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BITS Pilani K K Birla Goa Campus The corresponding g-factor and moments are

II SEMESTER 2016-17 (17/02/2017)
QUIZ II MM:15 PHY F343 gjp = 5.58 (2)
gjp = 5.58
Instructions: Encircle/ fill your answer option. µp = 2.79
Questions (1-10) are of 1 marks each and Q(11-12) are µn = −1.91
of 2 marks each µ = 0.88µN

USE: h̄c = 198 M eV f m; h̄ = 2π h

; h = 6.6 × 10−34 Js,
GeV = 10 M eV , 1eV = 1.6 × 10 J, 1M eV = 106 eV ,
3 4. The allowed possible J π values for nuclei 18
9 X9 are
me = 0.5M eV , . 1 mark
R = 1.2 × A1/3 f m
1S1/2 ; 1P3/2 , 1P1/2 ; 1D5/2 , 2S1/2 , 1D3/2 ; 1F7/2 SOLN: For odd-odd nuclei, the range of allowed
Nomenclature of Nuclei: ‘A Z XN ’.
anhular momentum states are |j1 − j2 | → |j1 + j2 |.
g = [(2j − 1)gl + gs]/(2j) for j = (l + 1/2) & The 9th proton and neutron occupies the state
g = [(2j + 3)gl − gs]/[2(j + 1)] for j = (l − 1/2) 1D5/2 and l = 2 (even parity/ +). Therefore the
glp = 1, gsp = 5.58; gln = 0, gsn = −3.82 range is

NAME: (0+ , 1+ , 2+ , 3+ , 4+ , 5+ , ) (3)

ID: 5. The expectation value of < l · j > for a system with

integral spin = 1 and J = 1/2 in the P state will

1. The shell model state ‘G’ splits into two J states be (h̄). 1 mark

which are & . 1 mark SOLN:

SOLN: G− state (l=4), so the two corresponding h̄2

<l·j > = [j(j + 1) + l(l + 1) − s(s + 1)](4)
shell states are j = l ± 1/2 = 9/2 & 7/2. 2
3 2
= h̄ ,
2. On the basis of the shell model, the ground state 8
spin parity ‘(J π )’ for the nuclei 30
15 X15 will be where j = l + s and j = 1/2, l = 1 and s = 1 are
. 1 mark the total, orbital and spin angular momentum.
SOLN: In the ground state the lone p (15th) and 6. Complete the reaction for the weak decay of 8 O6
n (15th) goes in the 2S1/2 state and the quantum → 14
7 N7 + . 1 mark
numbers are j = 1/2; l = 0 and is a l + 1/2 state
and even parity. The Northeim number is then SOLN: This is a β + decay where a proton trans-
forms to a neutron, associated with a positron.
N = (jp − lp ) + (jn − ln ) = 1/2 + 1/2 = 1(1) 14
8 O6 →14
7 N7 + e
+ νe , (5)
⇒ j = jn + Jp = 1
where the lepton number is conserved.
and parity is even (+), So J π = (1+ )
7. Complete the weak process e+ + µ− →
3. The corresponding dipole moment for the nuclei
. 1 mark
15 X15 will be (µN ). 1 mark
SOLN: Conservation of lepton number of similar
SOLN: In the ground state the lone p (15th) and species leads to the products.
n (15th) goes in the 2S1/2 state and the quantum
numbers are j = 1/2; l = 0 and is a l + 1/2 state. e+ + µ− → ν¯e + νµ (6)

8. The Q−value of the α−decay process (228 90 T h → Where Tα = U0 + Eα = 40 M eV . The frequency,
88 Ra + α) is 8.4 M eV . The kinetic energy of the
f = vα /R = 5.75 × 1021 s−1 , (12)
emitted alpha particle will be (MeV).
1 mark where, R is the radius of 238
92 U , given by R = 1.2 ×

SOLN: The kinetic energy of the α particle is given A1/3 f m = 7.3 × 10−15 m.
by. 12. Assume that 238 92 U breaks into two equal fragments.
Tα = [(A − 4)/A] Q (7) The reduction in the electrostatic energy (given by

= (224/228) 8.4 = 8.25 M eV Ec = 53 (Ze)

, where R is the nuclear radius) in the
process will be (MeV). (Given the fine
9. Neglecting neutrino’s the difference in the Q−value
e 2
for electron capture and positron emission (|Qec − structure constant h̄c = 1/137). 2 marks
Qβ + |) for the same set of parent and daughter nuclei SOLN: The reduction in the electrostatic energy
will be
will be (MeV). 1 mark
SOLN: The Q-values for EC & β + decay are given ∆Ec = Ec (238 U ) − 2Ec (119
46 X) (13)
" 92
2 2
by, 3 (ZU e) (ZX e)
= − 2
Qec = [M (A, Z) + me − M (A, Z − 1)]c2 , (8) 2
(ZX e)2
" #
3 (ZU e)
Qβ + = [M (A, Z) − me − M (A, Z − 1)]c2 . = h̄c − 2 h̄c
5 h̄cRU h̄cRX
Therefore, ≈ 370 M eV,
|Qec − Qβ + | = 2 me c2 ≈ 1M eV. (9) where (e2 /h̄c) = 1/137, and h̄c = 197.3 M eV f m.
10. The energy states ‘Enl ’ of the nuclear
shells can be obtained by considering
‘3D Harmonic Oscillator potential (n +
)h̄ω + + ’.
1 mark
(n + )h̄ω + Dl(l + 1) + C < l · s >, (10)
where the 2nd term is the contribution from the
centrifugal barrier and the 3rd term is of the spin-
orbit potential, and D & C are the constants.
11. Consider the energy of an α particle be 5M eV in
a typical nuclear potential U0 = 35 M eV of the
nuclei 238
92 U . The velocity of the α particle (mα =

4 GeV ) will be ms−1 . The

α particle will bounce against the barrier with a
frequency s−1 . 2 marks

vα = c = 0.14 c = 0.42 × 108 ms−1 , (11)
mα c2

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