Pee Wee Tournament of Champions: Tribune Tribune

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The Minnedosa

Since 1883
Volume 136 Issue 45 Friday, January 18, 2019 90 cents plus tax

INSIDE Pee Wee Tournament of Champions

this week

Meet Dr.

Ice Fishing
On The Lake

3 All Pee Wee tournament players took part in a skills competition following the opening ceremonies at the local
Photo by Karen Mitchell

arena last Friday night. 12 teams competed in this year’s Tournament of Champions.

Art Show By KAREN MITCHELL day, January 10th to Sun- teed to play three games, Association (MMHA) pres- at other locations, it was
day, January 13th. Teams not including the playoffs. ident, Brad Kingdon. The greatly enjoyed by all. The
At Library E leven teams travelled consisted of eleven and Friday evening was the of- opening ceremonies were winning team for the skills

to Minnedosa to take twelve-year-olds and par- ficial opening ceremonies followed by a skills compe- competition was The Pas
part in the 2019 Minnedo- ticipants traveled from as where teams were intro- tition for all participants, who completed all seven
sa Credit Union Rural Pee far as The Pas to attend. duced and welcomed by run by MMHA past presi- skills within two minutes
Wee Tournament of Cham- Starting Thursday eve- Town of Minnedosa Coun- dent, Ken Morrice. As this and 25 seconds.
pions which was held at ning, each of the 12 tour- cillor, Grant Butler, and skills competition is some- Continued on
the local arena from Thurs- nament teams was guaran- Minnedosa Minor Hockey thing that is not offered Page 2


$35.00 per year (tax included)
Visit or call (204) 867-3816
2 Friday, January 18, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune

January is Alzheimer Awareness Month

By KAREN MITCHELL of the campaign is that it’s more than 23,000 Manito- Approaches to Changing tion as soon as possible. One of the ways peo-
time for understanding. bans have dementia. This Behaviour, Dealing with “The journey with demen- ple can get more informa-

T he month of Janu-
ary is recognized as
Alzheimer Awareness
That’s why we’re turning
the conversation over to
the experts, the people
number is growing at
alarming rate and by 2038
it is expected to reach over
Stress as a Caregiver and
How to Deal with Demen-
tia and Driving,” stated
tia poses many challenges,
and having an understand-
ing of what you are facing,
tion is by attending a local
Caregiver Support Group.
There is a group that meets
Month in Manitoba. This who are living it every day. 40,700. Whitney. and reliable information in Minnedosa on the sec-
year’s campaign, I Live We’re challenging miscon- The Alzheimer Society Individuals who are about the types of help ond Friday of every month
With Dementia, focuses ceptions so that the stigma of Manitoba offers family facing Alzheimer’s disease available to you, will make at the Minnedosa 50+ Ac-
on the humanity that is surrounding the disease education for those experi- or other dementias benefit a difference,” explained tivity Centre.
still part of every person can be reduced. We don’t encing dementia in 36 dif- from receiving informa- Whitney.
living with dementia. Ac- want people to be afraid ferent communities across
cording to Whitney Stra- to reach out for help or to the province through Tele-

12 Teams in Tournament
chan, Alzheimer Society struggle alone.” health education sessions.
of Manitoba – Westman According to the Al- “There are three sessions
Events and Administrative zheimer Society of Mani- set for this spring, which
Coordinator, “The purpose toba statistics, currently will include topics such as;

Town Council Notes

By DARRYL HOLYK tion at a recent Protective of $15,500 for consult-
Services committee meet- ing services required to

M innedosa Town
Council met for its
first meeting of 2019 on the
ing. He presented a 2018
year in review which in-
cluded fire department
amend the zoning bylaw.
Council passed a reso-
lution to designate 2018 as
evening of Tuesday, Janu- activities, and new equip- the Tax Year meaning that
ary 8th. Mayor Skatch pre- ment acquired through the any properties of which
sided with all councillors year. Fire Chief Jordan also taxes are in arrears from
in attendance. asked that the Town’s fire 2017 or prior will be listed
Council’s General agreement be amended to in the 2019 tax sale which
Government Services improve services and pre- will be held in September.
committee met to review sented the proposed 2019 The Minnedosa Com-
applications for the Town’s budget, capital items and mercial Hockey League
Grants of Organizations staffing. has applied for a Commu-
Photo by Karen Mitchell
program. The committee As the Town has deter- nity Events Permit for its
approved a total of $43,650 mined it necessary to un- upcoming Spring Tourna- Continued from Page 1 The B-side consolation final was
in grants for the year. The dergo a full review of the ment. Council supported won by Brandon with a score of 5-1
committee also capped current zoning bylaw and the application and ap- As the winners of the skills competi- against McCreary. Souris took home
the programs expenditure as the Province of Mani- proved it. A resolution was tion, The Pas players walked away with the A-side championship after playing
to $45,000 for the upcom- toba has approved partial passed requesting that three large pizza’s from Blazer’s Mini a great game against Neepawa and win-
ing 2019 budget. funding ($7,500) for the Manitoba Liquor Control Mart as a prize. ning 2-1.
Fire Chief Dean Jor- review, Council passed a Commission approve the The first game of the tournament “The tournament went very
dan appeared as a delega- resolution to compensate permit for the tournament saw Minnedosa defeat Brandon 9-2 smoothly overall. We are always lucky
Land Planning Consultant, being held in mid March. Thursday night. Friday afternoon, the enough to have great refs and this year
Terry Brown, the amount local Bombers tied Carman 3-3. On Sat- was no exception,” said Ty Burton,
urday, Minnedosa played against The MMHA vice-president and tournament
Pas and won 2-1. Minnedosa dug hard chair.” A big thank you to all those who
in the semi-finals Sunday afternoon attended or came out to cheer on the
against Souris, losing out in the end teams.”
with a score of 9-1 in favour of Souris.
Neighbours Indeed
Be a Neighbour...
And announce ATTENTION
these special events


to your community
●Birth of Child All dogs and cats within the Town of

●Wedding Minnedosa must be licensed annually.
●Wedding Anniversaries A certificate of vaccination for rabies
25th, 40th, 50th, 60th
●New home residency must be produced before a license
You may qualify for a is issued.
personalized keepsake 2019 Dog and Cat licenses are available
gift offer compliments When you support the businesses in your
of local business and at The Town Office.
professional sponsors home community, those businesses can
Owners of unlicensed Dogs and Cats,
Minnedosa Pharmacy return the favour by providing donations
Glenndosa Glass 1990 Ltd. Dogs and Cats running at large, as well as
Minnedosa insurance Services nuisance and vicious animals are subject
and sponsorships to events, attractions,
Kim’sQuality Foods programs and athletics in your
Integra Tire to various penalties and charges. A copy
Heritage Co-op
Minnedosa Tribune of animal control by-law 2478 is available community. Without your support,
Gateway Motel at the Town Office for examination by those businesses cannot give
Be part of your Community! any person during regular hours. back to the things which make
Contact Tillie Johnson a community a great place to live!
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, January 18, 2018 3

Soil Farm Proving A Day of Fishing on the Lake


E vergreen Environmental Technologies, located

southeast of Minnedosa, continues to utilize
Soil Farming as a large part of their operation.
Soil Farming is the process of cleaning con-
taminated soil, which takes approximately two to
five years to complete. When a company, such as a
demolished gas station or garage for example, has a
spill of hazardous material, such as gasoline or oil,
within the soil they would dig it up and haul it to
Evergreen to be cleaned. In order to clean the soil Photo by Karen Mitchell
they would “flip” (toss) it in order to allow the con-
taminated soil to become exposed to the air, evapo- A community of ice fishing shacks has taken
rating out the contaminates. Each delivery of soil is over the south end of Minnedosa Lake.
put into rows, separated out from other deliveries in
order to keep track of the length of time and con-
By KAREN MITCHELL over the weight limit and
taminates. In the summer months, the soil would be
had to be thrown back in.
“flipped” at least monthly, and whenever possible
through the winter.
Samples of the soil would then be collected and
B rothers, Jason Robins
from Rapid City and
Marvin Robins from Riv-
Only managing to come
home with a few Northern
Pike, the pair are hoping
sent to a lab in Winnipeg where the soil is tested and
ers were out on Minnedo- Minnedosa Lake serves
then sent on to Sustainable Development who de-
sa Lake this past Sunday, better and they can walk
termines if the sample is clean or not. If Evergreen
January 13th trying out away with some Pickerel or
receives word that the soil is clean, they use the soil
their luck at ice fishing. Perch.
as covering for their waste cell (garbage pile). Once
The brothers have a shack Within a few minutes
brought onto the site, contaminated soil is to never
on Lake Wahtopanah near of drilling four holes at the
leave the site, even once it has been determined to
the town of Rivers where local lake and setting up
be cleaned.
they have ice fished for their bait, the flag popped
This process minimizes cost to Evergreen, as
years. Sunday was the first up indicating they had
they require covering for their waste cell constantly.
time the pair had tried out a bite! Jason pulled up a
Covering reduces odor and helps to prevent fire and
Minnedosa Lake for ice Northern Pike, marking
the spread of fire. Utilizing the soil farm, reduces the
fishing and were hoping the first catch of the day.
need for soil to be hauled in at the expense of Ever-
to walk away with a good Hopefully the pair enjoyed
green. This process is a win-win process for all in-
haul. the day on Minnedosa
volved. There are certain soils that come to the sight
The brothers grew up Lake and were able to go
that are unable to be cleaned, including copper and
fishing year-round with home with good stories
PSB, and this soil would be buried straight into their
their father, Randall, who and a good haul.
waste cell and used as a fire guard.
taught them the ins and This year, as in years
To find out more information about Soil Farm-
outs of a being a good fish- past, the frozen surface at
ing or other services offered by Evergreen Environ-
erman. Last weekend, the the south end of Minnedo- Photo by Karen Mitchell
mental Technologies you can contact Dave Mac-
pair travelled to Dauphin sa Lake has become a
Donald, Operations Manager. During his first time ice fishing at Minnedosa,
where they caught 15 Wall- small community of ice
eye, however, they were all fishing shacks. Jason Robins caught a Northern Pike.

Glenndosa Glass
Winter Booking Sale
10% OFF list
2019 PRE-PAYMENT TAX INCENTIVE High performance PVC Windows
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Entry Doors
All dogs and cats within the Town of Minnedosa and catsofwithin
the Town will accept
of Minnedosa
Anyone who musthas experienced
be licensed annually. freeze up pre-payment mustfor the 2019
be licensed property taxes
Order now and take delivery or
A certificate of vaccination for rabies must be theofmonth
certificate of January,
vaccination 2019
for rabies must be
in recent
produced beforeyears, please
a license is issued produced before a license is issued
2014 Dog & Cat licenses are available at the
Town Office
2014 Dog & Cat licenses
Pre-payments collected
are available
basedaton thethe installation in the spring.
TURNof ON THEDogs BLEEDER TAP full 2018 net taxes will receive a 2.5%
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Owners unlicensed & Cats, Dogs & Cats Owners of unlicensed Dogs & Cats, Dogs & Cats
incentive added to your tax account
running at large, as well as nuisance and vicious running at large, as well as nuisance and vicious
That was installed by penalties
the Town.
animals are subject to various and
charges. A copy of animal control by-law 2478 is
animals are subject to various penalties and
charges. will be
A copy of animal accepted
control as ofis
by-law 2478 Sale ends January 31, 2019
available at the Town Office for examination by
duringNOT BEhours.
regular ADJUSTED
available atJanuary
the Town 2 Office
- 31,for2019
examination by
any person during regular hours.
Glenndosa Glass 119 Main Street
FOR ANY OTHER TAP LEFT RUNNING. When making a pre-payment, please bring Minnedosa, MB
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The Town of Minnedosa
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4 Friday, January 18, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune

Darryl a.Holyk - PublisHer anD eDitor

Around What Will the Year Bring?

By DARRYL HOLYK munity. While on the topic of housing, we cannot
forget about all that land the Town purchased some

By Darryl Holyk
T hree weeks into a new year has me wonder-
ing what 2019 will have in store for Minnedosa.
What news stories and happenings will the oldest
years back for a new residential subdivision south of
9th Avenue S.W. Will 2019 be the year that a devel-
oper will be found to move this exciting opportunity
weekly newspaper in the Canadian West get to share forward, enlarging Minnedosa in not only size but its
with our faithful readers over the next 12 months? tax base?
Bombers Defeat Clippers… A couple stories I am personally looking for-
ward to recording in our pages are the possibilities of
Tourism remains a big draw for our community
year-round. A brand-new community branding is
On Friday, January 11th, the Senior Bombers trav-
much-needed and long-overdue work to Main Street expected to be revealed shortly and some new, ex-
elled to Cartwright to take on the Clippers. The first pe-
and the proposed Minnedosa Regional Events Cen- citing ideas related to tourism are being discussed
riod saw Minnedosa earn two goals – the first shot by
tre – new arena project. Some time ago, we reported around various committee tables. We will also see
Kelly Stinson assisted by Matt Saler and Wes Lewis with
provincial funding had been approved to work on the return of a number of annual, popular festivals
the second shot by Ryan Heino assisted by Wes Lewis and
a cost-sharing agreement to repave Minnedosa’s and attractions and wish them all growth this year.
Matt Saler. The Clippers also got a goal in the first period.
bumpy, old, worn-out Main Street. Hopefully, we Our lake remains a critical topic of importance.
Neither team scored during the second period with the
will see this project move forward this year. There What developments might we see in the months
Bombers getting the final and winning goal in the third. It
have also been strong indications that some gov- ahead to address concerns such as lake levels, silt
was scored by Clay Bergeson assisted by Brad Lewis and
ernment funding should be announced for the new build-up and weed problems? Hopefully, there are
Shane Jury.
arena and if and when this announcement is made, some good news stories and positive steps taken to
the many years of sweat, tears and headaches of the secure the future health of our main tourist attrac-
On Main Street… volunteer planning committee can hopefully come
to fruition with a ground-breaking ceremony to sig-
tion! Also, could the Minnedosa Beach sign finally
return to the spillway? It is sure missed by many, in-
Some changes are coming to Main Street in the next
little while. The restaurant in Minnedosa Inn is sched- nal the start of construction on the new multi-use, cluding yours truly.
uled to re-open next month much to the excitement of year-round recreation facility. On the business front, we know of at least two
the morning coffee crowd and former customers. It will There is also the proposed new maintenance new businesses scheduled to open in Minnedosa
be known as Drucilla’s Diner and operated by Tracy Reid shop for the Rolling River School Division. Might soon, what others might come forward this year?
Alexander. The Lover’s Pizza location, between SUBWAY there be some further developments with this proj- Might a few of the vacant commercial buildings be
and Kim’s Quality Foods, which has sat empty for quite ect in 2019? Whenever that project is completed and filled? A number of our local businesses are cur-
some time will also re-open, this time as Boho Soul Mar- the new arena completed, we are then left with the rently listed for sale – will they see new ownership
ket offering health and wellness products and fermented questions of what will become of the old Armoury in 2019? On the other hand, sadly, we may also ex-
food items and will be operated by Magen Swift. It is al- building where the school divisions maintenance perience the closure of some local businesses due to
ways exciting to welcome new businesses to the commu- shop currently is housed and what will become of retirements, lack of customer support or other un-
nity and we wish both great success! the old arena? foreseen circumstances.
This year should see the completion of a couple There are so many possibilities for the days,
multi-unit housing complexes currently under con- weeks and months ahead it’s hard to predict what
Chamber looks at hiring… struction. Those residents who are planning to call will take place in Minnedosa’s 136th year. However,
At last week’s Chamber of Commerce meeting, a mo- these new units home will have an exciting move as things happen, both good and bad, we will be
tion was passed to establish a sub-committee to explore ahead of them. They may also have a former home to here to record those happenings in the pages of the
further the possibility of hiring a dedicated Chamber staff put on the real estate market which, when sold, will local community newspaper, Ye Olde Tribune!
person. This question was put forth to the Chamber’s 125 hopefully welcome some new residents to our com-
members in an online survey late last year. While only 25
online surveys were completed and returned, 18 of those
were in favour of hiring a staff person.
We Welcome Letters to the Editor
Save the Date…
Mark your calendars for these upcoming events – Have something to say or want to get your point across? Letters to the Editor can be sent to
Fun Fest will return July 5th to 7th followed by Rockin’ the or Box 930, Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0
Fields August 2nd to 4th. The first artists announcement
for this year’s festival is scheduled in early February. Views expressed in Letters to the Editor are those of the writer and
are not necesarily the views of The Tribune, its owner or staff.

The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. The Minnedosa Tribune is independently owned and is the
oldest weekly newspaper in the Canadian West and has
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. does
guarantee the publication of all submitted articles and

published continuously from the same premises since photographs. These submissions, are at the discretion of the
Box 930 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0
March of 1883.
Published Friday of each week from the premises of publisher and will appear as space permits. The Minnedosa
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. 14 - 3rd Ave. S.W. E-Mail Addresses: Tribune reserves the right to edit any submission as deemed
Minnedosa, MB. R0J 1E0 necessary by the publisher.
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Audited twice a year by Canadian Media Circulation Audit call or in person.
Phone: (204) 867-3816 All contents copyright 2019
Fax: (204) 867-5171
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, January 18, 2018 5

MPI Third Quarter Financial Results

SUBMITTED higher motor vehicle pre-
mium revenue resulting
vestment income through
the Corporation’s asset-li-
resident is injured in a car
accident, actuarially de-
Ye O l d
M anitoba Public In- from an increase in the ability matching program, termined reserves are es-

surance reported net number of motor vehicles net claims have risen $13.3 tablished to ensure claim-
income of $87.4 million for insured, the value of these million when compared ants will receive full value
the first nine months of its vehicles, and an overall 2.6 to the first nine months of the benefits they are en-
fiscal year ending Novem- per cent increase in Basic of the 2017/18 fiscal year. titled to, when those ob-
ber 30, 2018 – an increase insurance rates ordered by This increase in claims of ligations come due,” said
of $26.1 million over the the Public Utilities Board $13.3 million is split evenly Giesbrecht.
same time period last year. for the 2018/19 insurance between physical damage Manitobans continue
This includes net income year,” said Mark Giesbre- claims and bodily injury to pay among the lowest
from the Basic insurance cht, vice-president, Fi- claim costs,” added Gies- auto insurance premiums
line of business of $42.3 nance and Chief Financial brecht. in all of Canada. In De-
1889 – The sale of postage stamps at local post offices
for the year ending June 30, 1888 is as follows: Minnedo-
million in the first nine Officer, Manitoba Public All Manitobans ben- cember, the PUB approved
sa $1,767.25; Basswood $80.24; Cadurcis $46.19; Cree-
months of the 2018/19 fis- Insurance. efit from the Corporation’s an overall increase of 1.8
ford $56.72, Newdale $253.07 and Clanwilliam $15.74 (to
cal year. “While net claims in- Personal Injury Protection per cent in Basic insurance
November 1887 only).
“Total earned rev- curred are down $28.6 mil- Plan (PIPP) which com- premiums for the 2019/20
enues for the first nine lion year over year; when pensates those injured insurance year.
months rose by $65.8 mil- excluding the impact of in an automobile acci- 1899 – Mr. John McQuarrie has sold his farm at Frank-
lion from the same period changing interest rates dent, no matter who is at lin for $3,200 and has purchased a half section near Clan-
last year, driven mainly by which is largely offset in in- fault. “When a Manitoba william.

1909 – Mr. Telfer’s tailor shop burned and Miss Law-

Snoman Reminds Riders to Practice Safety son’s millinery and Mr. Bruce’s repair shop damaged by
water drawn from the river during the fire fighting efforts.
Total loss is estimated at $500.
SUBMITTED with our counterparts to expected. best policy is to ride with
bring safety to the forefront - Know the risks, be a friend and let someone 1919 – While working in the woods recently, Mr. Wes
S noman (Snowmobil- and we also offer an online prepared and make every know where you are going Burgess was severely bruised and knocked down by
ers of Manitoba) Inc. is safety course.” trip a round trip. and when you will return.” limbs of a falling tree. He still feels the effects of the ac-
celebrating International An integral part of - Cross roadways with Snoman Inc., a non- cident.
Snowmobile Safety Week safety week is the Safe Rid- care. profit organization, is ded-
January 19th to 27th and ers! The campaign includes - Ride smart, ride icated to providing strong 1929 – Mr. Hand was knocked down by a car on Tues-
encourages all riders to the following messages: right. Stay in control. leadership and support to day.
ride safe, stay on the trail - Snowmobiling and - Smart riders are safe its member clubs to devel-
and respect private prop- alcohol/drugs don’t mix - riders. Take snowmobile op safe and environmen-
erty. “Snowmobile safety don’t ride impaired. safety training. tally responsible snow- 1939 – There were 85 children born in Minnedosa in
has always been a high - Know before you go! “With approximately mobile trails to further the 1938. There were also 27 deaths and 27 marriages.
priority for our organiza- Always check local ice con- 12,000 kilometres of des- enjoyment of organized
tion,” said Yvonne Ride- ditions. ignated trails, it is essen- recreational snowmobiling 1949 – The Jaycees sponsored a variety show to raise
out, Executive Director of - When night riding, tial that all riders practice in Manitoba. money for the lake pier.
Snoman. “We work closely slow down! Expect the un- safety,” said Rideout. “The
1959 – Craig Stewart has taken over ownership of Wil-

Minnedosa Legion Ladies Auxiliary Report

ton Motors. Wm. Wilton has transferred his interests to
Brandon. The local business will now be known as Stew-
art Motors.

SUBMITTED In 2018, the Colour funeral committee. Rose- special celebration mark-
Party attended Remem- mary Hamilton will be ing this event will be held 1969 – Mrs. Hazel Vellam, a petite dynamic housewife
T he regular meeting of brance Day services at the added to the supper con- later in the year. and mother of two starts the year as Minnedosa’s first
the Minnedosa Legion PCH, high school, elemen- tact committee, along with lady town councillor.
Ladies Auxiliary #138 was tary school and the com- Caroline Mansell. Lorrie
held January 7th. Presi- munity service on Novem- Laming will be added to If your label reads 1979 – Keith Timmons and Gary Carter have sold
dent Laming presided and
called for new applica-
ber 11th.
It was decided to do-
the branch liaison com-
mittee. 19/01/31 Minnedosa Sights and Sounds, to John and Marlene Fehr
of Neepawa. The business is expected to continue featur-
tions. One has been re- nate to Breathe, the Lung 2019 will mark the It’s time to renew ing a full line of Radio Shack products, tapes and records.
ceived. Association. Legion Ladies Auxiliary’s your subscription!
In December, Dot The election of offi- 80th anniversary and a
Schumacher and Rose- cers was held. Filling the 204-867-3816 1999 – The Chamber of Commerce executive for this
year includes John Mendrikis as President, Barb Cook
mary Hamilton visited and treasurer’s position will be
as Vice President and Callie Mashtoler as Secretary-Trea-
took flowers to the shut- Carol Taylor. Anita Hold-
surer. The Chamber currently has 86 business members.
ins and members at the away’s name will be added
Minnedosa Personal Care to the kitchen committee

Home. and Ellen Notley to the

Dr. Derek Papegnies Rubber or


The Minnedosa

For more information call: 129-2nd Avenue S.W., Minnedosa, MB

204-867-7264 or 204-212-0232 FOR APPOINTMENTS CALL:
Email: (4-ALT-TFN) 204-867-2455 204-867-3816
6 Friday, January 18, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune

Amalgamation in the Works for Conservation Districts

By Cindy Murray grams and issues that con- member, who passed away
servation districts spent during the last year, was

M unicipal councillors,
Ducks Unlimited
Canada staff, conservation
time and money on in their
watersheds. There was ev-
erything from surface wa-
also acknowledged.
Colleen turned over the
mic to Paiten Harapiak
district staff, sub-district ter management, erosion, who covered the program
and board members, ALUS nutrient loading, loss of delivery over the last year.
PAC members and manag- trees and habitat, industri- Amongst the many pro-
ers from other conserva- al and municipal practises. grams, the Kerr Lake proj-
tion districts all gathered Mr. Timmerman then ect was begun in the last
on November 21st for the spoke about the plan to year.
annual meeting of the “modernize the conserva- Paiten said that “Proj-
Little Saskatchewan Riv- tion district program”. ect implementation for
er Conservation District “There are five priori- water quality monitoring
(LSRCD) at the Basswood ties to this modernization. at Kerr Lake commenced
Hall. They consist of aligning this year with 10 sampling
The guest speaker for districts to watersheds, days from April to October.
the evening was Dale Tim- refreshing the program Samples were collected
merman. Timmerman mandate, amend the legis- from the lake itself and
hales from the Watershed lation, modernize funding from the inflows to the lake
Planning and Programs models and enhance wa- as well as the outflows”.
Section of Manitoba Sus- tershed planning”. Harapiak went on to say “A
Photo by Cindy Murray
tainable Development. As a result of this new complete analysis will be
This section administers plan, the Little Saskatch- conducted once all the re-
Little Saskatchewan River Conservation District Manager,
and manages the Conser- ewan River, Upper Assini- sults are received.”
vation Districts Program boine River, and Lake of Colleen Cuvelier presents a year in review. The CD sealed 15 large
as defined by The Conser- the Prairies Conservation and small diametre aban-
vation Districts Act, and Districts will amalgamate amalgamation partners as attending grazing club district members away doned wells, and the dis-
coordinates and supports to form one district to be have been meeting to presentations, the Prairie from the meeting table trict continues to rent out
Integrated Watershed called Assiniboine West develop the operational Organics Conference and and out in the field to see the solar offsite watering
Management Planning as Watershed District. framework for the new dis- will be participating in the what was going on in their system to livestock pro-
outlined in The Water Pro- This work has been trict. This work will contin- upcoming Regenerative sub-district. Throughout ducers. After 18 seasons of
tection Act (2006). on-going during the last ue until The Modernizing Agriculture Conference. the month of June, we vis- operation the zero till drill
Dale spent some time several months. Board Manitoba’s Conservation Cuvelier went on to ited past projects sites, po- has been retired, and the
going through the pro- members and staff of the Districts program comes talk about various proj- tential sites, areas to watch program will be unavail-
into effect, January 2020. ects and programs that the and areas of concern.” able until further notice.
After Dale’s presenta- conservation district had Colleen recognized Ms. Harapiak went on
tion, Colleen Cuvelier (dis- participated in throughout Roy Greer, who was instru- to report that 2800 trees
trict manager) and Paiten the past year. One being mental in the Little Sas- had been planted in 11
Harapiak (resource techni- a small dam in the RM of katchewan River Conser- shelterbelts protected with
cian) both gave updates as Minto-Odanah, where the vation District becoming 18,000 feet of mulch. An
to the programming that municipality took the lead a reality. For all his efforts additional 2350 trees were
went on in the LSRCD in on the construction utiliz- over the years, Roy was purchased by 20 landown-
the past year. ing the design and water awarded the CD Builder ers to plant on their own.
Colleen spoke about rights license that the dis- Award. Recipients of this After the program
the transition to a water- trict had acquired. The CD award have provided out- report, Colleen and Ray
shed district and some of also provided financial as- standing leadership and Frey (board chair) made
the changes that could be sistance and expertise in contribution, promotion presentations of Service
happening. She also ex- support of the construc- and achievement within a Awards to Gary Stewart
plained about some of the tion. specific conservation dis- (five years) of Oakview,
activities that the board “This year we saw an trict. Ewan Common and Kaye
has been involved in such opportunity to get our sub- Roy’s passion for the Wolstenholme both of
district continued even Oakview who both re-
after his passing, through ceived 10-year pins.
memorial donations to the The meeting wrapped
district. up after sub-district and
Russell (Bud) McK- board elections, and com-
19013gm3 ague, a former sub-district mittee members selected.

Municipality of Harrison Park

2019 Grant Applications
The Council of the Municipality of Harrison Park wishes to advise
that grant applications are now being accepted from non-profit
organizations who wish to be considered for grant funding in the 2019
fiscal year. Grants will not be provided to religious organizations.
All grant requests for amounts over $1,000 must be accompanied by
current financial statements.
Applications must be completed and submitted to the Municipal Office by
4:30 p.m. on Friday, February 15, 2019. Organizations may be requested to
provide a current financial statement.
Applications will be reviewed by the Council of the Municipality of Harrison

January 19th
Park. Approved grant funds will be issued following final approval of the
2019 Financial Plan.

7:30 p.m.
Application forms and additional information are available for pick up at
either municipal office or by calling 204-848-7614 or 204-849-2107.
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, January 18, 2018 7

Sandy Lake News

By Diane Bachewich tional Ukrainian Christ- Alma Braschuk and
mas Eve supper at the son, Ivan, returned home

D ennis Shurvell and Drop-In Centre. There was from spending a week with

� �� � ���
Bryan Sieben from a good turn out despite the Paul and Amanda Bra-
Calgary, AB spent a few stormy weather. schuk and family in Saska-
days over Christmas with Sara Sichweski and toon, SK.
Mom Marcia, and also vis- friend Ryan of Calgary, Joining Sadie Rys-

ited other members in the AB spent some time with tephanuk for Ukrainian
area. The Shurvell fam- mom Linda and family. Christmas was daughter,
ily get-together was held Liz Antonation’s com- Kathy and Brian Bragg, of
on December 23rd at Kyle pany over the holidays Sherwood Park, AB.
and Brittany Ogibowski’s
place. The rest of the family
members were from Mani-
toba, a total of 41 in all.
included granddaugh-
ter Samantha and great
grandson Brogen of Wyo-
ming, Jess and Carla Anto-
As of January 6th, the
Sandy Lake Hotel is under
new ownership. Darphan
Nanda of Winnipeg has
Francis Kuzmak has
returned from her Christ-
nation and children Laile
and Tynan, Josie Antona-
taken over. A big welcome
to Sandy Lake, Darphan. �������������������� ������� ��
mas holiday with family in tion, Ernie Zurbeck all of Best wishes to former
Calgary, AB. At the begin- Winnipeg, Matt and Nick owner, Judy, on her new �������������, ���, ������. �. �. ������0���1��. ��������2�����
ning of January, her son King and Chris Antonation adventure.
Steven and family moved of Brandon and the local Spending Ukrainian . ����������� . �6�
to Toronto, ON. family. Christmas with Robert and
���2. ��2����. �0���. �, ���� ����, ��0�� ����. ������
Helen Derhak enjoyed David and Darcy Rys- Linda Lewandowski were
her visit with great grand- tephanuk and girls, Lisa all their children, grand- ����. ����. ����1����. , , �����. ��9����, ������������6��
daughter Jaycelyn Wahoski and Jenna, spent Christ- children, Linda’s mom ��. ����. ����9�������������. ����2�������9��2�������. ����
of Sydney, Australia, who mas at Star City, SK with Mary Slashinsky, the Ry- . ���� ������������0��. ���. �, ���. ������. ��6�
was home for the Christ- Darcy’s family. back family and John and
mas holidays. She loved Speedy recovery to Ol- Nora Slashinsky of Winni- Find�out�more�at��
the stories Jaycelyn was lie Lewandowski who is in peg.
telling her of the life in the Brandon Hospital. Ernie Malchuk had a
Australia. While Jacelyn Neil and Debra Noon- scare when he came off
was here, there was a heat an spent Christmas with the lake from fishing and
warning for the people liv- Debra’s mom and niece in found his car on fire. Luck-
ing in Sydney where it was Brandon. ily, he was able to get it
+40 degrees. Chris and Diane Si- under control without any
Get well wishes to chewski had daughter An- injuries.
Elsie Kristalovich who is drea, Shawn and grand- Chub and Helen Le-
back in the Minnedosa children, Kira and Kaeden, wandowski had the whole
Hospital. of Calgary, AB home for Lewandowski crew out for
Lawrence and Barb the holidays. Ukrainian Christmas and
Osadec spent a week with Nick Jawa spent a few no one was afraid of the
son Jeff, Pam and girls for days in Winnipeg with wife weather, it just took extra
the Christmas holidays in Karen and the rest of the time to travel.
Calgary, AB. family. Wes and Terry Ma-
Sadie Rystephanuk Zack Johnson and luk have returned to their
had daughter Gail and friend, Jess, of Lethbridge, home in South Carolina
husband Michael of Co- AB visited with grandpar- after spending Ukrainian
lumbus, Ohio joining her ents, Dennis and Dorothy Christmas with Mom, Hel-
for the Christmas festivi- Johnson, before they left en Maluk and the rest of
ties. for a few months holiday to the family. Tim and Doro-
The lucky 50/50 Le- BC. thy Maluk had son, Stan
gion winner for the month Happy Birthday to Do- and Marcie, of Kelowna,
of December was George reen Stapleton who treated BC and Thomas of Winni-
Rush of White Rock, BC. all present at the Drop-In peg home for the holidays.
The Maluk family and Centre to coffee and good-
friends held their tradi- ies.

Senior Bowling Results Bridge Club

SUBMiTTeD Results
B owlers of the week of January 14th were Fred Stone-
house and Vivian Cullen.
Other good games were Gladys Murray 184, Ava Har-
January 10th

1st - Lois Phillips /

ris 139, Garry MacDowall 146, 159, Rosemary Hamilton Carol Lonsdale
174. Donna MacDonald 124, Vivan Cullen 221, 193, Deb- 2nd - Lois Campbell /
bie Tarn 209, Carry Douglas 192, Hazel Stonehouse 161, Wilma Jones
157, Bev Chapski 200, Wray Douglas 243, Vicky Bugg 167, 3rd - Albert Parsons /
Fred Stonehouse 169, Robert Hendry 210, Doug Petti- John Cullen
grew 242, Ray Criddle 203, Vivian Penner 145, 137, Rein- 4th - Boyd Grant /
hardt Penner 152. Doug Thiessen

Tuesday at 12 Noon
8 Friday, January 18, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune

Travelling Art Gallery Visits Library

In the past, Coun- animals as it symbolizes
cil has offered a variety strength, fierceness, wis-
of programs, including dom and grace. Stephanie
workshops, sponsorship told the Art Council that
of lectures, arts festivals, this painting is a reminder
summer arts programs for to greet every day and its
children and an arts inven- challenges with “wolf” like
tory. attributes. The second lo-
This year there were 92 cal artist is Margo Eckberg
entries by 54 artists, from of Rapid City, with a piece
which 20 works were se- called “Orkney Island Alley
lected by jurors. These 20 Way”. This painting cap-
works of art will not only tures a scene from Margo’s
be on display at the select- 2000 trip to Stromness,
ed 19 communities, they Orkney Islands. Botani-
are also for sale by the art- cals, especially flowers are
Photo by Karen Mitchell ists. Anyone interested in her favorite subject to work
the pieces can contact the with using watercolour
By KAREN MITCHELL will head east to the Vis- Arts West Council for more and pencil. Margo told
count Cultural Council in information. the Art Council she is still

M innedosa and area

residents have been
fortunate to have the Arts
Neepawa, then on to Car-
berry, Killlarney, Boissev-
ain and finally coming to
Two local residents
who were chosen by the
jurors to have their art
working on perfecting her
watercolour. Congratula-
tions to these ladies on
West Travelling Gallery a close in May with the last featured in the show. their amazing works of art!
stop at the Minnedosa stop being in Brandon. Minnedosa resident, If you have not yet
Regional Library from The Arts West Council Stephanie Bretecher, visited the Library to view
December 31st to Janu- is an organization of vol- was selected with a piece the art on display, you still
ary 19th. The Travelling unteers who are interested called, “Everything the have one last opportunity
Gallery will visit 19 com- in the development of the Light Touches”. Stephanie tomorrow, January 19th
munities in Southwestern visual arts in the Westman uses acrylic, pencil and before the show moves on
Manitoba over the next Region. Membership is charcoal to specialize in to Neepawa.
year. Following its stint in made up of individual art- equine and wildlife art. The
Minnedosa, the Gallery ists from across the region. wolf is one of her favourite

Photo by Karen Mitchell


Centon Scentos The Minnedosa

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The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, January 18, 2018 9

New Doctor Welcomed at Primary Care Centre

By KAREN MITCHELL tuition costs. Christmas tree and even
Upon graduation from getting a visit from Santa

A nd then there were

six! Dr. Nolan Brack-
enreed has officially joined
the University of Manito-
ba in 2010, Nolan and his
partner, Adriana, headed
himself that very night!
Nolan officially joined
the new Dr. Ajai Khandel-
the Dr. Ajai Khandelwal out to the Rural Alberta wal Primary Care Centre
Primary Care Centre, giv- South Program, which is on January 2nd. “I am so
ing Minnedosa and sur- part of the University of enthusiastic and excited
rounding area a total of Calgary, to complete his to be here. It has definitely
six doctors and one nurse residency. After two years been a long haul of getting
practitioner. of working in various ar- everything ready to move
Nolan grew up in Jus- eas of southern Alberta home. I am now closer in
tice on the family farm, including; Medicine Hat, proximity to my family and
approximately 35 kilome- Crowsnest Pass, Olds and my childhood home which
tres south of Minnedosa Calgary, Nolan returned to is so nice,” explained No-
and attended school in Brandon in 2012 complet- lan. “Growing up, I spent
Forrest. Graduating from ing his last month of resi- my summers in Minnedo-
high school in 2002, No- dency. sa. My family has a cabin
lan spent four years at In July 2012, Nolan of- at the beach and we were
Brandon University re- ficially started his practice always there, so I have a
ceiving his honors degree in Deloraine. Working pri- lot of familiarity with the
in chemistry with a minor marily in the primary care area. Even though I am not
in biology. From there, he clinic, emergency, long- officially from Minnedosa,
was accepted into the Uni- term care and chemother- it’s always been my home
versity of Manitoba Medi- apy unit, Nolan spent six away from home.” A huge
cal School. At this time, years serving the south- welcome goes out to Nolan
Photo by Karen Mitchell
Nolan signed a return of west residents, often times and his family!
service agreement with the being the lone doctor of The current staff at the
Dr. Nolan Brackenreed is the newest addition to the local medical
Town of Deloraine where the area. Primary Care Centre in-
he guaranteed he would Nolan and Adriana
group. With his arrival, Minnedosa’s new Primary Care Centre now clude; Dr. Brackenreed, Dr.
work for four years and in were married in August has six doctors and one nurse practitioner on staff. Khandelwal, Dr. Onyshko,
return was assisted with 2012 and welcomed their Dr. Gupta, Dr. Sonoiki,
first child, a daughter, of Minnedosa to start the Dr. Elgheriani and Chrys-
named Agnieszka in Feb- process of coming back tal Shellborn RN NP. Dr.
Running on ruary 2014. In August of “home” for Nolan. Brackenreed is currently
2015, their second child, After four years, on accepting new patients, if

Empty? a son, named Henryk was December 24th, 2018, the you have any questions or
Print jobs can take up to born. During this time the Brackenreed family spent would like to book an ap-
2-3 weeks to complete. family was discussing the their first night in their new pointment please call the
Our Best Friend
Fill up before you run out! future and in 2014 decided “forever” home having just Primary Care Centre.
Minnedosa Tribune to purchase 80 acres south enough time to put up the


~Wayne Fossum

Subscribe to The Minnedosa Tribune

MINNEDOSA, MB R0J 1E0 PHONE 204-867-3816
Local Trading Area: $43.11 NAME:
(Minnedosa, Bethany, Clanwilliam,
Erickson, Onanole, Sandy Lake, Lake
Audy, Olha, Vista, Elphinstone,
Newdale, Rapid City, Franklin,

Mountain Road and Neepawa)

Other Manitoba
locations: $50.31
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locations: $56.01
Online subscriptions $35 at POSTAL CODE:
10 Friday, January 18, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune

Baby Powder Can be Deadly for Cats

the dough and press the agree that a small amount Lip/Nasal Cancer. They all razor blades that can be
dough closed with your of ammonia will not kill died within 26 months of bought at any home center
Solutions and fingers. Some bakers seal helpful bacteria or leach each other. I spent thou- store.  Rubbing the blade
Substitutions the edge with a brush of
egg white. Instead of cut-
into the ground water and
is therefore safe to use.
sands of dollars on treat-
ments, medications, sur-
over the crud will eventu-
ally remove it all, without
By ting cinnamon buns with geries and palliative care. any damage to the ceramic
REENA NERBAS a knife, use dental floss.
Slide the floss under the
Hello Reena,
My mom alerted me to
Please, please, I beg of
you, remove this “hint”
top, no matter how much
force you use. We always
roll, and then draw the a hint she saw in your col- from your column and ad- keep one blade in our cup-
ends up cutting through umn recently from a con- vise your readers why the board, near the stove for
Dear Reena, the dough. The dough will tributor named Eric who hint has been removed. this purpose.  Works great
I have a large, vinyl Dear Reena, not become compressed, suggested the use of baby Talcum or baby powder on windows as well. Bill
exercise ball that I have For years I have made and the round shape will powder to keep your cat’s has been proven to cause
tried to clean but it has cinnamon buns, and they remain intact. litter box smelling fresh. I Cancer in humans and un- Note: Every user assumes
sticky areas. Why would it always taste delicious. did that and paid dearly. fortunately, this includes all risks of injury or damage
be sticky? Is it starting to The problem is the buns Dear Reena, Cancer by talcum is not our beloved pets. Linda resulting from the implemen-
break down from age? Deb open as they bake, and the tation of any suggestions in
I live in a rural com- limited to humans. All four
shape is slightly squished this column. Test all products
munity and I rely on a of our cats developed Can- Dear Reena, on an inconspicuous area
Dear Deb, from cutting the dough. I well for water and a sep- cer from being exposed to We have had ceramic first.
Absolutely, rubber is a would like to present res- tic system. Cleaning with baby powder in their litter stovetops for many years
petroleum-based product taurant quality cinnamon all that vinegar is a no-no boxes. They all developed and have discovered Reena Nerbas is a popu-
that will eventually break- buns to my family. Any for septic systems. Is there Lung Cancer (Mesothe- that everything that we lar motivational presenter for
down over time. High hu- suggestions? Amelia any other solution that lioma), Abdominal Can- baked onto the top could large and small groups; check
midity, or heat may also you could provide besides cer, Bowel Cancer and be removed fairly easily out her website:
impact the life of the ball. Dear Amelia, the all-powerful vinegar? with those little packs of
Proper maintenance of ex- Here are a few sugges- Yolande

Expand Culinary Knowledge

ercise balls helps increase tions to fix this common
the life of the equipment. challenge: After the dough Dear Yolande,
Wash with a cloth and rises, handle it as little as It is important not
Dawn dish soap, rinse with possible. Add filling to to overuse commercial
water. If there are only a
few sticky areas, clean the
ball with rubbing alcohol,
the rolled-out dough, be-
ing careful that one of the
long edges of the dough
cleaners, as some experts
agree that this may break-
down the beneficial bacte-
Within Your Budget
and rinse with water. remains free of sugar. Roll ria in septic tanks. Experts
mally wouldn’t purchase?
Cooking Continue to do this for a
year, while researching
With and educating yourself on

When planning your wedding, CHEF DEZ

each product and you will
have expanded your culi-
nary knowledge by twelve

visit The Minnedosa Tribune for: items. This will add variety
to your home menu forever

E conomic focus is in the

news more than ever
these days, and everyone
mally buy. This could be
a produce item, a spice, a
herb, or something down
and at the same time build
your culinary knowledge.
Many cities/towns
Invitations seems like they’re search- the imported food aisle. also have gourmet food
Envelopes ing for ways to tighten their Take your blinders off, stores. Make it a habit
purse strings, especially at step outside your habitual to talk to these people,
Mailing Labels this time of the year when boundaries, and be recep- tap into their expertise,
Social Tickets the Christmas credit card tive to all the wonderful and make your weekly/
bills are rolling in. There products we have available
Thank You Notes are ways however, to ex- at our finger tips.
monthly one product pur-
chase there instead of,
Keepsake Bookmarks pand your knowledge in No matter where you or alternating with, your
the culinary world without live, shopping today has a
Place Cards affecting your personal/ greater abundance of se-
regular grocery store.
If you have even more
and more! family grocery budget. lection than ever before. room in your monthly
Let’s face it, we all The other great resource budget, take a cooking
need to eat food to stay we have access to, whether class once per month in-
alive, and adding some it’s at home, work or the stead of dining out. I know
variety to our home meals local libraries, is the inter- my restaurant friends will
is a way to make “eat- net. This will allow you to dislike me saying so, but
ing in” more exciting. answer questions about the return on your invest-
How many times has the the certain product that ment in a cooking class is
normal trip to the gro- you have purchased that far greater than just a full
cery supermarket result- you may know nothing stomach from one “dining
ed in bringing home the about. What do I do with out” visit. As the old saying
same old products that it? How do I prepare it? goes “give a person a fish
you always buy, for your How is it normally served? and you will feed them for
never changing home How is it best stored? a day; teach them to fish
Classic or contemporary designs available to fit menu? This can very eas-
ily be changed without
You and your fam-
ily are going to be eating
and you feed them for life”.
the liking of every Bride and Groom! any drastic affect on your
monthly food budget. 
food anyway, and chances
are you will continue to
Chef Dez is a Chef,
Writer and Host. Visit
Here’s what I challenge do so the rest of your life. him at
you to do: every week, two What harm will it be then Write to him at  dez@chef-
The Minnedosa Tribune weeks, or month, I want to spend, for example, two dez.comor P.O. Box 2674,
14 3rd Avenue S.W. P: (204) 867-3816 you to buy just one prod- or three dollars per month Abbotsford, BC V2T 6R4
Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0 E: uct you would never nor- on one product you nor-
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, January 18, 2019 11


BY PHONE Call 204-867-3816
Hours to place, correct or cancel ads: Live music at the Minne- On December 18th at Terry’s Home Enrich-
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. dosa Legion being held this approximately 5:00 p.m. I ment Maintenance. T.H.E.M.
month on  Friday, January dropped a brown leather cell 204-868-8088 (them@
BY MAIL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 18th at 7:00 p.m. after “Chase fanny pack in the parking lot MINOR REPAIRS
The Minnedosa Tribune, P.O. Box 930, Manitoba made! the Ace”and “Meat Draw”. This of the Legion Gardens. If any- and  MAINTENANCE in your
Minnedosa, Manitoba R0J 1E0 month featuring the Blues one has found it please call home! Fix-it jobs…  Now
Top quality
BY FAX 204-867-5171 kitchen cabinets and songs of the early Rock 204-867-7221. (44-2) x booking  snow clearing for
and Roll era as performed driveways and sidewalks.
BY E-MAIL - Custom, Stock & by Dennis Richards (Lead RTM HOME Flexible  arrangements to
Surplus Guitar/Vocals), Brad John- FOR SALE suit the need! Affordable
- Free 3D design son (Guitar/Vocals) and John service for folks with mobil-
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. reserves the right to - Prompt service Cullen (Vocals/Bass/Drum ity issues to manage ice and
delete any words or phrases deemed by The Minnedosa
- Professional Tracks).  Open mic spots slip hazards. Hourly rate with
Tribune Ltd. to be objectionable, or to refuse to publish any BLOWOUT
installation available available for walk in perform- running total, (if regular up-
advertisement. The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. shall not be ers from 9:00 p.m. until clos- ONLY keep all winter.) Flat rate for
responsible for any loss or damage to any advertiser or third Serving Manitoba ing so come on down and $159,000 1-time event such as storms.
party resulting from the failure of an advertisement to appear province-wide share your talents with us or Also;    painting (Interior and
1584 sq ft, 9 ft ceil-
in The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. or from any error or omission in for 25 years!
just bless us with your pres- ings, 3 bedroom, 2.5 Exterior)  Interior paint is very
any advertisement which is published. ence. (44-2) baths. Kitchen island & near odorless now so book walk-in pantry. Covered
that interior work. x 
RATES 1-800-758-6924
Clanwilliam Bonspeils,
veranda. Tripane
windows & fir plywood
$9.00 for first 40 words, additional words .10 each. CLASSIFIED ADVER- Rodney Pederson Memo- construction and James HAPPY BIRTHDAY
TISING WORKS! Reach rial Mixed Bonspiel. Monday, Hardie siding.
Repeat ads - Half Price. over 400,000 Manitoba January 28th – Sunday, Feb-
Don’t miss out. Happy 90th Birthday
Classified Display - $9.00/col. inch each insert. (Incl. logo, box & readers weekly. Book your ruary 3rd, 2019, Three events,
bolding, and centering). Announcements, Sales, Em- $100.00 per rink (24 rink limit,
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Auctions, Wanted Ads, For least one man, one lady or any
Graduation) - $16.00 for the first 20 words and the picture.
Rent, Volunteer Opportun- junior under age 17 on each
Obituaries: - $6.50 per col. inch. ities, etc. People rely on these rink. Any junior rink all un- HEALTH
Reach the entire province (50 weekly newspapers) $189.00 classifieds to find what they der age 17 is also acceptable).
Westman and Eastman: $119.00 need. Be seen in 2019! Call Entry deadline is Wednesday,
this newspaper NOW or January 23rd, 2019. Men’s MEDICAL CONDITION?
All Ads plus 5% G.S.T.
email Skins Bonspiel. Friday, Feb- Receive up to $50,000 from

Deadlines for details. MCNA (204) 947-

ruary 8th (evening) and Sat-
urday February 9th, 2019.
the Canadian Government?
For Your Free No Obliga-
Classified advertisements must be submitted no later $80.00 per rink (eight rink tion Information Package.
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edition. All classified advertisements must be prepaid BEFORE tions for area 18, 18A, 18B spiel. Sunday, February 24th, 1-800-211-3550 or Send a her 90th birthday on
insertion. and 18C. Fully booked for 2019. $20.00 per rink. (eight Text Message with your Name January 26th, 2019
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Grandview Outfitters Walking?
To ensure your advertisement appears correctly please submit Have an upcoming
it in person, by fax, mail, or email. SALES – FINANCING event? Wanting good atten- Hip or Knee
– LEASING of Trucks, Truck- dance? Remember, there are Replacement?
beds, Trailers, full repair, safe- still many people who do not
AUCTIONS FOR SALE ties and Autopac trailer repair. have access to online adver-
Restrictions in daily
Freightliner Manitoba
Kaldeck Truck and Trailer tising or social media and rely is pleased to announce
$2,500 that Blair Purvis has
Inc., Hwy #1 MacGregor, on the local newspaper to find
MB. 1-888-685-3127 www. out what’s happening in their
Tax Credit accepted the position
12 Patterson Dr.
THING. Automotive, farm, $40,000 as Account Manager community. Let our read-
Stonewall, MB
construction, ATV, mar- refund cheque/ for our Brandon, MB
ine, motorcycle, golf carts, ers know by placing a simple rebates location. Blair’s territory
Estate & Moving – phones, tools, radios, com-
Looking for a gift that Coming Event ad in The Tri- will consist of all areas
FEATURING COINS keeps giving all year round? Disability Tax
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obsolete and hard-to-find $9.00 plus tax for the first 40 Portage La Prairie.
Estate & Moving - subscription to Western Can- words. Call 204-867-3816 204-453-5372 Blair looks forward to
FEATURING TOYS batteries. SOLAR equipment.
ada’s Oldest Weekly Newspa- or email your ad to class@ reacquainting himself
Sat Jan 26, 2019 10:00 AM The Battery Man. Winnipeg.
per, The Minnedosa Tribune. with many of his former
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* Furniture * Misc * Household *
Call 204-867-3816 or email customers and friends
class@minnedosatribune. Minnedosa Senior Citi- from his 25+ years in
(204) 467-1858 or
com for rates and more de- zen’s Association Annual the Ag Sector.
(204) 886-7027 tails. Meeting. Monday, February Blair’s Ph:
11th, 2019 following the Mon- 1-204-726-0000
day Luncheon. Everyone Wel- Cell: 1-204-761-2999
come. x
12 Friday, January 18, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune


Mid-West Planning District Mid-West Planning District

JOB POSTING (OPEN COMPETITION) POSITION: The Mid-West Planning District is accepting applications for a temporary/full time Office Assistant with
POSITION: The Mid-West Planning District is accepting applications for the full-time position of an Assistant the potential of being a permanent full-time position, to commence in February of 2019.
Development Officer/ Building Inspector to commence in March of 2019. DEPARTMENT:
DEPARTMENT: The Mid-West Planning District is a progressive planning district who provides service to the Rural Municipality
The Mid-West Planning District is a progressive planning district who provides service to the Rural Municipality of Ellice-Archie, Hamiota Municipality, Rural Municipality of Oakview and the Prairie View Municipality. The Main
of Ellice-Archie, Hamiota Municipality, Rural Municipality of Oakview and the Prairie View Municipality. The Main Office is located in Miniota, Manitoba.
Office is located in Miniota, Manitoba. SUMMARY OF RESPONSIBILITIES:
The successful candidate will join a professional, high functioning planning district. • Will act under the direction of the office manager and will be required to perform general office duties.
• Will act under the direction of the Development Officer. • Excellent interpersonal skills.
• This position requires interaction with the general public by providing building code, planning/zoning • Must have sufficient computer and keyboarding skills.
application information to the general public and administration of the associated by-laws of the member • Must have basic office skills.
municipalities of the planning district. Training, as required, will be provided by the Mid-West Planning • Valid driver’s license along with a licensed vehicle is required.
District. • Must have a Grade 12, G.E.D. or Mature High School Diploma.
QUALIFICATIONS THAT WOULD BE AN ASSET: SALARY: The applicant is required to state the expected salary.
• Excellent interpersonal skills.
• Knowledge of the construction codes. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS:
• Must have sufficient computer and keyboarding skills. Interested candidates should submit a cover letter and detailed resume, including three references, marked
• Must have basic office skills. Development Officer Position no later than 4:00 p.m. January 31st, 2019.
• Experience in a planning district environment would be an asset. Wayne J. Poppel,
• Valid driver’s license along with a licensed vehicle is required. Secretary Treasurer
• Must have a Grade 12, G.E.D. or Mature High School Diploma. P.O. Box 96, Miniota, MB R0M 1M0
SALARY: The applicant is required to state the expected salary.

DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: A full job description may be obtained from the Mid-West Planning District.
Interested candidates should submit a cover letter and detailed resume, including three references, marked Thank you to all who apply, however, only those candidates selected for interviews will be contacted. (44-2)

Development Officer Position no later than 4:00 p.m. January 31st, 2019.
Wayne J. Poppel, OPPORTUNITY
Secretary Treasurer invites applications for
P.O. Box 96, Miniota, MB R0M 1M0 COURT ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT CLERK Winnipeg Sub Office
A full job description may be obtained from the Mid-West Planning District. WRCFS is a mandated First Nations child and family services Agency responsible
to provide a full range of services, including statutory services, voluntary services and Heavy Duty Mechanic /
Foreman Needed
Thank you to all who apply, however, only those candidates selected for interviews will be contacted. (44-2) prevention services to the children and families of its nine First Nations, residing on and
• Full time, wages,
off reserve. The purpose of the programs of WRCFS is to sustain, support, and enhance benefits & pension
family and community life. package

Mid-West Planning District Reporting to the Administration Manager, the individual will be responsible for
providing general administrative support and court clerk duties at the WRCFS
• Service & Repair
equipment, etc.
• Semi-truck and liquid
JOB POSTING (OPEN COMPETITION) office located in the Winnipeg. Duties include, but are not limited to, the following;
preparing court documents, maintaining files, database entry, collection of statistics,
bulk tankers / trailers
• Read, Write & Complete
POSITION: The Mid-West Planning District is accepting applications for the full-time position of a Development typing, photocopying, and reception relief. work orders
• Must Comply with Safety
Officer/ Building Inspector to commence in March of 2019. QUALIFICATIONS: Policies
• Minimum Grade 12, with training/experience in office administration • Strong skill set required
DEPARTMENT: • Must have computer training and/or knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel • Multitasking & working
The Mid-West Planning District is a progressive planning district who provides service to the Rural Municipality • Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, and
well with team a must
of Ellice-Archie, Hamiota Municipality, Rural Municipality of Oakview and the Prairie View Municipality. The Main to deal effectively with people P: 204-571-3230
• Must have accurate typing speed of a minimum of 40 wpm F: 204-571-3232
Office is located in Miniota, Manitoba. E:
The successful candidate will join a professional, high functioning planning district. • Knowledge of and appreciation for Ojibway culture and aspirations are essential
• Excellent administrative and organizational skills 2001-49th Street E.
SUMMARY OF RESPONSIBILITIES: • Must be able to work as part of a team and be a team player in a fast paced Brandon, MB

• The Development Officer will be responsible for the daily operation of the planning district. environment
• This position requires interaction with the general public by providing building code, planning/zoning • Must be able to work independently
application information to the general public and administration of the associated by-laws of the member The successful applicant must provide WRCFS with a current Criminal Record check that
municipalities of the planning district. Training, as required, will be provided by the Mid-West Planning includes a Vulnerable Sector Search, Child Abuse Registry check, Prior Contact check and
Driver’s Abstract prior to the commencement of employment. Travel is required. A valid Agro Sales Manager
District. driver’s license and access to means of reliable transportation for work is a condition of Parkway Co-op, Roblin MB
• Position requires a strong
QUALIFICATIONS THAT WOULD BE AN ASSET: employment. background in Agronomy, Ag
• Excellent interpersonal skills. SALARY: Commensurate with experience and training and according to Provincial Equip. and Petroleum Sales &
Customer Service.
• Knowledge of the construction codes. pay scale. • Develop and implement a
• Must have sufficient computer and keyboarding skills. customer communication
Please submit resumes with covering letter indicating desired position to: plan, providing relevant,
• Must have basic office skills. Verna McIvor, BSW, MSW, RSW timely, accurate information
• Experience in a planning district environment would be an asset. Director of Urban Services on agronomy, petroleum prod-
West Region Child & Family Services, Inc. ucts, and services available
• Valid driver’s license along with a licensed vehicle is required. • Strong skills in any of the
255 Sherbrook St. following areas are an asset;
• Must have a Grade 12, G.E.D. or Mature High School Diploma. Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 2B8 Crop Inputs, Petroleum,
SALARY: The applicant is required to state the expected salary. Fax: (204) 985-4079 Livestock equip. and Grain
storage & Handling.
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS: Thursday, January 24th, 2019 • We offer a highly competitive
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: compensation program, a com-
Interested candidates should submit a cover letter and detailed resume, including three references, marked We thank all who apply, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. prehensive benefits package.
Development Officer Position no later than 4:00 p.m. January 31st, 2019. Contact:
Parkway Co-op, Box 729
Wayne J. Poppel, Roblin MB R0L 1P0
Attn: Lawrie Lungal, HR Mgr
Secretary Treasurer E:
P.O. Box 96, Miniota, MB R0M 1M0 Ph: 204-937-6414
A full job description may be obtained from the Mid-West Planning District.
Thank you to all who apply, however, only those candidates selected for interviews will be contacted. (44-2)
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, January 18, 2019 13



invites applications for
Loans Clerk/Member Service Representative CHILD & FAMILY SERVICES WORKER
Full Time Permanent Rolling River First Nation
MINNEDOSA CREDIT UNION LIMITED WRCFS is a mandated First Nations child and family services Agency responsible
The Position: to provide a full range of services, including statutory services, voluntary services and
Due to a recent internal promotion the Minnedosa Credit Union is seeking an prevention services to the children and families of its nine First Nations, residing on and Seasonal T1 and/or Farm Tax Preparer
experienced, enthusiastic and outgoing individual who thrives in a results driven off reserve. The purpose of the programs of WRCFS is to sustain, support, and enhance
family and community life. Reporting to the Community Based Team Supervisor, the MNP is looking for enthusiastic individuals to join our team in our Neepawa and Minnedosa offices
environment. as Seasonal T1/Farm Tax Preparers.
worker will be responsible to work as part of a team in delivering a full range of child and
General Responsibilities family services utilizing a community based model of service delivery, with emphasis on ResponsibilitiesÊ include:Ê
prevention and resource services as a frontline approach. • Prepare T1 Personal Tax Returns
Loans Clerk • Work as part of a team in a fast-paced energized group
Provide loan administrative support to the Loans Department, Assisting the DUTIES INCLUDE: • Set up client files and assist with the completion of administrative work
• Compilation and organization of client records
lenders in preparation and processing loan applications, annual reviews and • Ensure a working knowledge of CFS legislation, regulations, standards and • Prepare small business and/or farm tax return
related documentation, Posting loan entries, Processing Mortgage/Loan WRCFS policy and procedures
Renewals, Maintaining daily loan reports, files and diaries as assigned, • To operate within the mandate, understanding the role of a mandated worker TheÊ idealÊ candidate:Ê
• Experience in Canadian personal income tax education and the preparation of T1s
• Complete the Structured Decision Making as required
Maintaining filing systems of loan materials and records, Personal Property • Understanding of bookkeeping and record keeping practices on a manual and/or
• Provide Intake services using the Intake Module (IM) computerized system(s)
Registry administration, Manage Personal Property account balances, Manage • Provide direct service; Placement • Experience working with, or exposure to, accounting and tax software such as Profile,
Land Titles Office account balances, Pre-authorized Loan diary, Credit inquiries • Ensure there is development of relevant community resources of an ongoing Quickbooks, Simply Accounting and Tax Cycle is beneficial
from other FI’s, May relieve for other positions as required. • Strong computer literacy including effective working skills of Microsoft Word and Excel
nature and networks effectively with the existing resources Ê
Member Service Representative • Ensure culturally appropriate services
OurÊ firmÊ hasÊ beenÊ builtÊ onÊ ourÊ coreÊ valuesÊ ofÊ openÊ communication,Ê aÊ balancedÊ lifestyleÊ andÊ
The successful candidate will provide members with a variety of services related • Make referrals to appropriate resources based on family assessments theÊ notionÊ thatÊ weÊ expectÊ toÊ haveÊ funÊ atÊ work.Ê
to the promotion and sales of cash and non-cash related products and services, • Complete necessary administrative duties
• Establishment of good working relationships with other community services and
inclusive of deposits, withdrawals, bill payments, money orders and bank drafts
with courtesy and accuracy. You will respond to member and potential member
• Provision of a full range of statutory child welfare services
inquiries, analyze needs and assist members to utilize the product and service • Provision of individual and family counseling
which best meets those needs. QUALIFICATIONS:
The Salary: • BSW with at least two years related experience preferably in First Nations Child
Salary will relate to qualifications and experience. & Family Services. An equivalent combination of training and experience will
be considered.
The Benefits: • Must have a commitment to First Nations Child & Family Services, community
As an employee you may be eligible for a multitude of insured benefits such based planning & service delivery. Ê
as: Group Life Insurance, Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance, • Knowledge of and appreciation for Ojibway culture and aspirations are essential.
Dependent Coverage Insurance, Dental Plan, Short Term Disability, Long Term •

The ability to speak Ojibway will be considered a definite asset.
Must have demonstrated ability to work as part of a team and within a
Disability, Extended Health Care Benefits, and Critical Illness coverage.
You may also be eligible for our Group Pension Plan through Cooperative multi-disciplinary approach.
Superannuation Society. The contribution is 6% of your gross salary matched by • Must have computer training and/or knowledge of Microsoft Office
MCU. • Be familiar with the Structured Decision Making assessment tools, Intake & CFSIS
is essential. For Sale by Tender
The Person:
The successful applicant must provide WRCFS with a current Criminal Record Check that
The ideal candidate will possess a minimum Grade 12 diploma plus one to
includes a Vulnerable Sector Search, Child Abuse Registry Check, Prior contact check and
The Municipality of Harrison Park is accepting tenders for the
three years of experience or an equivalent combination of education and Driver’s Abstract prior to the commencement of employment. Travel is required. A valid purchase of the following surplus fire apparatus:
experience. Minnedosa Credit Union believes in the importance of its people driver’s license and access to means of reliable transportation for work is a condition of
and will provide ample opportunity for growth in your career through education employment. • 1980 Chevrolet G20 van, used as a fire department
and self-development…..your success is our success!
SALARY: Commensurate with experience and training and according to Provincial rescue vehicle
The Organization: pay scale.
Minnedosa Credit Union is a very successful single branch full–service Vehicle will be sold as is, where is.
Please submit resumes and a cover letter to:
financial institution with 3700 members and assets of $136 million. We
have been providing the Town of Minnedosa and surrounding communities
Esther Beaulieu, BSW, RSW Written tenders will be received until 4:00 p.m. on Friday,
Community Based Team Supervisor
with high quality service and products since 1947. For further details see: West Region Child & Family Services, Inc. February 1, 2019. Box 280 Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
The Community: ERICKSON, Manitoba R0J 0P0 Fax: (204) 636-6158
Manitoba’s Valley Paradise, Minnedosa is a community of 2500 with many DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS: Thursday, January 24th, 2019
For additional information or to view, please contact the
amenities including a daycare facility, New Medical Clinic, K-12 schools, hospital, We thank all who apply, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Municipal Office at 204-848-7614.
18 hole golf course, ski-hill and beautiful Lake Minnedosa. For further details see: Please submit tenders to:
Municipality of Harrison Park
Please send your resume, in confidence, by January 23rd, 2019 to: IN MEMORIAM
Terry McLenehan Box 190
Manager of Lending & Wealth Management Onanole, MB R0J 1N0
Minnedosa Credit Union Limited In Loving Memory of
Box 459, Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0 SHIRLEY GRAY Email:
We thank all candidates for their interest, however, only those
selected for an interview will be contacted. Tonight the stars
(44-2) are gleaming PROPERTIES FOR SALE
on a lonely, silent grave,
Where sleeps in
CARD OF THANKS dreamless slumber Ph: 204-867-4657
one we loved Prairie Mountain
Independently Owned Gwen Usick Fax: 204-867-2150
We wish to extend our The family of Yvonne but could not save. and Operated Broker Realtor
sincere thanks for the many Soloway would like to thank No one knows the
acts of kindness, support and the people that touched her silent heartaches, TIN TIN TIN TIN
only those who have LIS LIS LIS LIS
messages of sympathy and life. The Doctors and nursing N EW N EW N EW N EW
comfort following the death staff at the Minnedosa Hospi- lost can tell
of Dale McFadden, husband, tal and Brandon ICU and staff of the great grief that
father, grandfather. Our grati- at the Minnedosa Medical we bear in silence NEWDALE MINNEDOSA
tude and appreciation is also Group, Minnedosa Funeral for the one we loved so well. - 2+1 bedroom 2 bath, - 3 bedrooms 1 bath,
MINNEDOSA MINNEDOSA 1,040 sq. ft. 960 sq. ft.
extended to Dr. Onyshko, the service and EMS. Thank you - 2+1 bedroom 1 bath, - 2+1 bedroom 1 bath,
staff at Minnedosa District for the phone calls, cards, food Love from - Double attached garage - Refinished hardwood
720 sq. ft. 750 sq. ft. floors
Ray and Kay Woodcock - 24’x32’ attached
Hospital, RANA Respiratory and flowers and the many - Central air - Attached single garage workshop with in floor - HE gas furnace with
Care Group and Minnedosa friends for the support. Thank and family. - Updated windows - Updated windows heat (2007) central air
Funeral Services. Judy, Tim you to everyone. From the x - Shingles 2013 - Shingles 2016 - 42’x78’ machine shed - Shingles 2016
and Jodi, Marni and Luc, Saloway, Alex, Stormer and - 2 decks - deck in front & patio (1996) - Carport & single car
MLS#1830776 $154,900 in back - Sunroom & much more... garage
Christine and families Johnson families. x MLS #1830389 $159,000 MLS #1831060 $299,999 MLS #1830165 $159,900

Take a tour on or our website www.remax-prairie

14 Friday, January 18, 2019 The Minnedosa Tribune


“Living in your
Proud Supporter Rick Taylor 867-7551 CONSTRUCTION

BIRCH Parish Backhoe
GENERAL ●Septic Systems ●Weeping tiles
CONTRACTORS ●Water Systems ●Basements
• Specializing in water & sewer
Commercial ●All types of excavation●
NEW LISTING installation & repair Residential Certified in waste
• All types of excavation
17 - 6TH AVE. N.W. • Basements, Demolition
• Snow removal
867-0400 water management
• Gravel, Topsoil 0r Call: Ian
- 1/4 section south of Erickson - 1,330 sq. ft. 1 ¾ storey - 960 sq. ft. 1 3/4 storey • Sales of septic tanks

- 1,500 sq. ft. home built in - Extensive renovations - Numerous updates Kirk 867-0180 867-7506 874-2134 or 867-0383
1999 and upgrades and great yard

Bryon Gaiser HWM

- Numerous, quality buildings - Appliances included - Full line of appliances
$669,900 MLS #1901111 $49,500 MLS #1819609 included
$159,900 MLS # 1827119 Truck & Skid
Steer Service
Competitive Rates
204 LAKE ST.
204 - 6TH AVE. N.W.
- 3 bedroom lakeview - 1,060 sq. ft. bi-level - 1,450 sq. ft. 1 3/4 storey
- 1200 sq. ft. with full
- 3 bedrooms, 3 baths - 3 bedrooms, 2 baths C. BURTON ELECTRICAL EAVESTROUGH
Enterprises Ltd.
basement - Close to Playground - Extensive renovations and
and the lake huge yard.
- Single garage, town sewer
and water $254,900 MLS #1821529 $184,900 MLS #1825666 Refridgeration
Air Conditioning,
$299,000 MLS #1830968 Heating & Electrical BILL HOPKINS
Considering listing your Property? 30 Years 204-867-0260 5” AND 6” continuous
Call me today for great service at great rates!
Ex perience!!
Siding Roofing
Bus : 867-3950 Soffit Fascia


Glen Burgess
Closed cell Polyurethane Spray foam
Blow in Attic & Wall Fibre Insulation
Fire Retardent Coating

PRAIRIE REDI-MIX Electrician 204-867-3738

Minnedosa - 867-3853
R eady Mix Conc rete 204-868-5211 Email:
Concrete forms, Rebar, Wire Mesh,
George Allard, FCGA* Weeping Tile, Concrete Sealer, Snap Ties
Gateway Street All at Competitive
Jon Kowal
Onanole, MB Open prices
8:00 - 4:00
Howard Wirch, C.G.A*
9-515 4th Ave.
Suite A 867-0145 Custom
Shoal Lake, MB 110 Main Street South Fertilizer Minnedosa
204-759-2680 Minnedosa
Floating Credit Union
Dauphin Office - 204 867-5550 Call today to book your
15 1st Ave. S.W. ● Roofing ● Decks
Phone: 204-638-3005
● Fencing ● Exterior ● Finishing spring floating needs!
● Renovations ● Repairs
Fax: 204-638-5817
Darvin - 204-868-5869 Main line
*Denotes Professional Corporation AUTO
Robert - 204-867-7113 204-867-6350
204-868-5980 or 204-867-5544 Fairmount Solar and Electrics Brad Ross
For All Your Electrical Needs 204-867-6366
MÊ GijsbersÊ
204-874-2360 Terry McLenehan
Susan Glasgow
Chartered Professional BACKHOE & TRUCKING
Accountant Inc.
● AC
MinnedosaÊ Debbie Strelczik
Ê 213ÊÊ 2ndÊ StÊ NEÊ Ê -Ê Ê BoxÊ 385Ê Ê 204-867-6360
T:Ê 867-3884Ê Ê Ê C:Ê 867-0190Ê Electrical Inc. (48-4)
Dan Quesnel
Email:Ê Ê Catharine@mts.netÊ
M&M ●Electrical
GRAIN 204-867-6359
Donna Dowsett
AUTO BODY Contracting HAULING 204-867-6361
BDO Canada LLP All Auto Body Repairs Ph: 867-3238
Candice Brown
Chartered 204-867-6362
Professional Accountants Ph: 867-2083 Cell: 868-5741
Brian Horner Alayna McTavish
Farm, Business & Individual 5 Main St. North 204-867-6354
Grain & Fertilizer Kim Butler
Professinal Services: Hauling 204-867-6352
- Tax
- Accounting Book this spot Book this spot Joanne Clarke

- Farm Programs $5.52/week $5.52/week Gaylene Johnson

Don Simpson, CPA, CA Call 204-867 3816
Call 204-867 3816 Fax
39 Main Street South, Minnedosa
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, January 18, 2019 15


WAHOSKI G ORD K E L LY Lakeside St. Alphonsus
Septic Service
Drivers Licenses, Autopac MECHANICAL LTD. Plumbing & Heating Catholic Church
General Insurance Gas Fitting 142
142 4th
4th St, NW.
St, NW. • Lawn Mowing & Trimming
PLUMBING Potable water Minnedosa,MB
MB 867-3831
Cheri McTavish – Broker ph: 867-2084 Minnedosa, 867-3831 • Dandelion Spraying -
867-3946 HEATING cell: 867-0346 delivery. Licensed Pesticide Applicator
Mass Sunday 9:00 a.m.
Book your portable • Fertilizer Application
GAS FITTING toilets. • Licensed Arborist Service
LEGAL AIR CONDITIONING SELF-HELP Erle Jury & Family • Hedge Trimming
• Yard Clean Up
204-867-3121 867-2416
Alexander or A.D.A.M. Cory Johnston ▪ Minnedosa
204-476-5185 Cell: 867-7558
Jackson Anxiety Disorders People Helping People (204)Ê 476-4705Ê
Law Office - Committed to Caring -
B-116 MainSt.St
of Manitoba RAINKE'S
RAINKIES Phone (204) 857-6100
Minnedosa, MB Support Group Sewage Service Fax (204) 857-8389 Prairie Mountain HVAC/R
867-3981 Plumbing & Heating JIM BEAUMONT
Meetings are held at Ventilation/Air quality Neepawa Library 3rd Tuesday of 476-2483
Ty Burton the month 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Owner/Operator
Air Conditioning
Burgess Law 204-868-5358 For more info call:
Debbie Fisch
Cell: 476-6591 REAL ESTATE Kitchen Equipment
Office Commercial Gas Fitter
(204) 725-8550 Dennis: 476-2766 Commercial & Residential
51 Main Street S service specialist
Minnedosa ALCOHOLICS 23 Hour Service CALL ME... FOR ALL YOUR
Plumbing & Heating
ANONYMOUS 1-204-867-7346
minnedosa@ If you like to drink and can
Summit Septic
• Construction •
That's your business
If you want to stop and can't ServiceS LEONA’S
204-867-5458 That's our business. Minnedosa and surrounding areas Studio Of Image
P.O. Box 36 Frank r. Ford and Family Hair Care
L a w O ffi c e PLUMBING & HEATING
Russ Huyghe
or 867-3966 penny Ford PETER HARRISON
•Eminence Facials
Alanon - 210-0433 & Product
Norman H. Sims, Q.C. 204-868-6376
Alateen - 867-5121 Owner/Operator Phone/Text 867-5444 • Pedicures & LCN Nails
7 6 Ma i n S t r e e t S o u t h 867-3401 Minnedosa 204-210-0158 • Spray Tanning
MINNEDOSA • 867-2717 Cody Huyghe Mtg. Times: 8:00 pm Tuesdays
204-210-0502 Cells • Piercing
OFFICE MANAGER Drug Problem? 204-868-0851 or 204-868-0863
• Eyelash Extensions
204-868-6886 Narcotics
email: 204-867-2287
67 Main St.
Anonymous can help
BURTON PAINTING TRADING Meetings every Waterpals Rob’s TAC
Potable Water Delivery Yard Maintenance ServiceS Ventures Inc.
Tuesday & MinnedoSa & area
Myrna Alexander
Myrna Charles Minnedosa and area
Saturday at 7 p.m. Waste
Cell: 868-5503
Cell: 868-5503 • Snow Blowing
Health Inspected
at Calvary Temple, • Unwanted Item Removal Management &
TRADING STORE 221 Hamilton Street, No Job is too small!!! • Small Engine Repairs
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Neepawa, MB 204-868-5674 (204)476-0002
Book 867-5551 • Handyman Services
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• Reasonable Rates
This Spot Gently Used Furniture Bin Rentals
204-720-5934 Construction Demolition
for Clothing & Misc. Items SERVICES
Household clean up
only Donations Estate clean ups
Estate Sales
$8.29 We now offer Small Engine Repair
Pick-up & Deliveries Fair Rates
per CARPET CLEANING Call for Quote Book
week! Call us today for your carpet Fall Tune ups on
Snowblowers etc.
& upholstery cleaning needs.
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Kim’s for Book
This Spot
Cleaning Services only
- Residential $13.88 only
204.759.3313 - Commercial
per $8.29
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Toll Free 844.877.7767 204-848-0400 Home: 867-3272

● 204-848-0400 Cell: 210-0818 week! week!
#7 � 515 4th Avenue
Burlington Place, Shoal Lake, MB
16 Friday, January 18, 2018 The Minnedosa Tribune

Chancellors High School Hockey Report

By LAURA GOOD the first. Both teams found power play goal, assisted each scored three goals in atty finished his hat trick 2-1. The Broncos came out
themselves on multiple by Lucas Beatty and Mitch the second. Lucas Beatty with one more goal with with gusto in the second

T he final game for The

Chancellors in 2018
was the “Christmas Clas-
power plays and matched
goals at two a piece in
the second period. Josh
Collyer. Carter Hedley,
scored short handed to put
the Chancellors in the lead
found the back of net twice,
assists to Bryden McFar-
lane and Mitch Collyer.
assists to Carter Hedley
and Liam Bachewich. The
Chancellors came up a
and scored twice to take
the lead 3-2 to end the sec-
ond period. The Chancel-
sic” on December 21st Kingdon scored ripping a assisted by Sam Wilman. Lucas’s second goal was little short and fell to the lors fought back hard in the
against the Rivers/Elton slaphshot from the point Lucas Beatty scored the fi- a shorthanded that was Plainsmen 7-6. Tanner third but couldn’t capital-
Rage. Minnedosa was the assisted by Konlyn Ne- nal goal, assisted by Mitch unassisted. Carter Hed- Hanson was in net for the ize on their scoring chanc-
host town this year and the metchek and Lucas Beatty Collyer and Bryden McFar- ley scored the Chancellors game. es. The Broncos scored to
stands were packed with scored with assists going lane to seal the victory with third goal of the second On January 11th, the give them a two-goal lead,
Chancellors fans! to Carter Hedley and Sam the final score 8-6. Liam period assists to Mith Col- Chancellors loaded the but in the last two minutes
With just over a min- Wilman. The Chancellors Jardine was solid between lyer and Liam Bachewich. bus and headed south to on a power play and the
ute into the play Sam Wil- still trailed by one goal the pipes. The second period ended Boissevain. Carter Hedley goalie pulled, Mitch Col-
man scored to start off with after the second period. That would wrap up with the Chancellors down with an assist to Luke Par- lyer found the net assisted
the lead. The Rage were The Chancellors came out 2018 and give the Chan- 4-3. The Chancellors rott put the Chancellor on by Lucas Beatty and Luke
quick to respond scoring with some fire in the third cellors a two-week hiatus. pushed hard in third with the board to open the scor- Parrott narrowing the lead
three unanswered goals with Mitch Collyer scor- Next up was a road trip a goal by Mitch Collyer, ing. On a power play Josh to one. The Chancellors
in the next seven minutes. ing 30 seconds into the to Brandon to play the with assists going to Lucas Kingdon scored with an ended this game with a 4-3
With a minute left in the period on the power play, Crocus Plainsmen. The Beatty and Sam Wilman. assist to Luke Parrott to put loss.
first period, Mitch Col- assisted by Lucas Beatty Plainsmen were first on the Minutes later Lucas Parrott the boys up 2-0. The Bron- Our next game is in
lyer found the back of the and Carter Hedley. Just board and this ended the scored with assists going cos scored late in the first Dauphin on January 15th
net to put the Chancellor twenty seconds later Sam first period 1-0 in favour of to Bryden McFarlane and to end the first period with and then a tournament in
within one down 3-2 after Wilman scored another the Plainsmen. The teams Carter Hedley. Lucas Be- the Chancellors in the lead Carman on the weekend.

*We accept Visa, Master Card & debit card purchases

Sale Dates: *We sell lottery tickets
*We deliver within town limits Monday - Friday at 4:00 p.m
($2 charge - $10 minimum order)
JANUARY 18TH - JANUARY 24TH * Try one of our delicious BBQ chickens!
* We sell fruit, veggie & meat trays and fruit baskets
*Senior’s Discount every Friday (65 & up) (STARTS FRIDAY 9:00 A.M. - ENDS THURSDAY 9:00 P.M.) (24 hours notice is appreciated)
*We sell R.O. water

NN™ canola oil .........................................................................2LT ............. $5.79
FM pie lemon meringue ...........................................................1kg ............. $7.99
Ristorante,Casa DI Mama Pizza assorted .320-410gr ...... $3.99
Nestle water .................................... 24x500ml ...... $3.99 Marie Call scalloped,3 meat lasagn...................................... 879gr ............. $5.99
Kraft peanut butter assorted .................750-1kg ...... $4.99 Mccain superfries assorted ............................................454-650gr ............. $2.79
Folgers classic roast coffee tin or K-cup ...................... 920gr-12ea ............. $9.49 PC™ baby brussels or broccoli ..............................................500g ............. $2.99

NN™ Bath tissue 24DR or Mega paper towel ........................ 6RL ............. $6.99
Minute rice RTS wild chicken .................................................250g ............. $2.49
CL Leaf tuna white solid or flake .......................................... 170gr ............. $3.29
Chef Boyrdee canned pasta assorted .................................. 425gr ............. $1.49
Puritan stew assorted ............................................................ 700gr ............. $2.79
UB Fast +Fcy rice mixes assorted ......................................... 165gr ............. $1.39
PC™ appletreet pudding assorted .................................. 6x100ml ............. $1.99 PC™ smoked chicken thighs or french chicken drums ..... 800gr ........... $10.99
PC™ salad dressing assorted .............................................. 475ml ............. $2.49 NN™ crispy southern chicken .................................................1kg ........... $13.99
Classico pasta sauce assorted .............................................. 650ml ............. $2.99 PC™ chicken nuggets,strip breaded.................................... 907gr ............. $5.49
PC™ salsa white corn black bean mild .............................. 650ml ............. $2.99 ML Top dogs reg or BBQ size ........................................375-400gr ............. $3.79
PC™ Decadent choc chips assorted...270-300gr ...... $2.99 Outside round beef roast ......................................................................... $3.99/lb
PC™ pop assorted .......................................................... 12x355ml ............. $2.99 Lean ground beef CP ........................................ $3.29/lb
PC™ Maple brown oatmeal ................................................. 430gr ............. $2.49 Pork side spare ribs .................................................................................. $2.99/lb
PC™ Jam pure strawberry or raspberry ............................. 500ml ............. $3.99 Campfire garlic coil .................................................................................. $3.69/lb

PC™ Xtra meaty canned cat food ........................................ 156gr ............. $0.69
PC™ cookies ginger snap or oatmeal .................................. 350gr ............. $2.79
PC™ Kettle chips assorted.................................................... 220gr ............. $1.99
PC™ Dinner napkins CP ...................... 180sh ...... $4.99
Snackpack Family pack assorted ........................................ 12x99g ............. $4.00
Eagle brand milk sweet condensed ................................... 300 ml ............. $3.00
Minute Rice ............................................................................ 700gr ............. $4.49
Pineapple,Cantaloupes ......................................... $2.99
Mr.Maple cookies .................................................................. 325gr ............. $2.29 FM carrots 2lb,onion 3lb ....................................... $1.59
Kool Aid Jammers assorted juice .................................. 10x180ml ............. $3.00 Green onion ................................................................................................... $0.99
PC™ Decadent cookies assorted .................................280-300gr ............. $2.79 NN peanuts roasted shelled ................................................. 907gr ............. $5.99
Grapefruit .................................................................................................$1.49/ea
Fruitopia,MMaid beverage juice ......... 1.75lt ...... $2.49 Mini watermelon ......................................................................................$4.99/ea
PC™ choc chip cookie dough .............................................. 468gr ............. $1.99
PC™ BM Celebration margarine ......................................... 454gr ............. $1.99
PC™ shreds triple cheddar................................................... 320gr ............. $5.99

Becel margarine assorted......................... 907gr ...... $5.00 ALL PRICES ARE PLUS GST, PST & OTHER LEVIES WHERE APPLICABLE *WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES

BD process slices thin or thin light cheese .......................... 450gr ............. $3.99
BD cheestring marble ........................................................... 500gr ............. $5.99
FM sour cream ....................................................................... 500gr ............. $2.00

OPEN 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM, 7 DAYS A WEEK • 70 Main Street South, Minnedosa 867-2821
Wonder bagel assorted.......................................................... 390gr ............. $2.49 *PRICES AVAILABLE AT THE LUCKY DOLLAR IN MINNEDOSA ONLY

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