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Group 2

Andreus, Andrew
Garcia, Romerlin Kristi C.
Gelvosa, Sharmaine
Mendoza, Crissy
Pelagio, Cecille

Legal Counseling Interview with Atty. Mary Ann Reyes

Q1: Why did you study law? Have you always dreamt of being a lawyer ever since you were a child?

She wanted to become a doctor, but her parents did not allow her.

Q2: What were your considerations in choosing Arellano University School of Law (AUSL)?

She heard that the professors in AUSL are good and AUSL also has an executive program for working

Q3: Were you a full time or working student?

She was a working student at Philippine Star.

Q4: What challenges have you encountered during your stay in AUSL? How did you overcome them?

Time management is the key. Know your priorities, make sacrifices. She doesn’t have social life for 5 years.

Q5: Do you have some advice or tips for effective studying to survive law school?

Find a way to understand legal provisions. Read every day.

Q6: After graduating, did you immediately take the Bar Exam?


Q7: How did you prepare for the Bar Exam?

She started preparing for the Bar Exam since day 1 of law school. She makes sure to read every day.

Q8: Did you enroll to any review center? If yes, how many?

I enrolled in AUSL, but I adopted by Jurists.

Q9: Did you start working after taking the Bar even while waiting for the results? If yes, when?

She did not file leave during her pre-bar review.

Q10: When you passed the Bar Exam, did you continue working with your previous employer?

Q11: After passing the Bar exam, did you opt going to solo private practice, private law firm, legal officer
in a corporate law department or government lawyer?

After passing the Bar, she was invited by ACCRALAW but there were some conditions that cannot be
accommodated because of her work with Philippine Star.

Q12: What struggles do newly passed lawyer usually encounter?

For her there were no struggles because she’s already working even during bar review and after passing
the bar.

Q13: Can you still remember the first case you’ve handled. How did you deal with it?


Q14: What are the hardest case you’ve handled?

Her first case.

Q15: What is a typical day of a private lawyer?

You have hold on your time.

Q16: How do you handle clients asking questions?

Be careful in giving advice. Make it clear from the start that there is no lawyer-client relationship.

Q17: How do you balance your work as a private lawyer and as an educator?

Her only teaching load in AUSL is every weekend.

Q18: What advice can you give to aspiring lawyers like us?

There is no easy way. Consider every day as preparation for the Bar Examination.

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