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“have” sau “have got”

In engleza vorbita have got poate fi folosit in locul lui have in urmatoarele 4 situatii:
1. cand vorbim despre lucruri aflate in posesia noastra:
I have a friend in Bucharest. = I ‘ve got a friend in Bucharest.
2. cand vorbim despre familie (persoane cu care avem o relatie):
I have one brother. = I‘ve got one brother.
3. cand descriem oameni, caracteristici fizice
I have blond hair. = I’ve got blond hair.
4. cand vorbim despre cum ne simtim, boli etc:
I have a bad headache. = I’ve got a bad headache.
1) formele scurte ‘ve sau ‘s pot fi folosite doar cu have got – nu si cu have.
Corect: I‘ve got blond hair.
Gresit: I’ve blond hair.
2. NU folosim verb auxiliar (ajutator) cu have got, doar cu have. Atentie la forma negativa!
Corect: I don’t have brown hair.
Gresit: I don’t have got brown hair.
Corect: Do you have brown hair?
Gresit: Do you have got brown hair?
3. NU putem folosi have got in locul lui have dc acesta se refera la actiuni:
Corect: I have lunch at 12 o’clock.
Gresit: I have got lunch at 12 o’clock.

4. NU putem folosi have got la viitor sau trecut – doar have:

– Have you got a new backpack for the school trip on Sunday?
– No, I haven’t.
– Will you have it by Sunday?
– I am not sure.
5. In engleza americana vorbita (informala) de multe ori “se pierde” have /’ve:
I’ve got a new car. -> I got a new car.

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