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Energy Policy 32 (2004) 1603–1614

Harvesting and redistributing renewable energy: on the role of gas

and electricity grids to overcome intermittency through the generation
and storage of hydrogen
Dennis Anderson*, Matthew Leach
Imperial College London, Centre for Energy Policy and Technology, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BP, UK


If intermittent renewable energy technologies such as those based on solar, wind, wave and tidal resources are eventually to supply
significant shares of total energy supplies, it is crucial that the energy storage problem is solved. There are several (long-recognised)
possibilities ahead including compressed air, pumped storage, further developments in batteries, regenerable fuel cells, ‘super-
capacitors’ and so forth. But one that is being revisited extensively by industry and research establishments is the production and
storage of hydrogen from electricity at off-peak times, and in times when there would be a surplus of renewable energy, for reuse in
the electricity, gas and transport markets; short-term and even seasonal and longer-term storage is technically feasible with this
option. This paper looks at the costs of the option both in the near-term and the long-term relative to the current costs of electricity
and natural gas supplies. While the costs of hydrogen would necessarily be greater than those of natural gas (though not disruptively
so), when used in conjunction with emerging technologies for decentralised generation and combined heat and power there is scope
for appreciable economies in electricity supply. A lot will depend on innovation at the systems level, and on how we operate our
electricity and gas grids and regulate our electricity and gas industries. We have also suggested that we now need to experiment
more, at the commercial level, and in the laboratories, with the hydrogen option.
r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Intermittent renewable energy; Hydrogen production and storage; Electricity and gas grids

1. Introduction supply, the development of storage systems would

improve the economic returns to—and the range of
The outputs of several of the most promising renew- applications of—renewable energy.
able energy technologies such as those from solar power, The advantages of storage have long been recognised
wind and wave energy, are intermittent, and often do in the electricity industry, and are not confined to
not match the energy demands of consumers. Unlike renewable energy, since it is a means of improving the
energy from coal, oil and gas the energy they produce utilisation of and the economic returns to investments in
cannot be ‘dispatched’ or called upon as and when fossil fuels and nuclear power. In the case of pumped
needed. Exceptions are energy from biomass and storage, there is an improvement in the dynamic
geothermal energy. response of the system to changes in load or unplanned
For the electricity industry, ‘intermittency’ is not a plant outages elsewhere, and a means of providing
serious technical constraint so long as the energy sources reactive power compensation. Decentralised storage
are diverse and amount to a small share of total supply systems may also reduce losses, reduce the need for
(Milborrow, 2002). However, at high levels of market reinforcements of the electricity transmission and
penetration the effects are more pronounced and some distribution systems, and facilitate voltage control.
form of backup or storage becomes a technological and Historically, the main storage technologies of interest
economic necessity. Even for lower shares in total have been pumped storage, batteries and thermal
devices. The production of and storage of hydrogen
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +44-207-594-6776; fax: +44-207-594-
has also long been recognised as having immense
9334. technical potential (see, for example, Justi, 1987; Ogden,
E-mail address: (D. Anderson). 1999), and at one time it was taken as a matter of course

0301-4215/04/$ - see front matter r 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1604 D. Anderson, M. Leach / Energy Policy 32 (2004) 1603–1614

that it would be produced by nuclear power when fossil newables, for example tidal, are intermittent but
fuels became scarce. On a small scale, and mostly for predictable (Hartnell, 2000). Predictability avoids some
short-term purposes, hydrogen can be stored in com- of the negative impacts of intermittency, but by no
pressed or liquefied form and in metal hydrides. On a means all.
large scale, and for both short- and long-term (seasonal In some cases, predictable sources offer greater
or longer) purposes, it can be stored in salt caverns, deep challenges, due to the great depth of their output cycle.
saline aquifers, and depleted natural gas reservoirs. For example, in the case of tidal energy, output cycles
However, the abundance of natural gas and the low down to zero at each change of tidal direction. This
costs of gas turbines for peak-load service undermined means that backup capacity equivalent to the full output
the case. Three developments require us to revisit the of the plant is required to be used for the trough of the
case: (a) the decline in the costs and long-term potential cycle (assuming the plant is operating in base load).
of renewable energy, which may make it attractive to Conversely, whilst unpredictable sources require the
store energy from this medium. (b) Concerns about same degree of backup capacity to be available, full use
climate change and the need to develop low-carbon of that capacity is less common.
energy options. (c) Developments in the fuel cell, which
with hydrogen as a fuel offers the prospect of a low- 2.1. Capacity credit and fuel saving
pollution source of power for both electricity generation
and transport. It is simplest to regard output from variable sources
While much effort is now being expended on the as a negative electricity load. Loads typically vary by a
development of particular technologies, it is also factor of two in a day. Dispersed wind, for example,
suggested here that we need innovations at the systems varies less rapidly and tidal more rapidly than this. A
level. Historically, electricity and gas grids have evolved simulation study by Holt et al. (1991) showed that while
to serve five functions: the output of a 1000 MW wind farm might fluctuate
between 0 and 1000 MW in a day, the output from
* to distribute energy, their primary function;
1000 MW distributed over 12 sites would fluctuate fairly
* to pool reserve capacity and enhance security of
smoothly between 200 and 500 MW. Grubb (1991)
estimates the likely effect of subtracting the output of
* to exploit economies of scale in generation;
25 GW of wind capacity (c.f. the capacity of the grid,
* to improve capacity utilisation by taking advantage
which is about 70 GW) and four tidal barrages from a
of regional diversities in the timing of peak demands;
monthly load profile for the UK in January. The
resulting net load curve shows a strong shift downwards
* to transmit energy in bulk from low-cost, fuel-rich
on average, a slight reduction in the typical level of the
peak, and a strong shift down in the minimum load
The additional possibility we consider below is the level, with occasional times when net load would be
‘harvesting’ of renewable energy from diverse and negative such that the energy would have to be
widely distributed sources, storage in the form of discarded or stored.
hydrogen, and redistribution of hydrogen for use by New capacity of any sort is valued for its contribution
large- and or small-scale generators—and also by in terms of capacity and of fuel savings made in the
industry and transport. existing plant. The capacity savings or ‘credit’ for a new
Section 1 summarises the technical and economic plant equals the marginal cost of ensuring that the
issues raised by the intermittent nature of renewable available capacity is sufficient to meet peak demands.
sources of energy, Section 2 lists the various possibilities The fuel savings for a variable, renewable source equals
addressing the ‘intermittency problem’ through the the marginal costs of reducing output in thermal plant.
development of storage technologies, and comments The capacity credit is calculated by determining the
on the economic aspects of introducing them on reduction of installed capacity of thermal power plant
electricity grids. Section 3 explores the harvesting that is possible without increasing the probability of loss
concept in more detail. The costs are compared with of load at winter peaks (i.e. how much thermal power
those of a system based wholly on natural gas and with plant could be ‘replaced’ by wind power, without
the costs of energy supplies today. making the system less reliable). For low levels of
penetration of wind power into the grid, the capacity
credit of wind energy is about the same as the installed
2. Technical and economic issues associated with the use capacity multiplied by the capacity factor (typically 20–
of intermittent generation on large electricity systems 35% for wind).
However, as the level of wind penetration rises, the
To begin, it is useful to keep in mind the difference capacity credit begins to tail off as shown in Fig. 1
between ‘predictability’ and ‘intermittency’. Some re- (British Wind Energy Association, BWEA, 2001):
D. Anderson, M. Leach / Energy Policy 32 (2004) 1603–1614 1605

rough estimate of the relationship is a ‘sum of squares’,

such that the overall variability seen is:
load variability2 þ renewable variability2 :
The variance of the renewable energy can be large if
the sources are highly covariant, but can be reduced
significantly if the sites are chosen such that the
covariances are reduced, e.g. through geographic
dispersal or through use of a diverse range of resources
such as wind, tidal, wave, biomass and solar.
Fig. 1. Capacity credit by wind installed capacity.
2.3. Reserve costs
successive increments are correlated with those already
on the system. Grubb (1991) presents a similar curve Greater variability affects operating reserve levels.
based on his own modelling. The benefits of geographic and technical diversity in
For low penetrations, variable plant simply ‘shaves improving the reliability of overall output from renew-
the edge’ of the load duration curve as it can be treated able resources act to reduce additional reserve needs.
as a reduction in load. High penetrations have a But the remaining uncertainty in output will have a
stronger effect on the shape of the load duration curve: fairly strong effect: beyond a minimum level of active
the peak is not much lower, but is much sharper (and reserve needed to meet a failure in the single largest
hence use of peaking fuels is lower). The lower end of plant or in-feed connected to the system, additional
the load duration curve will typically go into negative reserve is needed to account for error in predicting the
values reflecting power which must be shed (however, net load on the generating system. This can be
statistically this is rare for even very large shares of approximated as for cycling losses above, with variable
variable sources). plant netted off from load, giving rise to an error in
Denmark aims to have 50% of electricity generation predicting net load which is:
accounted for by renewable sources by 2030, of which error in predicting demand2 þ error in predicting variable output2 :
biomass will make up 18%. Problems of intermittency
of supply are not thought to pose a problem because of In this case, demand prediction is at an advanced
Denmark’s links into international electricity networks stage and errors are usually low. Hence, errors in
and markets, notably Nordpool. This provides a large forecasting output from variable sources could come to
pool of backup capacity and in particular a large dominate quickly. This highlights the need to improve
resource of hydro-electric power from Norway. Local predictive capabilities. Grubb (1991) points out that
combined heat and power plants can also be used as variable sources are connected to an integrated system,
back up capacity to ensure stability of supply (Royal and thus operating reserve should be allocated to the
Commission on Environmental Pollution, RCEP, 1999). system as a whole, and not to backup any particular
These observations are reinforced by material below source (this will clearly ensure better utilisation of the
relating to the statistical influence of variability and reserve capacity).
unpredictability, and the benefits of ‘sharing out’ that
uncertainty across large loads and generation. However, 2.4. Power shedding
high penetrations give rise to additional complexities in
the operation of conventional power plant, in the form As the capacity of a variable source increases, there
of cycling losses and reserve costs. will be times of low demand when the available power
cannot be used and the energy will be shed and lost. This
2.2. Cycling losses will occur long before penetration of renewables reaches
the minimum demand level, as there will need to be a
Increased startups and shutdowns of conventional certain level of firm capacity generating on the system to
plant affected and/or any plant ‘dedicated’ as backup to maintain operating reserve and system control. Shed-
intermittent sources incurs additional fuel use, personnel ding power is mainly a system management problem.
and servicing costs and service life losses. It can take With high renewables penetration, baseload thermal
d50,000 to start a 1000 MW coal station from cold, if plant could be partly loaded to avoid the shedding from
wear and tear is included. Treating variable sources as a renewables, and kept available to provide backup and
reduction in demand, the total variability seen by other system services. Experience shows that most large
conventional power plant is a combination of the load units can be run down to 50% without great difficulty,
variability and variability of the renewable generators. A and to 30% with increased wear.
1606 D. Anderson, M. Leach / Energy Policy 32 (2004) 1603–1614

One of the factors limiting the exploitation of exhibit some correlation with demand. For example,
Europe’s wind resource is the weak state of the high windspeeds lead to a marginal increase in demand
transmission and distribution networks in many of the through greater building thermal losses: but the
areas which are otherwise most attractive for installation correlation is weak. There is also a good seasonal
of wind turbines (European Wind Energy Association, correlation between windspeeds and energy demands in
EWEA, 1999). This is primarily an economic problem the UK, which are higher in the windier regions in the
resulting from technical effects since a large development winter, when electricity demands are highest. In sunny
on a good site may justify grid reinforcement. There are regions, especially the tropics, there are good correla-
also (resolvable) technical problems arising from voltage tions between the incident solar energy and peak
changes on turbine startup; voltage unbalance between demands for space cooling.
the three phases of the distribution system, causing
overheating of the wind-turbine induction machines; and 2.8. Conclusions on intermittent capacity
negative effects on ‘power quality’, including voltage
flicker, harmonics and other related issues. With increasing capacity, the marginal value of
intermittent renewable energy on the system falls when
2.5. Rate of change of output * capacity credits decline,
* variations in prediction errors overtake demand
According to Hartnell (2000), ‘‘The overall output of
forecasting errors, and
wind rarely changes rapidly enough to cause a problem * power shedding increases.
for a system that must be able to cope with sudden and
substantial losses of power, as described above. The rate Diversity in resources and sites is beneficial in
of change in wind output is much smaller than installed increasing predictability—and is inherent in very high
capacity, and very small indeed over a short time scale. penetration scenarios. Taking advantage of beneficial
German data derived from 1500 turbines totalling correlations (where they exist) and avoiding negative
around 350 MW showed that the mean hourly gradient ones is worthwhile. Nevertheless, intermittency will
was plus or minus 1% of the installed capacity. The impose serious constraints on and reduce the value of
maximum changes observed in 1 h were a 23% decrease renewable energy on the system in the long run. Further
and a 14% increase. Over 4 h intervals the maximum discussions can be found in Grubb (1988, 1991).
changes were larger, at plus or minus 50%. Similar results
were obtained from a study of six wind farms in Northern
Ireland. Over half-hourly intervals the magnitude of wind 3. Mitigating the effects of intermittency and improving
power fluctuation was shown to be mostly within the the economic returns to the system through storage
0–10% range and very unlikely to exceed 20%.’’
Stored energy has been used by the electric utility
2.6. Diversity in generation types and locations industry for over a century in the central energy supply
system, primarily for load levelling, i.e. to store low-cost
Geographic diversity improves the predictability and or low-priced electricity for use when the electricity
reliability of renewable output markedly. Grubb (1991) generation cost or purchase price is high. This led to
shows statistically the effects for a large network of wind better asset utilization for peaking and intermediate-
turbines. The effect of aggregating the output from duty cycle generating plants. However, the use of energy
dispersed generators is to flatten the distribution of storage has not expanded significantly beyond these
output level seen for individual machines, hence redu- applications for three reasons. (1) Continuous improve-
cing the variance of the output around the average ments in generation equipment, in particular of gas
capacity factor. turbines, have led to declining costs for peak-load
Diversity in renewable sources used for generation electricity capacity, and limited the benefits of storing
can have a similar effect. If the source outputs can be energy. (2) The difficulties of finding low cost and
treated as independent then their capacity contributions abundant means of storage, beyond the limited oppor-
are additive. Even more favourable is if sources are tunities for pumped storage. (3) In several countries, the
directly complementary: for example, wind and solar approach to reducing peak-load fluctuations has been
show a degree of this inverse correlation, with high through demand management, e.g. by incorporating
winds typically on overcast days. peak-load pricing into the tariff structure; or directly,
through remote switching of appliances by utilities and/
2.7. Correlation of output with demand or energy service companies. Aside from improving
demand management, peak-load pricing also provides
There is no certainty that many variable sources will the ideal incentive for the development of storage
be available at times of peak demand. Some sources technologies in a liberalised electricity market.
D. Anderson, M. Leach / Energy Policy 32 (2004) 1603–1614 1607

3.1. A list of storage options Electrochemical: Medium to large scale, short to

medium term. The most promising example is the
It has been suggested that utility planners have regenerable fuel-cell system pioneered by Innogy (the
been slow to develop and use novel energy storage ‘Regenesys’ system), comprising an electrochemical
strategies (Schoenung et al., 1996). Yet among reaction involving two salt solutions (liquid electro-
the already familiar and widely used storage lytes). The reversible process converts electrical energy
technologies there are others that have attracted into chemical potential energy. Outputs range from 5 to
much intellectual interest (if relatively little research 500 MW (Innogy, 2001).
funding) in the R&D community (President’s Thermal storage: Small to medium scale, short term.
Committee of Advisers on Science and Technology, Used commonly for off-peak tariff nighttime storage
PCAST, 1999): heaters or coolers.
Pumped hydro: Suitable for short-term storage for Thermochemical storage: Medium scale, short to
medium- to large-scale applications. Utilises the poten- medium term. The use of high-temperature solar
tial energy of a body of water at a relatively high energy from concentrators to create a synthesis gas
elevation by linking of an upper and lower reservoir. based on methane and CO2, which can be desynthesised
Outputs range from 20 to 2100 MW (Schoenung to give up the stored solar energy; pioneered by the
et al., 1996). Weizmann Institute in Israel; only suitable for high-
Batteries (electrochemical storage): Small to medium temperature solar concentrator systems in very sunny
scale, short to medium term. Outputs range from milli- climates.
Watts up to 20 MW—Puerto Rico Electric Power Hydrogen production and storage: Small to large scale,
Authority (Schoenung et al., 1996). Much progress has medium to long term. This is undoubtedly the most
been made on battery storage. However, even advanced promising long-term option, long sought after by
batteries only store as much energy per 50–100 kg of engineers and scientists. There are several options being
weight as is contained in roughly 1 kg of oil, which explored internationally:
restricts their use to special purpose applications,
emergency backup supplies and (with inverters) peak- * Seasonal storage in depleted natural gas and oil
load supplementation in capacity-constrained distribu- reservoirs and deep saline aquifers. Hydrogen can
tion networks. also be injected into natural gas systems, including
Superconducting magnetic energy storage: Medium gas reservoirs—the ‘hythane’ option.
scale, short term. DC current is circulated through a * Medium-term storage in a liquid form (the boiling
superconducting coil with energy stored in a magnetic point is very low, however, about minus 250 C), as a
field. Outputs range from 1.4 to 30 MW—Anchorage gas in pressure cylinders or storage tanks, in metal
Municipal Light and Power system (Schoenung hydrides, through adsorption in metallic compounds,
et al., 1996). or through the chemical formation of synthetic
Compressed air energy storage: Large scale, short hydrogen compounds.
to medium term. Power is used to compress air
that is stored underground, commonly in a rock or
Section 3 discusses the hydrogen option further.
salt cavern. The air is released either directly
through a turbine to generate electricity or more
efficiently into a combustion chamber with fuel, 3.2. The financial value of electricity storage
where it is ignited and expanded through the turbine.
Outputs range from 110 MW—McIntosh, Alabama, There are two revenue sources available to the
USA to 290 MW—Huntorf, Germany (Schoenung operator of an electricity storage facility1 in the UK
et al., 1996). and other liberalised electricity markets. Firstly, the
Flywheel energy storage: Small to large scale, short operator can take advantage of the fluctuating pool (or
term. Recent developments have involved using mag- other market) price by charging the facility when prices
netic bearings and vacuum containment to minimise are low and selling the stored electricity when prices are
frictional losses and noise. Outputs range from high. Secondly, payments are available for the provision
1 kW (Hockney and Driscoll, 1997) to 100 MW of ancillary services.
(Bornemann, 1997).
Capacitors: Small scale, short term. Long used to 3.2.1. Revenue from electricity sales
store a relatively small amount of electrical energy in An indicative estimate can be made using the average
electronic circuitry. More high-powered capacitors have UK electricity pool purchase prices before the New
been developed increasing potential uses in power Electricity Trading Arrangements (NETA) were intro-
electronics. Capacities range up to 10 MJ (Schoenung
et al., 1996). Adapted from Aplin et al. (2001).
1608 D. Anderson, M. Leach / Energy Policy 32 (2004) 1603–1614

duced. In 1998/1999, the p/kWh figures were as follows than those of peak-load generating plant, there is
(Department of Trade and Industry, DTI, 1990): potentially a very high marginal value of storage at
these points in the networks.
Weekdays 2.80 The analysis presented here is based on a static view
Weekends days 1.69 of the electricity market. In reality, significant applica-
Nighttime 1.50 tion of energy storage to ‘shift’ electricity generation
Summer 1.89 from times of low prices to times of peak prices would
Winter 3.20 necessarily affect those prices, and the underlying
operational dispatch of plant. Such effects could be
From these, some approximate ‘‘storage margins’’, in usefully investigated through the application of an
p/kWh, can be calculated: energy system model.

Night to day 1.30 3.2.2. Income from the provision of ancillary services
Weekend to weekday 1.11 The National Grid Company purchases ancillary
Summer to winter 1.31 services from generators and some consumers, the
services purchased include (OFGEM, 2000):
Therefore, any storage facility which had an effective * frequency response,
cost of 1 p/kWh or less would have been commercially * reactive power,
viable (this takes into account the grid maintenance * reserve: scheduled (rapid response); standing (20 min
uplift of o0.1 p/kWh). These margins are based on
response); and contingency (5–24 h response), and
average prices, sometimes referred to as blocked * black start.
averages, and understate the actual variability in costs
and prices with time of day and season. In fact, pool The estimated purchase cost of these services under
prices were set for half-hourly periods and studies have the NETA in the UK is d472,000 per day, or about
shown that the actual returns for a storage system will d172 m/yr (OFGEM, 2000). The total generating
be between 70% and 120% more than that calculated capacity in the UK grid is around 66 GW (DTI, 2000).
using the blocked averages (Graves et al., 1999), i.e. Contracts for ancillary services are agreed with approxi-
around 2 p/kWh. The same study compared revenue mately 40% of the market (OFGEM, 2000) or 26 GW of
from storage in various deregulating markets with capacity, giving an average rate for ancillary services of
hourly pricing. The UK was found to offer the highest d4.50/kW/yr—this figure is clearly artificial and simply
returns at around $80/kW/yr, and Norway, with its illustrative of some average value of ancillary services:
predominance of hydro generation, the lowest at around values will vary geographically with the network and
$2/kW/yr. demand structure, giving higher returns in some areas
On 7 September 2000 there were a number of planned than others. In the Californian electricity market the
and unplanned plant outages in the UK. Demand value of ancillary services has been estimated as $20/
peaked at 94% of the 41 GW of available capacity whilst kW/yr (d13/kW/yr) (Graves et al., 1999).
some 12 GW of capacity was unavailable (OFGEM,
2000). The pool price reached a peak of 21.9 p/kWh 3.2.3. Financial appraisal
whilst the off-peak price was barely one-tenth of this Table 1 sets out in summary a financial comparison of
(Electricity Pool, 2000), a margin of around 20 p/kWh. electricity storage using Pumped Hydro (RECP, 2000),
Clearly this was an exceptional situation but it further Flywheels (Bornemann, 1997) and Regenesys (Innogy,
illustrates the potentially high value of storage in 2001). The three storage systems reviewed here are able
electricity systems. to provide all the services mentioned (some additional
All such estimates are based on the idea of central capital expenditure may be incurred to give black start
generation and central storage, and neglect the benefits capability). With their minimal startup costs and
of storage in the distribution networks. The average UK flexibility, they are likely to be able to submit
industrial electricity price in 1999 was 4 p/kWh, and the competitive bids and secure contracts for provision of
average domestic electricity price 8 p/kWh (DTI, 2000), ancillary services. The approximate financial calcula-
the former being twice and the latter four times the tions set out below assume revenue from ancillary
average pool price, the differences being attributable to services of d4.50/kW/yr.
the costs of transmission, sub-transmission and distribu- Such financial appraisals contrast markedly with the
tion. But with the development of smaller-scale devices situation in the real world where pumped storage has
discussed below, it becomes possible to insert them in been operating for many years, two Regenesys systems
the distribution networks and save on network reinfor- have been ordered and large-scale high-speed flywheels
cement. Since the capital costs of extending and have found only niche applications. The IRR of 3.9%
reinforcing distribution networks are appreciably higher for pumped hydro is unlikely to be acceptable to a
D. Anderson, M. Leach / Energy Policy 32 (2004) 1603–1614 1609

Table 1 storage scheme is significantly increased (as peak prices

Comparative costs of and returns to three types of storage systems are typically higher) and thus there may already exist
Pumped hydro Flywheel Regenesys viable markets for the current technology. Thirdly, they
can be inserted in the sub-transmission and distribution
Charge and 1800 MW 100 MW 15 MW
generate networks such that, if widely deployed, they would lead
capacity to savings in the capital costs of transmission and
Storage 9000 MWh 5 MWh 120 MWh distribution, in the costs of peak-load generation; in
capacity addition, they would reduce losses in transmission and
Power/storage 0.2 W/Wh 20 W/Wh 0.13 W/Wh
Efficiency 75% 92% 98%
Design life 35 years 15 years 20 years 3.2.4. Storage in the liberalized market
Capital cost d1,000,000,000 d23,000,000 d12,000,000 ‘‘Bulk storage brokers are envisioned as a key element
Annual d250,000 d100,000 d60,000
running costs
of a deregulated electricity marketplace. Hedging is the
Annual storage d45,000,000 d3,100,000 d435,000 primary application for storage; it is physical insurance
revenue to enable energy availability so as to meet contractual
Ancillary d8,100,000 d450,000 d67,500 power or energy commitments. Hedging also allows
services greater risk tolerance during negotiations about power
Annual d53,100,000 d3,550,000 d502,500
prices. Storage technology, such as compressed air and
revenue pumped hydro (especially with the addition of adjus-
Revenue d/ d29.50 d35.50 d37.50 table speed drives), is available to meet this need. Other
kW/yr technology options can also meet this need, albeit for
NPV @10% d490,300,000 d3,200,000 d7,700,000 smaller storage sizes. The key to extensive use of storage
Internal rate of 3.9% 12.4% 1.6%
for hedging is cost and flexibility. The competition may
return well come from financial instruments for hedging rather
Required d58/kW/yr d31/kW/yr d98/kW/yr than from other technologies’’ (Schoenung et al., 1996).
revenue for
3.3. Comparing large-scale, long-term hydrogen storage
with shorter-term options

In the 1970s there was some pessimism that the

private investment but might be regarded as acceptable problem of long-term energy storage could not be solved
for a public project. The IRR of 12.4% for flywheel economically, because the economic case rested on the
storage indicates that it might be a viable project for frequency of the charge–discharge cycle.2 Thus, seasonal
private investment. With a discount rate of 10% only storage and annual storage would not pay since the
the flywheel scheme returns a positive net present value. facility might only be charged and drawn down once a
However, it has a very low storage capacity in relation year. The issue was seen as follows. Let S be the storage
to power capacity. capacity of the device in question—a battery, flywheel,
There are three reasons that may explain the decision capacitor, a cavern for compressed air, a reservoir for
to construct pumped storage plants in the UK. Firstly, pumped storage, and so forth. If n is the number of
the three pumped storage schemes in the UK were charge–discharge cycles each year and (to simplify) we
constructed under public ownership, implying use of a assume that the storage is to full capacity on each cycle,
discount rate lower than the 10% used in this appraisal. then the annual costs, C; of storage are given by
Secondly, they were constructed at a time when the
available source of peaking plant—oil-fuelled open cycle C ¼ aS þ bnS; ð1Þ
gas turbine—was extremely expensive to operate,
where a is the annuity rate times the capital costs per
implying effective storage revenues higher than exist at
unit of storage capacity (d/kWh say) and b is the fuel
present. Thirdly, the price assumptions underestimate
and operating cost of putting energy into storage,
the differences in marginal costs between meeting peak
adjusted for round trip losses. The average cost per
and off-peak demands.
kWh of the energy stored over the year is this quantity
There are a number of possible explanations for the
divided by the total quantity (V) stored and discharged
construction of the two Regenesys schemes against the
over the year, V ¼ nS; i.e.
apparently poor financial prospects presented here.
Firstly, these are the first commercial plant, and costs Average cost per kWh ¼ C=V ¼ a=nþb: ð2Þ
will decline significantly from the levels assumed here.
Secondly, in systems (as in California) where peak 2
We should like to thank Jake Chapman for drawing the issue now
demand is close to available capacity, the value of a discussed to our attention.
1610 D. Anderson, M. Leach / Energy Policy 32 (2004) 1603–1614

The average cost thus declines directly with the The second is that deep cuts in carbon emissions
frequency of the charge discharge cycle, and only for might be needed to address the problem of climate
emergency supplies does investment make sense for change. The recent report of the Royal Commission
cases when n is small. This relationship applies to all of on Environmental Pollution (2000), for example, sug-
the short-term storage technologies discussed earlier. gested that the UK might need to reduce its carbon
However, for the long-term (seasonal or longer) emissions by 60% by 2050, relative to carbon emissions
storage of hydrogen in depleted gas reservoirs or deep in 1990. If this were to be the case, a resolution of the
aquifers, the capital costs do not rise directly with the intermittency problem would be crucial if renewable
storage capacity but only with the volume put into energy were to make a major contribution to the
storage. Some reservoirs are extra-ordinarily large— abatement of carbon emissions. Hydrogen production
sufficient for several years of storage—and the main from renewable energy would be among the most
costs would be those of generating the hydrogen, important options.
compression and of the pipelines incurred in accessing A third reason might be energy security, since yearly
the reservoir. So the average and total yearly costs and even longer-term storage is technically feasible.
would be given by the product Vh; where h denotes the Fourth, innovations in hydrogen production such as
average cost per unit volume of generating the hydrogen photo-electrolysis, may change relative costs of hydro-
and putting it into storage. In this case, the average cost gen and natural gas. Fifth, low-cost paths to hydrogen
of storage per kWh is given by production exist via the steam reforming of fossil fuels
and biomass. They have aroused much interest. In the
C=V ¼ h case of coal, the process yields a mix of hydrogen
and CO2 gases, from which the CO2 could be extracted
and is independent of the frequency of the charge– and used for enhanced coal-bed methane and oil
discharge cycle. recovery on a non-net-CO2 emitting cycle.4 The
While, with geological storage, the frequency of the options of photo-electrolysis and coal-bed methane
charge discharge cycle is not the critical variable, it is production are beyond the scope of this paper, but they
evident that, so long as natural gas is abundant, it will do suggest that the cost estimates of the renewable-
be difficult for the ‘hydrogen option’ to compete. The energy hydrogen option, to which we now turn, present
pre-tax prices of natural gas in EU countries vary an upper bounds estimate of the costs of the possibilities
roughly between 0.7 and 1.0 p/kWh for industrial ahead.
consumers.3 The costs of intermittent renewable energy Hydrogen storage in depleted oil or gas reservoirs or
are currently 3 p/kWh, but are expected to decline to deep saline aquifers would also open up the possibility
around 2 p/kWh with investment. To this we need to of the seasonal storage of renewable energy—e.g. from
add the costs of electrolysis and compression, which in solar and other resources, when it is most abundant—
the following section we estimate might be 1 p/kWh once for use as and when needed year round. In this way,
the industry is established, giving a total cost of 3 p/ electricity and gas grids would move from their present
kWh, which is three or more times the cost of natural function of
gas. Once again we can see that a storage technology
would be out-competed by the costs of fossil fuels, all * energy distribution, to
else constant. * energy distribution, the harvesting of surpluses in
times when the energy is abundant, storage and
4. The hydrogen option and new roles for electricity and The other historical functions of the grids—to pool
gas grids reserve capacity, to transmit energy from regions where
it is most economically generated, to improve security of
Notwithstanding such calculations, there are several supply, and to provide opportunities for scale economies
reasons for revisiting the option of storing renewable in energy supply—would of course remain in tact.
energy in the form of hydrogen. The first is the possible Table 2 provides estimates of the costs of electricity
emergence of the fuel cell as an economically promising and hydrogen gas supplies for a system based wholly on
decentralised source of combined heat and power, for renewable energy. With respect to electricity supplies, it
which hydrogen would be the ideal fuel; it also offers is assumed that renewable energy supplies approxi-
economies by eliminating the need for a reformer, saving mately 50% of the energy demand directly; the
perhaps 30% on capital costs. Hydrogen is also remaining demand, including all peak demand, is by
potentially an excellent fuel for combined-cycle power
stations, gas turbines and micro-turbines. 4
See Socolow (1997) for a review, and the recent reports of the IEA
greenhouse gas abatement programme: e.g IEA (2001) and ICCEPT
See Digest of UK Energy Statistics (2000). (2001).
D. Anderson, M. Leach / Energy Policy 32 (2004) 1603–1614 1611

Table 2
Prospective costs of electricity and hydrogen from a renewable energy-based system compared with costs of an energy system based wholly on natural gas

Component of cost Costs (p/kWh) Costs (p/kWh) of Remarks

Current Prospective

Average costs of intermittent renewable energy 3.0 2.0

Electrolysisa 1.0 0.5

Compression and storage in reservoirsb 1.5 0.5

Average costs of distributing hydrogenc:

Industrial consumers 0.3 0.3
Residential consumers 1.8 1.8

1. Total average costs of hydrogen Natural gas

Industrial consumers 5.8 3.3 0.7
Residential consumers 7.3 4.8 1.7

2. Marginal costs of electricityd: Hydrogen as fuel NG as fuel Combined cycle for off-
peak, gas turbines at peak
for NG and H fuels
HV supplies at peak 31.5 24.2 16.9
HV supplies at off-peak 8.3 5.0 1.3
LV supplies at peak 41.8 34.1 26.4
LV supplies at off-peak 9.8 6.3 3.4

3. Average costs of electricityd:

HV supplies 10.5 6.8 2.8
LV supplies 15.4 8.9 5.6

4. Current average costs of electricity in the UKe: Current UK fuel mix

HV supplies 3.6
LV supplies 8.5

5. Average costs of electricity if fuel cells were Hydrogen as fuel NG as fuel

used for distributed generationf:
In industry (current FC price of d2000/kW) 14.7 6.7 Future fuel cells incl. use
for CHP
In homes (current FC price) 17.5 8.5
In industry (future FC price of d500/kW) 5.8 2.4
In homes (future FC price) 7.9 3.8

An exchange rate of $1.5/d has been used when the source of cost data is quoted in dollars.
Electrolyser costs of d400/kW (today’s prices) and d200/kW (prospective prices), 80% efficiency, and 70% utilisation. From Joan Ogden (1999).
Electrolyser costs of d400/kW (today’s prices) and d200/kW (prospective prices), 80% efficiency, and 70% utilisation. Ogden quotes costs of $2–
6/GJ (0.5–2.0 p/kWh), although adds that for seasonal storage the costs are higher.
The costs of hydrogen transmission and distribution are taken to be 1.5 times the costs of distributing natural gas, based on discussions with
industry. The costs of distributing natural gas are taken to be approximately equal to the average prices paid for natural gas in the UK (1.7 and 0.7 p/
kWh for domestic and industrial consumers, respectively, shown in the second column of the following set of rows) less the costs of exploration,
production and transmission to the gas grid entry points, which from IEA data on border prices appear to average around 0.5 p/kWh. The UK price
data are taken from the DTI Digest of UK Energy Statistics (2000).
Electricity marginal costs assume d280/kW for a gas turbine generating at 36% efficiency (Source: Gas Turbine World, Vol. 19, 1999), plus losses
in T&D of 5% for HV distribution and 10% for LV distribution, and efficiency of 55% for a combined cycle power plant. T&D costs for HV supplies
are assumed to be d300/kW and d600/kW for T&D for LV supplies. A 10% discount rate is used. Peak load period is assumed to be spiky—500 h/
yr—and a capacity margin of 15% has been included in the costs of the peaking plant (raising the capital costs/kW at peak to d325/kW) to allow for
outages and demand uncertainties. The average costs are based on 500 h of peak load and 4760 h of off-peak load (60% load factor). The average
marginal costs at off-peak assume that roughly 2000 h of the generation comes directly from renewables, at a marginal cost shown in the first row,
and 2760 from hydrogen, at a cost corresponding to the costs of hydrogen shown in the two row groups 1. For natural gas the same assumptions are
made for the capital costs of generation, transmission and distribution, for power station efficiencies, for peak and off-peak hours, and for electrical
losses in transmission and distribution.
DTI Digest of UK Energy Statistics (2000).
Assuming a conversion efficiency of 55% in the near term and 70% in the long term, after making allowances for the efficiency gains possible in
some applications in home and industry for CHP The calculation is based on the costs of hydrogen supplies shown in the earlier rows, plus the
annualised costs of the fuel cell and taking the load factor to be 60%. We have added 30% to the capital costs of the fuel cell system when natural gas
is used, to allow for the costs of the reformer.
1612 D. Anderson, M. Leach / Energy Policy 32 (2004) 1603–1614

assumption met by hydrogen-fuelled power plant.5 For times higher (6.8 versus 2.8 p/kWh in the above
comparison the costs of supplies from an electricity calculations) for industrial consumers, and 1.6 times
system fuelled wholly by natural gas using ‘best higher (8.9 versus 5.6 p/kWh), assuming that future
available technologies’ are also estimated; they provide natural gas prices will remain at today’s levels.
a lower bounds estimate of the costs of the fossil fuel 3. The future average costs of electricity from a renew-
alternative with which the renewable energy-hydrogen able energy-hydrogen system compared with today’s
system would have to compete. Also shown for electricity prices: As noted, the costing for the natural
comparison are the current average prices for electricity gas-fuelled electricity system is hypothetical, intended
and gas in the UK. The use of the first decimal place is to give a lower bounds indication of the costs with
not intended to imply accuracy but to avoid the which the renewable energy-hydrogen system would
accumulation of rounding errors; and we quote the first have to compete. Today’s electricity prices are
decimal place in table and in the following remarks for significantly higher. For low-voltage (domestic) con-
ease of reference and to reduce rounding errors, not to sumers they would be comparable using central
imply precision. The calculations are approximate and generation technologies—around 8.9 p/kWh as com-
intended to be indicative only; they are readily reworked pared with today’s average tariffs of 8.5 p/kWh. For
under alternative assumptions.6 industry the disparity would be greater. (See Row
Let us begin with the estimates of prospective costs, groups 3 and 4.) However, further economies would
shown in the second and third columns. The main points be achievable using fuel cells.7
to emerge are the following: 4. The future average costs of electricity from a renew-
able energy-hydrogen system compared with today’s
1. The costs of hydrogen versus natural gas: Not electricity prices—but using fuel cells for distributed
surprisingly, the costs of producing hydrogen from combined heat and power systems: There are four
renewable energy, putting it into storage, and reasons why the use of fuel cells for distributed CHP
redistributing it on demand through a gas distribu- would reduce the prospective costs of electricity from
tion system adapted to hydrogen would be appreci- a renewable energy-hydrogen system. (a) The possi-
ably higher than the current prices of natural gas. The bilities for reductions in the capital costs of fuel cells
costs would be roughly 4.5 times as high for arising from progress in materials sciences, system
industrial consumers (3.2 versus 0.7 p/kWh of energy design and batch production.8 (b) The inherently high
delivered), and 2.5 times higher for domestic con- efficiency of the fuel cell, particularly when operated
sumers (4.2 versus 1.7 p/kWh). Against this, we in the CHP mode. (c) The avoidance of electricity
would have a fully secure energy system in which losses in electricity transmission and distribution. (d)
the gas (hydrogen) supplies could be regenerated in Reduction or avoidance of the capital costs of
perpetuity. electricity transmission and distribution. While both
2. The marginal and average costs of electricity from a (c) and (d) would be offset somewhat—by roughly a
renewable energy-hydrogen system, as compared with a quarter based on the estimates available to us—by
natural gas system: The marginal costs of electricity at the costs of and losses entailed in hydrogen transmis-
both peak and off-peak and thus the average costs sion and distribution. The upshot would probably be
would also all be higher in the renewable energy/ an electricity supply system whose costs of supply are
hydrogen system. In relative terms, however, the not far removed from those of today, possibly less.
effects are less, since the main component of cost is (See row group 5, which also show the economic
not that of hydrogen, but the capital cost of potential if gas were the primary fuel. One can see
generation, transmission and distribution, which from such calculations why there is now significant
account for over half of the total supply cost in the commercial interest in the prospects for decentralised
case of the renewable energy-hydrogen system, and CHP based on the fuel cell.) The discussion above
three quarters in the case of the natural gas-fuelled focuses on stationary power uses of hydrogen and
system. The average costs of supply would be 2.4
Other forms of decentralised CHP such as micro-turbines would
The percentage of demand that could be met directly by renewables likely yield similar economies, though have not been costed here.
may be higher or lower than this, depending on the seasonal patterns The recent survey of learning curve coefficients for energy
of the energy incident on the renewable generators, the mix of technologies by McDonald and Shrattenholzer (2001) found that
generation (solar, wind and offshore devices, etc.) and the seasonal learning rates—the percentage reduction in costs for each doubling of
patterns of demand. Repeating the calculations under alternative the cumulative volume of production—average around 20% for
assumptions shows that, as would expect, the higher the share of renewable energy technologies, 25% for the offshore oil and gas
renewable energy output that needs to be stored, the higher the average industry, and were as high as 35% for the electricity industry
costs of supply. historically, over the period 1926–1970. Engineering analysis of the
We have made the spreadsheet available on the ICCEPT website technologies discussed above similarly consistently points to the
for those who wish to explore alternative assumptions—see www. prospects for appreciable reductions in costs from today’s levels (Ogden, 1999).
D. Anderson, M. Leach / Energy Policy 32 (2004) 1603–1614 1613

fuel cells alone. There is much interest in parallel regulation of energy systems, to assess whether they
applications for transport—which represents a very provide the optimal incentives for the new technologies
large additional market—and this would serve to outlined above to be developed and used. Among other
strengthen the downward pressure on costs. things, this requires the development of stochastic simula-
tion models (to allow for the stochastic nature of demand
and supplies, and uncertainties in cost parameters) such
5. Conclusions that we can better understand how such systems can be
optimally developed and regulated.9 Possibilities men-
On the basis of cost data and experience so far, a tioned but not developed above is the production of
transition to a renewable energy-hydrogen system would hydrogen from coal-bed methane and biomass, which are
mean higher costs of gas (hydrogen) as a fuel source appreciably less expensive than through electrolysis, and as
compared with natural gas, but would be associated many have argued may offer a low-cost path for the
with an electricity system having costs comparable to or development of hydrogen infrastructure.
below those obtaining today. At the same time, it would Third, and related to this, we need a system of tax
provide a solution to the ‘intermittency problem’ of incentives to support the development of new technol-
renewable energy and open up the possibility of a zero ogies with prospects of yielding significant positive
carbon energy economy, should the need for this arise. externalities, and which encourages the exploration of
The implications for policy require a separate options.10 The introduction of carbon taxes or tradable
analysis, but there are three aspects to policy that seem carbon permits would, as many have argued, provide a
to us merit investigation. First is the need for R&D and necessary incentive for the development of low-carbon
demonstration projects. The options discussed above technologies. But they need to be complemented by a
have the advantage that they can be explored and system of direct support for innovation through tax
demonstrated on a relatively small scale. We would credits, and public procurement and R&D programmes.
emphasise the importance of the following: The preceding analyses are at this stage partial, as
application of a systems model to explore feedbacks (for
* Experiments on the injection of hydrogen into gas
example, between storage activity and electricity prices)
reservoirs, in which the hydrogen content of the
and other dynamic effects are needed to better explore
reservoirs and in the gas outflows would be mon-
the prospects for the developments discussed. We see
itored over time to assess the retention capacity of the
this as an exciting area for future model development
reservoirs. The purpose of these experiments would
and application.
be to validate (or otherwise) the underlying hypoth-
esis on the prospects for seasonal and yearly storage
of hydrogen on a large scale.
* An R&D programme on hydrogen production,
distribution and use. This should include research
This paper is the outcome of two background papers
into novel methods of hydrogen production, such as
we wrote for the Cabinet Office (PIU) during the
photo-electrolysis, which could fundamentally alter
preparation of the UK Energy Review. We should like
the economic calculations discussed above, in favour
to thank Rob Gross for suggesting these papers and
of the option we have been analysing.
discussing the topic with us, David Hart for discussions
* A series of commercial scale projects, in the range 10–
of the hydrogen option, and Givanildo de Almeida for
100 MW, in which hydrogen is generated from renew-
several comments.
able energy sources, stored in a suitable small-scale
depleted gas field or other reservoir, and used for
electricity generation in say a combined-cycle, hydro-
gen-fired power plant. It is remarkable that, if we add
up the estimated capital costs of the component Anderson, D., Clark, C., Foxon, T., Gross, R., Jacobs, M., 2001.
technologies of the system described above—the costs Innovation and the environment: challenges and policy options for
of renewable energy plant, electrolysis, compression the UK. Final Report from Workshops Sponsored by the
and storage, and electricity generation from hydro-
gen—per kW of ‘firm’ installed capacity they are less Current methods of analysis based on the load duration curve are
no longer valid for systems with significant amounts of storage on
than those of Sizewell B (the most recent nuclear
them, since the use of the load duration curve assumes that optimum
reactor installed in the UK). The running costs would dispatch depends only on the size of the load (and the ranking of plant
be appreciably lower. We are thus quite close to finding in merit order), not when the load occurs. Distributed generation and
an economic solution to the intermittency problem. CHP also raises new issues for optimisation and regulation.
We discussed this topic in a recent series of Workshops on
Second, it would be desirable to revisit current policies Innovation and the Environment, sponsored by the ESRC. Anderson
with respect to energy and the environment, and the et al. (2001).
1614 D. Anderson, M. Leach / Energy Policy 32 (2004) 1603–1614

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