Parang National High School 3 Quarter Examination English Grade 8

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Parang National High School

3rd Quarter Examination

English Grade 8

Name:_____________________________ Section:_________________ Date:_____________

Instruction: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of your answer on the space
provided for.
I. Love for Learning

______ 1. Love for learning is

a) inherent b) basic c) must in a human being
______2. We after
a) look b) wonder c) touch at the things
______3. around us and
a) try b)experiment c) investigate what they are and why they are so.
______ 4. Discoveries and inventions are
a) proof b)evidences c) outgrowths of this love for learning
______ 5. The quest for knowledge is a
a) coupled b) challenged c) charged with perseverance, industry, hope,
resourcefulness, and love.
______ 6. The result of which is
a) knowledge b) wisdom c) dignity
______ 7. One of the oldest literature in the world is
a) Asian b) Chinese c) Indian
______ 8. Chinese did not consider the literature separate art form
a) true b) false c) none
______ 9. Literature expected all
s a) educated b) learned c) cultured people to write in a graceful and an elegant style regardless
______ 10. of the
a)religion b) topic c) culture
______ 11. The characters in a narrative must be
a) realistic b) descriptive c) true people
______ 12. The plot of most stories center around the
a) characters b) culture c) conflict
______ 13. Conflict is a
a) story b) character c)struggle between opposing parties
______ 14. Conflict of a story adds excitement and
a) suspense b) climax c) interest
______ 15. Authors write for four main reasons.
a) to entertain opinion b) to inform c) to express d. combination of any e) all of
______ 16. Choose 2 best answer
______ 17. Maps identify and locate a variety of geographic features are
a) general map b) reference map c) general reference map
______ 18. Maps that emphasizes the location of rivers, lakes, mountains are called
a) physical map b) terrain map c) both are correct
______19. Maps that are designed to help people find their way from one place to another.
a) mobility map b) locator map c) road map
______ 20. A map to find specific addresses and to plan and follow short routes.
______ 21. Charts that show landmarks like bridges, roads, railways, tracks as well as location of airports.
a)transit map b) aeronautical chart c)aeronautical map
______ 22. Maps that are used to navigate ships and boats.
a) mobility map b) nautical charts c) NTR/IFR
______ 23. Maps that show the distribution of a particular feature like population, rainfall or a natural
a) thematic map b) inventory c) political
*To give intelligent answer; think about question ask.
a.)how b.)why c)when d)who
______ 24. question ask for a cause
______ 25. question for a date, time or particularly period
______ 26. Question ask for process
______ 27. Question ask about people answer to question about
a) what b) where c) which
______ 28. Question ask for choices or preferences
______ 29. Questions ask for a thing which could be living or non-living
______ 30. Questions ask for a place or location
______ 31. To give details or example to support your answer
a)tag question b)yes- no question c) information question
______ 32. Language is a a)subject b)tool c)communication to express to people
______ 33. People trace the causes and effect of the human comedies and tragedies of their time
a)true b)false c)not true
______ 34. A compound subject joined by and usually requires a
a)singular b)plural c)present tense verb
______ 35. The secretary and treasurer of the club
a) is b)are c)was d)were a second year student
______ 36. A compound subject joined by or, nor, either
a)subject b)verb c)modifier
______ 37. Neither the guard
a) nor b)or c)either
______ 38. Intervening expressions like as well as, in addition do not affect the
a) verb b)subject c)number of the noun or pronoun use as subject of the sentence
______ 39. The leaves of the narra tree
a)is b)are c)was d)were turning yellow
______ 40. Nouns plural in form but singular in meaning such as economics, mathematics, news require
a) singular b)plural c)counting verb
______ 41. The news about economy
a) is b)are c)was d)were discouraging
______ 42. Some nouns like pens, trousers, jeans, scissors are
a)singular b)plural c)many
______ 43. My mother scissors
a) is b)are c)was d)were in my bag
______44. Collective noun such as audience, army, class, company, flock denotes
a)singular b)plural c)collection regarded as a unit
______ 45.The audience
a)is b)are c)were of different opinions about the merits of the play
______ 46. Indefinite nouns, pronouns, and adjective are singular and they require
a)singular b)plural c)indefinite verb
______ 47. Each of the students
a)has b)had c)have his own book
______ 48. Nouns denoting quantity and amount like plenty, number may take a singular or plural verb
according to their
a) quantity b)amount c) number
_______49. Fraction take a
a)singular b)plural c)any verb if the object of the following
_______50. a) singular b)clause c)phrase is singular

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