Answer Key: 1 People

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1 People
1 4
1. well-bred 1. revolution
2. well-rounded 2. connections
3. well-liked 3. development
4. self-deprecating 4. foundation
5. self-confident / self-assured 5. existence
6. self-absorbed 6. significance
7. well-informed 7. stability
8. well-mannered / well-behaved 8. commitment
9. self-reliant 9. intimacy
10. self-important 10. happiness
11. self-centred
12. well-brought-up / well-educated 2 Change
13. self-conscious
14. well-adjusted 1
15. self-congratulatory
16. well-dressed 1. retrospect
2. retrospective
2 3. retrograde
4. retrogressive
1. personality 5. retroactively / retrospectively
2. characteristics 6. retronyms
3. character 7. retrofitted
4. personalities
5. characteristics 2
6. (a) personality
(b) interpersonal 1. bygone
(c) intrapersonal 2. contemporary / current / topical
7. depersonalizes 3. current / topical
8. (a) character 4. preceding
(b) personification 5. current
9. characterful / characterless 6. recurrence
10. uncharacteristically 7. concurrent
8. artefacts
3 9. infinitesimal
10. temporary
 -tion is the most commonly used suffix 11. discolouring
 More suggested words: decadence, 12. withstand
credence, arrogance, accuracy, frequency, 13. deterioration
freedom, childhood, desirability, brevity, 14. counterpoint
merriment, punishment, happiness, 15. embalming
forgiveness, prevention, conviction, caution,
tenure, failure, stricture 2013 | Page 1

3 5
anti- anti-colonial/anticolonial, antiseptic 1. inefficiency
dis- discomfort, disinterest, disobedience, 2. antisocial
dissatisfied 3. mistrust
im- immature, immobile, impolite, 4. monotonous
implausible 5. malnutrition
in- incapable, ineligible, inexperience, 6. underdone / overdone
intolerant 7. inedible
mal- malformation, malpractice 8. miscalculated
mis- misbehave, misconduct, misgovernment, 9. impatience
misinform 10. disinclination
un- uncomfortable, undesirable, undo, 11. unacceptable
ungrateful, untrustworthy 12. uncharacteristic
13. immodest
Note: the prefix anti is sometimes used with a 14. finalist
hyphen, and sometimes not. There are no set 15. deliberately
rules for when a hyphen is used or not, but, in
general, one is not used in words like antiseptic
or anticlimax, where the combination of prefix +
3 Community
noun/adjective is quite commonly used. Hyphens
are frequently used in combinations like anti-
terrorist, antifascist, anti-nuclear. In some 1. individuality (NOT individualities)
words, both spellings may be used, depending on 2. dissociate
individual preference e.g. anticlockwise or anti- 3. assimilated
clockwise, antisocial or anti-social. 4. stereotypical
5. self-destruction
4 6. counter-culture
7. coarsened
 bring/put into 8. dropouts
immigrate (v) to come and live permanently 9. standout
in a country after leaving your 10. breakaway
own country 11. opt-out
implant (v) to fix an idea, attitude, etc. 12. dumbfounded
firmly in sb’s mind; to put sth 13. repulsive / compulsive
(usually sth artificial) into a part 14. impulsive
of the body for medical purposes, 15. foremost
usually by means of an operation
implant (n) sth that is put into a person’s 2
body in a medical operation
-ful blissful, cheerful, delightful, disgraceful,
imperil (v) to put sth/sb in danger
forgetful, playful, restful, wasteful
import (v) to bring a product, a service, -ic artistic, chaotic, dramatic, ecstatic,
an idea, etc. into one country from idyllic, materialistic, sarcastic,
another therapeutic
import (n) a product or service that is
brought into one country to
another 3
imprison (v) to put sb in a prison or another dreadful – dread (noun and verb): a feeling of /
place from which they cannot feeling anxiety about something that may happen
escape 2013 | Page 2
17. enumerate
4 18. numberless / innumerable
artful: clever at deceiving people 19. innumerate
20. waterproof / water-resistant
Possible answers: archaic, aquatic, atavistic,
chic, eccentric, erratic, frenetic, prolific, rustic, 1. evidence-based
septic, sporadic 2. evaluation
3. exposure
6 4. foundation
5. dosage
critic – critical, logic – logical, polemic – 6. contaminants
polemical, statistic – statistical, topic – topical 7. analysing

8 3
1. materialistic de- decompress – decompression,
2. meaningful decontaminate – decontamination,
3. therapeutic defrost, delouse, demotivate –
4. stressful demotivation
5. uneventful em-/ embitter – embitterment, enclose –
6. atmospheric en- enclosure, encourage – encouragement,
7. distasteful enlarge – enlargement
8. enthusiastic re- refuel – refuel, replace – replacement,
9. Understandably restate – restatement, retry - retrial
10. resentful
11. unrealistic 4
12. hypocritical
13. inconveniences deform (v) change the usual shape of
something so that its usefulness
4 Science or appearance is spoiled
degenerate (v) become worse
devalue (v) reduce the value of a
1 currency; make someone or
1. pharmaceutical something seem less important or
2. after-effects / side-effects valuable than they really are
3. additives devitalize (v) take the power or strength
4. contagious away from something
5. connote reform (v) change a system, law,
6. unveiled organization, etc. so that it
7. bewildering operates in a more effective way;
8. ailments change you behaviour and
9. lifespan become a better person
10. undertake regenerate (v) make something develop and
11. disinfectant(s) grow strong again
12. inflammation revalue (v) examine something again in
13. (in)flammable / non-flammable order to calculate is present value;
14. anti-inflammatory increase the value of a country’s
15. war-torn – poverty-stricken money in relation to that of other
16. refrigerants – refrigeration countries 2013 | Page 3

revitalize (v) put new strength or power 9. a. future-proofed
into something b. proofreading
c. unproven
5 10. a. invalidate
b. validity
1. Intergovernmental c. invalid
2. reappraise
3. projections 2
4. unequivocally
5. deforestation 1. profoundly
6. recycle 2. refine
7. concentrations 3. strategies
8. cattle-raising / cattle-rearing 4. periodically
9. decomposing 5. multi-tasking
10. endangering 6. counterparts
11. livelihoods 7. excelling
12. unanimity 8. emotional
13. emissions 9. conclusion
14. enact 10. disability
15. reaffirmed
16. renewable 3&4
Noun outbreak, outbuilding, outburst,
5 Achievement outlaw, outlook, outpatient, outset
Verb outdistance, outdo, outgrow,
1 outlast, outlaw, outlive, outnumber,
outperform, outstay
1. a. contexts Adjective outdated, outdoor, outlying,
b. contextualize outspoken
c. contextual
2. a. indefinable
b. (un)defined / indefinite 5
c. well-defined outburst an explosion / sudden occurrence
3. a. well-established (burst out) of something, e.g. noise, anger,
b. disestablished protest
c. establishments the prospects for something, e.g.
4. a. consist the economic outlook; the
(look out)
b. inconsistency outlook for tomorrow’s weather
c. consistent or your attitude to life, e.g. an
5. a. misconceptions optimistic outlook
b. conceptual
outset the beginning
c. conceptualize
(set out)
6. a. reassessment
outspoken unafraid to voice an opinion
b. self-assessment
(speak out) openly
c. Assessable
7. a. lessen
b. selfless 6
c. belittled
8. a. hypothesis
b. hypothesizing
c. hypothetical 2013 | Page 4

1. deprivation
2. outstrip
3. backgrounds
4. well-balanced
5. outperforming
6. achievement
7. underperformance
8. spokesman
9. Discouragement
10. hostility
11. resentful
12. underprivileged
13. outstandingly
14. outshone
15. supportive 2013 | Page 5

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