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Moreover, STRADEC filed asked the court to issue a TRO and/or a WPI
56. Strategic Alliance Dev. Corp. vs. Star Infra Dev. Corp. et. al., to enjoin CTTI’s exercise of propriety rights over the subject shares. It also
G.R. No. 187872 | Nov. 17, 2010 | Perez, J. alleged that the auction sale was held in a wrong venue, that the transfer
Digested by: Soledad, Alexandra G. of STRADED shares in SIDC was made fraudulently and that the 30 July
Topic: Foreign Corporation (I don’t know why the case is under the topic of 2005 annual stockholders meeting and 20 July 2006 special stockholder’s
Foreign Corporation in the syllabus. Nothing in this case mentioned foreign meeting of SIDC where the change of principal place of business was
corporations.) This case falls more on jurisdiction and or venue. approved is invalid pending determination of the legitimate Board of
Directors for STRADEC.
The classification of causes of action as intra-corporate disputes is at the heart 8. RTC on 30 August 2006: Issued a Resolution denying STRADEC’s
of this petition for review on certiorari filed pursuant to Rule 45 Rules of Civil application for WPI as the relief sought is uncertain in view of the pendency
Procedure, assailing the 22 December 2008 Decision of the CA in CA-G.R. of case before the courts of Pasig and Urdaneta City involving the
No. 96945as well as the 30 April 2009 Resolution which denied the MR of the ownership of STRADES shares and legitimacy of 2 opposing sets of
said Decision. BODs. Anent its Amended Complaint, the dispositive portion of the
Resolution of the RTC states:
“ The Amended Petition dated July 31, 2006 presents four (4) main causes of
1. Petitioner STRADEC is a domestic corporation engaged in the business
of a development company, with principal business at Bayambang, The Court holds that as for the first and second causes of action, to
Pangasinan. wit: First declaration of nullity of the supposed loan extended by respondent Wong
2. With 5 individuals and 3 other incorporators, STRADEC incorporated to STRADEC and the Deed of Pledge covering STRADECs entire shareholding in
SIDC; Second declaration of nullity of the 26 April 2005 auction sale of STRADECs
Respondent SIDC on 28 October 1997 which is engaged in the general entire shareholdings in SIDC in Makati City, this Court is the wrong venue; …The
construction business. As incorporator, it fully-paid and owned 2,449,998 matter is between STRADEC and its alleged erring officers over the alleged
shares of 49% of the 5M shares of stock into which SIDC ACS of 5M were irregular auction sale of STRADECs shareholdings in SIDC, hence, venue should
divided. SIDC amended its AoI on 5 June 1998 and transferred it principal be at the residences of the parties, as plaintiff may elect, as discussed above.
Although this Court is not the correct venue, the Court will not dismiss the case but
place of business to Bayambang, Pangasinan, then later to Lipa, however will not act thereon.
Batangas. As for the third and fourth causes of action which are the cancellation of
3. In 2004, Respondents Yujuico and Sumbilla as president and treasurer of registration of fraudulent transfers involving STRADECs shareholding in
STRADEC executed a PN in consideration of a loan of P10M extended in SIDC and the declaration of invalidity of the 30 July 2005 annual stockholders
meeting and 20 July 2006 special stockholders meeting of SIDC, the Court
favor STRADEC by Respondent Wong (one of the incorporators of SIDC).
resolves to hold in abeyance any action thereon until after the Supreme Court shall
4. As security for the payment of the principal and interests thereon, a pledge have rendered a ruling….”
constituted over STRADEC’s entire shareholdings in SIDC executed by
Yijuico. 9. STRADEC then interposed an oral MR on the ground that the solidary
5. STRADEC repeatedly defaulted on its obligations, the shares thus liability of individual Respondents and SIDC for the tortious transfer of
pledged were sold in 2005 by way of notarial sale in Makati City by shares justified the laying of venue at SIDC’s place of business in
Respondent Caraos. Ong tendered the highest bid of P11.8M and he was Batangas; that the pledge executed by Yujuico violated the TRO issued
issued by Respondent Tabalingcos (corporate secretary of SIDC) the by RTC Urdaneta City in CC No. U-14 (SCC-2874) or the intra-corporate
corresponding shares of stock after the transfer was recorded in the dispute earlier filed to determine STRADEC’s legitimate BODs and
corporation’s stock and transfer book. Officers; and that the WPI was issued to enjoin Yujuico and his cohorts
6. In 2006, Quiambao, President and Chairman of STRADEC’s BoD, filed a from committing acts inimical to its interest. The oral MR was denied for
suit n RTC Batangas as Special Commercial Court alleging that not being determinative of the issue of ownership of its shares.
Respondents Yujuico and Sumbilla were not authorized to enter into a loan 10. STRADEC then filed a petition for certiorari in CA alleging that the RTC
agreement with Respondent Wong, nor pledge STRADEC’s shares in acted with GADLEJ in finding that the venue was improperly laid, and in
SIDC as security therefor; that it did not receive the proceeds of said loan denying its application for WPI. The CA discounted the GADLEJ
so it appraised SIDC of the irregularity of such transaction upon its STARDEC imputed on the RTC.
discovery in 2005; and that Wong sold the subject shares to Cypress Tree
Capital Investment, Inc (CTCII) – a corporation Wong formed with his ISSUE: Whether the Petitioner STRADEC’s cause of action is an intra-
family in 2005. corporate dispute. YES.
SIDC and was, in fact, alleged to have been recognized as such by the latter
RATIO and DOCTRINE: An intra-corporate dispute is understood as a suit and its corporate officers.
arising from intra-corporate relations or between or among stockholders or
between any or all of them and the corporation. Applying what has come to be Considering that they fundamentally relate to STRADEC’s status as a
known as the RELATIONSHIP TEST it has been held that the types of actions stockholder and the alleged fraudulent divestment of its stockholding in SIDC,
embraced by the foregoing definition include the following suits: the same causes of action also qualify as intra-corporate disputes under the
a) between the corporation, partnership or association and the public; nature of the controversy test. As part of the fraud which attended the transfer
b) between the corporation, partnership or association and its of its shares, STRADEC distinctly averred, among other matters, that
stockholders, partners, members, or officers; respondents Yujuico and Sumbilla had no authority to contract a loan with
c) between the corporation, partnership or association and the State respondent Wong; that the pledge executed by respondent Yujuico was
insofar as its franchise, permit or license to operate is concerned; and, simulated since it did not receive the proceeds of the loan for which its shares
d) among the stockholders, partners or associates themselves. As the in SIDC were set up as security; that irregularities attended the notarial sale
definition is broad enough to cover all kinds of controversies between conducted by respondent Caraos who sold said shares to respondent Wong;
stockholders and corporations, the traditional interpretation was to the that the latter unlawfully transferred the same shares in favor of CTCII; and,
effect that the relationship test brooked no distinction, qualification or that SIDC and its officers recognized and validated said transfers despite
any exemption whatsoever. being alerted about their defects. Ultimately, the foregoing circumstances were
alleged to have combined to rid STRADEC of its shares in SIDC and its right
However, the unqualified application of the relationship test has as a stockholder to participate in the latter’s corporate affairs.
been modified on the ground that the same effectively divests regular
courts of jurisdiction over cases for the sole reason that the suit is Pursuant to Section 5.2 of Republic Act No. 8799, or the Securities
between the corporation and/or its corporators. It was held that the better Regulation Code, the jurisdiction of the SEC over all cases enumerated under
policy in determining which body has jurisdiction over a case would be to Section 5 of Presidential Decree No. 902-A has been transferred to RTCs
consider not only the status or relationship of the parties but also the nature designated by this Court as SCCs pursuant to A.M. No. 00-11-03-SC
of the question that is the subject of their controversy. promulgated on 21 November 2000. On the issue of venue and jurisdiction,
unlike the SEC which is a tribunal of limited jurisdiction, special commercial
Under the NATURE OF THE CONTROVERSY TEST, the dispute courts (SCC) like the RTC are still competent to tackle civil law issues
must not only be rooted in the existence of an intra-corporate relationship, but incidental to intra-corporate disputes filed before them.
must also refer to the enforcement of the parties' correlative rights and
obligations under the Corporation Code as well as the internal and intra- Section 5.2 of R.A. No. 8799 directs merely the SC’s designation of
corporate regulatory rules of the corporation. The combined application of RTC branches that shall exercise jurisdiction over intra-corporate disputes.
the relationship test and the nature of the controversy test has, Nothing in the language of the law suggests the diminution of jurisdiction of
consequently, become the norm in determining whether a case is an those RTCs to be designated as SCCs. The assignment of intra-corporate
intra-corporate controversy or is purely civil in character. disputes to SCCs is only for the purpose of streamlining the workload of the
RTCs so that certain branches thereof like the SCCs can focus only on a
Herein, STRADEC’s 1st and 2nd causes of action seek the nullification particular subject matter. The RTC exercising jurisdiction over an intra-
of the loan and pledge over its SIDC shareholding contracted by respondents corporate dispute can be likened to an RTC exercising its probate jurisdiction
Yujuico, Sumbilla and Wong as well the avoidance of the notarial sale of said or sitting as a special agrarian court. The designation of the SCCs as such has
shares conducted by respondent Caraos. not in any way limited their jurisdiction to hear and decide cases of all nature,
whether civil, criminal or special proceedings.
Applying the relationship test, we find that STRADEC’s 1st and 2nd
causes of action qualify as intra-corporate disputes since said corporation and At any rate, it cannot be gainsaid that STRADEC correctly
respondent Wong are incorporators and/or stockholders of SIDC. Having commenced its petition before the RTC exercising jurisdiction over SIDC’s
acquired STRADEC’s shares thru the impugned notarial sale conducted by principal place of business which was alleged to have been transferred from
respondent Caraos, respondent Wong appears to have further transferred said Bayambang, Pangasinan to Lipa, Batangas.
shares in favor of CTCII, a corporation he allegedly formed with members of
his own family. By reason of said transfer, CTCII became a stockholder of
It matters little that STRADEC, as pointed out by respondents, also questions
the validity of the 30 July 2005 SIDC stockholders’ annual meeting where the
aforesaid change in the address of its principal place of business was allegedly
approved. Said matter should be properly threshed out in the proceedings
before the RTC alongside such issues as the validity of the transfers of
STRADEC’s shares to respondents Wong and CTCII, the propriety of the
recording of said transfers in SIDC’s books, STRADEC’s status as a
stockholder of SIDC, the legality of the 20 July 2006 SIDC stockholders’
special meeting or, for that matter, Cezar T. Quiambao’s authority to represent
STRADEC in the case at bench.

On the principle that a corporation is a legal entity with a personality separate

and distinct from its individual stockholders or members and from that of its
officers who manage and run its affairs, the Court find that the other pending
actions have little or no bearing to the issues set forth in STRADEC’spetition
which, at bottom, involve the transfer of its own shareholding in SIDC and its
status and rights as such stockholder.

DISPOSITIVE PORTION: WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition

is GRANTED and the assailed decision and resolution are,
accordingly, REVERSED and SET ASIDE. In lieu thereof, another is
entered ORDERING the resumption of proceedings in Civil Case No. 7956
without further delay. Subject to the posting of the requisite bond in the sum
of P10, 000,000.00, STRADEC's application for a writ of preliminary injunction
is likewise GRANTED.

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