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NAME_______________________________ CLASS_________ DATE__________________

World Religions-WebQuest

1. Find a pie chart of religions, what percentage of the world’s population is….


Islam _________

Hindu _________


Judaism _________

2. How many Jews are there in the world?

3. How many Muslims are there in the world?

4. Are there more Hindus or Buddhists in the world?


5. The “eight-spoke wheel” is an important symbol in Buddhism. Can you explain what this symbol means?

6. A pagoda is a Buddhist temple. These temples usually have five tiers. What do these tiers represent?

7. The ______________ symbolizes the teachings of Buddha.

8. In your opinion, why is meditation an important part of Buddhism?


9. The ______________ is an important symbol in Christianity because it represents peace and hope.

10. Explain what the nativity scene represents:

11. Christianity is separated into three major sects. Can you explain:

1. What a sect is?

2. Why are there different types of Christians?

12. Name five of the common features that you might find in a Christian church:


13. What is the name for the “Books of Knowledge”?

14. The ___________________ is the sacred symbol of Hinduism.

15. Hinduism began about 4,000 years ago in _______________.

16. Reincarnation is the belief that….


17. Can you explain why Islamic art and architecture have geometric patterns and shapes?

18. According to Muslims, ______________________ was the last prophet.

19. Islam is an Arabic word that means __________________________________.

20. Why is the Koran sacred to Muslims?


21. The Star of David is an important symbol of Judaism. What does it represent?

22. Why is the shofar (the ram’s horn) blown during Rosh Hashanah?
Website #3

DIRECTIONS: Draw a picture in Box 1 that represents something you’ve learned about one of the world
religions. Do the same in Box 2 for another of the world religions. Below your drawings, complete the

Box 1 Box 2

! What makes your pictures a good representation of the religions that you picked?





! Did you draw anything in Box 1 or Box 2 that would work well for another of the world religions?
Why or why not?




! Describe one similarity and one difference between the two religions that you have represented.





! Write down three new things you had learned about religions or any specific religion









! Did you enjoy learning about different religions? Why or why not?





! Do you have any unanswered questions, or something else you would like to know about religions







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