LISTENING: A) Listen To Four People Talking About Learning English. Match Topics 1-10 To Speakers A-D

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Instituto Superior de Formación Docente No Name: ………………………………………………………………..

Profesorado de Inglés – ID# : ……………………………………………………………………


 LISTENING: A) Listen to four people talking about learning English. Match topics 1–10 to speakers A–D.
(20 marks) (Inspiration 4 Unit 7)

1 Living in an English speaking country __________ 6 Keeping English a secret ____________

2 Wanting to support his / her own language __________ 7 Problems talking with native English speakers __________

3 Being able to speak several languages ___________ 8 Speaking to other professionals in English ____________

4 Getting good marks for English at school __________ 9 Needing English for a qualification ____________

5 Starting to speak late ___________ 10 Needing to improve his / her English fast ____________

B) Listen again and answer the questions below: (15 marks)

1. Why did Speaker A need to use English when she started working in hospitals back home in Indonesia?


2. In what way did the training course help Speaker B? ………………………………………………………………………………..………………..


3. Where did Speaker C learn his/her English? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

4. Does Speaker D use English outside school? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

 WRITING: Write about 150- 200 words on ONE of these topics (35 marks)

- Describe a memorable teacher

- Have you ever cheated in an exam? Describe what happened, if you regretted it and how you felt

 READING: A) Read the text and find out which person is … (Gold First Unit 2) (10 marks)
1. A twin _____ 2. The oldest _____ 3. A middle child _____ 4. The youngest of four _____

B) For questions 1- 6, choose from the people A- D. The people may be chosen more than once
1. Which person remembers having mixed feelings about the success of a sibling? ___________
2. Which person used to try not to get involved when a sibling was badly behaved? ___________
3. Which person once stopped doing something because of sibling rivalry? __________
4. Which person now finally appreciates the value of a sibling relationship? __________
5. Which person felt rather irritated on the birth of a sibling? __________
6. Which person could depend on a sibling for practical advice as a child? __________

C ) Read the text again and choose True or False. Justify the statements with information from the text using your own
words. (10 marks)

1. Will Young thinks people can get labelled too easily ________________________________________________
2. Jonathan Self felt his parents treat him and his brother equally _______________________________________
3. Kate was too cautious to take up a much- wanted career ____________________________________________
4. Emily is the most efficient person in her family. ____________________________________________________
5. Jonathan has overcome his feelings towards his brother. ___________________________________________
D) Answer the following questions using your own words. (10 marks)

1. What does Kate Firth mean with the phrase “he had set his heart on”? ___________________________________
2. What does Jonathan Self mean with the phrase “a new child turned up”? _________________________________
3. What does the word “that” in the phrase “it´s difficult to get away from that” mean (D)? _____________________
4 Summarize the main idea of the text _______________________________________________________________

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