It supports the broadband service access,

mainly the xDSL access. In addition MSAG also supports cascade networking through
Ethernet interface.

Narrowband VoIP service (PSTN, ISDN, FAX services) access solution: It supports
POTS and ISDN BRI/PRI service access.

TDM service access solution: It supports PBX and connects to LE through uplink V5
interface, to support TDM service access.

Triple Play solution: Triple play subscribers, including Internet access subscribers,
VoIP subscribers, and video subscribers, are connected to MSAG through the home
gateway. MSAG accesses the upper-layer device after service processing.

Dedicated line interconnection solution: MSAG provides dedicated line

interconnection service for enterprise subscribers. Enterprise subscribers are connected
to ZXMSG 5200 in xDSL or xPON.



System reliability is taken into consideration in system design, hardware design, and software
design to ensure reliable running of MSAG. System Design

The system is designed as follows:

 Complies with carrier-class reliability specifications.

 Has comprehensive capability to handle exceptions.
 Provides lightning protection and anti-interference functions.
 Provides abundant alarm information for quick fault detection and location.
 Supports remote maintenance and Supports CPU overload control.
 Supports normalization selection and control of components.
 Supports fault pre-warning on the exhaustive units and parts, such as the fan, power
supply, and battery. Software Design

The software is designed as follows:

 Complies with the module and platform-based design for developing new
functions effectively and guaranteeing software stability.
 Supports software online upgrading. Hardware Design

The hardware is designed as follows:The main control card supports 1:1 redundancy backup.All
service cards and main control card are hot swappable.The system supports uplink port

Power Supply Reliability

Power supply reliability features are as follows:The power system uses redundant design. Two
power cards supply power to the shelf.The system supports input/output current-limiting
protection.The system supports power environment parameters monitoring.

Fan Reliability
Fan reliability features are as follows:

 The system supports system overheat alarm.

 The system supports fan environment parameters monitoring.
 The system supports fan control based on rotating speed and temperature


INTERNISHIP REPORT Working principle of MSAG

The core technology in MSAG is TDM + IP. It supports two switching types:

 Circuit switching
 Ethernet switching

Fig 2.18 working principle of MSAG

As shown in Figure, the outmost block represents the system boundary. The dotted frame
represents the card functions. The dotted frame at the right corner represents the Sub-card on the
main control card. At the user side, MSAG provides POTS, ISDN xDSL and xPON access. At
the network side, MSAG provides IP uplink.

The MSAG working principle is as follows:

 Narrowband service (VoIP and V5 services) data enters the TDM switching
module of the main control card.
 The TDM switching module performs circuit switching on the voice signals and
sends them to the VoIP processing card.
 The VoIP processing card converts (MPRB Voice compression function) the
voice traffic into IP packets and sends them to the Ethernet switching module.
 The Ethernet switching chip switches the IP packets and sends them to the NAT
module for network address translation.

After network address translation, The IP packets enter the IP network through an uplink
interface after Ethernet switching.

Broadband service (IP.XDSL,EPON) data enters Ethernet switching chip of the main control
card and directly goes to IP network through an uplink interface. MSAG Hardware Description

MSAG includes the following components:-



 One heat exchanger

 One power distribution module
 Four 100/150 AH storage batteries
 Three standard subscriber shelves
 Two fan trays
 One fiber connection area
 One 45A rectifier
 One MDF cable distribution module
 One air division frame
 One centralized supervision unit (CSU) System Structure of MSAG

MSAG system is divided in to a main control shelf and a subscriber shelf. The main control
shelf consists of Giga Ethernet Integrated Control and Switching card, CNIC sub card, Packet
Processing resource card type B(MPRB),Power board (POWER H), subscriber line card(SLC)
and test subscriber line card(TSLC). The line cards can be plugged in the ten line card slots of
the main control shelf in random manner. There are five shelves including one main control shelf
and four subscriber shelves.

MSAG card types are:- Control and switching card, packet processing and resource card, uplink
sub cards ,uplink cards, analog line cards, DSL cards, test cards and power cards.But in our
internship stay at the company we are able to see the following cards.

Subscriber cards



Card Full Name Function Port & Description

ALC Analog Line Card POTS access 32 analog subscriber ports

HLC Analog Line Card POTS access 64 analog subscriber ports

RALC Polarity Reversed POTS access and reversed 32 analog subscriber ports
Analog Line Card polarity

FLC Far-end Line Card POTS access, reversed 16 analog subscriber ports

polarity, 12 KC/16 KC
metering pulse and long
distance functions

DLC Digital Subscriber Basic rate interface for DLCC: 8 ports

Line Card ISDN. Transceiver of 2B+D
data and format conversion DLCE: 16 ports

Table2.1 Subscriber card specification

Boardband cards



Cards Full Name Function Port & Description

GADL 16 port Giga ADSL subscriber access 16 ADSL ports to implement ATM cell access
Interface ADSL

Subscriber Line

VDL VDSL Digital Conversion from VDSL to Eight VDSL ports; one 100 Mbps Ethernet
Subscriber Line Ethernet port; receiving eight port
Card VDSL signals; VLAN and
multicast functions

ILC Integrated Voice Integration of major ALC and 16 ADSL ports and 16 POTS ports; one 100
Data Subscriber ADSL functions; and support Mbps
Card of broadband and
narrowband subscribers at Ethernet port connected to switching card
the same time

GELC Integrated Voice built-in splitter 32 ADSL ports and 32POTS ports;
Data Subscriber

GSDL SHDSL Digital SHDSL subscriber access; 16 SHDSL ports (ATM mode)
Subscriber Line conversion of ATM cells to
Card Ethernet frames

Table2.2 Broadband cards

Power cards



Cards Full Name Function Description

POWER Power Card Secondary power and ringing Power connector on the backplane
H current

POWER Power Card Secondary power and ringing Power connector on the backplane
K current

Table 2.3 power card

MSAG has the following subscriber cards

ALC(Analog Line Card)

ALC provides 32 analog subscriber lines and supports PSTN.ALC card has seven basic functions

B (Battery): Feed function

O: Over voltage protection in compliance with standard K20 test

conducted by Ministry of Information Industry of China

R: Ringing

S: Supervision of DC operating status of subscriber ports

C: Codec, that is, the CODEC chip implements voice conversion between
analog and digital signals.

H: Hybrid 2-/4- wire conversion

T: Test function provides internal and external ports for tests.

RALC(Reverse Analog line card)

RALC card provides 32 analog subscriber lines.RALC has the same function as ALC

RALC card supports public call accesses. It has a reverse polarity functions.




GILCA is a subscriber line card that has 16 integrated voice and data subscriber lines.

Supports broadband and narrow band functions Each GILCA card simultaneously provides 16
ADSL subscriber and 16 POT subscriber.

EPOI card provides OLT side related functions. It can also used as an uplink card. It supports
downstream data transfer from OLT to ONU in physical broadcast method and for upstream data
transfer it uses TDMA method. EPOI has one PON port. The downstream and the upstream rate
is 1.25Gbps.It provides a VoIP and broadband service to the subscribers with the fiber

 Used to test subscriber internal and external lines.
 Used to test subscriber telephone line functions

External line test:- it measures insulation resistance ,AC/DC voltage, capacitances, and
DC loop resistances

Internal line test:- it measures output voltage and frequency of ringing current ,detects
signal tone, tests equipment pulse number receiving and DTMF number receiving
functions and checks dialing tone.

Subscriber telephone function test:- it tests telephone dialing tone, DTMF signal, user
supply voltage and its polarity.

Interception function.

Supplies secondary power and ringing current for all subscriber shelves.

 Converts +48v dc power to 24v or 12v ac power according to different card

 Provides assistance for other power cards at all layers.
 Supplies four types of voltages:- +5v, -5v,-48v and 75v AC ringing current.

Alarm Message Handling



Alarm messages are prompts to indicate a fault during operation.There are different levels per
severity .These last for few finite duration of time.Alarms do not disappear
automatically.Maintenance personnel responsible for removing the alarm causes

There are different types of alarm messages:

 Critical
 Major
 Minor
 Warning
 Notification

Terminal Box
In telecommunications, a Terminal Box is a device that serves as the demarcation point between
the carrier's local loop and the customer's premises wiring. The simplest Terminal Box is
essentially just a specialized set of wiring terminals. These will typically take the form of a
small, weather-proof box, mounted on the outside of the building. The telephone line from the
telephone company will enter the Terminal Box and be connected to one side. The customer
connects their wiring to the other side. A single Terminal Box enclosure may contain termination
for a single line or multiple lines.

Fig2.19 Copper Terminal Box Access Technologies from MSAG

With the expansion of the scale and the application scope of the Internet, more and more people
use communication networks with their computers for browsing the Internet, for different type of
services. the greatest problem is that most subscribers are not satisfied with the access speed.

The following three factors limit the speed of access:



 Slow access speed on the subscriber end.

 The bandwidth of the backbone network is too narrow.
 Narrow bandwidth through which the network server in central site accesses the
Internet or low throughput rate of the server itself.

For these reasons, broadband Internet access has become the most urgent needs of the great
majority of Internet subscribers. Broadband Access Technology

Broadband Access is a high-speed connection to the Internet that delivers a faster and easier
connection than traditional dialup. There are different broadband access technology exist which

In a perfect environment, copper speeds would be limited only by the cable attenuation. But, in
the existing telephone network, the bandwidth is largely limited by the filters in the network and
the networks themselves. The upgrade of existing twisted copper wires would serve to enhance
the entire network and allow for speeds virtually unheard of several years ago. But, the costs
associated with this are extreme; another method would be needed. This method would have to
use existing cables and give notably increased performance.

The main reason DSL was invented was to provide high-speed digital access to local corporate
and residential customers. DSL's main concept is to use older copper cables as high-speed digital
pipelines. DSL interfaces are installed at endpoints on the network, while the existing cabling is
left untouched.

A DSL modem sends voice and data on a radio frequency channel it creates within a telephone
line, much like cable TV. Digital subscriber lines provide fast internet connections, with speeds
ranging from 384k up to 100 Mbps.

DSL benefits include:

 A speedy internet connection
 A quick connect time compared to a dial up modem
 Use of your phone, fax machine, or analog modem while you are on the net
 An always on connection, although, of course, you can shut down your computer at any
 Uses existing copper telephone lines At premises self-installed software and hardware if
 You retain a conventional, analog, dial tone line if your electricity goes out



Disadvantages include:
 Not available in all areas
 Expensive, although quickly dropping.
 Software setup can be difficult
 Getting technical support is sometimes difficult
 Installation needs technical knowledge

Types of DSL
There are a number of different DSL standards defined by American National Standards Institute
(ANSI) and European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and embraced by the
industry. These DSL technology variants are typically characterized by different

 Upstream and downstream data rates

 Maximum wire lengths and
 Designated customer applications residential, small office or business oriented

ADSL is a type of Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Internet service commonly used in homes. The
'A' in ADSL refers to the unequal distribution network bandwidth between downloads and
uploads: ADSL connections provide comparatively more bandwidth for downloads than for
uploads. The ADSL rate depends upon the line distance. The longer the line is, the lower the rate
will be.

The Figure illustrates the allocation of the channel frequencies of ADSL over POTS.

P (f)
Uplink channel Downlink channel

4kHz 30kHz 138kHz 1.104MHz

Fig 2.20 Allocation of ADSL Channel Frequencies

The XDSL equipment is based on the Frequency-Division Multiplexing (FDM) technology. By

closing the low-end sub-channels, the frequencies of 0~4 kHz are reserved for the POTS signals,
while 30~138 kHz are used for transmitting uplink signals and 138 kHz~1.104 MHz for
downlink signals. The Table lists the transmission rates of the data channel.



Item Lowest Rate Highest Rate

Downlink rate 32 kbit/s 8 Mbit/s

Uplink rate 32 kbit/s 1Mbit/s

Table2.4 ADSL Transmission Rates

Note: This table is for reference only. The actual rate is subject to the physical cable length,
dimension, interference and other factors.

The G.992.3 and G.992.4 standards were approved in the ITU-T meeting in May 2002 and they
are called ADSL2 standards. New features and functions provided by ADSL2 include
improvements on rate, distance, stability, and power control and maintenance management. It
also expands the business scope to some extent.

P (f)
Uplink channel Downlink channel

4kHz 30kHz 138kHz 1.104MHz

Fig 2.21 Allocation of ADSL2 Channel Frequencies

Generally, the IP-based VDSL adopts QAM as its modulation mode, and it connects two ends of
the existing twisted-pair cables to its special modulation/demodulation hardware. It establishes a
conduit with three channels, as shown in Fig..



High-speed uplink channel

High-speed downlink channel

Low-frequency channel

Fig2.22 VDSL Communication Pipe

The communication conduit has a high-speed uplink channel, a high speed downlink channel (to
user end) and a low frequency channel (0~900 kHz). The low frequency channel ensures that
voice communication or ISDN can operate even if the VDSL connection fails.

P (f)
Uplink channel Downlink channel

900kHz 3.4MHz 4MHz 7.5MHz
Fig2.23 Allocation of VDSL Channel Frequencies Access Technology

A Passive Optical Network (PON) is a single, shared optical fiber that uses inexpensive optical
splitters to divide the single fiber into separate strands feeding individual subscribers. PONs are
called "passive" because, other than at the CO and subscriber endpoints, there are no active
electronics within the access network.In term of equipment management, xPON has a perfect
ability to do status detection of remote equipment, operation and maintenance, and fault
management. Based on optical fiber‟s infinite bandwidth, xPON can accomplish true full-service
access and triple play. There are varieties of xPON technologies on the market such as EPON,

Ethernet Passive Optical Networks (EPONs) is in which a point to multipoint (P2MP)
network topology is implemented with passive optical splitters, and optical fiber, that
support this topology.



A PON consists of a central office node, called an optical line terminal (OLT), one or
more user nodes, called optical network units (ONU) or optical network terminals
(ONT), and the fibers and splitters between them, called the optical distribution network
(ODN).While subscribers are connected via dedicated distribution fibers to the site, they
share the Optical Distribution Network (ODN) trunk fiber back to the Central Office.

EPON takes advantage of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), using one

wavelength for downstream traffic and another for upstream traffic. This allows for two-
way traffic on a single fiber optic cable. The direction from OLT to ONU/ONT is
downlink, otherwise is uplink. Upstream and downstream traffics are transmitted with
different wavelength as such:

 1490nm for downstream

 1310nm for upstream



Fig. 2.24 upstream and downstream transmit with different wavelength

Gigabit PON (GPON) supports transport of continuous bit flow (TDM services) as well as
packet-based data. GPON has the highest bit rates and efficiency among the access network
technologies. With the supporting of asymmetric rates, GPON is more adaptable for the FTTH
broadband market.

The most popular GPON line rate is 1.244 Gb/s upstream and 2.488Gb/s downstream. With
different transmit rates, the product can be designed more flexibly, and satisfy the customers'
different needs.

In GPON, the maximum logic reach is defined as 60 km, while the maximum differential fiber
distance between the farthest and the nearest ONUs is 20km. GPON supports transport of TDM
services (both low rate E1/T1 and high rate STM1/OC3) in their native format and therefore
jitter and delay standards are easily met with no additional cost.

Comparison of EPON and GPON

The most dramatic distinction between the two protocols is a marked difference in architectural
approach. GPON provides three Layer 2 networks: ATM for voice, Ethernet for data, and



proprietary encapsulation for voice. EPON, on the other hand, employs a single Layer 2
network that uses IP to carry data, voice, and video.

As far as data rate is concerned, EPON delivers symmetric 1.25Gbit/s rates, of which 1Gbit/s is
available for data. GPON offers 2.5Gbit/s downstream and 1.25 Gbit/s upstream. GPON uses a
generic framing scheme, dubbed GEM, which supports Ethernet, ATM and TDM traffic.

EPON has a split ratio of 1:16 but is moving to 1:32; GPON will have a split ratio of 1:32 but
will include 1:64 and 1:128. The use of EPON allows carriers to eliminate complex and
expensive ATM and Sonet elements and to simplify their networks, thereby lowering costs to


1 Usable Delivers 1-Gbit/s symmetrical bandwidth. Promises 1.25-Gbit/s or 2.5-Gbit/s
Bandwidth Gigabit Ethernet service 1 Gbit/s of bandwidth downstream and upstream bandwidths
for data and 250 Mbit/s of bandwidth for scalable from 155 Mbit/s to 2.5 Gbit/s.
encoding. 1.25-Gbit service specifies a usable
The approach is as part of the Gigabit Ethernet bandwidth of 1.25 Gbit/s, with no
standard, parallels that of Fast Ethernet, which requirement for encoding.
uses 25 percent for encoding.
2 Reach There is no limit on the number of ONUs. Promises to support up to 128 ONUs.
Depending on the laser diode amplitude, when
using low-cost optics, and can typically
deliver 32 ONUs per OLT, or 64 with forward
error correction (FEC).
3 Per-subscriber Allows carriers to eliminate complex and Because of ATM,SONET elements more
costs expensive ATM and SONET elements and to costly
simplify their networks, 10 percent of the costs
of GPON equipment
4 Efficiencies of Data transmission occurs in variable-length Data transmission occurs in fixed-length
Each Standard packets of up to 1518 bytes according to the 53-byte cells (with 48-byte payload and 5-
IEEE 802.3 protocol for Ethernet. byte overhead) as specified.
Carry IP traffic, the packets must be
broken into the requisite 48-byte
segments with a 5-byte header for each.
This process is time-consuming and
complicated and adds cost to the central-
office OLTs as well as the customer
premise-based ONUs by the ATM

5 Management Requires a single management system. Requires three management systems for
systems Does not require multiprotocol conversions, the three Layer 2 protocols.
and the result is a lower cost of silicon. Does not support multicast services,
which makes support for IP video more
6 Support for Support a cable television (CATV) overlay. Also support a cable television (CATV)
CATV Overlay overlay
7 Network Provide vendor-specific and carrier-specific Provide vendor-specific and carrier-
Protection protection. This includes support for vendor- specific protection. This includes support
specific and carrier-specific operations, for vendor-specific and carrier-specific
administration and maintenance (OAM). operations, administration and
maintenance (OAM).



8 Encryption An AES-based mechanism, which is supported Encryption is part of the ITU standard and
by multiple silicon vendors and deployed in also applicable on downstream only.
the field for both downstream & upstream.

2.3.6 FTTx Overview of FTTx

FTTP stands for Fiber to the Premise which is one type of fiber optic communication delivery in
which an optical fiber connection is directly run to the customers' premises. The P (premises) can
be business, commercial, institutional and other applications where fiber network connections
are distributed to a campus, set of structures, or high density building with a centrally located
network operations center. Some other FTTx such as FTTN (fiber to the node), FTTC (fiber to
the curb) still depend on copper wires for "last mile" (final connection) to the customers' premises
which contrasts with FTTP.

FTTP can be further categorized into FTTH (fiber to the home), FTTB (fiber to the building),
etc. Network construction of FTTP

FTTP network can be divided into two major parts: optical portion and electrical portion. Optical portion

Optical portion of the FTTP network is responsible for carrying optical signal to the electrical
portion (electrical portion is located in the customer's telecom room). These are direct fiber link
and shared fiber link. Direct fiber link is the simplest form. One fiber is used for directly
connecting the central office to one customer. This type of connection provides the customer the
biggest bandwidth but is also the most expensive configuration. Shared fiber link means a single
fiber leaving the service providers central office is shared by many customers. Only at the final
moment, the fiber is split into many individual fibers to each customer. Electrical portion

Electrical portion of the FTTP network receives optical signal and converts it to electrical signal
which is then distributed to desktop computers via a LAN copper wire network. This converting
device is called an optical network termination (ONT). The building's phone systems, LAN and
cable TV system are then connected to the ONT. Other FTTx

FTTB (Fiber to the Building): This is in reference to fiber optic cable, carrying
network data, connected all the way from an Internet service provider to a customer's
physical building.



FTTD (Fiber to the Desk): FTTD indicates applications where fiber optic
connections are distributed from the central office to individual work stations or
computers inside a structure, dwelling, or building.

FTTH (Fiber to the Home): FTTH indicates fiber network connections running
from the central office to a residence, or very small multi-unit dwelling.

FTTN (Fiber to the node): FTTN is also called fiber to the neighborhood or fiber
to the cabinet (FTTCab). It is a telecommunication architecture based on fiber-optic
cables run to a cabinet serving a neighborhood.

FTTC (Fiber to the Curb): This is also called fiber to the kerb. It is a
telecommunications system based on fiber-optic cables run to a platform that serves
several customers. Each of these customers has a connection to this platform via coaxial
cable or twisted pair.




3.1 Short summary of the project
This project able to check Performance analysis of an optical cross connect at DWDM by finding out
the effect of crosstalk in the system. Because of the complexity of an OXC, different sources of
crosstalk exist, which makes it difficult to optimize the component parameters for minimum total

In this project, a graph of BER vs. Pin for different crosstalk was plotted. This graph can help us in showing
how the crosstalk due to optical cross connect affect the BER. Finally a graph of crosstalk vs. number of
channels was plotted for different number of hops. From the graph of BER vs. Pin for different crosstalk
power penalties was found out.

These power penalties are used to see even the BER due to other loss is acceptable to the standard (BER
10-12 up to 10-9 ) the cross talk due to the optical cross connect has a great impact in increasing the power

3.2 Problem statement and justification

In Ethio telecom branch of NAAZ (North Addis Ababa Zone) DWDM is used as a multiplexing system in
order to increase capacity of the fiber which in turn enables multipurpose communication(Voice and data)
and efficient use of bandwidth over one strand of fiber. In the Exchange there are a number of DWDM
equipments which are used for this purpose. But the performance of these devices had not been cheeked up
regularly which make them easly vulnerable to crosstalk‟s .This total or overall crosstalk can be caused
because of different losses in the DWDM networks. One of the causes of this total crosstalk is crosstalk
caused due to the optical cross connect inside the DWDM system. Even this optical cross connect offers
routing flexibility to DWDM networks ,in practical the signals influence each other and cause significant
crosstalk in the optical cross connect. Because of this crosstalk, it leads to transfer power from one channel
to another. When the signals from one channel arrive in another they become noise in the other channel.

3.3 Objective of the project

The aim of this project is to check out the effect of crosstalk due to optical cross connect in a DWDM
system. Since this crosstalk has a great impact on decreasing the quality of service given by the DWDM
system, an analysis is carried out to find the amount of crosstalk due to the optical cross connect. The basic
purpose of this project is to check the effect of this crosstalk on the power penalty of the system so that we



can identify by how much did the system affected in the presence of optical cross connect.

3.4 Methodology
This project is based on study and simulation using scientific computer simulation software, MatLab
R2013a. The simulation will be done using m files of MatLab using matlab simulation relationship between
BER cross talk, power penalty …… etc. would be analyzed.

3.5 Literature review

OPTICAL wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) networks are very promising due to their large
bandwidth, their large flexibility and the possibility to upgrade the existing optical fiber networks to WDM
networks. WDM has already been introduced in commercial systems. All-optical cross connects (OXC),
however, have not yet been used for the routing of the signals in any of these commercial systems. In this
project performance analysis of the optical cross connect in DWDM system is analyzed.

3.5.1 Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (WDM)

In fiber-optic communications, wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) is a technology which multiplexes
multiple optical carrier signals on a single optical fiber by using different wavelengths (colours) of laser light
to carry different signals. This allows for a multiplication in capacity, in addition to enabling bidirectional
communications over one strand of fiber.A WDM system uses a multiplexer at the transmitter to join the
signals together, and a demultiplexer at the receiver to split them apart.

As explained before, WDM enables the utilization of a significant portion of the available fiber bandwidth by
allowing many independent signals to be transmitted simultaneously on one fiber, with each signal located at
a different wavelength. Routing and detection of these signals can be accomplished independently, with the
wavelength determining the communication path by acting as the signature address of the origin, destination
or routing. Components are therefore required that are wavelength selective, allowing for the transmission,
recovery, or routing of specific wavelengths.



Fig 3.1 WDM (wave length division multiplexing)

3.5.2 DWDM(Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing)

Dense wavelength division multiplexing, or DWDM for short, refers originally to optical signals
multiplexed within the 1550 nm band so as to leverage the capabilities (and cost) of erbium doped
fiber amplifiers (EDFAs), which are effective for wavelengths between approximately 1525-1565 nm
(C band), or 1570-1610 nm (L band).

It transmits multiple data signals using different wavelengths of light through a single fiber.Incoming
optical signals are assigned to specific frequencies within a designated frequency band.The capacity
of fiber is increased when these signals are multiplexed onto one fiber Transmission capabilities is 4-
8 times of TDM Systems with the help of Erbium doped optical amplifier.

EDFAs can amplify any optical signal in their operating range, regardless of the modulated bit rate.
In terms of multi-wavelength signals, so long as the EDFA has enough pump energy available to it, it
can amplify as many optical signals as can be multiplexed into its amplification band (though signal
densities are limited by choice of modulation format). EDFAs therefore allow a single-channel
optical link to be upgraded in bit rate by replacing only equipment at the ends of the link, Components of DWDM system:

A DWDM system can be described as a parallel set of optical channels, each using a slightly
different wavelength, but all sharing a single transmission medium or fiber.

Fig3.2 DWDM with its components

A basic DWDM system contains several main components:



Transponders receive optical signals and send them out carrying digital information at
predefined wavelengths in accordance with the ITU-T guidelines. wavelength converting
transponders served originally to translate the transmit wavelength of a client-layer signal
into one of the DWDM system's internal wavelengths in the 1550 nm band (note that even
external wavelengths in the 1550 nm will most likely need to be translated, as they will
almost certainly not have the required frequency stability tolerances nor will it have the
optical power necessary for the system's EDFA).

B.Multiplexer (MUX)
MUX are deployed in DWDM systems to combine the signals at different wavelengths onto
a single fiber through which they then travel simultaneously. Each wavelength carries its
own information and represents a channel. An ideal MUX requires uniformly high
transmission across the passband with a very high drop at the edge.

The fiber is one of the most critical components of a DWDM system as it provides the
physical transportation medium.

Amplifiers boost signals traveling down a fiber so they can cover longer spans. One major
advantage of OFAs (optical fiber amplifiers) is their transparency to signal speed and data
type. Three types of OFAs are deployed in DWDM systems: erbium doped fiber amplifier
(EDFA), semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA) and Raman fiber amplifiers (RFA).

E.Demultiplexer (DEMUX)
DEMUXs unscramble multiplexed channels before they are fed into their corresponding
receivers. They work similarly to MUXs but operate in the reverse direction.

Receivers are used to convert optical signals into electrical signals. The light pulses
transmitted over the optical fiber are received by a light sensitive device known as a photo
diode which is made of semi-conductor material.

3.5.3 Effect of optical transmission system

a) Attenuation: - reduce power level with distance.
b) Dispersion & non-linearity: - erode clarity with distance and speed.



c) Signal detection and recovery:-also analog problem.

3.5.4 Limitations of WDM

Crosstalk will be one of the major limitations for the introduction of OXC in all optical networks.

Crosstalk is usually quoted as the “worst case” condition. This is where the signal in one channel is
right at the edge of its allowed band. Crosstalk occurs in devices that filter and separate wavelengths.
A small proportion of the optical power that should have ended up in a particular channel (on a
particular filter output) actually ends up in an adjacent (or another) channel. Crosstalk is critically
important in WDM systems. When signals from one channel arrive in another they become noise in
the other channel.

This can have serious effects on the signal-to-noise ratio and hence on the error rate of the system.


In this topic Firstly the block diagrams representing the system block diagram and WDM system is
given. Secondly, analysis of Bit Error Rate without Crosstalk, which is in ideal case, is given.Then
analysis of Bit Error Rate with Cross talk using equations in both the cases is given.


Fig3.3 Block diagram of an Optical WDM Transmission system with an Optical Cross connect

The above diagram shows an optical cross connect where M input fibers are coming. The cross
connect switches the signal to the desired location to pass on the other side to be demultiplexed.
An optical cross connect(oxc) is an essential element in a wdm optical network.oxc offers



routing flexibility and transport capacity to wdm networks. While crossconnecting wavelengths
from input to output fibers,oxc introduces crosstalk.Crosstalk is one of the basic criteria that
characterizes the performance of a wdm network.

Oxc is basically made up of splitter that spilts different channels to be fed into different
switchs.switchs are used to crossconnect the channels to desired paths.combiner is then used to
combine all the channels into a number of output fibers.

Oxc enables any wavelength channel from any input fiber to be crossconnected to any output
fiber on condition that no two(2) channels in the output fiber have the same wavelength.


Fig3.4 Schematic illustration of a conventional oxc node

In the switch, signal from input 1 is connected with output 3. And signal from input 3 is
connected to output 1. But it can be seen that in output 3, a little portion of input 3 has entered
along with the signal 1. Similarly at output 1 a little portion of input 1 has entered along with the
signal 3. this unwanted portion of signal that enters in the output of the Optical Cross connect is
the crosstalk due to OXC.

3.8 Analysis of Bit Error Rate without Crosstalk

Bit Error Rate can be calculated with and without Crosstalk using some equations. In this section
the ideal case is shown. So Crosstalk is taken to be zero.

Bit Error Rate: The number of bit errors that occur within the space of one second.
This measurement is one of the prime considerations in determining signal quality. The
BER is an indication of how often data has to be retransmitted because of an error.
-12 -9 -12
For most practical WDM networks, this requirement of BER is 10 (~ 10 to 10 ), which
means that a maximum one out of every 10 bits can be corrupted during transmission.

BER in WDM system is calculated by the equation:

BER =0.5 erfc (Q/√2) where Q is a function proportional to the receiver (SNR),
the higher the value of Q-factor the better the BER

And it is expressed as

Q = (Rb * Ps) 2/ √(σase2 + σc2)

Where Rb = Bit Rate which are number of bits that are conveyed or processed per unit
of time.

Ps = Signal power in dbm.

σc = Crosstalk.

σase = ASE (amplified spontaneous emission) an wanted noise induced by parametric gain
and spontaneous scattering in optical fiber amplifier or noise accumulated for all N+1
amplifiers for N nodes.

σase = √((G-1)*nsp*h*ν*βο)
Where G = Gain

nsp = Spontaneous Emission Factor

h = Planck‟s constant = 6.634*10-34

ν = Frequency of the signal = c/L

c = speed of light = 3*108

L= wavelength

βο = Band Width a measure of the width of a range of frequencies,

In ideal case, σc = 0; which is with no cross talk, equation for Q becomes:

Q = (Rd * Ps) 2/σase; [σc = 0 for ideal case]

Bandwidth can be 2* Rb, 4* Rb, 6* Rb etc.



3.9 Analysis of Bit Error Rate with Crosstalk

In practical case zero crosstalk is not possible. So BER is calculated with the above equation
taking in the value of σc.

In practical case, σc is different from 0, equation for Q becomes:

Q = (Rb * Ps) 2/ √(σase2 + σc2)

For the same input power crosstalk can be calculated for different number of channels and hops
using the equation:

σ 2 = M*b2*Rd2*Ps2*(2* adj + (N-3) έnonad + Xswitch)


M = Number of Hops.

b = Ratio of signal peak power.

N = Number of channels.

Rd = Detector responsivity.

Ps = Input Power

έad = Effective adjacent channel crosstalk.

έnonad = Effective Non adjacent channel crosstalk.
Xswitch = Crosstalk value (in linear units) of the optical switch fabric and defined
as a fraction of input power routed to other outputs

Power Penalty from in-band Crosstalk is the difference between power

without crosstalk and with crosstalk.




3.10.1 No crosstalk
It is an ideal case. Which means the system is transmitting one data at a time so, there is no need
to route the data for switching through optical cross connect. This case is very rare because the
company have many customers of voice and data.

3.10.2 BER with Crosstalk

We have plotted the graph of BER against input power in dbm for different crosstalk. Different
values of crosstalk have been taken here for a fixed bandwidth and analysis the graphs for
different crosstalk. The input power is taken from range -5dbm to 20dbm.

Parametres value taken for the graph below

Range of Input power in dbm(ps dbm) -8dbm up to 1dbm

Wave length(L) 1550nm
Speed of light(c) 3*108 m/s
Number of frequency(m) 1.94*1014
Gain(G) 20db
Spontaneous emission factor(Nsp) 1.8
Plancks constant(h) 6.63*10-34
Bitrate(Rb) 10*109hz
Bandwidth(B0) 2Rb
Crosstalk(δc) 0
Crosstalk(δc1) 10-4
Crosstalk(δc2) 10-3
Crosstalk(δc3) 10-2
Crosstalk(δc4) 10-1

Table 3.1 parameters used for BER with crosstalk



BER vs Power in dBm
10 Sc2=10(-3)





-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20

Fig 3.5 BER vs input power in dbm for different crosstalk

Here from figure 3.5 we show that as cross talk increases for small increase in power there is
very high BER increasing. For example, when crosstalk is 10-3 for 9.1dbm input power we get
10-100 BER is obtained.

3.10.3 Crosstalk Vs Number of channels

If we increase the number of channels cross talk increases. The graph of crosstalk vs number of
channel is plotted for different number of hops.

In this graph we have changed the value of M for the same input power, which is -8dbm to 20
dbm and for 10 channels



Parametres value taken for the graph below

Range of Input power in dbm(ps dbm) -8dbm up to 20dbm

Detector resistance(Rd) 0.85
Bit ratio of signal peak power(b) 1
Effective adjacemnt channel crosstalk(Ead) 0.5
Effective nonadjacent channel crosstalk 0.5
Crosstalk value ofthe optical switch(Xswitch) 0.01
Number of hop(M1) 6
Number of hop(M2) 10
Number of hop(M3) 14
Number of hop(M4) 18
Number of hop(M5) 22
Number of hop(M6) 26

Table 3.2 parameters used for crosstalk vs number of channel



x 10

0 2 4 6 8 10

Fig 3.6 crosstalk vs number of channels

It can be said that for different number of hop the crosstalk highly increases for small increase in
channel. .

Now from the figure 3.6, for one bit error rate we can find the power penalty from the input

Power penalty is the difference between two powers and it is the reduction in SNR due to a
specific impairment. So for calculating power penalty we need to calculate the difference of
input power with crosstalk from the power without crosstalk.

Here we have taken Bit error rate 10-9 and calculated the power penalty corresponding of
this value. We got input power 2.5 dbm when crosstalk is zero.



Bit error rate Crosstaik (δ) Power penality

in db

10-9 0.00001 3.6

10-9 0.0001 8.1

10-9 0.001 10.6

10-9 0.01 13.5

10-9 0.1 16

Table 3.3 Calculated values for Power penalty for corresponding value of BER and crosstalk

To quantify system performance of the cross connect, we use power penalty. The penalties due
to optical crosstalk are measured by taking input powers corresponding to a BER of is
found that power penalty increases as we increase the crosstalk.




Over all benefits gained from the internship

On the past four months, we were able to see how communication is achieved over a long
distance and how it is organized to detect an error. Ethio telecom is a perfect platform for a
student who wants to have awareness on voice and data communication. We are greatly
benefited from working with the dedicated professionals in the company. The company has
provided a conductive working atmosphere among the staffs. This does not only enabled us to
share an experience, but also develops what we know, seamless work flow, and harmonious

Generally, within these four months we have gained different skills during the internship in
terms of the following:

4.1 In terms of improving our Practical skills

As the main purpose of the Internship Program at the University level is to facilitate or develop
student learning opportunities outside the classroom, These experiences provided us the
opportunity to apply classroom theory to "real world" situations. In our universities even Some
lecturers took an initiative measure and tried to make an interconnection of the theoretical part
with the real practical part by taking us into labs, due to different reasons such as no enough
materials in the lab the measure was not satisfactory. Therefore, an internship was the right
program to improve our practical skill such as:

We able to see an exchange and its operations practically

 What M.D.F(Main Distribution Frame) is

 How we use jumpers inorder to connecet the line side and exchange side.
 What dose MSAG looks like internally iculding the cards inside the MSAG
 How to analyse faults in sucsbriber line by using the tone generator
 How to know the location and cause of damaged fiber by using a device called
OTDR(optical time domain reflector)
 How to splice an optical fiber by using by using a splice machine
 How to jont a copper by using a Y-connector
 We were able to see clearly the difference between dial up, leased line and shared
DSL internet services.
 How to relocate an exsting wired telecommunication infrastructure
 More or less how to give a broadband access to customers by configuring ADSL and
EPON(Some times)



Generally,we have got a great expriance how telecommunication service is provided starting
from an exchange to subscribers home practically.

4.2 In terms of upgrading our Theoretical knowledge

In addition to the practical skills this inerniship program helped us to upgrade our theoretical
knowledge and improve our expriance in to one level.

These are:

 How EPON, GPON, ADSL works, IP configure of each device, how and whom
get this device.
 Different multiplexing techniques of optical signals such as: TDM and DWDM.
 What splice machine is
 What it mean by tone generator
 What machine to machine communication is(cash register machine)
 Colour coding using in copper terminal box

4.3 In terms of improving our Interpersonal communication skills

As Interpersonal skills are the life skills, we use every day to communicate and interact with
other people, both individually and in groups in different places.It is obvious that People who
have worked on developing strong interpersonal skills are usually more successful in both their
professional and personal lives

We tried our best to improve our poor interpersonal skills in work place for the past four
months.Since we have our unique histories, we have different strategies for communicating in
different types of situations. As a result, there is a very real possibility that when each of us get
together there are certain circumstances in which we are less effective at communicating with
each other than we would like.

Even we are not excellent in communicating effectively with supervisours and customers,we
successfully improve our skill in to the next level.This done by increasing our repertoire of
interpersonal communication skills, which inturn can increase our overall effectiveness and
perhaps our job satisfaction.

4.4 In terms of improving our team working skills

It‟s easy to think of teamwork as a needless roadblock to one mission success. In many fields,
people have been conditioned to keep information secret, refuse to help others, and even
sabotage colleagues and coworkers to get ahead. But the truth is that even the most successful
individuals couldn‟t have done it without their co-workers, assistants, or family members helping
them along the way.



In our hosting company Ethio-telecom we work in team for the past four month and we get
benefit iculding:

o Increases in efficiency
o Improve in performance
o Builds competency
o Builds trust
o Reduces stress …..etc

4.5 In terms of improving Leadership skills

Enhancing our leadership skills is essential to stay with the times, and ahead of others in the
company. We have observed that leadership is a great responsibility that one has to make the
team he is leading initiated and encouraged. This will enable you to get a good result, so that
your work is as perfect as or more than the expected.

To improve this leadership skill we tried in turn to improve the following basic things:

 Critical Thinking
 Listening Effectively
 Motivate Others
 Discipline
 Be a Follower……etc

4.6 In terms of understanding Work Ethics related issues

As Work-place ethics refer to choosing the option that is determined to be the moral or legal
“right” choice, even if the other alternative(s) are very attractive and even if you can “get away
with” the less ethical choice we understood the work place ethics successfully. Which means we
are dedicated to job that we assume valuable and we know the productivity, organizational skills,
being reliable and possessing good characters.

Five Characteristics of Having Good Work Ethics are:

 Honest
 Refrains From Gossip
 Values Diversity
 Respects Others
 Cooperative

Some of the primary forms of employee misconduct or unethical behavior in work place which
forced us to avoid them include the following:

 Misrepresenting time or hours worked;

 Lying to supervisors;



 Lying to co-workers, customers, vendors, or the public;

 Misuse of your employer‟s assets; and
 Lying on reports or falsifying records.

4.7 In terms of Entrepreneurship skills

Entrepreneurship is defined as groups of people who organizes or operates a business or
businesses.So it was a good opportunity for us to know the business world. The great thing that
we have learned in terms of entrepreneurship skill is how to set up any kind of business and
become profitable from it

We understood that to have a good entrepreneurship skill you must have the following

 Self Motivation
 Self Confidence
 Ethics and Morals
 Time Management ….etc





5.1 Conclusion
As The internship program is aimed to give a know how working environment looks like and to
make a link between our life with the professional life.In addition to this to observe and fill the
gap between the theoretical and practical knowledge,it has been a good experience gaining
program for the past four month.

We came up to know that to give a service in telecommunication network startes from

exchange which is used to make and break calls to subscriber.To do this we need the following
networks and equipments.It includes

 Exchange
 Main distribution frame
 Multi service accsss gate way
 Acces medias: Example copper and fiber access medias.
 Broadband equipments such as ADSL,EPON
 Multiplexing of optical signal such as WDM,DWDM

We are happy to see that what we had learn for the past four years is almost related to what we
have been doing for the past four months in Ethio telecom.In our stay in the company we divided
in to different sections and able to rotate in about stayintg three weeks in one section.This helped
us to see overall organization work in about four months and able to be part of that wonderfull
working environment is nice.Since our work stay includes both theoretical and practical works,
when get the chance to go to different site places and work with our supervisours. So this
interniship program gave us a lot of experience to our life.

5.2 Recommendation
We are glad to get a chance to recommend both the university and our hosting company Ethio
telecom in running this internship program. Starting from our university, enough courses related
to the telecommunication must be given and in an all possible ways it is much better to learn
more practical things than theoretical starting from fourth years one year before this internship
program. In addition to this the university industry linkage must aware that hosting company is
willing to accept the students before it is to let. Because if the linkage were aware of this, we
wouldn‟t go to Addis.

When we see the company, Ethio telecom must give enough credit to its customers than its
profits. In addition to this ,regarding to the internship program it must classify the internship



students depending on the departments they had been learning not in random manner because it
is meaningless to work four about four months in a department that you don‟t have any clues.

The company‟s WDM equipments are affected by high losses repeatedly. The only solution they
considered was to splice and splice the fiber resistively. But they must see other reasons such as
optical cross connect inside the DWDM system because it gives an external crosstalk to the
total crosstalk of the DWDM system. In addition to this the device is affected by aging,
dust…etc. We recommend that the devices must be check and update its performance and

Some devices of the company are the oldest technology that can harm the profit of the company.
So, we recommended the company to replace those devices before it causes a huge damage in
income. And the devices must be fully understood by the workers before they are applicable to
the customers.



A.BER vs Input Power in dbm graph for different Crosstalk

%MATLAB code of BER vs Input Power in dbm graph for different Crosstalk%

Psdbm=[-8:1:100]; %Signal power in dbm%

for i=1:length(Psdbm)



L=1550*10^-9; %wavelength%

c=3*10^8; %speed of light%

m=c/L; %Number of Hops%

G=10^(20/10); %Gain%

Nsp=1.8; %Spontaneous Emission Factor or Population-Inversion Factor%

h=6.63*10^(-34); %Planck‟s constant%

Rb=10*10^9; %bit rate%

B0=2*Rb; %bandwidth%

Sase=sqrt((G-1)*Nsp*h*m*B0); %noise induced by parametric gain and spontaneous

Raman scattering in Ramen amplifier%

Sc=0; %Crosstalk%

y = 10*log10(Rb);

for j=1:length(Psdbm)

Q(j)=(y*Ps(j))^2/sqrt(Sase^2+Sc); %a function proportional to the receiver signal-to-

noise ratio (SNR)%

BER(j)=0.5*erfc(Q(j)/(sqrt(2))); %bit error rate%







y1 = 10*log10(Rb);

for k=1:length(Psdbm)







y2 = 10*log10(Rb);

for v=1:length(Psdbm)







y3 = 10*log10(Rb);

for u=1:length(Psdbm)









y4 = 10*log10(Rb);

for o=1:length(Psdbm)





hold on


hold on


hold on


hold on




title('\it{BER vs Power in dBm}','FontSize',16)

B.MATLAB code of Crosstalk vs Number of channels

%MATLAB code of Crosstalk vs Number of channels%

clear all

M=6; %number of hop%

Rd=0.85; %detector resistance%

b=1; %bit ratio of signal peak power%

eadj=0.5; %Effective adjacent%



enonad=0.5; %non Effective adjacen

Psdbm=[-5:1:100]; %input power in dbm%

for i=1:length(Psdbm)



X=0.01; %switch%



for j=1:length(n)






for k=1:length(n)






for l=1:length(n)








for o=1:length(n)






for u=1:length(n)






for v=1:length(n)




hold on


hold on


hold on


hold on




hold on






 Company documents
 ‘Performance Limitations of Optical Cross Connect without Wavelength Converter due to
Crosstalk’ by M. S, Islam, S.P. Majumder, Ngee Thiam Sim
 Academic hand outs
 MSAG documents from
 WDM documents from http://
 Telecommunication system engineering by Roger L.Freeman


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