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Magnetic compass orientation of migratory birds in the presence of a 1.315

MHz oscillating field

Article  in  The Science of Nature · March 2005

DOI: 10.1007/s00114-004-0595-8 · Source: PubMed


147 296

5 authors, including:

Peter Thalau Thorsten Ritz

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main University of California, Irvine


Roswitha Wiltschko
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main


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Naturwissenschaften (2005) 92:86–90
DOI 10.1007/s00114-004-0595-8


Peter Thalau · Thorsten Ritz · Katrin Stapput ·

Roswitha Wiltschko · Wolfgang Wiltschko

Magnetic compass orientation of migratory birds

in the presence of a 1.315 MHz oscillating field

Received: 18 August 2004 / Accepted: 11 November 2004 / Published online: 22 December 2004
 Springer-Verlag 2004

Abstract The radical pair model of magnetoreception in a variety of avian species, and its functional mode has
predicts that magnetic compass orientation can be dis- been analyzed in some detail by behavioral studies (for
rupted by high frequency magnetic fields in the Mega- summary, see R. Wiltschko and Wiltschko 1995). How-
hertz range. European robins, Erithacus rubecula, were ever, the question of how birds obtain directional infor-
tested under monochromatic 565 nm green light in mation from the geomagnetic field remained unanswered,
1.315 MHz fields of 0.48 mT during spring and autumn and only now we have begun to understand the primary
migration, with 1.315 MHz being the frequency that processes involved in magnetoreception.
matches the energetic splitting induced by the local geo- A model proposed by Schulten (1982) and detailed by
magnetic field. The birds’ responses depended on the Ritz et al. (2000) suggests that certain chemical reactions
alignment of the oscillating field with respect to the static such as radical-pair processes are sensitive to the direction
geomagnetic field: when the 1.315 MHz field was aligned of the ambient magnetic field and thus can provide the
parallel with the field lines, birds significantly preferred basis for a compass sense. The model links molecular-
northerly directions in spring and southerly directions in level calculations of radical-pair reaction rates and yields
autumn. These preferences reflect normal migratory ori- with predictions on the orientation. Many characteristics
entation, with the variance slightly increased compared to of the avian magnetic compass, such as its being an ‘in-
control tests in the geomagnetic field alone or to tests in a clination compass’, its complex dependence on magnetic
7.0 MHz field. However, in the 1.315 MHz field aligned intensity and on the ambient light conditions (see W.
at a 24 angle to the field lines, the birds were disoriented Wiltschko and Wiltschko 2002), are rationalized as direct
in both seasons, indicating that the high frequency field consequences of radical-pair reactions.
interfered with magnetoreception. These finding are in An important prediction of the model is that the avian
agreement with theoretical predictions and support the magnetic compass should be disrupted by oscillating
assumption of a radical-pair mechanism underlying the magnetic fields at resonance frequencies in the low radio
processes mediating magnetic compass information in frequency range (Ritz et al. 2000, Henbest et al. 2004).
birds. This is indeed the case, as we recently demonstrated: a
disruptive effect of a broad band and a 7.0 MHz field was
observed when these fields were aligned at an angle to the
geomagnetic field; when the 7.0 MHz field was parallel,
Introduction in contrast, the birds’ orientation remained unaffected
(Ritz et al. 2004). These findings are consistent with the
A magnetic compass of migratory birds was first de- radical-pair model.
scribed almost 40 years ago in European Robins, Behavioral studies, however, have raised a novel ca-
Erithacus rubecula. Meanwhile, it has been demonstrated veat. Under certain light regimes, migratory birds were
found to show oriented responses that did not represent
P. Thalau · K. Stapput · R. Wiltschko ()) · W. Wiltschko normal migratory orientation, because they did not un-
Zoologisches Institut, dergo the seasonal reversal in direction between spring
J.W.Goethe-Universitt Frankfurt, and autumn (W. Wiltschko et al. 2000a, b, 2003, 2004).
Siesmayerstr. 70, 60054 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
e-mail: These ‘fixed-direction’ responses, whose mechanisms are
not yet fully understood, raise the important question
T. Ritz whether a response observed in a novel test condition is
Department of Physics and Astronomy, indeed normal migratory behavior.
University of California,
Irvine, CA, 92697-4575, USA

In view of this, the finding that the radio frequency rN<0.6, the Mardia Watson Wheeler test to look for differences in
field parallel to the vector of the static geomagnetic field distribution (Batschelet 1981). The Mann Whitney U-test was ap-
plied to the angular differences of the ab values from the grand
did not alter the orientation behavior (Ritz et al. 2004) mean aN in order to look for differences in variance.
seemed to require further analysis. Here we report tests
with robins performed in spring as well as in autumn in an
oscillating magnetic field with the frequency of
1.315 MHz. This is a special frequency as it matches the
energetic splitting induced by the local geomagnetic field Table 1 gives the vectors of the individual birds; Fig. 1
and thus results in a maximum effect. The oscillating field shows the birds’ mean headings, together with the grand
was added to the local field again in two alignments, mean vector, in the three test conditions in both seasons,
parallel and at a 24 angle to the geomagnetic vector. with the grand mean vectors given numerically in Table 2.
In the control tests in the geomagnetic field alone, the
robins significantly preferred their appropriate migratory
Methods direction, north-northeast in spring and south-southwest
in autumn. With the 1.315 MHz field added to the geo-
As in the previous study, the test birds were European Robins,
small passerines that migrate at night. The 12 birds tested in spring magnetic field, the responses differed according to its
were caught in early September 2002 in the Botanical Garden near alignment with the geomagnetic field: when it was
the Zoological Institute in Frankfurt am Main (50080 N, 8400 E). aligned parallel to the magnetic vector, the birds contin-
They were kept in an indoor room in individual cages under a ued to show a significant preference of their migratory
photoperiod that simulated the natural one until December, when it direction in spring as well as in autumn, with the seasonal
was reduced to LD 8:16 h. In the beginning of January 2003, the
photoperiod was increased to LD 13:11 h. This induced premature change in direction highly significant (p<0.001, Watson
Zugunruhe, and the spring experiments took place between 13 Williams test). In both seasons, the grand mean vectors
January and 17 February 2003. The 16 birds tested in autumn were point in the same directions as in the control tests in the
caught in early September 2003; they were kept under a photope- geomagnetic field (p>0.05, Watson Williams test), but
riod simulating the natural one. We allowed about 2 weeks for the
birds to adjust to being in captivity; the autumn tests took place they are a little shorter, indicating an increase in scatter
between 22 September and 31 October 2003. (p<0.05, Mann Whitney U-test). However, with the os-
Testing followed standard procedures (for details, see Wiltschko cillating field aligned vertically, i.e., at 24 to the geo-
et al. 2001; Ritz et al. 2004). All tests took place in wooden huts in magnetic field, the birds were no longer oriented. Their
the garden of the Zoological Institute, starting about the time when
the light went off in the housing cages and lasting for about 75 min. behavior was significantly different from the corre-
The birds’ activity was recorded in funnel-shaped test cages made sponding control tests (p<0.01 and p<0.001; Mardia
from PVC. The inclined walls of the cages were lined with coated Watson Wheeler test), but there was no difference be-
paper (BIC, Germany, formerly TippEx) where the birds left tween seasons (p>0.05, Mardia Watson Wheeler test).
scratches as they moved. Each cage was placed in a cylinder made
from PVC and illuminated from above by monochromatic green
light with a peak wavelength of 565 nm and an intensity of 2.1 mW/
m2 within the test cage. Discussion
The oscillating fields of 1.315 MHz were produced as the fields
in previous tests (Ritz et al. 2004): we used coil antennas (2.1 m The radical-pair model provides a diagnostic tool that
diameter) consisting of a single winding of coaxial cable with 2 cm
of the screening removed. Each antenna was mounted on a wooden enables us to check whether or not a radical pair mech-
frame surrounding four test cages and fed by amplified oscillating anism is involved in magnetoreception: application of
currents from a high frequency generator (see Ritz et al. 2004 for weak oscillating magnetic fields at distinct resonance
details). The 1.315 MHz fields had an average intensity of 485 nT, frequencies in the frequency range between 0.1 and
i.e., about 1/100 of the intensity of the local geomagnetic field of
46,000 nT. Their intensity was measured before each test session 100 MHz should interfere with radical-pair reactions (Ritz
using a spectrum analyzer and a H-field probe; within the test et al. 2000; Cintolesi et al. 2003; Henbest et al. 2004) and
cages, the inhomogeneity was less than 15%, with variance be- thus disrupt the physiological processes leading to mag-
tween subsequent tests less than 20%. netoreception. The intensities required for the resonance
The 1.315 MHz fields were added to the local geomagnetic field phenomena in question are so low that they would not
(46,000 nT, 66 inclination) in two alignments, namely (1) parallel
to the field lines of the geomagnetic field and, for convenience, (2) affect any of the other possible, magnetite-based mecha-
vertically, which means that there was an angle of 24 between the nisms of magnetoreception currently considered (e.g.,
axis of the oscillating field and the geomagnetic vector. Tests in the Yorke 1979; Kirschvink and Gould 1981; Edmonds
local geomagnetic field alone served as controls. 1996). At the same time, the effect on the radical-pair
The birds were tested in all conditions to obtain three evaluable
headings in each. Tests with less than 35 scratches were not in- process is predicted to depend on the alignment of the
cluded in the analysis because of too little activity; as a result, some oscillating field with the static geomagnetic field (Can-
birds have only two recordings in some conditions. From the field et al. 1994; Henbest et al. 2004).
headings of the tests, we calculated a mean vector with direction ab Our data are in agreement with this prediction: with
and length rb for each bird. The ab were comprised in grand mean
vectors with direction aN and length rN; they were tested for sig- only 485 nT, the 1.315 MHz field was so weak that its
nificant directional preferences using the Rayleigh test (Batschelet intensity was negligible compared to the 46,000 nT of the
1981). The distribution of the mean headings in the various test geomagnetic field; hence its impact must be attributed to
conditions and in spring and autumn were compared using the a resonance effect. At the same time, it disrupted orien-
Watson Williams test to look for differences in direction and, if
Table 1 Mean vectors of individual birds (n, number of tests per bird; ab, rb, direction and lengths of the mean vectors)
Bird Control: geomagnetic field 1.315 MHz, parallel to vector 1.315 MHz, 24 to vector
n ab rb n ab rb n ab rb
Spring 2003
02-1 3 26 0.98 3 19 0.31 3 170 0.72
02-2 3 20 0.76 3 313 0.66 3 313 0.55
02-3 3 47 0.91 3 30 0.39 3 336 0.99
02-4 3 350 0.72 3 171 0.15 3 20 0.86
02-5 3 15 0.94 3 20 0.99 3 306 0.94
02-6 3 1 0.94 3 64 0.28 3 140 0.42
02-7 3 18 1.00 3 57 0.97 3 33 0.17
02-8 3 20 0.99 3 318 0.53 3 117 0.48
02-9 3 354 0.97 3 356 0.94 3 226 0.50
02-10 3 24 0.82 3 338 0.77 3 220 0.94
02-11 3 358 0.81 3 87 0.82 3 60 0.32
02-12 3 37 0.79 3 15 0.95 3 16 0.24
Autumn 2003
03-1 2 207 0.95 4 154 0.44 2 260 0.97
03-2 3 251 0.36 3 140 0.98 2 100 0.80
03-3 3 178 0.89 3 218 0.84 3 147 0.37
03-4 3 204 0.65 3 223 0.98 3 208 0.73
03-5 3 166 0.91 2 198 0.95 2 225 0.70
03-6 3 176 0.99 3 180 0.96 3 270 0.41
03-7 3 197 0.83 3 112 0.46 3 278 0.34
03-8 3 204 0.87 3 235 0.55 3 227 0.31
03-9 3 207 0.90 2 326 0.15 3 274 0.32
03-10 3 194 0.77 3 153 0.99 3 67 0.98
03-11 3 218 0.99 3 204 0.88 3 69 0.47
03-12 4 181 0.74 3 199 0.89 3 164 0.82
03-13 3 174 0.20 3 226 0.84 3 330 0.34
03-14 3 176 0.95 3 203 1.00 2 99 0.84
03-15 3 193 0.74 3 173 0.62 2 348 0.80
03-16 3 134 0.49 3 309 0.23 3 355 0.32

Table 2 Grand mean vectors of the three test conditions in spring ences are given in parentheses. The last column indicates whether
and autumn (N, number of birds tested; aN, rN, direction and lengths the two distributions are significantly different by the Mardia
of the grand mean vectors, with asterisks indicating significance by Watson Wheeler test)
the Rayleigh test; non-significant directions or directional differ-

Test condition Spring Autumn Difference Significance

N aN rN N aN rN
Control: 12 16 0.93*** 16 191 0.91*** 175 ***
geomagnetic field
1.315 MHz, 12 19 0.63** 16 197 0.65*** 178 ***
parallel to vector
n.s n.s
1.315 MHz, 12 (14) 0.15 16 (249) 0.14 (125) n.s
24 to vector
** p<0.01; *** p<0.001; n.s. not significant: p>0.05

tation only when aligned at an angle to the geomagnetic tation. Our present data thus clearly show that the
field, but not when presented parallel. These results cor- 1.315 MHz field parallel to the geomagnetic field did not
respond to those obtained in a 7.0 MHz field, where we disrupt the normal magnetoreception processes mediating
also observed disorientation only when that field was not compass information, and it appears safe to assume that
parallel to the magnetic vector (Ritz et al. 2004). This this is also true for the 7.0 MHz field tested in the pre-
suggests that the observed disorientation is indeed a direct ceding study (Ritz et al. 2004).
effect on the processes providing magnetic compass in- The specific radio-frequencies affecting a radical-pair
formation, rather than a non-specific effect of radio-fre- process depend on the chemical composition and geo-
quency fields on motivation, etc. With the 1.315 MHz metrical structures of the molecules forming the radical
field aligned parallel, the birds were oriented north- pair. At the present stage, it is not easy to predict exactly
northeast in spring and south-southwest in autumn—this which frequencies will interfere with the radical-pair
seasonal reversal of direction indicates that the directional mechanism underlying magnetoreception, because the
preferences must be considered normal migratory orien- nature of the molecules involved is not yet known. The-

alignment, on the other hand, we obtained in both seasons

vectors that were shorter than those in the respective
control tests in the geomagnetic field. They reflect a
significant increase in variance. This may have trivial
reasons, as we cannot exclude that the field was occa-
sionally slightly off the intended alignment, despite of all
the care that was taken not to touch the coil antenna when
we had to slip in for placing the birds in the test cages etc.
On the other hand, when the 7.0 MHz field was aligned
parallel, the technical problems were similar, but the
birds’ orientation had been statistically indistinguishable
from that in the geomagnetic field alone (see Ritz et al.
2004). So the increased variance could be due to the more
pronounced effect expected at the 1.315 MHz resonance
compared to resonances at 7.0 MHz and other frequen-
cies. It appears possible that the 1.315 MHz field may
have a certain effect on magnetoreception also when it is
aligned parallel to the geomagnetic field, making it
slightly more difficult, but not impossible for birds to
obtain directional information from the geomagnetic
Future theoretical studies will be needed to assess
whether the seemingly stronger effect of a 1.315 MHz
field is a consequence of the different nature of the res-
onance at 1.315 MHz, which is a resonance with the
splitting induced by the external static field as opposed to
the internal fields by magnetic nuclei at other frequencies.
In further experiments, it will be a challenging task to
identify additional frequencies that will affect the pro-
cesses leading to magnetoreception in a strong way. By
determining such an action spectrum, we may be able to
derive information on the structure of the molecules in the
radical-pair mechanism and eventually can hope to
identify the photopigments involved in the primary pro-
Fig. 1 Orientation behavior of European robins during spring and cesses of magnetoreception.
autumn under control conditions in the local geomagnetic field (C),
in an 1.315 MHz oscillating field aligned parallel to the field lines Acknowledgements Our work was supported by the Deutsche
of the geomagnetic field (1.3 MHz parallel) and in an 1.315 MHz Forschungsgemeinschaft (W.W.) and by the Fetzer Institute (T.R.).
oscillating field aligned vertically, at a 24 angle to the field lines We gratefully acknowledge the technical support of the T-Systems,
(1.3 MHz 24). The triangles at the periphery of the circle indicate Germany, especially of H. Kpper, T. Loppnow and B. Marx, and
the mean headings of individual birds; the arrows represent the we thank F. Galera, S. Hilmer, C. Koschella and S. Mnzner for
grand mean vectors proportional to the radius of the circle; the two their valuable help with bird keeping and conducting the experi-
inner circles mark the 5% (dotted) and the 1% significance border ments
of the Rayleigh test (Batschelet 1981)

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