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208496 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Page 1


Finite Element Analysis

P. Kunthong: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, THAILAND

208496 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Page 2

I Finite element method is a numerical
procedure that can be used to obtain
solutions to a large class of engineering
problems involving
I Stress analysis
I Heat transfer
I Fluid flow
I Mass transport
I Electromagnetic potential Finite element techniques can be used
to find stresses and deformations of
I Several alternative configurations can be an engine crankshaft under
tried out on a computer before the first different firing conditions.
prototype is built

P. Kunthong: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, THAILAND

208496 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Page 3

Engineering Problems
I In general, engineering problems are mathematical models of
physical solutions.
I Mathematical models are differential equations with a set of
corresponding boundary and initial conditions.
I The differential equations are derived by applying the fundamental
laws and principles of nature to a system or a control volume.
I These governing equations represent balance of mass, force, or
I When possible, the analysis solutions of these equations render
detailed behavior of a system under a given set of conditions.
I Analytical solutions are those given by a mathematical expression
that yields the values of the desired unknown quantities at any
location in the body.
P. Kunthong: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, THAILAND
208496 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Page 4

Elastic Deformation of Axially Loaded Member

Consider the bar that is subjected to concentrated loads at its ends and
variable external load distributed along its length.

Static Equilibrium:
→ Fx =0; −P (x) + (P (x)+ dPdx(x) dx) + f (x)dx = 0

dP (x)
dx + f (x) = 0

P. Kunthong: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, THAILAND

208496 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Page 5

Elastic Deformation of Axially Loaded Member

Relate the internal loading P (x) and deformation u(x).

P (x) du(x)
Stress and Strain in Element: σ= and  =
A(x) dx

Hooke’s Law: σ =E

P (x) = A(x)E dx

P. Kunthong: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, THAILAND

208496 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Page 6

Elastic Deformation of Axially Loaded Member

Using static equilibrium and Hooke’s law yields
d du(x)
Governing equation: E A(x) + f (x) = 0
dx dx

For constant cross-sectional area A and zero distributed load along its

Exact Solution: u(x, t) =
P. Kunthong: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, THAILAND
208496 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Page 7

Heat Transfer in Metal Bar

Consider the temperature in a long thin metal bar which is perfectly
insulated laterally.

Energy Balance Equation:

net rate of rate of rate of

heat gain by + energy = increase of
conduction generation internal energy

P. Kunthong: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, THAILAND

208496 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Page 8

Heat Transfer in Metal Bar

Energy balance equation:

net rate of rate of rate of

heat gain by + energy = increase of
conduction generation internal energy

Governing equation:
∂ ∂T (x, t) ∂T (x, t)
k + g = ρcp
∂x ∂x ∂t

P. Kunthong: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, THAILAND

208496 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Page 9

Heat Transfer in Metal Bar

∂T (x,t) ∂ 2 T (x,t)
Governing equation: ∂t = c2 ∂x2

Boundary conditions: T (0, t) = 0, T (L, t) = 0 for all t

Initial condition: T (x, 0) = f (x)

X nπx −λ2n t
Analytical Solution: T (x, t) = Bn sin e

P. Kunthong: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, THAILAND

208496 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Page 10

Numerical Methods
I Analytical solution yields the values of the desired unknown
quantities at any location in a body and are thus valid for an infinite
number of locations in the body.
I For problems involving complicated geometries, loadings, and
material properties, they are generally not possible to obtain
analytical mathematical solutions.
I To deal with such problems, we resort to numerical approximations.
I In contrast to analytical procedures, numerical methods yield
approximate values of the unknowns at discrete number of points in
the continuum.

P. Kunthong: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, THAILAND

208496 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Page 11

Numerical Methods
I The first step of any numerical procedure is discretization.

I This process divides the medium of interest into a number of small

subregions and nodes.

I There are two common classes of numerical methods:

I Finite difference methods
I Finite element methods

P. Kunthong: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, THAILAND

208496 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Page 12

Numerical Methods
Two common classes of numerical methods:
I Finite Difference
I differential equation is written for each node, and the derivatives are
replaced by difference equations
I easy to understand and employ, but difficult to apply to problem
with complex geometries or complex boundary conditions

I Finite Element
I use integral formulations to create a system of algebraic equations
I approximate function is assumed to represent the solution for each
I complete solution is the generated by connecting the individual

P. Kunthong: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, THAILAND

208496 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Page 13

Basic Steps in Finite Element Method

P. Kunthong: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, THAILAND

208496 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Page 14

Preprocessing Phase
Step 1 Discretize and Select the Element Types

I Dividing the body into an assembly of

subdivisions called elements, which
are considered to be interconnected at
joints, known as nodes.

I Choosing the most appropriate

element type to model most closely
the actual physical behavior.

P. Kunthong: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, THAILAND

208496 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Page 15

Preprocessing Phase
Step 1 Discretize and Select the Element Types

I Three basic types of finite element are beams, plates, and solids.

(1-D Element)
(2-D Element) Solid
(3-D Element)

P. Kunthong: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, THAILAND

208496 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Page 16

Preprocessing Phase
Step 1 Discretize and Select the Element Types
I 1-D beam elements are used to model long, slender structural
members as demonstrated in this communications tower finite
element model.

Beam Element

Communications Tower Finite Element Model

P. Kunthong: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, THAILAND

208496 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Page 17

Preprocessing Phase
Step 1 Discretize and Select the Element Types

I 2-D plate elements are used to model thin structural members such
as aircraft fuselage skin or car body.

Plate Element

Aircraft Finite Element Model

P. Kunthong: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, THAILAND

208496 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Page 18

Preprocessing Phase
Step 1 Discretize and Select the Element Types

I 3-D solid elements are used to model thick components such as the
piston head show below:

Solid Element

Piston Head Finite Element Model

P. Kunthong: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, THAILAND

208496 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Page 19

Preprocessing Phase
Step 2 Select a Approximation (Shape) Function
I Choosing a approximation function to represent the physical
behavior (such as displacement or temperature) within each element.
I Linear, quadratic, and cubic polynomials are frequently used

Step 3 Develop Equations for an Element

I Direct Equilibrium Method
I Work or Energy Methods
I Methods of Weighted Residuals

P. Kunthong: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, THAILAND

208496 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Page 20

Preprocessing Phase
Step 4 Assemble the Element Equations to Obtain the Global Equations
I The individual element equations are added together to obtain the
global equations for the whole structure.
I These equations generally take the form
k k12 k13 · · · k1n
 u  f 
k22 k23 · · ·
 1 1
k21 k2n 
 k31 k32 k33 · · · k3n   uu23   ff23 
    
  ..  =  .. 
 
 ..
. .
   . 
kn1 ··· knn un fn

Step 5 Apply Boundary Conditions, Initial Conditions, and Loading

P. Kunthong: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, THAILAND

208496 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Page 21

Solution Phase
Step 6 Solve for Nodal Results
I Solve for a set of linear or nonlinear algebraic equations
simultaneously to obtain nodal results, such as displacement values
at different nodes or temperature values at different nodes in a heat
transfer problem.
 
 u2 

 

. 
 .. 

 

P. Kunthong: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, THAILAND

208496 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Page 22

Postprocessing Phase
Step 7 Obtain Other Important Information
I Principal stress
I Heat fluxes
I etc.

Step 8 Interpret the Results

I Interpreting and analyzing the results for use in the design/analysis
I Postprocessor computer programs help the user to interpret the
results by displaying them in graphical form

P. Kunthong: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, THAILAND

208496 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Page 23

Applications of the Finite Element Method

The finite element method can be used to analyze both structural and
nonstructural problems.
Typical structural areas include:
I Stress analysis, including truss and frame analysis, and stress
concentration problems typically associated with holes, fillets, or
other changes in the geometry in a body
I Buckling
I Vibration analysis
Nonstructural problems include:
I Heat transfer
I Fluid flow
I Distribution of electric or magnetic potential

P. Kunthong: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, THAILAND

208496 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Page 24

Advantages of the Finite Element Method

I Model irregularly shaped bodies quite easily
I Handle general load conditions without difficulty
I Model bodies composed of several different materials because the
element equations are evaluated individually
I Handle unlimited numbers and kinds of boundary conditions
I Vary the size of the elements to make it possible to use small
elements where necessary
I Alter the finite element model relatively easily and cheaply
I Include dynamic effects
I Handle nonlinear behavior existing with large deformations and
nonlinear materials

P. Kunthong: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, THAILAND

208496 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Page 25

Computer Programs for Finite Element Method

There are numerous vendors supporting finite element programs
I etc.

Standard capabilities of these programs include information on

I Element types available, such as beam, plane stress, and three-dimensional solid
I Type of analysis available, such as static and dynamic
I Material behavior, such as linear-elastic and nonlinear
I Load types, such as concentrated, distributed, thermal, and displacement
I Data generation, such as automatic generation of nodes, elements, and restraints
I Plotting, such as original and deformed geometry and stress and temperature contours
I Displacement behavior, such as small and large displacement and bucking
I Selective output, such as at selected nodes, elements, and maximum of minimum values

P. Kunthong: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, THAILAND

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