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Final Review Guide

The final in Introduction to Literature will be an essay about a poem. To study for it, please fill
out the following questions. You are allowed to use this and the “Poetry Cheat Sheet” on the

Part I: The Essay

What is a thesis? How do you know that you have a good one?

What do you need to do to write a good introduction paragraph?

How many body paragraphs do you need?

What do you need to do to write strong body paragraphs?

What do you need to do to write a strong conclusion?

Part II: Literary Devices

Please list all the types of literary devices that could potentially show up in a poem with their
definitions and examples.
Part III: Poetry Examples

Please explain how one of the poems we read used some or all of ​the ​3 Rs of poetry ​(​rhyme​,
repetition​, and ​rhythm​) to help make its point.

Please explain how one of the poems we read used its ​structure​ to help make its point.

Please explain how one of the poems we read used ​figurative language​ (like ​metaphors​ or
similes​) to help make its point.

Please explain how one of the poems we read used ​words​ or ​images​ to help make its point.

Please explain how one of the poems we read used ​repeated themes​ to help make its point.

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