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SETTING CALCULATION 765/21 kV , 600 MVA TRANSFORMER DIFFERENTIAL PROTECTION CTR HV: 500/5 CTR LV: 12500/5 Relay type : System A - P632 Relay Designation - 87GT Transformer Data : Power: 600 MVA HV voltage: 765 KV LV1 Voltage: 21KV Transformer percentage imp: 15 % Transformer vector group: Ynd11 Tap +/- 5 % in steps of 2.5% SUPPORTIVE CALCULATION TO VERIFY BIAS SETTINGS Id> 0.2 Iref Id>> 10 Iref ( should me 10% more than max inrush current) Id>>>15 Iref m1 0.2 m2 0.8 Effect of CTs inside delta: In LV — 21kV side, we have connected 2CTs inside delta and the CTs are connected in such a way to sum the currents during normal operation. As CTs are connected inside the delta, the effective current will be the phase current and not the delta current. Considering both the factors, Effective CT ratio will be 12500/2 * 1.732 =10825A. There is no vector correction required as CTs are connected inside the delta. At normal condition current in HV bias circ! Primary current = GOOMVA / (1.732 * 765 kV)= 452.83 A Current in CT Secondary = 452.83 / 500 A= 0.906 Required Ratio compensation = 1 / 0.754= 1.104 At normal condition current in LV bias circuit Primary current = 600 MVA / (1.732 * 21kV)= 16,496.2A Current in CT Secondary = 16496 / 10825= 1.524 In Required Ratio compensation = 1 / 1.524= 0.656 At - 5 % tap condition current in HV bias circuit: HV Side current = 600 MVA / (1.732 * 726.75 kV)= 476.67A Current in CT Secondary = 476.67x 1.104 / 500 With ratio compensation = 1.052 At + 5 % tap condition current in HV bias circuit HV Side current = 600 MVA / (1.732 * 803.25 kV)= 431.27 A Current in CT Secondary = 431.27 x 1.104 / 500 With ratio compensation = 0.952 Differential Current at Tap Extremities: At -5% Tap Idiff1 At +5% Tap Idiff2 Bias Current at Tap Extremities: Ibias = (IRHV + IRLV)/2 IRHV — Relay HV Current IRLV — Relay LV Current Ibias1 = (1.052 + 1)/2 = 1.026 Ibias2 = (0.952 + 1)/2 = 0.976 OPERATING CURRENT lop: At-5% Tap. lop1 = m1 x | bias + Id> x (1-0.5*m1) 0.2 x 1.026 + 0.2 x ( 1-0.5"0.2)= 0.3852 Amps Idiff1/ lop1 = 0.052/0.3852 = 13.5% Since the differential current is not greater than 90% of the i tat 50, tan the calasuill anacata OPERATING CURRENT lop: At +5% Tap lop1 = m1 x | bias + Id> x (1-0.5*m1) 0.2 x 0.976 + 0.2 x ( 1-0.5*0.2) 0.3752 Amps iff2/lop2 = 0.048 / 0.3752= 12.79 % Since the differential current is not greater than 90% of the operating current at +5% tap the relay will operate satisfactorily. Hence Bias setting m1 = 20% (0.2) 1.5 times of Full load current, m2 = 80% for through fault stability (11-12) 20% 80% 0.2pu 1.Spu_ 2.5pu (a4i2y2

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