Fall 2018 - EDU406 - 2

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2nd Assignment on Critical and Reflective Practices in Education (EDU406)

Assignment 2 (Fall, 2018)

Total Marks = 20

Lesson No. 16-28 (Topics 91-168)

1. Late assignments will not be accepted.
2. If the file is corrupt or problematic, it will be marked zero.
3. Plagiarism will never be tolerated. Plagiarism occurs when a student uses work
done by someone else as if it was his or her own; however, taking the ideas from
different sources and expressing them in your own words will be encouraged.
4. Students, who will submit assignments of other students, will be awarded zero
mark. They will be dropped from this course.
5. No assignment will be accepted via e-mail.
6. The solution file should be in Word document format; the font color should be
preferably black and font size should be 12, Times New Roman.
7. The margin should be 1.5 from left, 1 on right, top and bottom. The paragraph
should be indented 0.5 from left side. The whole text should be left align. The line
spacing between the tables should be one or 1.5. The tables should be made
according to American Psychological Association (APA) 6th manual.
8. The line spacing should be 2 throughout the assignment. The heading should be
Times New Roman, Black, and Font Size 14. Second Heading should be Times New
Roman, Black, and Font Size 12.
9. Five marks will be deducted for the incorrect format. Do not give borders on page.
10. Please cite the running and end references where you have taken the material in
making your assignment. Follow American Psychological Association (APA) 6th
manual to give references. Numbers will be deducted whether you will give
reference in incorrect style or reference will not be given.
11. Numbers/marks will be allocated according to the weightage of each part. In first
question, justification of arguments carries 6 marks. In second question, examples
from educational context also carry 6 marks.

Assignment Questions

1. Define reflective action planning. Explain four different indicators of reflective

practitioner in detail. How these indicators help in developing critical thinking skills in

individuals. Justify your answer with arguments. (2 + 2 + 6 )

2. Differentiate between frames and reframing. Explain how reframing helps in resolving

complex and difficult controversies by taking an example from educational context.

(2 + 2 + 6)

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