Board Minutes Lincoln County School District #2 September 9, 2010 Members Present

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Board Minutes

Lincoln County School District #2

September 9, 2010

Members present:
Randy Thompson, Mike Hunsaker, Eileen Merritt, Donna Ivie, Karyn Hoopes, Reynold Johnson,
Alan Linford

1. The meeting called to order at 6:34 p.m. by Chairman Randy Thompson. Karyn Hoopes offered
the invocation.

2. Donna Ivie made the motion that the Lincoln County School District Board of Trustees go into
executive session for the purpose of considering personnel matters, and matters concerning
litigation to which the school district is a party or to which the school district may be a party.

Motion by Donna Ivie, second by Mike Hunsaker

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Randy Thompson, Mike Hunsaker, Eileen Merritt, Donna Ivie, Karyn Hoopes, Reynold
Johnson, Alan Linford

3. Karyn Hoopes made the motion that the Lincoln County School District Board of Trustees
reconvene the public session of the meeting.

Motion by Karyn Hoopes, second by Eileen Merritt.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Randy Thompson, Mike Hunsaker, Eileen Merritt, Donna Ivie, Karyn Hoopes, Reynold
Johnson, Alan Linford

Public session resumed at 7:24 p.m.

4. Reynold Johnson made the motion to adopt the agenda.

Motion by Reynold Johnson, second by Eileen Merritt
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Randy Thompson, Mike Hunsaker, Eileen Merritt, Donna Ivie, Karyn Hoopes, Reynold
Johnson, Alan Linford

5. Eileen Merritt recognized Lyniece McKim as the Wyoming Biology Teacher of the Year and David
Ruthardt for writing a curriculum for the Wyoming State Historical Society. The Veterans of
Foreign Wars recognized Maud Jackson as being the VFW Elementary Teacher of the Year for
6. Mr. Justin Pierantoni, Principal of Etna Elementary, presented a report that outlined the school
goals and mission statement. Mr. Hunsaker asked in regards to the goals for this year what
additional plans are in place to achieve AYP this year. Mr. Johnson commended Mr. Pierantoni
on the staff and their efforts. Mr. Linford asked for more information on the Swim and Read

7. Business Manager JC Inskeep presented the board with the monthly financial update. Mr.
Hunsaker asked for a comment on the liability insurance that was 43% over budget. Mrs. Ivie
asked about the car company tax line item.

8. The Superintendent shared progress on his goals as well as the results for the staff climate
9. The board received an update on the following facilities:
Afton Elementary
Track in Cokeville
Concessions/Restroom facility at SVHS
Weight room at SVHS

10. The enrollment figures for the beginning of the school year were discussed. Enrollment is down
21 from September 2009 but up 70 from the end of school 2009.
11. Correspondence reviewed included a certificate from the Wyoming Department of Education
issuing full accreditation status to Lincoln County School District #2.

12. The following consent agenda section 1 items were discussed:

August 21, 2010 Board Minutes
Payment of Bills
Approval of Bids
Approval of Special Education Contracts

Alan Linford made the motion to approve consent agenda section 1.

Motion by Alan Linford, second by Mike Hunsaker
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Randy Thompson, Mike Hunsaker, Eileen Merritt, Donna Ivie, Karyn Hoopes, Reynold
Johnson, Alan Linford

13. Consent agenda section 2 personnel items considered were:

New Hires
Danny Robinson- Special Education Aide
Michyle Hale- Food Service
Eric Shumway- Bus Driver
Kristy Suter- Bus Driver

Ellen Titensor- Special Education Aide
Misty Stadler- Food Service

Carol Ferrin- Aide/Custodian

Karyn Hoopes made the motion to approve the personnel changes.

Motion by Karyn Hoopes, second by Eileen Merritt
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Randy Thompson, Mike Hunsaker, Eileen Merritt, Donna Ivie, Karyn Hoopes, Reynold
Johnson, Alan Linford

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

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