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StATE OF Mics CORETCHEN wnTMER OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR ARUN OILCHRIST nary 18,2019, ‘The Honorable Alexander Acosta Secretary US. Department of Labor 200 Constitation Avenue NW Washington, DC 20210. Dear Secretary Acosta, 4 4m writing to respetlly request thatthe Department of Labor waive existing unemployment insurance sligiblty ules under 20 CER Section 609.3() for the State af Michigan to allow us to rowide unemployment compensation to federal employees who are requited to work without pay during the _Bovernment shutdown. Lam albo requesting thatthe Department of Labor work with ws fo remedy any short-term damage that providing UI may do to our UI ust fund, As Governor, tis my eesponsbilty to ensure the hardworking people represent have the resoures they need to provide for themselves and their files tis my hope that we can work together to ensure Iam able to fil this responsibil This federal goverment shutdown is now sh Janges in history, and is making it diffe for thousands of federal workers in ou Sate to make ends meet. Its priculaly dificult forthe thousands of Federal employees who ar curreatly being asked to work witout pay. These workers especially need our help to ‘ensure they can survive the shutdown without losing thei homes or thei ability to py for necessities. As leaders, we have a responsibilty tothe people fo work together to ensure they have the resources they "need while this shutdown drags on. To that end, I agin ask tha the Department of Labor approve cur waiver request o provide the regulatory Nesbility needed t ease the financial burden confronting these ‘worker trough no fault oftheir own, If 20 CFR Section 609.3(8 is infexible on this pont, the Department of Labor should work expeditiously with congressional leaders ona change to the statue to ‘low sates like Michigan the ability to eflr2is ertial assistance to workers and thei faites, ‘thank you for your consideration and look forward to your prompt response. Os

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