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Title: Final Research Assessment Bibliography

Author: Matthew Lang

Honors Science Research I
Mod 1
January 11, 2019
Dada, A. A. (2015, March 15). Improvement of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus, 1758)
Growth Performance Fed Three Commercial Feed Additives in Diets. Retrieved from
This publisher conducted an experimental analysis into tilapia growth in different stages
and environments. Several researchers conducted tests with various fish feed to study the
impacts on the growth of different test tanks. The researchers conducted this experiment in a
controlled environment with several testers to work all the tasks. To supply the conclusion
several references were mentioned in assistance for reaching the findings from the vigorous
Farming tilapia: Life history and biology. (2018, December 30). Retrieved from
This article provides accurate and detailed information for the development and
continuation of fish life. This source supplies details on all topics of tilapia from feeding to
reproduction. The article provides copious details on all the ways tilapia function and grow
which is very useful for my own analysis. The author of this article supplies additional articles
for follow-up research. The website has very credible and accurate information for tilapia life to
Growth and Production Performance of Monosex Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Fed with
Homemade Feed in Earthen Mini Ponds. (n.d.). Retrieved from
This article provides a detailed walkthrough of the chemical aspects of life for tilapia to
flourish. The article conducted a research experiment into the chemical needs for the water in
tilapia tanks. The tilapia in the experiment are very tough and grow rather quickly, similar to the
ones in the classroom. The article conducted a detailed experiment into the chemical aspects of
water for fish maturation. The auricle supplies many sources to add additional resources and
Physiological and Nutritional Studies on Improving Growth of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis
Niloticus) Fingerlings Using Alpinia Meal (Alpinia Galanga) as a Feed Additive. (2016, October
15). Retrieved from
This article follows the experiment on roughly forty fish to evaluate growth and
development in various environments. The article reached conclusions about each fish test group
that experienced different environments and food. The article explains the research process that
went into understanding the way tilapia grow and develop. The researchers supplies many
additional sources to add insight into the topic.

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