Landmark Application Manager User's Guide: © 2015 Halliburton

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Landmark Application

Manager User’s Guide

© 2015 Halliburton

5000.0.5.01 July 2015

© 2015 Halliburton
All Rights Reserved Worldwide

This publication has been provided pursuant to an agreement containing restrictions on its use. The publication is also protected by
Federal copyright law. No part of this publication may be copied or distributed, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system,
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disclosed to third parties without the express written permission of:

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3D Drill View, 3D Drill View KM, 3D Surveillance, 3DFS, 3DView, Active Field Surveillance, Active Reservoir Surveillance, Adaptive
Mesh Refining, ADC, Advanced Data Transfer, Analysis Model Layering, ARIES, ARIES DecisionSuite, Asset Data Mining, Asset
Decision Solutions, Asset Development Center, Asset Development Centre, Asset Journal, Asset Performance, AssetConnect,
AssetConnect Enterprise, AssetConnect Enterprise Express, AssetConnect Expert, AssetDirector, AssetJournal, AssetLink, AssetLink
Advisor, AssetLink Director, AssetLink Observer, AssetObserver, AssetObserver Advisor, AssetOptimizer, AssetPlanner, AssetPredictor,
AssetSolver, AssetSolver Online, AssetView, AssetView 2D, AssetView 3D, Barrier Assurance Monitoring, BLITZPAK, Buckle,
CartoSnap, CasingLife, CasingSeat, CDS Connect, CGMage Builder, Channel Trim, COMPASS, Contract Generation, Corporate Data
Archiver, Corporate Data Store, Data Analyzer, DataManager, DataServer, DataStar, DataVera, DBPlot, Decision Management System,
DecisionSpace, DecisionSpace 3D Drill View, DecisionSpace 3D Drill View KM, DecisionSpace AssetLink, DecisionSpace AssetPlanner,
DecisionSpace AssetSolver, DecisionSpace Atomic Meshing, DecisionSpace Base Module, DecisionSpace Data Quality, DecisionSpace
Desktop, DecisionSpace Dropsite, DecisionSpace Geoscience, DecisionSpace GIS Module, DecisionSpace GRC Module, DecisionSpace
Nexus, DecisionSpace Reservoir, DecisionSuite, Deeper Knowledge. Broader Understanding., Depth Team, Depth Team Explorer, Depth
Team Express, Depth Team Extreme, Depth Team Interpreter, DepthTeam, DepthTeam Explorer, DepthTeam Express, DepthTeam
Extreme, DepthTeam Interpreter, Desktop Navigator, DESKTOP-PVT, DESKTOP-VIP, DEX, DIMS, Discovery, Discovery 3D,
Discovery Asset, Discovery Framebuilder, Discovery PowerStation, Discovery Suite, DMS, Drillability Suite, Drilling Desktop,
DrillModel, DrillNET, Drill-to-the-Earth-Model, Drillworks, Drillworks ConnectML, Drillworks Predict, DSS, Dynamic Frameworks to
Fill, Dynamic Reservoir Management, Dynamic Surveillance System, EDM, EDM AutoSync, EDT, eLandmark, Engineer’s Data Model,
Engineer’s Desktop, Engineer’s Link, ENGINEERING NOTES, eNotes, ESP, Event Similarity Prediction, ezFault, ezModel, ezSurface,
ezTracker, ezTracker2D, ezValidator, FastTrack, Field Scenario Planner, FieldPlan, FieldPlan Express, For Production, FrameBuilder,
Frameworks to Fill, FZAP!, GeoAtlas, GeoDataLoad, GeoGraphix, GeoGraphix Exploration System, Geologic Interpretation Component,
Geometric Kernel, GeoProbe, GeoProbe GF DataServer, GeoSmith, GES, GES97, GesFull, GESXplorer, GMAplus, GMI Imager, Grid3D,
GRIDGENR, H. Clean, Handheld Field Operator, HHFO, High Science Simplified, Horizon Generation, HzR, I2 Enterprise, iDIMS,
iEnergy, Infrastructure, iNotes, Iso Core, IsoMap, iWellFile, KnowledgeSource, Landmark (as service), Landmark (as software),
Landmark Decision Center, LandNetX, Landscape, Large Model, Lattix, LeaseMap, Limits, LithoTect, LogEdit, LogM, LogPrep,
MagicDesk, Make Great Decisions, MathPack, MDS Connect, MicroTopology, MIMIC, MIMIC+, Model Builder, NETool, Nexus (as
service), Nexus (as software), Nexus View, Object MP, OneCall, OpenBooks, OpenJournal, OpenLink, OpenSGM, OpenVision,
OpenWells, OpenWire, OpenWire Client, OpenWire Server, OpenWorks, OpenWorks Development Kit, OpenWorks Production,
OpenWorks Well File, Operations Management Suite, PAL, Parallel-VIP, Parametric Modeling, Permedia, Petris WINDS Enterprise,
PetrisWINDS, PetroBank, PetroBank Explorer, PetroBank Master Data Store, PetroWorks, PetroWorks Asset, PetroWorks Pro,
PetroWorks ULTRA, PLOT EXPRESS, PlotView, Point Gridding Plus, Pointing Dispatcher, PostStack, PostStack ESP, PostStack Family,
Power Interpretation, PowerCalculator, PowerExplorer, PowerExplorer Connect, PowerGrid, PowerHub, PowerModel, PowerView,
PrecisionTarget, Presgraf, PressWorks, PRIZM, Production, Production Asset Manager, PROFILE, Project Administrator, ProMAGIC
Connect, ProMAGIC Server, ProMAX, ProMAX 2D, ProMax 3D, ProMAX 3DPSDM, ProMAX 4D, ProMAX Family, ProMAX MVA,
ProMAX VSP, pSTAx, Query Builder, Quick, Quick+, QUICKDIF, Quickwell, Quickwell+, Quiklog, QUIKRAY, QUIKSHOT,
QUIKVSP, RAVE, RAYMAP, RAYMAP+, Real Freedom, Real Time Asset Management Center, Real Time Decision Center, Real Time
Operations Center, Real Time Production Surveillance, Real Time Surveillance, Real-time View, Recall, Reference Data Manager,
Reservoir, Reservoir Framework Builder, RESev, ResMap, Resolve, RTOC, SCAN, SeisCube, SeisMap, SeisMapX, Seismic Data Check,
SeisModel, SeisSpace, SeisVision, SeisWell, SeisWorks, SeisWorks 2D, SeisWorks 3D, SeisWorks PowerCalculator, SeisWorks
PowerJournal, SeisWorks PowerSection, SeisWorks PowerView, SeisXchange, Semblance Computation and Analysis, Sierra Family,
SigmaView, SimConnect, SimConvert, SimDataStudio, SimResults, SimResults+, SimResults+3D, SIVA+, SLAM, Smart Change, Smart
Deploy, Smart Flow, Smart Skills, Smart Start, Smart Sustain, Smart Transform, Smart Vision, SmartFlow, smartSECTION, smartSTRAT,
Spatializer, SpecDecomp, StrataMap, StrataModel, StratAmp, StrataSim, StratWorks, StratWorks 3D, StreamCalc, StressCheck,
STRUCT, Structure Cube, Surf & Connect, SurfNet, SynTool, System Start for Servers, SystemStart, SystemStart for Clients, SystemStart
for Servers, SystemStart for Storage, Tanks & Tubes, TDQ, Team Workspace, TERAS, T-Grid, The Engineer’s DeskTop, Total Drilling
Performance, TOW/cs, TOW/cs Revenue Interface, TracPlanner, TracPlanner Xpress, Trend Form Gridding, Trimmed Grid, Tubular
Basic, Turbo Synthetics, Unconventional Essentials, VESPA, VESPA+, VIP, VIP-COMP, VIP-CORE, VIPDataStudio, VIP-DUAL, VIP-
ENCORE, VIP-EXECUTIVE, VIP-Local Grid Refinement, VIP-THERM, vSpace, vSpace Blueprint, vSpace Onsite, WavX, Web Editor,
Well H. Clean, Well Seismic Fusion, Wellbase, Wellbore Planner, Wellbore Planner Connect, WELLCAT, WELLPLAN, WellSolver,
WellXchange, WOW, Xsection, You’re in Control. Experience the difference, ZAP!, ZEH, ZEH Plot, ZetaAnalytics, Z-MAP, Z-MAP
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Contents Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide


Introduction to Licensing
What’s New In This Release . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Version Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Compatibility with 2003.x License Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Compatibility of Release 5000.0.5.01 License Files with Prior License Servers . . . . . . . 4
lmgrd Versus lmadmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Upgrading to LAM 5000.0.5.01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Option 1: Uninstall LAM 5000.x Server and Install LAM 5000.0.5.01 Server . . . . . . . . 6
Option 2: Install LAM 5000.0.5.01 Without Downtime on Server (Linux Only) . . . . . . . 8
Option 3: Install LAM 5000.0.5.01 Without Downtime on an Alternate Server . . . . . . . 9

Understanding the License Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

How Licensing Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Common Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Network Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
License System Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
License Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
License File Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
License Options File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Local Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Stand-alone Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Using the License System with Third-Party Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

How to Manage the License System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Separate License Systems (Non-Windows Systems Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Single License System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Installation Terminology — Client Tools Versus Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

What are LAM Client Tools? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
What is a LAM Server? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

5000.0.5.01 v
Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Contents

Installation in Linux
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
LAM System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Operating System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Obtaining a Server License File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Installing LAM Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Information and Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Controlling the License Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Starting and Stopping the License Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
If the License Server Does Not Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Setting the Environment Variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Defining License Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Group License Sharing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Using NFS with the License System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

LAM Technical Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Manual Installation of FlexID Dongle Drivers and Support Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
If Applications Cannot Find the License File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Overriding LM_LICENSE_FILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Restricting the Use of FlexNet Publisher Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
ArcView Users — Using port@host Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Installation in Windows
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
LAM System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Operating System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Obtaining a Server License File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Installing LAM Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Windows 7: Firewall Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

vi 5000.0.5.01
Contents Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

License Server Startup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

LAM Technical Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Manual Installation of FlexID Dongle Drivers and Support Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Using LAM Server Without Windows Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
LAM Server Installation Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
If Applications Cannot Find the License File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Overriding LM_LICENSE_FILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Removing the Registry Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Disabling the Registry Entries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Known Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

LAM Server Uninstall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Stop and Remove the License Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Uninstall Previous Versions of LAM Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Uninstalling LAM 2003 Windows Server Manually . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

5000.0.5.01 vii
Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Contents

viii 5000.0.5.01
Introduction to Licensing Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

Introduction to Licensing

Landmark’s License Application Manager (LAM) is the license system

that controls access to Landmark applications. LAM is based on
Flexera’s FlexNet Publisher product.

This document describes the procedures for installing, configuring, and

managing the license system to control the usage of Landmark
applications, including the following topics:

• “What’s New In This Release” on page 2

• “Version Compatibility” on page 3

• “Using the License System with Third-Party Software” on page 20

• “Installation Terminology — Client Tools Versus Server” on

page 23

• “Installation in Linux” on page 25

• “Installation in Windows” on page 41

5000.0.5.01 1
Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Introduction to Licensing

What’s New In This Release

This release of the License Application Manager has corrections for the
following defects.

• Defect 951812: Bugs or resource leak in lgcx license daemon.

When checking out a license from a 32-bit IPv4 license server a

memory leak has been observed if the client was built with the
IPv6 toolkit from FlexNet Publisher. The memory leak causes the
physical memory usage of the vendor daemon to increase as more
check-outs and check-ins occur. Ultimately, the system runs out of
system resources.

• Defect 152058: Flex bitlock, USB dongle: the installation of

support libraries and drivers was not included in the LAM

Files for a FlexNet USB Dongle

The files for the FlexNet USB dongle are contained in the
FlexID_Drivers subdirectory within the installation directory of the
LAM server or client tools.

The installation of the support files and drivers are a part of the LAM
installation program for each type of operating system. For information
purposes, the manual installation steps for the files are in:

Linux: “Manual Installation of FlexID Dongle Drivers and Support Files”

on page 36

Windows: “Manual Installation of FlexID Dongle Drivers and Support

Files” on page 50

2 What’s New In This Release 5000.0.5.01

Introduction to Licensing Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

Version Compatibility

The 5000.0.5.01 release of License Application Manager (LAM) uses

the FlexNet Publisher product produced by Flexera.

Before an application from Landmark will run, the application must be

able to validate the license for the use of the software with one of the
following methods:

• Communicate to a LAM server software running on a machine with

the appropriate license files.

• Communicate with a USB dongle with a license file tied to the

dongle. Landmark software supports dongles that are the FlexID9
or FlexID10 type only.

If you are currently using a prior version of the license server, and the
Landmark application uses the Flex version client software,
or if the Landmark application uses the lgcx vendor daemon, you
must move to this release of the license server to license the Landmark
product. This support did not exist for Release 2003 or for releases of
Landmark software before version 5000.8.4.0.

Releases 5000.8.4.x and 5000.10.x.x products are tested with the

following FlexNet Publisher version.

Landmark Release Operating Systems
Publisher Version

5000.8.4.x Windows: 32-bit and 64-bit

5000.10.x.x Linux: 32-bit and 64-bit

Generally, LAM 2003.x and LAM 5000.0.5.01 servers and clients

should not be mixed. For example, you cannot run an application
created for LAM 5000.0.5.01 with a prior version of the license server.

“Installation in Linux” on page 25 and “Installation in Windows” on

page 41 help you perform the steps to install the appropriate LAM
components for your environment and to obtain a license file.

5000.0.5.01 Version Compatibility 3

Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Introduction to Licensing

Compatibility with 2003.x License Files

Release 2003 license files can be used with version 5000.0.5.01 of the
license server; however, several restrictions apply, and this method
is not recommended.

To run the Release 2003 license files with version 5000.0.5.01 of the
LAM server:

• All the Release 2003 license files should be in the same directory.

• No duplicate features can exist in the license files. For example,

lines beginning with FEATURE geoprobe cannot be in more
than one file.

• If the LM_LICENSE_FILE is set to the directory where multiple

license files are located, the file extensions must be changed
from .dat extensions to .lic extensions.

• All the Landmark .lic files must use the same port number.

Using FLEX 3-Server Redundant Servers

If you are NOT using a FLEX 3-server redundant server configuration, the
same server CAN use Release 2003, Release 5000.0.3.0,
Release 5000.0.4.0, Release 5000.0.5.00, and Release 5000.0.5.01 license
files at the same time.

If your Release 2003 license files were re-issued to include multiple FLEX
version-specific keys, contact Landmark Licensing for more information.

Compatibility of Release 5000.0.5.01 License Files with Prior License


Due to the version compatibility rules of the FlexNet Publisher

software, a 2003 license server cannot use Release 5000.x license files.
In general, in order to guarantee reliable compatibility, software
products using a version of the license client must access a license
server that is the same version or a newer version of the license

4 Version Compatibility 5000.0.5.01

Introduction to Licensing Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

lmgrd Versus lmadmin

This manual describes the usage of lmgrd, the original license server
manager in the FlexNet software. However, Flexera offers a newer
version of the license server manager called lmadmin, a browser-
based application. The lmadmin license server manager is not
provided in LAM installation.

If your site uses lmadmin, use the following command arguments to

enable borrowing with the lgcx daemon. For example:

lmadmin -allowLicenseReclaim yes -adminOnly no

Mixed Case of Option Names: Use the mixed upper- and lowercase in
the arguments as shown. For example: Use adminOnly. Not variants
like: adminonly, ADMINONLY, or AdminOnly.

For more information about the commands, see the FlexNet Publisher
License Administration Guide and other documentation included in the
docs directory of the installation directory of License Application

5000.0.5.01 Version Compatibility 5

Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Introduction to Licensing

Upgrading to LAM 5000.0.5.01

The license server can be upgraded in several ways. Select one of the
options below that is most convenient for your environment.

• Option 1 describes the steps for a complete uninstall of the existing

license server and a fresh install of the new license server.

• Option 2 describes the steps to install the upgrade on the same

license server host but in another location. This option is for Linux
only. Option 2 requires no downtime for clients.

• Option 3 is similar to Option 2, but the new installation is on

another host server. Option 3 assumes two license server instances
running in your environment, where each server may contain both
licsrv and lgcx daemons and features.

Option 1: Uninstall LAM 5000.x Server and Install LAM 5000.0.5.01


To uninstall an existing LAM 5000.x server:

1. Run a command, such as the following, to shut down the running

LAM 5000.x server.

LAM_Dir/bin/lmdown -c LAM_Dir/license.dat

Where LAM_Dir is the location of the license server installation,

such as /Landmark/OpenWorks/LAM5000_x, and where x
in LAM5000_x is the finer version numbers, such as: 0_0_0,
0_3_0, or 0_5_0.

2. Save a backup copy of current license file to another directory so

that you can preserve the current DAEMON features. You will
need this file in step 6 when you merge licsrv features with
lgcx features.

3. Uninstall LAM 5000.x server using a command similar to the



Where x is the finer version numbers, such as 0_0_0, 0_3_0,

or 0_5_0.

6 Upgrading to LAM 5000.0.5.01 5000.0.5.01

Introduction to Licensing Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

4. Obtain the LAM 5000.0.5.01 software and a license file with the
required features. For example:

• Download the software from Landmark Software Manager.

— Discipline: Tools

— Product Line: LAM

— Version: 5000.0.5.01

• Acquire a license file with lgcx daemon features.

5. Install LAM 5000.0.5.01 on the machine currently running the

LAM server. For example, install it in:


6. Merge the existing license file (use backup file from step 2) with
the new lgcx features and place the resulting file in the home
directory of the LAM 5000.0.5.01 installation.

Changing the Port Number and the LM_LICENSE_FILE

Environment Variable of Client Installations

When editing the license file, you may need to change the TCP port
number in the SERVER line of the license file. The default is 2013.

If the port number changes, and if the client installations use the
port@hostname setting for the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment
variable, the setting of the environment variable for each client
installation must also be updated.

7. Launch the new LAM 5000.0.5.01 server by using:

setenv LAMHOME /Landmark/OpenWorks/LAM5000_0_5_01

setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE /Landmark/OpenWorks/LAM5000_0_5_01/license.dat

8. If LAM 5000.0.5.01 was not installed in the same location as the

previous LAM installation, update the environment with the new
LAM connection. For example, update the LM_LICENSE_FILE
environment variable in the server environment to refer to the
LAM 5000.0.5.01 server.

5000.0.5.01 Upgrading to LAM 5000.0.5.01 7

Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Introduction to Licensing

Option 2: Install LAM 5000.0.5.01 Without Downtime on Server (Linux


To install the Landmark Application Manager (LAM) without any

downtime on the current Linux server:

1. Update the client environment with the new LAM connection. For
example, to append a new location, separate the locations with a

setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE 2013@LAMmaster:2014@LAMmaster

2. Obtain the LAM 5000.0.5.01 software and a license file with the
required features. For example:

• Download the software from Landmark Software Manager.

— Discipline: Tools

— Product Line: LAM

— Version: 5000.0.5.01

• Acquire a license file with lgcx daemon features.

3. Install LAM 5000.0.5.01 on the machine currently running the

LAM server. For example, install it in:


4. Merge the existing license file with the new lgcx features and
place the resulting file in the home directory of the
LAM 5000.0.5.01 installation.

Changing the Port Number and the LM_LICENSE_FILE

Environment Variable of Client Installations

When editing the license file, you may need to change the TCP port
number in the SERVER line of the license file. The default is 2013.

If the port number changes, and if the client installations use the
port@hostname setting for the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment
variable, the setting of the environment variable for each client
installation must also be updated.

8 Upgrading to LAM 5000.0.5.01 5000.0.5.01

Introduction to Licensing Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

5. Shut down the running LAM 5000.x server, and launch the new
LAM 5000.0.5.01 server. A script, similar to the following will
minimize disruption to users who are using the server.

/Landmark/OpenWorks/LAM5000_x/bin/lmdown -c
setenv LAMHOME /Landmark/OpenWorks/LAM5000_x
setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE /Landmark/OpenWorks/LAM5000_x/license.dat

Where x is the finer version numbers, such as 0_0_0, 0_3_0, or


Option 3: Install LAM 5000.0.5.01 Without Downtime on an Alternate


To install the Landmark Application Manager without any downtime

on an alternate server:

1. Update the user’s environment with the new LAM connection. For
example, to append a new location, separate the locations with a

setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE 2013@LAMmaster:2013@LAMalternate

2. Obtain the LAM 5000.0.5.01 software and a license file with the
required features. For example:

• Download the software from Landmark Software Manager.

— Discipline: Tools

— Product Line: LAM

— Version: 5000.0.5.01

• A license file with lgcx daemon features.

3. Install LAM 5000.0.5.01 on an alternate machine (for example,

LAMalternate). For example, install it in:


5000.0.5.01 Upgrading to LAM 5000.0.5.01 9

Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Introduction to Licensing

4. Copy the new license file with the new lgcx features to the
home directory of the LAM 5000.0.5.01 installation.

Changing the Port Number and the LM_LICENSE_FILE

Environment Variable of Client Installations

When editing the license file, you may need to change the TCP port
number in the SERVER line of the license file. The default is 2013.

If the port number changes, and if the client installations use the
port@hostname setting for the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment
variable, the setting of the environment variable for each client
installation must also be updated.

5. Launch the new LAM 5000.0.5.01 server. A script, similar to the

following will minimize disruption to users who are using the

setenv LAMHOME /Landmark/OpenWorks/LAM5000_0_5_01

setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE /Landmark/OpenWorks/LAM5000_0_5_01/license.dat

10 Upgrading to LAM 5000.0.5.01 5000.0.5.01

Introduction to Licensing Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

Understanding the License Process

This section explains:

• The basic concepts of application licensing

• The license system architecture

• The syntax of a license file (typically, license.dat)

• The use of the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable

• The options file

Before trying to manage the licensing process, you should understand

the basic concepts involved.

The concepts described in this section are valid for all platforms on
which Landmark applications are certified.

How Licensing Works

Licensing allows controlled use of Landmark applications in network,

local, or stand-alone environments. When you purchase a Landmark
application, you also purchase one or more licenses, which give users
the right to use the application.

The number of licenses for an application determines the number of

users who are allowed to access the application concurrently. As your
requirements grow, you may purchase additional licenses that allow
more users to access the application concurrently. The license system is
designed to be transparent to the user and to require minimal
configuration and maintenance by a network administrator.

5000.0.5.01 Understanding the License Process 11

Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Introduction to Licensing

Common Terms

Certain key terms are used in this guide to describe Landmark’s license
system. The most important are listed in the table below.

Common Network Licensing Terms

Term Definition

Client An application that can communicate with a server

process or with a FlexNet ID dongle. When a client
communicates with a server process, the client
application can reside on the same system as the server or
on a system networked to the server.

Daemon (Server) A program serving clients. Sometimes referred to as a

server, a daemon process usually runs before, during, and
after an application program runs.
License A feature line in a license file. It contains information and
various encrypted signature keys, which the license server
evaluates in order to allow an applications to execute.

License File A file containing a description of the license servers or

the ID of a Flex ID dongle, the various application
daemons to service application license requests, and the
licenses for applications that are available.

License Server A daemon running on a workstation and communicating

with licensed applications. It collects license requests
from applications and passes the information to the
appropriate application’s license daemon to service the
requests. In addition, the license server maintains
information about current applications’ users, the number
of licenses per application, and other crucial data.
Log File An optional file that is created by the license server. It
contains information about license usage.

Host A computer that resides on the network. It may be the

computer on which the license server runs, the computer
on which licensed applications run, or the computer on
which the license server and licensed applications are

Application Any Landmark product licensed to a customer.

Stand-alone License, This configuration requires no LAM server components.
or FLex ID Dongle The license is locked to the ID of a USB dongle inserted
in the computer. Some applications use this license when
the computer, such as a laptop, is unconnected from a
network, such as while at a rig location.

Local Server In this configuration, the applications and license server

are installed on the same computer.

12 Understanding the License Process 5000.0.5.01

Introduction to Licensing Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

Network Configuration

For a licensed application and the license server to communicate

properly, the network configuration should be properly set up. A proper
network configuration requires the following:

• The machine on which the licensed application runs must be able to

communicate to the license server.

• Landmark applications use TCP port 2013 as a default port to

communicate license requests to the FlexNet Publisher license
manager (lmgrd). This value appears in the fourth column of
SERVER lines of a license file (typically, license.dat).

SERVER HostName PhyicalAddress TCP_Port

Where HostName is typically the fully qualified name (both host

name and domain) of the system where the LAM server is installed
and running, PhysicalAddress is the MAC address of the network
card, and TCP_Port is. For example:


The license server determines which port number to use by reading

the license file. The applications use the LM_LICENSE_FILE
environment variable to determine the port and the host of the
license server. This action occurs automatically when the
application tries to check out a license.

When using multiple license files the port number must be unique
for each instance of the FlexNet Publisher license manager
running on a system. The port number can be changed to any open
TCP port on the system if a conflict arises when more than one
application process tries to access the same port.

Windows: Single Instance of License Server Allowed

Windows platforms will only support a single instance of the FlexNet

Publisher server running.

5000.0.5.01 Understanding the License Process 13

Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Introduction to Licensing

License System Architecture

The license system provides the following architecture for licensed

networked Landmark applications. The architecture is very similar for
local servers, where the Landmark application resides on the license
server. Some Landmark products also provide for a stand-alone license
using a Flex ID dongle.

The major components of the license system are:

licsrv and lgcx

Denotes the License Server service the
application’s license
request using the
(Landmark) license file.
lmgrd lmgrd receives
Application request and sends
the license request
Publisher) to the correct
application daemon
Application builds license request for service by
examining the
license file
License File License File

License Server

The license server is a group of daemons running on a system. The

server controls the distribution of application licenses. When you
attempt to use a licensed application, the application must obtain a
license from the license server before the application is made available
to the user. If the license request is rejected or cannot be
communicated, the application will not run. The license server can be
any workstation that runs the license server process lmgrd. This
process is ordinarily started when the system boots up.

License File Components

The license file (typically, license.dat) contains all the information

needed by the license server to manage application licenses. This file
contains all licenses that are available to applications using the license
system. The license file has a well-defined syntax that system

14 Understanding the License Process 5000.0.5.01

Introduction to Licensing Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

administrators should understand. The path name of the file is


$LAMHOME/license.dat Linux

c:\Landmark\LAM\license.dat Windows

The following is an example of a license file where the LAM home

directory is /d01/lam :

SERVER ffffffffffff 2013

DAEMON licsrv /d01/lam/bin/licsrv /d01/lam/licsrv.opt
DAEMON lgcx /d01/lam/bin/lgcx /d01/lam/lgcx.opt
FEATURE DSBASE lgcx 5010 9-jul-2016 100
VENDOR_STRING="Landmark" SIGN="09FF 7ED5 532D C7FF
41B3 AA67 D9EB D39B 2CF9 D800 3215 ABB2 0CC7 6951 8EFF
1CBA 6F09 1D33 5AD8 72F5 F3BE 536B B856 932A DBFC 94FF
3F25 0521 F79F 2FFF"
FEATURE POSTPAL licsrv 5000 9-jul-2016 100 D44B6B9653FF
V7.1_LK=344E6B9656FF V7.1_SIGN=388517782BFF

Each component of the license file is described in more detail below.

The descriptions use the information from the license file shown above.

This component defines the license servers in the network. The format
is as follows:

SERVER nodename hostid port

In the example above, the license server is called hostname, has a

host ID of ffffffffffff, and has a port number of 2013. All
Landmark license files use port 2013, as a default. The port number can
be changed to meet site requirements. However, the port number in a
license file for each license server described in the file must be the

Some license files have multiple SERVER lines while others have a
single SERVER line. Multiple SERVER lines denote a license
system configuration designed with redundant servers in order to
minimize down time due to hardware or network failure. If you are
installing a redundant server system FlexNet Publisher mandates that a
three SERVER system be established. There will be, therefore, three
server lines in the license file.

5000.0.5.01 Understanding the License Process 15

Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Introduction to Licensing

Before setting up a redundant server configuration, review the FlexNet

Publisher License Administration Guide prior to setting up a redundant
system. The documentation is located in the docs directory in the
LAM installation directory, or at:

To run a three server redundant system:

• Install the license server on three computers with network

connections between the them.

• The license files from Landmark must be specifically cut for a

redundant system and will contain the nodename and hostid
for each server. When asking for the license file, specify one
hostid as the master server. When the master server of a LAM
service is unavailable, FlexNet Publisher Server software will
automatically assign one of the two remaining servers as the new
master. At least two of the three servers must be online and
communicating properly with each other for the system to work as
expected (FlexNet Publisher calls this a quorum).

• The LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable must be set to

the path of the redundant server license file on each client as well as
on the servers or the redundancy many not work correctly in all
configurations. The license files must be identical. Do not change
the order of the server lines in the license files.

For the setting of the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment

variable, the path to each license file must be separated by a colon
( : ) if the variable is on a Linux machine, or by a semicolon
( ; ) if the variable is on a Windows machine. The path to a
license file can be the full path to a license file on the system, the
full path to a directory on the system containing license files with
the .lic extension, or a license server port (as in

However, when three license servers are in a redundant

configuration, the license server port designation of pair of
redundant servers should be separated by a comma ( , ). For
example, on the Linux system, if there were a directory with
license files as well as a set of redundant license servers, the
variable might have the following setting:


16 Understanding the License Process 5000.0.5.01

Introduction to Licensing Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

This component identifies and defines the location of the license server
executables. The format is as follows:

DAEMON DaemonName PathToDaemonExec PathToOptionsFile PortNum

All Landmark applications use the licsrv or the lgcx daemon

(server). Third-party vendors will have their own DAEMON line. The
options file /d01/lam/licsrv.opt allows you to control certain
special operations of the server. This function is described in detail later
in this section. A static port can be assigned to the daemon as well as
lmgrd by adding the optional port number to the line. This is useful
for navigating with firewalls. Without the port number, the operating
system chooses an unused TCP port.

This component defines the application being licensed, the license
server used by the application, the version, expiration date, number of
users, password, and vendor string (used for security). One Landmark
application may have multiple feature lines depending on the options
you purchased. The format for licsrv licenses is as follows:

FEATURE FeatureName DaemonName FeatureVersion ExpDate MaxUserCount LicenseKey

Vendor_STRING=VendorString SIGN=Signature ... HOSTID=hostid

where HOSTID=hostid is optional.

The format for lgcx licenses:

FEATURE FeatureName DaemonName FeatureVersion ExpDate MaxUserCount VendorString

SIGN=Signature HOSTID=hostid

If an expiration date is 1-jan-0000 (or permanent) the license

will never expire. The license encrypted data is generated by Landmark
and depends on:

• the host IDs of SERVER lines in license file

• the order of the SERVER lines if multiple SERVER lines exist

• the DAEMON line contents

• the number of users specified

• the expiration of the license

5000.0.5.01 Understanding the License Process 17

Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Introduction to Licensing

License Options File

The licsrv.opt or the lgcx.opt file specified in a license file modifies the
way that the License Manager creates a dedicated encrypted report log
and checks out licenses. The following options can be specified in the
options file:

In Windows, if lmgrd is started as service, and if a fully qualified

path is not specified for the report log file, the default location for the
report log is:


This option specifies the file to be used to log information about the
usage and activity of the daemon (licserv or lgcx). In this
example, the path to the log file (in Linux) is /usr/adm/lgc.log.
The plus sign ( + ) before the pathname means the License Manager
will append information to that file; otherwise, the file is overwritten
every time the License Manager is started:

REPORTLOG +/usr/adm/lgc.log

The default pathnames for the report logs are:

LAM_HomeDir/lgcxrpt.log lgcx daemon

LAM_HomeDir/lgcrpt.log licsrv daemon

The FlexNet Publisher License Administration Guide contains

information about other options available in the license options file.
The guide is located in the docs directory of the LAM installation
directory, and at the following URL:

Local Servers

A server is defined as local when the LAM software and its server has
been loaded on the same host as the Landmark applications. The
license file will look exactly like the networked license file. If the
server is placed on a network, applications on other computers will be
able to use the server.

18 Understanding the License Process 5000.0.5.01

Introduction to Licensing Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

Stand-alone Licenses

Some Landmark products allow you to install a license on a computer

for use on only that computer. In this instance the license file is node
locked to the computer. No server components are installed. The
license file will have the following changes:

• The SERVER line is not included.

• The DAEMON line is not included.

• The FEATURE lines will contain the word uncounted for the
MaxUserCount item and the host ID is present on the line.

5000.0.5.01 Understanding the License Process 19

Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Introduction to Licensing

Using the License System with Third-Party Software

Because Landmark’s license system uses FlexNet Publisher from

Flexera, administrators must be careful when installing other licensed
software that also uses FlexNet Publisher.

How to Manage the License System

When your environment contains both Landmark and other licensed

software, you can manage the license system in the following ways:

• Separate (Simpler): Keep the license systems separate. Landmark

applications refer to their license system while applications from
other software vendors refer to another license system.

• Combine (More Complicated): Combine the separate license

systems into a single license system used by the Landmark
applications and the applications from the other software vendors.

Separate License Systems (Non-Windows Systems Only)

To create separate license systems for Landmark applications and for

the third-party software on the same host, perform the following:

1. In the license file for the Landmark applications, locate the

SERVER lines.

Notice that the fourth column in a SERVER line is a number

representing the TCP port number (the default is 2013).

SERVER nodename hostid port

The port is where the Landmark license server listens for license
requests. The port number must be unique for each license server
and must be unique among any process that uses ports on the
system. In essence, more than process should not use the same

The port number can be any value between 0 and 64000; however,
as a practical matter, for instance on Linux, the port should be
more than 1024. If no port number is specified, the server will
attempt to use a port in the range of 27000–27009.

20 Using the License System with Third-Party Software 5000.0.5.01

Introduction to Licensing Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

2. If the port number is the same as the other license server, change
the port number to a number that is different from the port number
used by any of the other vendor’s license servers (and from any
port already in use).

3. Stop and restart the Landmark license server (page 32 for Linux).

4. Every Landmark application must be able to communicate with

the license server whether the application is running on the system
where the license server is running, or is running on another
system separate from the license server.

The result is two separate license systems each listening on a different

port. Landmark applications will use the Landmark license system. An
application from another vendor can continue to use its own license

Single License System

In order to combine license files, the license files must obey the
following criteria

• Each file must have the same number of SERVER lines. Only
single server licenses can be combined with other single server
licenses. Only license files for redundant license servers can be
combined with the license files of other redundant license servers.

• Each file must contain the same host ID and type of host ID.

If the license files adhere to the criteria above, do the following to

create a single license system that is shared by both Landmark
applications and applications from other vendors:

1. Backup all license files.

2. Copy SERVER lines (no duplicates).

3. Copy DAEMON lines (no duplicates).

4. Copy FEATURE lines (no duplicates).

Copy the new license file into a location where the license server
looks for it (for example in Linux,

5000.0.5.01 Using the License System with Third-Party Software 21

Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Introduction to Licensing

5. Ensure that all applications have access to the license system.

6. Stop and restart the license server.

• Linux: “Starting and Stopping the License Server” on page 32

• Windows: “License Server Startup” on page 47

22 Using the License System with Third-Party Software 5000.0.5.01

Introduction to Licensing Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

Installation Terminology — Client Tools Versus Server

Before you begin installing LAM, please note that there are two distinct
components to the LAM software: client tools and server.

What are LAM Client Tools?

LAM Client Tools are a collection of FlexNet Publisher command line

utilities that can assist you in trouble-shooting a licensing problem on
your client machine. These utilities are documented in the FlexNet
Publisher License Administration Guide located in the docs
directory in the LAM installation directory.

What is a LAM Server?

If the machine will be serving licenses to other machines, or if it is a

local system, it is referred to as a Server. Install the LAM server
according to the platform-specific procedures contained in this guide.

Windows users should pay special attention when advised to uninstall

previous versions of LAM.

All server users should pay special attention when advised to refer to
the Technical Notes contained in the platform-specific chapters.

5000.0.5.01 Installation Terminology — Client Tools Versus Server 23

Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Introduction to Licensing

24 Installation Terminology — Client Tools Versus Server 5000.0.5.01

Installation in Linux Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

Installation in Linux


This chapter describes LAM on the Linux platform and covers the

• “Obtaining a Server License File” on page 26

• “Installing LAM Server” on page 28

• “Controlling the License Server” on page 32

• “Using NFS with the License System” on page 35

• “LAM Technical Notes” on page 36

LAM System Requirements

Operating System

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x or 6.x; 32- or 64-bit (x86_64)

Hardware Requirements

The memory, disk storage, and bandwidth needed for the license server
is minimal. For instance, the FlexNet Publisher daemon, lmgrd, uses
about 160 KB of memory, and the Landmark daemons, licsrv or
lgcx, use about 180 KB; however, with a large license file and with a
large number of users, the daemons may use about 6 MB of memory.
The storage requirements remain relatively static, around 8 to 9 MB.

5000.0.5.01 Introduction 25
Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Installation in Linux

Obtaining a Server License File

Before you begin, read the “LAM Technical Notes” on page 36.

A license file must be obtained from Landmark before you can start the
license server and run Landmark applications. To obtain a license file
you can do one of the following:

• call one of the following numbers:

— Houston Office: 713.839.2200, opt. 6

— London/Leatherhead Office: 44.1372.868686, opt. 6

• fill in the information at the following Landmark site:

Some server information, such as the host ID or the FlexID of a USB

dongle, is needed before requesting the license. It is recommended that
you install LAM prior to obtaining the host ID; however, for the FlexID
of a USB dongle, the LAM software and the drivers for the dongle must
be installed to properly retrieve the ID of the dongle.

Do one of the following to retrieve the ID.

• If LAM is installed:

• Log on to the computer that serves as the LAM 5000.0.5.01


• In a terminal window, change directories to the bin directory

of the LAM installation. For example:

cd /Landmark/OpenWorks/LAM5000.0.5.01/bin

• If the host ID is needed, type:


The command returns a line like the following with a

number in hexadecimal digits (ffffffffffff in the
instance below):

The FlexNet host ID of this machine is "ffffffffffff"

26 Obtaining a Server License File 5000.0.5.01

Installation in Linux Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

• If the system is using a USB dongle, type:

./lmhostid -flexid

• Record the number that is returned from the lmhostid


• If LAM is not installed, and the host ID is needed, and not the ID of
a USB dongle:

• In a terminal window, type:

/sbin/ifconfig Device

where Device is the name of the interface driver

(such as eth for an Ethernet interface) with its
device number. For example, the first Ethernet
adapter in the computer would be eth0 or em1 .

• Record the number that is associated with the hardware address

(typically labeled HWaddr).

The ID of an Ethernet interface (or adapter) is the host ID of the


The number can be a hexadecimal number or a decimal number. If

the number is decimal, a numeral or pound sign ( # )
immediately precedes the decimal number.

The command will display the ID of the Ethernet interface as the

hardware class address (HWaddr). This address is composed of
twelve hexadecimal digits separated into pairs by colons. For


For the LAM server, the host ID is the number without the colons.
For example, given the address above, the following would be the
ID of the Ethernet interface:


5000.0.5.01 Obtaining a Server License File 27

Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Installation in Linux

Installing LAM Server

The steps to install LAM server in Linux are the following. Also, these
steps should be used when reinstalling the License Manager files.

1. In a terminal window, login as the root user.

The user installing LAM must be the root user in order to:

• Configure the computer to automatically start the LAM server

when the system boots. The installer allows you can decide
whether to automatically start the LAM server or not.

If during the LAM installation, the computer is not configured

to start LAM automatically, the root user can configure the
computer later with the lamsetup script.

$LAMHOME/install/lamsetup -o $LAMHOME

• Install the drivers and support files for a FlexID USB dongle.

2. Landmark strongly suggests that you set up an variable for a

$LAMHOME. If you do not have $LAMHOME defined, the
installation will install in $OWHOME if it is defined. If neither of
these is present, the installation will be placed in the /Tmp
directory. To set the $LAMHOME directory, do the following:

setenv LAMHOME /LAM_Install_Dir

3. If you are logged in remotely to the system where you are

installing LAM, do the following:

• On the remote system, set the DISPLAY environment variable:

setenv DISPLAY LocalMachineName:0.ScreenNumber

• On the local system, allow the remote system access to the local

xhost + RemoteMachineName

4. Download the current version of LAM from Landmark Software


28 Installing LAM Server 5000.0.5.01

Installation in Linux Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

• On the Available Downloads tab, use the filter:

— Discipline: Tools

— Product Line: LAM

— Version: 5000.0.5.01

• Download the 32-bit or 64-bit version, depending on the system

for the license system.

5. Untar the archive file. For example:

tar -zxvf LAM_5000.0.5.01_Release_Lx64.tgz

6. To start the installation program, enter.


A wizard walks you through the installation process. Monitor the

display. If any errors occur in the installation process, error
messages with suggested actions may display.

7. If the license uses a USB dongle, to test whether your installation

of the LAM software, drivers, and the libraries are communicating
properly with the dongle, insert the dongle in a USB port of the
computer, and enter the following command in a terminal window:

LAM_InstallDir/bin/lmhostid -flexid

If successful, the command displays a line similar to the following:

The FlexNet host ID of this machine is "FLEXID=9-64d88270"

If not successful, the command displays the following:

The FlexNet host ID of this machine is " "

Manual Steps for Installing the Dongle Drivers and Libraries

For informational purposes, the manual steps for installing the drivers and
libraries for a dongle are given in “Manual Installation of FlexID Dongle
Drivers and Support Files” on page 36

5000.0.5.01 Installing LAM Server 29

Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Installation in Linux

Information and Error Messages

In this section are information messages and errors messages that may
occur during the installation process.

Message 1

If you are running the installer as a non-root user, a message

similar to the one below displays if you try configure the system to
start the LAM server at system start. This message indicates that
the scripts that automatically start the LAM service will not run.

You can either exit the install, log in as root, and restart the install;
or you can continue the installation process, and then root can later
run the script listed in the dialog to start the automatic service.

Continue running the Installation process by pressing the Return


After finishing the install, log in as root and run the following

$LAMHOME/install/lamsetup -o $LAMHOME

30 Installing LAM Server 5000.0.5.01

Installation in Linux Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

Message 2

If the following screen displays the boot-up scripts already exist in

the defined directory.

Do one of the following:

• Press Return and review the init.d/lam.Linux script. If

these scripts are correct you can keep the script.


• You can delete the script.

If You Delete the Script

Landmark Strongly Recommends: Delete the boot-up script and

then run the following command.

$LAMHOME/install/lamsetup -o $LAMHOME

5000.0.5.01 Installing LAM Server 31

Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Installation in Linux

Controlling the License Server

You must start the license server after acquiring a license file. You
cannot use your Landmark software until the license server is running.
You can start the license server manually, or you can configure the
license server to start when the system boots.

Starting and Stopping the License Server

The system startup file on the license server can be modified at

installation time to start the license daemon. Use the following steps to
start and stop the license server manually.

• To start the server manually, log in to the workstation containing

the license server, change directories to the bin directory in the
LAM installation, and enter the startup command. For example, as

— If the LAMHOME environment variable is not set, set the

variable. For example:

setenv LAMHOME /Landmark/lam C Shell

$LAMHOME=/Landmark/lam;export LAMHOME Bourne or Korn Shell

— Change directories to the bin directory in the LAM


cd /Landmark/lam/bin

— Start the LAM server.


• To stop the license server, use the same procedure as indicated in

the previous step, but substitute the following command:


32 Controlling the License Server 5000.0.5.01

Installation in Linux Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

If the License Server Does Not Start

If your license server will not start, check the following items.

• Ping your server using the host name.


• Confirm /etc/host has the following entry: localhost.localdomain localhost

• Confirm the license file is correct and has read permissions.

• Confirm the log file has write permissions.

Setting the Environment Variable

The LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable is an variable

provided by the FlexNet Publisher license software. It performs the
following functions:

• Allows users to designate a license file from which an application

checks out a license.

• Allows users to specify a list of license files that an application has

available to use when checking out licenses.

One of the formats of LM_LICENSE_FILE is exactly like the PATH.

For example, C shell users would use the following commands:

setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE $LAMHOME/license1.dat

setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE $LAMHOME/license1.dat:$OWHOME/license2.dat

In Linux, the colon character ( : ) separates each pair of paths. In

Windows, the semicolon ( ; ) separates paths.

Defining License Groups

A license group is one or more workstations using a single license

system, including a license file and one or more license servers
(represented by SERVER lines in the license file).

5000.0.5.01 Controlling the License Server 33

Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Installation in Linux

Large sites may want to partition their workstations into distinct

groups. Each workstation group would have a license system including:

• a license file

• one or more workstations designated as license servers.

The user defines LM_LICENSE_FILE to point to the license file that

applications running in the group use.

Group License Sharing

Groups may share licenses with other groups through the use of the
LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable:

• Each group has a copy of each license file from the other groups
(all named appropriately).

• The user environment contains the LM_LICENSE_FILE

environment variable defining the exact location of each of the
above license files. In addition, LM_LICENSE_FILE defines an
order that the application will follow when trying to check out a
license from one of the groups.

Be aware of licenses common to one or more of the above license files

and the problem associated with searching LM_LICENSE_FILE. An
example of a LM_LICENSE_FILE variable setting for a group is
shown below:

setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE /etc/license_g1.dat:/etc/license_g2.dat

34 Controlling the License Server 5000.0.5.01

Installation in Linux Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

Using NFS with the License System

The License System architecture allows easy configuration for NFS

clients. If clients obtain the license file through NFS mounting then the
clients must set the LM_LICENSE_FILE variable to the directory
where a license file is located.

5000.0.5.01 Using NFS with the License System 35

Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Installation in Linux

LAM Technical Notes

Manual Installation of FlexID Dongle Drivers and Support Files

The installation program of LAM installs the drivers and support files
for a FlexID dongle. The steps in this section are the manual steps of
installing them and the verification of their correct installation, such
that Landmark applications and the FlexNet utilities can communicate
with the dongle.

If the license uses a USB dongle, do the following to install the drivers
and support files:

1. Install the drivers for the type of dongle (FlexID9 or FlexID10)

and for the operating system (32-bit or 64-bit). Do the following:

• FlexID9, 32-bit Operating System

cd LAM_IntallDir/FlexID_Drivers/FLEXID9/linux
rpm -i aksusbd-2.4-1.i386.rpm

• FlexID9, 64-bit Operating System

cd LAM_IntallDir/FlexID_Drivers/FLEXID9/linux64
rpm -i aksusbd-2.4-1.i386.rpm

• FlexID10, 32-bit Operating System

cd LAM_IntallDir/FlexID_Drivers/FLEXID10/linux
rpm -i WkRt-Lin-6.11.1057-500.i386.rpm

• FlexID10, 64-bit Operating System

cd LAM_IntallDir/FlexID_Drivers/FLEXID10/linux64
rpm -i WkRt-Lin64-6.11.1057-500.x86_64.rpm

2. For both FlexID9 and FlexID10, copy one or both of the support
library files, depending on the operating system, to the
/usr/lib directory. Do the following:

• 32-bit Operating System

cd LAM_IntallDir/FlexID_Drivers/"Support Libraries"
cp /usr/lib/.

36 LAM Technical Notes 5000.0.5.01

Installation in Linux Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

• 64-bit Operating System

cd LAM_IntallDir/FlexID_Drivers/"Support Libraries"
cp /usr/lib/.
cp /usr/lib/.

3. To test whether your installation of the LAM software, drivers, and

the libraries are communicating properly, insert the dongle in a
USB port of the computer, and enter the following command in a
terminal window:

LAM_InstallDir/bin/lmhostid -flexid

If successful, the command displays a line similar to the following:

The FlexNet host ID of this machine is "FLEXID=9-64d88270"

If not successful, the command displays the following:

The FlexNet host ID of this machine is " "

If Applications Cannot Find the License File

The License Application Manager (LAM) looks at the

LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable for the location of the
license file. If the variable has not been set or if the location in the
variable is wrong, LAM will look for the file in the following location.

• Windows: C:\temp\license.dat

• Linux: /etc/license.dat

Environment variables locating the license are normally set up by the

installation program. The variable can contain either the full path to the
license file including the machine name on which it resides, or it can
contain the port number and machine name of the license server that
serves that license file. For example:

setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE 2013@HostName


setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE $LAMHOME/license.dat

5000.0.5.01 LAM Technical Notes 37

Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Installation in Linux

or for NFS mounted computers

setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE nfs_mount/license.dat

FlexNet Publisher performs background operations to optimize access

to the license file when it is run from an application for the first time.

Although FlexNet Publisher writes the path to the license file in either
the user home directory or the root directory (depending on the
platform and configuration) in a hidden file named .flexlmrc,
Landmark overrides the .flexlmrc file creation in it’s application

If .flexlmrc is present and you change the location or name of the

license file you must remove .flexlmrc. FlexNet Publisher will then use
the new location of the license file to access the license server.


Landmark generally uses the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment

variable. Applications running for the first time may incorrectly
override the setting of the LM_LICENSE_FILE variable.

Do Not Allow the Creation of the .flexlmrc File

Prevent the creation of the .flexlmrc file. Creation of the file creates many
problems with Landmark applications.

It’s absence will expedite the diagnosis and resolution of any licensing
issues with Landmark software.

To prevent the creation of this file, set the

FLEXLM_NO_CKOUT_INSTALL_LIC environment variable to 1.
For example:


You should also remove any existing .flexlmrc to avoid overriding


Restricting the Use of FlexNet Publisher Utilities

The lmdown, lmremove, and lmreread utilities can be

privileged, depending on the switches used when the lmgrd license
server is started. When they are privileged, only a License

38 LAM Technical Notes 5000.0.5.01

Installation in Linux Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

Administrator can run the utilities. A License Administrator is a

member of the lmadmin group, or if the lmadmin group does not
exist, a License Administrator is a member of the group with ID 0.

To restrict who can run the utilities, lmgrd license server must be
started with the -2 -p switch. For instance to start the server and
restrict the use of the utilities, you might enter the following:

$LAMHOME/bin/startlmgrd -c /export/home/license/license.dat -2 -p

If you want to disable the lmdown or lmremove utilities, so that

even a License Administrator cannot run them, the lmgrd license
server can be started with -x UtilityName . For example, you might
enter one of the following commands:

$LAMHOME/bin/startlmgrd -c /export/home/license/license.dat -x lmdown

$LAMHOME/bin/startlmgrd -c /export/home/license/license.dat -x lmremove

$LAMHOME/bin/startlmgrd -c /export/home/license/license.dat -x lmdown -x


After disabling lmdown, you can only stop the lmgrd license
server with the kill command, but you must not use the version of
the command with the -9 switch.

For more information, see the FlexNet Publisher License

Administration Guide located in the docs directory within the LAM
installation directory, and on the Flexera web site:

ArcView Users — Using port@host Specifications

ArcView will not start if the setting of the LM_LICENSE_FILE

environment variable uses the port@host designation, and if the
setting for the ArcView license manager precedes Landmark’s. The
LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable can be set in

For example, if 27005@jedi is the port number and host for the
ArcView license manager, and if 2013@buck are the port number

5000.0.5.01 LAM Technical Notes 39

Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Installation in Linux

and host for the Landmark license manager, the following results will
be obtained:

• ArcView will start properly if




• ArcView will not start properly if




40 LAM Technical Notes 5000.0.5.01

Installation in Windows Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

Installation in Windows


This chapter describes LAM on Windows and contains the following:

• “Obtaining a Server License File” on page 42

• “Installing LAM Server” on page 44

• “Windows 7: Firewall Configuration” on page 46

• “License Server Startup” on page 47

• “LAM Technical Notes” on page 50

• “LAM Server Uninstall” on page 56

LAM System Requirements

Operating System

Windows XP and 2003 Server (32-bit and 64-bit)

Windows 7, Vista, and 2008 Server (64-bit)

Hardware Requirements

The memory, disk storage, and bandwidth needed for the license server
is minimal when compared with the capability of modern workstations,
servers, and networks. For instance, the FlexNet Publisher daemon,
lmgrd, uses about 160 KB of memory, and the Landmark daemons,
licsrv or lgcx, use about 180 KB; however, with a large license
file and with a large number of users, the daemons may use about 2 to
3 MB of memory. The storage requirements remain relatively static,
around 7 to 8 MB.

5000.0.5.01 Introduction 41
Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Installation in Windows

Obtaining a Server License File

A license file must be obtained from Landmark before you can start the
license server and run Landmark applications. To obtain a license file
you can do one of the following:

• call one of the following numbers:

— Houston Office: 713.839.2200, opt. 6

— London/Leatherhead Office: 44.1372.868686, opt. 6

• fill in the information at the following Landmark site:

Some server information, such as the host ID or the FlexID of a USB

dongle, is needed before requesting the license. It is recommended that
you install LAM prior to obtaining the host ID; however, for the FlexID
of a USB dongle, the LAM software and the drivers for the dongle must
be installed to properly retrieve the ID of the dongle.

Do one of the following to retrieve the ID.

• If LAM is installed:

• Log on to the computer that serves as the LAM 5000.0.5.01


• In a Command Prompt window, change directories to the bin

directory of the LAM installation. For example:

cd c:\Landmark\OpenWorks\LAM5000.0.5.01\bin

• If the host ID is needed, type:


The command returns a line like the following with

a number in hexadecimal digits (ffffffffffff in
the instance below):

The FlexNet host ID of this machine is "ffffffffffff"

42 Obtaining a Server License File 5000.0.5.01

Installation in Windows Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

• If the system is using a USB dongle, type:

lmhostid -flexid

• Record the number that is returned from the lmhostid


• If LAM is not installed, and the host ID is needed, and not the ID of
a USB dongle:

• In a Command Prompt window, enter the following command:

ipconfig /all

• If the machine has more than one Ethernet card or is a stand-

alone system, enable the correct card using the Device

• Under Windows IP Configuration, note:

— Host Name

— Primary DNS Suffix

• Under Ethernet Adapter, note Physical Address.

A physical address is 12 digit hexadecimal string separated by

hyphens. For example, 00-C0-3D-68-F9-2B. Do not
include the hyphens in the address. So, 00C03D68F92B
would be the physical address.

5000.0.5.01 Obtaining a Server License File 43

Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Installation in Windows

Installing LAM Server

The steps to install LAM server are contained in this section.

Before you proceed with the steps in this section, uninstall all previous
versions of LAM server that have been installed on the machine.
Failure to uninstall all previous versions of LAM server before
installing this version of LAM will result in a duplicate FlexNet
Publisher service that replicates itself until it crashes Windows. See
“LAM Server Uninstall” on page 56.

1. Log on to the server as administrator.

2. Download the current version of LAM from Landmark Software


• Discipline: Tools

• Product Line: LAM

• Version: 5000.0.5.01

3. Decompress the archive file.

4. To start the installation process, run the installation program.


A wizard walks you through the installation process. Monitor the

display. If any errors occur in the installation process, error
messages with suggested actions may display.

The LAM 5000.0.5.01 software can be placed in the

c:\Landmark\LAM directory, or as specified during the

Landmark Strongly Recommends

Place the license file in the LAM installation directory.

Placing the license file in the LAM installation directory helps ensure ease of
use by Landmark applications.

44 Installing LAM Server 5000.0.5.01

Installation in Windows Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

5. If prompted to reboot the machine, click Yes.

6. Click Finish.

If the license file was installed prior to the LAM installation, the
license server will start automatically after the reboot.

If you do not have your license, please obtain it and place the
license file in the LAM installation directory. If there is an existing
license file, delete it prior to installing the new license file.

If you do not place the license file on the server you cannot use the
Windows service that automatically starts the license server when
the system reboots. See “Using LAM Server Without Windows
Service” on page 44.

7. If the license uses a USB dongle, to test whether your installation

of the LAM software, drivers, and the libraries are communicating
properly, insert the dongle in the USB port of the computer, and
enter the following command in a Command Prompt window:

LAM_InstallDir\bin\lmhostid -flexid

If successful, the command displays a line similar to the following:

The FlexNet host ID of this machine is "FLEXID=9-64d88270"

If not successful, the command displays the following:

The FlexNet host ID of this machine is " "

Manual Steps for Installing the Dongle Drivers and Libraries

For informational purposes, the manual steps for installing the drivers and
libraries for a dongle are given in “Manual Installation of FlexID Dongle
Drivers and Support Files” on page 50

5000.0.5.01 Installing LAM Server 45

Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Installation in Windows

Windows 7: Firewall Configuration

In order to serve floating licenses across a network when the license

server runs in the Windows 7, or later, operating system, you must
configure the Windows Firewall to allow communications through the
server ports used by the license server.

In the Windows 7 operating system, do the following:

1. In the Windows Start menu, select Control Panel > Windows

Firewall.The Windows Firewall control panel displays.

2. In the left panel, select Allow A Program Or Feature Through

Windows Firewall. The Allowed Programs pane displays in the

3. If you are not logged in as an administrator:

• Click the Change Settings button. A credentials dialog


• Enter the user name and password of an administrator.

• Close the dialog.

4. In the Allowed Programs list box, check the boxes of the names
and location types for the following features:

• Flexera Software LLC

• lgcx daemon

• licsrv daemon

5. Select OK in the pane to close the Allowed Programs pane.

6. Close the control panel window.

7. Continue with the steps in “License Server Startup” on page 47.

46 Windows 7: Firewall Configuration 5000.0.5.01

Installation in Windows Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

License Server Startup

The license server is configured during LAM installation to become a

service that starts automatically on start up. However, you may need to
perform a few customization steps.

If you did not place the license file on the server, the service described
in this section is not available. See “Using LAM Server Without
Windows Service” on page 53.

If the license file is on the server, make sure the file is placed in the
correct directory. To verify this:

1. Select Start > Programs > Landmark> lmtools.

2. The Service/License tab displays. The radio button labelled

Configuration Using Services should be active. If it is not pre-
selected, select it now. You should see LGC License
Application Manager listed and already selected in the list

3. Select the Config Services tab. Note the location of the license file
(for example, C:\Landmark\LAM\license.dat) in the
Patch to the license file item. Your license file should have been
copied to this location.

4. During installation, the LAM server was set to automatically start

when Windows starts up. Verify this by looking at the Start

5000.0.5.01 License Server Startup 47

Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Installation in Windows

Server at Power Up check box. If it is not checked, check it, then

click the Save Service button. Click Yes to confirm the save. 

5. If you installed a new license file after rebooting and automatically

starting the server, you must re-read the license file to make the
server aware of the new file.

To re-read the license file, go to step 6. Otherwise, skip to step 8.

6. Click the Start/Stop/Reread tab. If it is not already highlighted,

select LGC License Application Manager, then click the
ReRead License File button. 

48 License Server Startup 5000.0.5.01

Installation in Windows Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

7. If you receive an error message, click the Stop Server button then
click the Start Server button. A Server Starting message
should appear in the status bar at the bottom of the window.

8. Exit the License Tool Manager.

5000.0.5.01 License Server Startup 49

Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Installation in Windows

LAM Technical Notes

Manual Installation of FlexID Dongle Drivers and Support Files

The installation program of LAM installs the drivers and support files
for a FlexID dongle. The steps in this section are the manual steps of
installing them and the verification of their correct installation, such
that Landmark applications and the FlexNet utilities can communicate
with the dongle.

If the license uses a USB dongle, do the following to install the drivers
and support files:

1. Install the drivers for the type of dongle (FlexID9 or FlexID10)

and for the operating system (32-bit or 64-bit). Do the following:

• FlexID9, 32-bit Operating System

The installation program is in:


To install the drivers, run the following:

haspdisnst.exe -i

To install the drivers silently, enter the following in a Command

Prompt window:

haspdinst.exe -i -nomsg

• FlexID9, 64-bit Operating System

The installation program is in:


To install the drivers, run the following:

haspdisnst.exe -i

To install the drivers silently, enter the following in a Command

Prompt window:

haspdinst.exe -i -nomsg

50 LAM Technical Notes 5000.0.5.01

Installation in Windows Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

• FlexID10, 32-bit Operating System

The installation program is in:


To install the drivers, unzip the following:

To install the drivers, run the following:


To install the drivers silently:

— Change the values of the following keys in setup.ini

Key New Value Example

ForceOverwrite 1 ForceOverwrite=1

Gui 0 Gui=0

ErrorMessage 0 ErrorMessage=0

— Enter the following in a Command Prompt window:

Setup32.exe /RS:{00060000-0000-1004-8002-0000C06B5161}

• FlexID10, 64-bit Operating System

The installation program is in:


To install the drivers, unzip the following:

To install the drivers, run the following:


5000.0.5.01 LAM Technical Notes 51

Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Installation in Windows

To install the drivers silently:

— Change the values of the following keys in setup.ini

Key New Value Example

ForceOverwrite 1 ForceOverwrite=1

Gui 0 Gui=0

ErrorMessage 0 ErrorMessage=0

— Enter the following in a Command Prompt window:

Setup64.exe /RS:{00060000-0000-1004-8002-0000C06B5161}

2. For both FlexID9 and FlexID10, copy one or both of the support
library files, as described below, to the system directories within
the Windows directory, System32 or SysWOW64.

The support library files are in:

LAM_InstallDir\FlexID_Drivers\Support Libraries

As a default, the Windows directory has the path c:\Windows.

Its path is the value of the SystemRoot environment variable.
The paths of the system directories in the Windows directory
typically have the following paths:



Copy the files to the directories listed below:

• Win32 Operating System

haspsrm_win32.dll to the System32 directory

Or, by command-line in a Command Prompt window:

cd LAM_InstallDir\FlexID_Drivers\Support Libraries\
copy haspsrm_win32.dll %SystemRoot%\System32

52 LAM Technical Notes 5000.0.5.01

Installation in Windows Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

• Win64 Operating System

haspsrm_win32.dll to the SysWOW64 directory

haspsrm_win64.dll to the System32 directory

Or, by command-line in a Command Prompt window:

cd LAM_InstallDir\FlexID_Drivers\Support Libraries\
copy haspsrm_win32.dll %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64
copy haspsrm_win64.dll %SystemRoot%\System32

3. To test whether your installation of the LAM software, drivers, and

the libraries are communicating properly, insert the dongle in a
USB port of the computer, and enter the following command in a
Command Prompt window:

LAM_InstallDir\bin\lmhostid -flexid

If successful, the command displays a line similar to the following:

The FlexNet host ID of this machine is "FLEXID=9-64d88270"

If not successful, the command displays the following:

The FlexNet host ID of this machine is " "

Using LAM Server Without Windows Service

In order to use LAM server on a PC as an Windows service, the license

file MUST reside on the local hardware, not across the network.

If the license file resides across the network, the server can still be
launched, but not as an Windows Service. It must be run in a Command
Prompt window as follows:

lmgrd.exe -c LicenseFilePath -l LogFilePath

The -l LogFilePath is optional but recommended.

LAM Server Installation Warnings

By design, InstallShield will only install the LAM server on the

officially supported platforms.

5000.0.5.01 LAM Technical Notes 53

Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Installation in Windows

If Applications Cannot Find the License File

Environment variables locating the license are normally set up by the

installation program. The variable can contain either the full path to the
license file including the machine name on which it resides, or it can
contain the port number and machine name of the license server that
serves that license file. For example:

LM_LICENSE_FILE 2013@MyMachineName
LM_LICENSE_FILE \\MyMachineName\Landmark\Lam\license.dat

FlexNet Publisher performs background operations to speed-optimize

access to the license file when it is run from an application for the first

FlexNet Publisher writes the path to the license file in the Windows
registry in the LICSRV_LICENSE_FILE or the
LGCX_LICENSE_FILE registry key. The keys are located in the
following registry location:


You may need to remove theses keys in order for FlexNet Publisher to
use the new license file if the path has changed.


Landmark generally uses the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment

variable. Applications running for the first time may incorrectly
override the setting of the LM_LICENSE_FILE variable by writing
keys to the Windows registry.

Removing the Registry Entries

As noted in the previous section, FlexNet Publisher on some occasions

will write the path to the license file in the Windows registry in the
registry key.

These keys can override the setting of the LM_LICENSE_FILE

environment variable or can become dated, and can creates problems
for Landmark applications.

54 LAM Technical Notes 5000.0.5.01

Installation in Windows Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

If the an application cannot find a license, search the registry for these
registry keys, and remove them all. Removing them will expedite the
diagnosis and resolution of any licensing issues with Landmark

Disabling the Registry Entries

In order to disable the usage of the Windows registry setting to override

FLEXLM_NO_CKOUT_INSTALL_LIC system environment variable
to one. For example:


Use the Advanced tab of the System Control Panel to set the
FLEXLM_NO_CKOUT_INSTALL_LIC environment variable.

You should also remove any existing Windows registry setting as

discussed above to avoid overriding LM_LICENSE_FILE.

Known Problems

You can run FlexNet Publisher on Windows laptops with multiple

Ethernet adapters by selecting a single internal adapter that is always
present, and using the Device Manager to keep it enabled even if the
laptop is disconnected from the network (deselect Allow The
Computer To Turn Off This Device To Save Power under Power
Management for the adapter).

5000.0.5.01 LAM Technical Notes 55

Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Installation in Windows

LAM Server Uninstall

Before installing the LAM Server, uninstall all existing previous

versions of LAM Server. Failure to uninstall all previous versions of
LAM Server before installing a new version of the LAM Server will
result in a duplicate FlexNet Publisher service that replicates itself until
it crashes Windows.

Stop and Remove the License Service

The license service must be stopped and removed prior to running the
LAM Uninstaller. To stop the server, do the following.

1. Run LMTOOLS.EXE. The default installation location is


2. Select the Configuration Using Services radio button.

3. Select LGC License Application Manager if more

than one entry is listed.

4. Select the Start/Stop/Reread tab.

5. Click the Stop Server button.

6. Select the Configure Services tab.

7. Click the Use Services check box to clear or disable both of the
check boxes.

8. Click the Remove Services button.

9. Close the window.

56 LAM Server Uninstall 5000.0.5.01

Installation in Windows Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

Uninstall Previous Versions of LAM Server

Note: The license file itself is not removed during a LAM uninstall.

1. Log on to the server as a user with administrator privileges.

2. Select Start > Setting > Control Panel > Add/Remove

Programs. The Add/Remove Programs Properties control panel
opens with the Install/Uninstall tab active.

3. In the Add/Remove Programs Properties control panel

• Select Landmark LAM 2003 or LAM 5000.x.

• Click Add/Remove.

• When the Confirm File Deletion box opens, click OK.

• A Details message box may display with a registry value could

not be removed:

ession Manager\Environment\HOME

Click OK.

• If prompted whether to uninstall specific files, select Yes to All.

4. Repeat Step 3 for each version of LAM listed in the

Install/Uninstall tab.

5. Click OK to close the Remove Programs Properties control panel.

6. Reboot.

5000.0.5.01 LAM Server Uninstall 57

Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Installation in Windows

Uninstalling LAM 2003 Windows Server Manually

To remove the registry entries related to LAM 2003 or LAM 5000.x


WARNING: Improper Editing of the Windows Registry Can Make

Your Computer Inoperable

This process edits the Windows registry in order to removes LAM.

Changes to the registry can have serious consequences to your computer,

even make it necessary to reinstall the operating system.

Follow these instructions precisely to avoid problems.

1. Click Start >Run

2. Type regedit.

3. Press OK button.


5. Expand SOFTWARE.

6. Expand Landmark Graphics Corporation.

7. Select LAM.

8. Press Delete Key or Select Delete from Edit menu.

9. Confirm Key Delete by Pressing Yes button.


11. Expand SOFTWARE.

12. Expand Microsoft.

13. Expand Windows.

14. Expand Current Version.

15. Expand Uninstall.

16. Select {99F2697D-EDC1-11D2-B8C3-00C04F8EEBF9}.

58 LAM Server Uninstall 5000.0.5.01

Installation in Windows Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide

17. Press Delete Key or select Delete from Edit menu.

18. Confirm Key Delete by pressing Yes button.

19. Exit Registry Editor by Clicking on Registry menu and selecting


20. Remove the LAM directory using the Windows Explorer program.

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Landmark Application Manager User’s Guide Installation in Windows

60 LAM Server Uninstall 5000.0.5.01

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