Insights New Secure Initiative - List of Topics

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Insights New Secure Initiative – List of Topics

1 Tenets of Brahmanism
2 Bhagvatism
3 Shaktism
4 Animism
5 Hinduism
6 Tantricism
7 Buddhism- Thervada, Mahayana, Vajrayana
8 Jainism – Shvetambaras and Digambaras
9 Christianity
10 Islam
11 Bhakti
12 Sufism
13 Literature in Hinduism
14 Buddhist literature
15 Jain literature
16 Music and Religion
17 Sufi literature
18 Bhakti literature
19 Paintings – Religious and Secular
20 Miniature and Mural paintings
21 Paintings under different kingdoms
22 Modern paintings – British and National paintings
23 Folk paintings
24 Buddhist architecture
25 Jain architecture
26 Temple architecture: Nagara – Gupta, Solanki, Chandela, Northeast,
27 Dravida – Paula’s, Cholas
28 Vesara – Chalukyas, Hoyasalas
29 Islamic architecture – Khilji, Lodi, Suri, Mughal
30 British Architecture

31 Peasant Movements – 4 phases

32 Tribal movements
33 Socio-religious reforms.
34 1857 revolt
35 Formation of INC – Safety valve theory
36 Moderates – Ideology, Success and failure
37 Swadeshi movement
38 Extremists – Ideology Success and failure
39 Revolutionaries – 2 phases
40 Surat spilt
41 Home rule movement
42 Ghadar movement
43 Lucknow pact
44 Role of Gandhi
45 NCM
46 Swarajists and No changers
47 Simon Commission
48 Nehru report
49 CDM
50 Round table conferences
51 Constitutional reforms – 1773-1947
52 Dandi march
53 Individual Satyagraha
54 Quit India movement
55 Cabinet mission plan
56 Individual Satyagraha
57 Temple entry movement
58 Anti-caste movements
59 Role of women
60 Role of Labour
61 Royal India Navy revolt
62 Role of Subhash Chandra Bose
63 Various personalities
64 Enlightenment
65 Industrial revolution
66 Capitalism
67 Socialism
68 French Revolution
69 American Revolution
70 Revolutions of 19th century
71 Russian Revolution
72 World wars
73 League of Nations and United Nations
74 Fascism, Nazism
75 Cold war
76 Fall of USSR
77 Rise of US hegemony
78 Gulf wars
79 Regionalistion of World politics – EU ,ASEAN, Saarc,.

81 Preamble as source of power

82 Preamble as a part of Constitution
83 Amendability of Preamble
84 Nature of Fundamental Rights
85 Fundamental Rights are more exceptions than rights.
86 Differences between Equality before law and Equal Protection of Laws.
87 Reservation as a policy – Critical view.
88 Freedom of Speech and Expression and Censorship
89 Right to Life and its interpretations
90 Right to Religion and nature of Secularism in India
91 Rights of minorities enshrined in Articles 29 and 30
92 Art 32 as a soul of the Constitution.
93 Dpsp lays the foundation of welfare Polity
94 Gandhian principles in DPSP.
95 Fundamental Duties and Citizenship.
96 President various powers
97 Ordinance powers
98 Clemency powers
99 Discretionary powers
100 Veto powers
101 Comparison of each of the above powers with the respective powers of the Governor
102 Comparison of powers of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
103 Powers and position of Speaker
104 Process of Passing an ordinary Bill
105 Process of passing a Constitutional Amendment Bill
106 Money bill and its passage.
107 Resolutions and motions-comparison
108 Various instruments to exercise executive control over Parliament.
109 Parliamentary privileges and issues involved in them.
110 Original jurisdiction of Supreme Court
111 Writ jurisdiction of Supreme Court
112 Concept of PIL
113 Concept of Judicial Review
114 Judicial Activism and issues involved in it.
115 Separation of powers and Indian Political System
116 Legislative relations between Centre and States
117 Executive relations between Centre and States
118 Financial Relations between Centre and States
119 Nature of Indian Federalism.
120 Concepts of Cooperative Federalism and Competitive Federalism.
121 Recommendations of Punchhi Commission.
122 Finance commission and its functions.
123 Electoral reforms in India since Independence.
124 Election Commission of India – organization, structure and functioning.
125 Need for a review of the Constitution.
126 CAG- role and importance
127 Provisions related to official language in the Constitution.
128 Constitution is a living document.
129 Ideals of the Constitution achieved since Independence.
130 CIC – functions and importance.

134 Earth – Formation

135 Universe and solar system
136 Interior of the earth
137 Lithosphere and rock systems
138 Oceans, Continents and Landforms
139 Gravitation and geo-magnetism
140 Continental drift theory
141 Plate Tectonics
142 Earthquakes
143 Volcanism
144 Tsunami
145 Weathering and erosion , landforms, agents of weathering
146 Basics of atmosphere
147 Elements of atmosphere – Temperature, Pressure and Humidity
148 Pressure belts of world
149 Precipitation
150 Winds
151 Jet streams
152 Air masses
153 Fronts
154 Temperate cyclones
155 Tropical cyclones
156 El-nino, La nino, El-nino Modoki , La Nina Modoki , Madden Julian oscillation
157 Indian Ocean dipole
158 Major climatic regions of the world
159 Climate change
160 Ocean- basics
161 Ocean bottom relief
162 Temperature of ocean
163 Salinity
164 Ocean currents
165 Tides
166 Coral reef and marine ecosystem
167 Ocean deposits
168 Ocean energy
169 Physiography
170 Himalayas
171 Great Indian Plain
172 Peninsular plateau
173 Coastal plains
174 Islands
175 Desert
176 Climate of India
177 Monsoon
178 Mechanism of monsoon
179 Distribution of rainfall
180 Monsoon break and monsoon gap
181 Pre-monsoon showers
182 Annual rainfall map
183 Jet-streams and Indian monsoon
184 Cyclones
185 Climatic anomalies Indian monsoons
186 Climate change
187 Drainage – India
188 Major river systems of India
189 Inter-state river disputes
190 Soils of India
191 Major soils of India
192 Issues of soil erosion and soil degradation
193 Natural vegetation of India
194 Forest overview
195 Types of Forests in India
196 Wildlife and conservation sites
197 Agriculture
198 Salient features and problems of Indian agriculture
199 Major crops
200 Green revolution
201 Land utilization
202 Irrigation
203 Livestock
204 Distribution of mineral and energy resources
205 Industries
206 Localization of major and minor industries
207 Industrial regions
208 Population of India
209 Transport and Trade
210 World Geography
211 Distribution of key natural resources
212 Localization of industries
213 Continents

215 National Income – GDP vs GVA

216 National Income – Methods
217 Purchasing power parity
218 Inflation
219 GDP Inflator
220 Sectoral composition – Primary, Secondary and Tertiary
221 Banking – Institutions/Regulation
222 Banking Reforms
223 RBI – Functions, Reforms
224 Monetory Policy Committee
225 Employment – Formal/Informal/Male/Female – Trends
226 Foreign Exchange issues
227 FDI and FII
228 Inclusive Growth & Development
229 Financial Inclusion
230 Government Budgeting/Gender Budgeting
231 Mobilisation of Resources – Tax related issues
232 Issues related to JAM Trinity
233 Investment Models
234 Land Reforms
235 Cropping Pattern
236 Irrigation – Systems and Schemes
237 Agriculture Marketing – Issues
238 APMC
239 Farmers and Technology – Space tech, e-Technology
240 Subsidies – Issues & Schemes
241 MSP – Issues and Schemes
242 PDS – Issues
243 Food Security & WTO
244 Economics of animal-rearing
245 Food processing and related industries in India
246 Land Reforms
247 Agriculture Distress
248 Rural Distress
249 Effects of liberalization on the economy
250 Industrial Policies
251 Infrastructure: Energy, Ports, Roads, Airports, Railways etc.
252 Investment models
253 Conservation

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