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Chapter 3: Feminism

Meaning of Feminism
In 19th century (1871)  French word “Feminisme”

The term was used by a French writer, Alexandre Dumas fils in a pamphlet published in 1872
As a medical term, it means to describe feminization of male patients (when development of sexual
organs/ characteristics stop in their bodies) for example, the presence of female characteristics in men

As a political term, it means to describe virilization of women (women behave in a supposedly

masculine way). It causes gender confusion because it challenges natural differences between man and

Feminism is thus a term through which women question their inferior status
and demand formal equality in their social position. Women are against the
subjugation (discrimination) based on a person’s sex/gender.
The terms "feminism" or "feminist" first appeared in France and The Netherlands in 1872 (as les
féministes), Great Britain in the 1890s, and the United States in 1910.

History of Feminist Movements

The history of modern western feminist movements in divided into “three” waves which are as follows:

First wave Feminism Second wave Feminism Third wave Feminism

 These movements  These movements were  These movements were
were started in late started in 1960s and started in 1980s and
19th century and early 1970s 1990s.
20th century  These movements were  These movements were
 These movements concerned with injustice concerned with injustice
were concerned with to women in terms of to women in terms of
“gaining equal rights o Lack of equal o Not only gender
for women” political rights but also through
particularly the right of o Inequality race and class
suffrage (to vote in related to the o Inaccurate/
political elections) role of women false portrayal
in society (e.g in of women in
the areas of media (tall,
family and white, skinny)
work) o Individual rights
of women with
different racial
and cultural
Definitions of Feminism
 The term “Feminism” is defined as a phenomenon which includes
o the acting, speaking, writing and advocating on behalf of women’s issues and rights
o identifying injustice to females in the social status quo (current situation or
circumstances in the society)

 The term “Feminism” refers to a variety of beliefs, ideas and organized actions which promote
changes in behavior of members of society to end gender discrimination.
(Feminists believe that women are at disadvantage as they are treated
differently because of culture and culture can be changed by changing behavior of men)

 According to the writer Marie Shear (1986),

The term “Feminism” means the radical (complete) notion (belief) that women are people
(human beings).

“Feminism” Key Areas of focus (what it includes)

1) Relationship of nature of gender and inequality
The term sex implies  differences between men and women based on biological features (like
chromosomes, sex organs, hormones and other physical features)

The term gender implies  differences between men and women based on social factors (like social role,
position, behavior or identity)

Thus Feminists believe that inequality/ gender discrimination is caused by behavioural and
psychological differences which are culturally learned by men (these can be changed). For example, in
1970s, sex (biological) differences were used (false notion that men are stronger than women) to argue
that women should not become airline pilots since they will be hormonally unstable once a month and
therefore unable to perform their duties eagerly.

2) Includes discrimination, stereotyping, objectification, oppression and patriarchy

 Discrimination means giving preference to one individual over another based on personal
characteristics (like age, disability, colour, ethnicity, gender, marital status, race, religion,
sexuality, language and citizenship status)
 Stereotyping means drawing conclusions about entire group of people based on common
assumptions. For example, “real men don’t cry,” “mothers should stay home and raise children”
 Objectification means to give value to women for their appearance, as an object or commodity
(by devaluing their skills, intelligence, feelings, wants, will etc) for example false portrayal of
perfect women as tall, white, skinny object in ads or media.
 Oppression is based on power and is exercised by one more powerful group (class of people) over
another. For example even in developed countries, women are at a disadvantage when it comes
to earnings. The highest-paying fields are still dominated by men, and on average, women earn
just 77 percent of what men earn for the same amount of work.
 Patriarchy is a social system in which males hold primary power. They dominate in roles of political
leadership, moral authority, social privilege (in domain of family as father or husband ) and control
of property

3) Neither it excludes men, nor focuses only women

Feminism is all about creating equal opportunities for both men and women. Feminism is not about
hating or excluding men at all. In today’s scenario, feminism is about individuality. It means equality of
all the sexes and genders which is an inevitable part of humanity and societal reality.

Feminism is all about fighting against toxic (negative) mindset. Its not ‘us’ versus ‘them’ situation rather
its ‘us’ versus ‘our lack of mutual understanding’ to get rid of hate.

4) Championed (promoted) the rights of women

According to Google, feminism is the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the

Basically this ideology was put forward in the mid 19th century, which demanded political, social,
economic and personal equality among the sexes. It aimed to achieve certain goals i.e.

 Right to vote
 To receive education
 To earn equal pays
 To hold political positions
 To work
 To have equal rights within marriage
 To have maternity leave
 To own property
 Protection from sexual harassment and domestic violence
5) Negated Biblical representation
Views on women in the Bible are patriarchal (ruled or controlled by men). Arguments about women’s
inferiority to men are present across all dominant religions, and traditionally religion has long been used
to exclude women from aspects of social, political, or religious life around the world.

Thus Feminism negate this inferior position of women as represented in Bible. Feminists considered
Bible as ‘a tool of oppression against women”.

6) Discouraged biological destiny

The phrase “biology is destiny” was coined by the psychologist Freud in 1924. It means that sexual
differences are biologically/ genetically determined and are unchangeable. For example, Women have
nurturing (caring) tendencies genetically (in her genes) so it is better for women to remain at home
taking care of their children.

Feminism discouraged biological destiny in shaping women’s lives.

7) Power differential
In our society, when one person has more authority, control, power or knowledge than the other, it
is known as power differential.

The power differential between men and women is often displayed in:

 Access to education in third world countries

 Women comparatively lower-paying jobs
 Less access of women to powerful leadership and decision-making roles
 Gender violence in marriages

8) Women’s oppression and how to overcome it

 Economic development by empowering women
 Higher incomes
 Access to means of production and finances
 Security and protection from violence
 Right to equal employment
 Rights to maternity leave with pay
 Political participation and leadership by women
 Women at the center of policy making
 Acceptable share of seats in parliament and judiciary
 Right of exercise power by holding public office
 Social
 Equal access to basic social services like education, health and safety
 Equal distribution of family care responsibilities
 Right to acquire, control, use and transfer property

Types of Feminism

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