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SCD3033 : Cinematography

and videography.

Film critic of : “Dimensi” by

Lan Lubis.

Name : Mishalini d/o Karuna


Matric num :

Group : L1


“Dimensi” A short film by Lan Lubis is a short film potrays the battle each and everyone
fighting within themself and a hope they hold on to change, upgrade or improve their own
life. The film also potrays an emotions and behaviour of some human beings in their life. In
my opinion, this short film is created to potray the two dimension world that exist in a human
beings life which is experienced and a inexperienced dimension which changes the lifestyle of
a person. Based on my observation, this short film can be related to the term known as “
Karma” which explains what goes around comes around. This term can be related to the short
film based on a scene where a helpless boy was hitted by two bullies and in another
dimension one of the bully experience a situation where he had to fight with someone who is
trying to hit him.
Based on the theory of film language, the setting of the film is seems to be not constructed,
since the shooting location used in this film is a location found in the world and is simply
realistic. For example the location used for the scenes that shows the two person’s entry with
a bike in a road side and the fight between a person with the other dimension person, is
natural location. In contrast with that, the scenes of a person in a office might be constructed
in a room or it is an existed office room.The scene of a office room with the props of wall
clock, computer, table and all the office interior creates a mood and add detail to the scene
that it is a workplace of the characters.When it comes to a lighting , the lighthing of outside
view is seems to be in natural lighting, and for the scene of failure the background lighting is
high than the front. This makes the actor’s face look dim. From my opinion, the lighting of
this film is in a low-key style, that helps to gesture the world of shadowy and uncertainity or
fear. It is in high contrast, harsh and hard.

In case of costumes usage in this film, the characters has been given a costume according to
the situation that are mentioned in film.Such as, when poor lifestyle is mentioned, the
character is given a normal singlet and a shorts to show the detail of being poorer. In my
opinion, the costume of the poorer can potray the lifestyle of poor in more detail if it is shown
with a little dirt or with a little stitched patch on it. Other than that the costume wore by the
characters for the scene of office is perfectly fit and potrays the mood of working in a office.
The costume of the person in other dimension also fits perfectly, which shows the gy entered
another dimension and have a conflict with the person from the other dimension.The props
used in the film also amplifies a mood that the director try to show the audience. The props
such as handphone used by the characters to take a selfie in a scene of victory clearly, amplify
the mood of happy moment. The paper on the scene which is shown to the other person with a
mocking expression also shows the mood of snoberry moment. The props used in the office
scene, such as file, wall clock, table, computer and so on also creates a mood of being in a
office.The actions of the actor’s for each and every statement in a dub, potrays their emotions
well. In the start of the film ,the director uses the technique of panning and tilting (below
shot) which involve a shot from below to the higher perspective in order to show the
The director used a long shot to shows the characters in full.The director also used the
technique of tracking shot in the office scene.The director used a medium close-up technique
to show the person with a failure to show his emotion. This film includes the convention
technique of rapid cutting and slow motion fights.In the conclusion part the character is
shown wide and the director used panning technique and close-up of the character. Based on
psycho analysis theory the film describe the human nature philosophically and the personality
development in a different stage. The make-up in this film for the characters are moderate.

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