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Circular wave/ Plane and bend at
Gelombang the edge/
membulat. Lurus dan bengkok
pada hujung
λ before equal after/
λ sebelum dan selepas sama
Spread out/ Spread out/
disebarkan disebarkan
equal/ Sama

equal/ Sama
equal/ Sama

Spread out/ disebarkan

Decrease / berkurang
Small space behind Big space behind
barrier/ ruang kecil di barrier/ ruang besar
belakang halangan di belakang halangan
The smaller the gap, the more circular the
diffracted wave
Semakin kecil saiz celah, semakin
membulat gelombang dibelaukan.
Plane and bend at the edge/ circular/
Lurus dan bengkok pada membulat
λ sound waves > 𝛌 light / λ bunyi > λ cahaya

Cannot see the radio, light difficult to be diffracted.

Tidak boleh melihat radio, cahaya susah dibelaukan

Can hear the sound, sound can be diffracted.

Boleh mendengar radio, bunyi boleh dibelaukan
Sound waves are more easily diffracted because its
wavelength is longer than the wavelength of light.
Bunyi mudah dibelaukan kerana panjang
gelombangnya lebih panjang dari cahaya.
The sound of the owls will diffract through the space
between trees in the forest. The longer wavelength of
the hoots also easier to be diffracted.
Bunyi sahutan mudah dibelaukan melalui ruang
antara pokok-pokok. Panjang gelombang sahutan
bunyi yang panjang mudah dibelaukan.
Black and bright lines
alternately. Brighter
in the middle/ pinggir
cerah dan gelap
berselang seli. Cerah
di tengah.
Light will be diffracted/ cahaya dibelaukan
Light will be diffracted/ cahaya dibelaukan

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