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Social Constructivism

Constructivism is a theory about how people learn, and a constructivist teacher inspires

students to keep learning and teaches students how to learn (Concept to classroom, 2004).

Constructivism in the classroom is about creating a learning environment that allows

students to reflect and collaborate with other learners (Learners Together, 2006). This

promotes critical thinking, reasoning and problem solving in meaningful contexts, and helps

engage and motivate students making them more active in the learning process (Use a

Learning Theory: Constructivism, 2012).

Some common ways to implement constructivism in the classroom is to encourage social

interactions between students like, simulating a historic event, debating controversial

topics, group activities to expose students to different perspectives (Use a Learning Theory:

Constructivism, 2012). Group discussions are proven to help students develop a strong base

for oral communication as well as build deeper understanding on what they are learning,

persevere longer with difficult tasks and to argue their opinions respectfully (Social

Constructivism, 2018).

Yet, it is still noted that many students are not familiarised with participating in group

discussions within the classroom (Social Constructivism, 2018). Nystrand (1996), found

many teachers don’t choose classroom discussions as a way of educating students, or they

aren’t organised properly, with too much stimulation coming from the teacher.

Sport Education in Physical Education Program (SEPEP) is a student driven approach to

physical education, and strongly incorporates social constructivism within its curriculum.

The SEPEP gives students responsibilities and roles with a team, to discuss, plan and work

together as a team to ultimately provide a realistic approach to sport. With this type of
program students are exposed to making group decisions, incorporating apps into a

functional environment, and creating their own team environment. SEPPEP strongly

encompasses the idea of social constructivism, and gives students the opportunity to

engage in a collaborative learning environment.


Concept to classroom. (2004). Constructivism as a paradigm for teaching and learning.

Retrieved from:

Learners Together. (2006). Role of ICT in constructivist teaching of thinking skills. Retrieved



Nystrand, M. (1996). Opening dialogue: Understanding the dynamics of language and

learning in the English classroom. New York: Teachers College Press.

Social Constructivism. (2018). Wikipedia. Retrieved from:

Use a Learning Theory: Constructivism. (2012). YouTube. Retrieved from:

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