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Few business transactions are carried through successfully without

correspondence at some point. Enquiries must be answered, quotations given
order placed, complaints dealt with, transport and insurance arranged and account
settled. Letters must be written to customers, salesman, agents, suppliers, bankers,
ship-owners and many others. They cover every conceivable phase of business
activity. They are the firm’s silent salesman and often enough represent its only
contact with the outside world. Hence the need to create a good impression, not
only of the writers firm, but also of the writer himself as an efficient person eager
to be of service.
Every business letter is written to a purpose; each has its own special aim
and one of the features of this book is its use of explanation to show how the
various letters set out to achieve their aims. Basic legal principles relevant to
different types of transaction are also touched upon, but only where there is a need
to clarify legal relationships. Where the book is used in class, the letter provide
material for teacher who may wish to enlarge on these matters and the exercises
the means for student to apply in practice what they have been thought.



A business letter is written in formal language. The letter is written for

official correspondence between two organizations and organizations and
customers, clients, etc. The style of the business letter depends on the relationship
that is shared between the two parties. A business letter is used for various
purposes like offering a business deal to other organization, accepting an offer,
denying an offer, new schemes for customer, extending the contract with a client.

A business letter should be short and to the point. The content used in the
letter should be clear and it should suffice the objective of writing the letter. The
letter has to give out the main message to be conveyed right in the beginning. The
letter should not have any typographical and grammatical error.

Take a look at the following points that will help you in drafting a
business letter:

 Make sure that you type the letter. It should not be handwritten.

 Always use a letter head to write a formal letter.

 If you don't have a letter head, then type your name, designation
and address at the top of the page.

 Mentioning the date in a letter is a must as it serves the purpose

of reference in further letter regarding the same topic.

 After the date, you need to write the full name, designation and
full address of the recipient.

 Then you need to insert greeting to the person whom the letter is
written. You have to use formal language. Take a look at this example:
Dear Mr. Brown.

 Now, you can actually begin to write the main message of the
letter. In the first paragraph, you have to introduce yourself if the
receiver does not know you. You could begin with a sentence like "We
had recently met in a conference", or "I had purchased a SIP from your
company two months back."

 After that you have to clearly mention the purpose of the letter.
The purpose may be to lodge a complaint, request for information,
compliment a product or service provided, discussing a business deal
etc. You have to be brief and precise.

 In the end of the letter, you have a complimentary close. The

words that are included: Sincerely, thanking you, regards, etc.

 The last thing is you need to type your name and sign the letter.

 The letter should be printed in a readable font.

Business letter is a form / type of letter that is used within the

scope of the business / working world. Business letter is a formal type of
letter that was made for a variety of purposes within the scope of the
business world.


Business letter is an old form of official correspondence. A business letter

is written by an individual to an organization or an organization to another
organization. Business letters are written for various purposes. One writes a letter
to enquire information, apply for a job, acknowledge someone's work, and
appreciate one's job done, etc.

As the motive of writing the letter is different, the style of the letter changes
and you get different types of business letters. The various types of business
letters are used by different people to serve their purpose of sending the message

Let's take look at the most common types of business letters:

1. Acknowledgement Letter : This type of letter is written when you

want to acknowledge some one for his help or support when you were
in trouble. The letter can be used to just say thanks for something you
have received from some one, which is of great help to you.

2. Apology Letter : An apology letter is written for a failure in

delivering the desired results. If the person has taken up a task and he
fails to meet the target then he apologizes and asks for an opportunity
to improve in this type of letter.

3. Appreciation Letter : An appreciation letter is written to appreciate

some one's work in the organization. This type of letter is written by a
superior to his junior. An organization can also write an appreciation
letter to other organization, thanking the client for doing business with

4. Complaint Letter : A complaint letter is written to show one that an

error has occurred and that needs to be corrected as soon as possible.
The letter can be used as a document that was used for warning the

5. Inquiry Letter : The letter of inquiry is written to inquire about a

product or service. If you have ordered a product and yet not received
it then you can write a letter to inquire when you will be receiving it.

6. Order Letter : This letter is as the name suggests is used for
ordering products. This letter can be used as a legal document to show
the transaction between the customer and vendor.

7. Letter of Recommendation : This type of letter is written to

recommend a person for a job position. The letter states the positive
aspects of the applicant's personality and how he/she would be an asset
for the organization. Letter of recommendation is even used for
promoting a person in the organization


1. Format Block (Block Format) : Business Letter
Format block pada business letter merupakan format surat bisnis yang
paling sederhana atau simpel diantara ketiga format surat bisnis yang
lain karena semuanya diletakkan pada bagian kiri surat.

Return Address Line 1 1

Return Address Line 2

Date (Month Day, Year) 2

Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr. Full name of recipient. 3

Title/Position of Recipient.
Company Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2

Dear Ms./Mrs./Mr. Last Name: 4

Subject: Title of Subject 5

Body Paragraph

Body Paragraph

Body Paragraph

Closing (Sincerely...), 7

Signature 8

Your Name (Printed) 9

Your Title

Enclosures (2) 10
Typist Initials. 11

2. Modified Block Format: Business Letter

Pada Modified block format businses letter, letak penulisan alamat

(address), tanggal (date), closing (penutup), tanda tangan (signature)
dan nama (printed name) berada di bagian kanan surat.
Return Address Line 1 1
Return Address Line 2

Date (Month Day, Year) 2

Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr. Full name of recipient. 3

Title/Position of Recipient.
Company Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2

Dear Ms./Mrs./Mr. Last Name: 4

Subject: Title of Subject 5

Body Paragraph

Body Paragraph

Body Paragraph

Closing (Sincerely...), 7

Signature 8

Your Name (Printed) 9

Your Title

Enclosures (2) 10
Typist Initials. 11

3. Semi-Block (Indented) Format: Business Letter

Pada semi-block (indented) format business letter, format penulisannya
hampir sama dengan Modified Block Format, tetapi pada bagian isi,
paragraphnya dibuat menjorok ke dalam, sedangkan pada Modified
Bock Format tidak.
Return Address Line 1 1
Return Address Line 2

Date (Month Day, Year) 2

Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr. Full name of recipient. 3

Title/Position of Recipient.

Company Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2

Dear Ms./Mrs./Mr. Last Name: 4

Subject: Title of Subject 5

Body Paragraph

Body Paragrah

Body Paragraph
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 6

Closing (Sincerely...), 7

Signature 8

Your Name (Printed) 9

Your Title

Enclosures (2) 10
Typist Initials. 11


Di bawah ini adalah keterangan dari nomor-nomor yang ada di setiap

format business letter di atas:
1) Your Address (Alamat Penulis)

Ini adalah bagian alamat penulis. Penerima dapat lebih muda untuk
menemukan alamt penulis jika mengirim surat balasan.

2) Date (Tanggal)

Ini adalah bagian tanggal pembuatan surat. Sedangkan format
penulisan tanggal adalah bulan/hari/tahun, misalkan August 30,

3) Inside Address (Alamat Tujuan)

ini berisi nama peneriam surat, jabayanya, dan nama

perusahaannya disertai alamatnya. Jika kamu tidak yakin untuk
siapa (nama) surat tersebut ditujuakn, jangan kosongkan, tetapi
coba untuk menguanakan jabatannya, seperti “Director of Human
Resources”. Beri jarak antara tanggal dengan penerima.

4) Salutation (Salam Pembuka)

Dalam bagian ini, istilah yang digunakan adalah “Dear

Mr./Mrs./Ms. (nama terakhir peneriam)”, misalkan “Dear Mr.
Fathoni”. Tetapi jika nama penerimanya tidak dikethui, tulis nama
departementnya, misalkan “Dear Director of Department of Human
Resource”. Beri jarak antara salam pembuka dengan isi.

5) Subject Line (Perihal)

Perihal membuat penerima surat lebih mudah menemukan maksud

dari surat tersebut, misalnya Invitation, Apology, dan lain
sebagainya. Ini merupakan bagian optional dari business letter,
artinya kita bisa mencantumkannya atau tidak.

6) Body (Isi Surat)

Isi surat merupakan tempat dimana kamu menuliskan hal yang

ingin disampaikan. Paragraph di isi surat harus menggunakan spasi
tunggal (single space) dan tanpa adanya jarak pemisah antara
masing-masing paragrap.

7) Closing (Penutup)

Bagian ini sebagai penanda bahwa surat anda telah selesai,
biasanya diakhiri dengan penulisan “Sincerely”, “Sincerely yours”,
“Thank you”, dan lain sebaginya. Catat, Terdapat sebuah koma di
akhir penutup dan hanya huruf pertama yang menggunakan huruf

8) Signature (Tanda Tangan)

Bagian ini adalah tanda tangan penulis, biasanya mengunakan tinta

warna hitam atu biru.

9) Printed Name (Nama Pengirim)

Bagian ini adalah nama penulis surat tersebut, dan jika anda
menginginkan, anda bisa memberikan jabatan atau posisi dibagian
bahwah setelah penulisan nama.

10) Enclosure (Lampiran)

Jika sebuah surat berisi dokument atau lampiran lain selain surat
tersebut, penulis haru menampilakan jumlah lampiran tersebut
yaitu dengan menggunakan “Enclosure (jumah lampiran)”,

11) Typist Initials (Inisial Penulis)

Jika seseorang selain kamu menulis surat yang kamu tulis,

cantumkan inisial anda diikuti oleh inisial penulis tersebut dibagian
bawah format, misalkan AG/gs.


1. Letterhead : The formal business letter should always begin with
letterhead. Every organization has a letterhead used for all official
correspondence. You have to begin the letter on the letter head of the
company. The letter head gives the receiver an idea about who has sent
the letter.
2. Date : The date has to written exactly below the letter head. The
date is important part of a letter and can be used as a reference. The

date has to be written in full with day, month and year. Take a look at
this example : 20 October 2005 or October 20, 2005
3. Receiver's Address : The next important part is the receiver's
address. You need to include the name of the receiver, his designation
and complete address. The inside address and the address on the
envelope should always be same.
4. Salutation : This is the opening line of the letter. It should begin
with a greeting. In a formal business letter, you need to write dear
followed by Mr./Ms with his or her name. You should never include
only the first name of the person. It looks unprofessional.
5. Body : In the first line itself, clearly mention the message of your
letter. The letter should be able to convey your message directly to the
reader. The letter has no place for unnecessary words. It has to be
concise but informative. You have to make sure that the letter has to be
professional. The letter should consist of paragraphs. Each new point
should have separate paragraph. The last paragraph should sum up the
letter and ask the receiver to do an action based on your letter.
6. Complimentary Closure : In the end of the letter you have to use
complimentary close. You can use words like "Yours faithfully",
"Yours sincerely". Comma has to be included after the close. You have
to insert your full name at the end leaving few spaces to sign the letter.
After this is done you can include the enclosures. Make sure that you
proofread the letter before printing it finally.


1. Sample letter of offer goods and services
Dear ,
Jln . No. permatasari . 77/71 Bandung ( 40288 )
Tel: ................ Fax : ................

No : 111/KJ/SPH/2019
It : The Supply of Goods and Services
Lamp : 1 ( One ) Files

With Regards ,

Together with this letter we intend to introduce our company PT.

We are a company engaged in the procurement of goods and services

installation / electrical ( electric ) that has had a lot of experience in
performing electrical installation in office buildings famous .

Accordingly, appropriate information we can bahwasannya PT .

DAMAI SEJAHTERA is a property company that is rapidly growing
and will build a new office building , then we intend to submit an offer
letter for installation and electrical installation which is our specialty .

We hope this offer can end up with the cooperation that can provide
benefits to both parties . In connection with the offer letter we make,
we are ready to hold a meeting with the PT .DAMAI SEJAHTERA to
follow up on the offer we made .

Thus we made this offer letter , for your attention and cooperation we
extend our thanks .

Bandung , January 12, 2019


t / hand + stamp company

Marketing Manager

2. Contoh surat bisnis


6123 Farrington Road

Apt. B11
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
January 11, 2005

Taylor, Inc.
694 Rockstar Lane
Durham, NC 27708

Dear Human Resources Director:

I just read an article in the News and Observer about Taylor's new
computer center just north of Durham. I would like to apply for a
position as an entry-level programmer at the center.

I understand that Taylor produces both in-house and customer

documentation. My technical writing skills, as described in the
enclosed resume, are well suited to your company. I am a recent
graduate of DeVry Institute of Technology in Atlanta with an
Associate's Degree in Computer Science. In addition to having taken a
broad range of courses, I served as a computer consultant at the
college's computer center where I helped train users to work with new

I will be happy to meet with you at your convenience and discuss how
my education and experience match your needs. You can reach me at
my home address, at (919) 233-1552, or at


Raymond Krock

3. A Sample Business Thank you Letter

Brian Taylor
4400 West University Blvd,
Dallas, TX,
United States
(214) 459-2363
January, 10, 2008

Elizabeth White
CEO, Biocon,

954 Luther Lane,
Dallas, TX,
USA>br> (214) 368-0400

Dear Ms. White:

As the Chairperson of the Help Age Society - Helping in rehabilitation

of Drug Addicts, I would like to thank you for the help and support
provided by your organization in this campaign.

The campaign was a success and the funds that we have collected this
fortnight are really good. Our target was to collect $1.50 million but
we have already reached the figure of $1.75 million. The funds are
pouring in from different quarters of society.

Biocon has helped us in tremendous ways and has been the front
runner in all the corporate campaigns that we had organized. The
financial support and the help in form of volunteers were of great use
to us. Your staff has helped us in managing the campaign. The
organization has carried out social responsibility in true sense of the

I would like to convey my sincere thanks to your entire organization. I

look forward in getting your cooperation in such campaigns in future

Yours sincerely,

Brian Taylor
4. A Sample Business Apology Letter

Samuel Taylor
Manager, Human Resource,

G Soft Solutions
1517 Lincoln Blvd,
Santa Monica, CA,
United States
(310) 395-8279
November 20, 2009

Mr. Brian White

Manager, Research and Development,
Glen Mark Pharmaceuticals,
1100 Las Tablas Rd,
Templeton, CA
United States
(805) 434-3500

Dear Mr. White:

This is with reference to our meeting last week in which we decided to

hold a series of training sessions for the staff of your department. The
training schedule is for two months. The points that we discussed were
as follows:

 Training the staff of Research and Development department

ON Soft Skills in the span of two months.

 There will be six hours training in the entire week.

 The training program will have a team of four trainers from

my company

 At the end, there will be evaluation and the staff members

who have successfully completed the training will get certificate.

Based on this, we have nominated Lara Kinsley, a lead trainer to

understand the needs of your staff and she will visit your office on
Monday, November, 23 2009 at 11.ooa.m. She will have all the details
of the program and will clarify your doubts.

I hope I have covered all the points that we had discussed. If you have
any queries, you can call me. I have enclosed the resume of the Lead
trainer, Lara Kinsley for your perusal

We look forward for your kind co-operation in this new initiative.

Yours sincerely,

Samuel Taylor
Manager, Human Resource

5. A Sample Business Introduction Letter


Erin Lawrence
Public Relations,
Bright Publications
5543 Dyer St,
Dallas, TX,
United States
(214) 369-7267
February 25, 2008

Samuel Jackson
Marketing Manager,
4400 West University Blvd
Dallas, TX 75209,
United States
(214) 459-2363

Dear Mr. Jackson:

It was indeed a great pleasure to meet you at a conference on "Latest

trends in Marketing Strategy" used by Pharmaceutical Companies in
US. Your report on how marketing strategies used by "Glaxo
SmithKline" have undergone change in the last four decades was
amazing and quite a learning experience.

Your company is a big brand and has reached many milestones. Your
company has a legacy of great management leaders and good will of
customers. Now, another milestone will be crossed in the coming three
months by your company. The company is approaching its 50th
anniversary which is a great occasion.

As I had mentioned to you in the conference, my company "bright

publications" is into publication of corporate profiles, annual reports,
special occasion publications and corporate histories. We have been in

this business for the last twenty years. We started the company with a
team of four members and now are a company with two hundred
employees with branches in three cities. We have been contacted by
and have business with some of the fortune 500 companies.

With the fiftieth anniversary celebrations round the corner, it would be

great if we get an opportunity to publish the corporate history of your
company. This will help you in making the anniversary special.

I look forward to a positive reply from your side. You can call me on
my number. After that, we can meet personally and I can showcase
some of our prior work. We can discuss the details in the personal

Yours truly,

Erin Lawrence,
Public Relations
6. A Sample Business Apology Letter


Bob Wilson
Customer Service Manager,
Tangy Food Products,
1021 Tamarisk West St,
Rancho Mirage, CA,
(760) 416-3139
March, 15 2009

Harry Jefferson
Store Manager,
Arc Supermarkets,
2431 Fair Oaks Blvd,
Fair Oaks, CA,
United States (916) 966-5010

Dear Mr. Jefferson:

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused to your organization. The
purchase order No GH 112233 that you received on November, 13
2009 was defective. We understand the inconvenience caused to your
company and customers.

The shipped product did not meet the quality and standards that we
have been delivering for last five years. The customers have full faith
in our products and they should continue the long lasting relationship
that we have shared.

We have already started working on your order with the help of

additional staff. We will be shipping your order by the end of this
week. We have asked the shippers to collect the defective order from
your warehouse so that you can stock the new order that will arrive.

We can assure you high quality products in the order that you will be
receiving. I apologize for the inconvenience again and promise you
that this will not be repeated in future.

We look forward to continue our business and professional relations

that are mutually beneficial, which we have shared for last few years.
Let us know if we can help you any other manner to pacify your

Yours sincerely,

Bob Wilson
Customer Service Manager

7. Sample Business Reference Letter


Julia Anderson
Head of English Department,
Jennings Community College
6330 Brooklyn Blvd,
Brooklyn Center, MN,

United States
(763) 503-3534

July 30, 2009

John Slater
Training and Placement Cell
6528 Penn Ave S,
Richfield, MN, United States
(612) 861-9550

Dear Mr. Slater:

Christine Clark has worked in department of English for the last two
years. She used to teach under graduates classes. She took up courses
like English Language Teaching, Sort Stories in English, and Phonetics
in college. She has good basic knowledge of concepts in English
language teaching. She had established good rapport with students in a
short span of time. She devised innovative teaching methodologies to
deal with students who lacked in English communication.

Unfortunately, the enrollment of students this year is not up to the

mark and she has become surplus in the department. She has no
workload for this academic year We cannot hire her under these

Christine is hardworking and diligent. She loves to work in team. She

is passionate about teaching profession and this comes out through her
excellent performance for the last two years. She is quite adaptable and
quickly fits in the group.

As head of the department, I would definitely like her to be part of my

team if given an opportunity. I highly recommend her for your

Yours faithfully,

Julia Anderson


Inquiry letter is a letter of request, also known as a letter of the
candidate. Which will be sent to companies. Request letter is a letter from
a prospective buyer to the seller requesting information products offered.
With a quote from the seller then potential buyers will know the price and
a information of the items or services to be purchased. This is the purpose
of the prospective buyer a write request letter to the seller. When the
prospective buyer has to know the condition of an item or services
following the price and term of sale and purchase, of course he does not
need anymore request a quote from the seller. Letter of inquiry required in
formal trade requiring formal procedures in writing. The letter of inquiry is
often an early stage of the business transaction. By the letter of inquiry
prospective buyers ask or inquiry about the items or service to be
purchased. In response, the seller expalined the things he want to know the
buyer, buyer’s reservation and eventually business transaction as the end
of the buying and selling process
In the letter of inquiry for the items usually offer prospective
buyers ask :
1. Specification of items, namely : type, size, quality, capacity, etc.
2. The price per unit.
3. How to pay
4. How to surrender, and
5. Easy that may be obtained by the buyer, such as guarantees and

In addition to things mentioned above prospective buyers asking

price lists and catalogs (if the items varies), and a technical description of
the items in the form of leaflet or brochures. For items that are possible,
prospective buyers can also request sent examples of the real stuff.

Through a letter of inquiry and supply service, prospecitve buyers can

inquiry :

1. The form of services that can be presented by the seller.

2. Equipment that can be used by the seller as a support (If any)
3. Price
4. Piece and
5. How to pay.


1. ______________________________________________________


Regrents Street 435

25 June 2009
The Krakatau Steel Engineering Co.
West Java

Dear Sir or Madam,

Subject: Request of cataloque
We saw your advertisement in the “Metak Worker” A few days ago and
interested in your steel product.
Please let us have the details of your product together with sample,
terms of payment and the price out. If the quality is satisfactory and the
terms are reasonable, we will place a large order soon. Could you give
us details of discount and the fatest delivery please.
We hope to receive your reply soon.
Yours faithfully,
Ms. John lennon
Sales Manager

2. ______________________________________________________


NO 78. JL.Kalibata Raya

Bekasi 1420, West Java

15 february 2013
Distro cloud Corporation
Pasundan Raya Street, No. 15

Jakarta 1240
Dear Sirs,

We are a boutique located in Bekasi , and we were interested in your

distro cloud shirt medium size product.
Therefore, we will appreciate it if you can send us a very detailed
explanation of the product complete with your catalogues, price list,
term, sample of design, and payment.
We would also to know if you are offering any trade discounts.
If you can quote us your favorable prices, we would like to place our
as soon as possible.
We are looking foward to hearing from you.soon.
Yours faithfully,


Sandra Puspita
Purchase Manager


The modern business letter is nearly always typed. It has long been customary
to set it out in the indented style, but now the blocked style has come to be much
more widely used than before because it is claimed, it saves typing time.
The business letter consists of seven principal parts: (1) the letterhead, (2) the
date, (3) the inside name and address, (4) the salutation, (5) the message, (6) the
complimentary closure and (7) the writer’s signature and official position.
The tone of the letters is courteous and friendly and the added touches of
personal interest are certain to make a good impression.


Gaborez, bhernandz (28 Desember 2012) .Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1 - Inquiry

Letter. Diperoleh 7 juni 2014, dari

Wibawa, Bima hapidz (19 April 2013) .Format penulisan business letter.
Diperoleh 5 juni 2014, dari

luffyerlanda2nd (29 Oktober 2013).Inquiry Letter & Order Letter.Diperoleh 6 juni


Nugroho , Alfian Puji.Inquiry Letter of English Business Letter.diperoleh 6 juni

2014, dari

Rengkuti, Azwar(16 Desember 2012). INQUIRY LETTER. Diperoleh 7 juni

2014. Dari

Blogga Meteorika. Contoh surat bisni. diperoleh 6 juni 2014. dari

Admin.24 februari 2014. Contoh Surat Bisnis ( Business Letter ). diperoleh 6 juni
2014. dari

Sample Business Letters (1-100). diperoleh 7 juni 2014. dari


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