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}. Sr. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TULSA COUNTY, Doron ‘ ot . STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ) 85.0 OO Upto pp ins a. Nour 92 1680 _ COUNTY OF TULSA, |=) xcs DISTRICT couny nye INFORMATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA \ “ pibtntiss,) 21-0801 ve. aR 4 a % ett ‘ CEDRIC JOSEPH MARKS ory ) we ‘SBefendants.) BE IT REMEMBERED: Ghat DAVID MOSS, the duly qualified and acting DISTRICT ATTORNEY FOR TULSA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, who prosecutes in the name and by the authority of the STATE OF OKLAHOMA, comes now into the District Court of Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma, and gives the Court to understand and be informed that: ieee - a (COUNT 01) 4 iE CEDRIC JOSEPH MARKS, on or about 02-28-92, in Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma and within the jurisdiction of this Court, did commit the crime of ROBBERY WITH FIREARM(S), a felony, by unlawfully, feloniously, and wrongfully, while acting in concert each with the other, rob one JOSEPH KLECAK by wrongfully taking and carrying away certain money belonging to MY CAB COMPANY and in the possession of said JOSEPH KLECAK and in his immediate presence, without his consent and against his will, said robbery being accomplished by said defendants with the use of a certain firearm, to-wit: a handgun, and which they used to menace and threaten the said JOSEPH KLECAK with harm if he resisted, and by said assault, threats and menace did then and there put the said JOSEPH KLECAK in fear of immediate and unlawful injury to his person and overcame all his resistance, and while so intimidating him, did then and there wrongfully take and obtain from JOSEPH KLECAK the money as aforesaid, COUNT 02) . CEDRIC JOSEPH MARKS, on or about 03-03-92, in Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma and within the jurisdiction of this Court, did commit the crime of ROBBERY WITH FIREARM(S), a felony, by unlawfully, feloniously, and wrongfully, while acting in concert each with the other, rob one ROBERT RHEA, by wrongfully taking and carrying away certain money belonging to TULSA AIRPORT TAXI, and in the possession of said ROBERT RHEA and in his immediate presence, without his consent and against his will, said robbery being accomplished by said defendants with the use of a certain firearm, to-wit: a handgun, and which they used to menace and threaten the said ROBERT RHEA with harm if he resisted, and by said assault, threats and menace did then and there put the said ROBERT RHEA in fear of immediate and unlawful injury to his person and overcame all his resistance, and while so intimidating him, did then and there wrongfully take and obtain from him the money as aforesaid, contrary to the form of the Statutes in such cases made and provided, and against the peace and dignity of the State. DAVID . District Attorney ‘Assistant I, J.R. GOODENOUGH, being duly sworn on oath, say that the statements set forth in the above information aye true. STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ) ss. COUNTY OF TULSA, )

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