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Name: M Reza Prayuda

Class: 5D

Subject : Academic Writing

The influece guessing game towards students in writing ability

Chapter III


A. Research Design

The Classroom Action Research used as the method of this study also

known as teacher research which is conducted directly in the classroom to repair

and to improve quality of teaching and learning. Here are the definitions of

classroom action research (CAR):

According to David Hopkins, “action research is an act undertaken by

teachers, to enhance their own or a colleague’s teaching, to test the assumptions of

educational theory in practice, or as a means of evaluating and implementing whole school

priorities.”1 In line with Hopkins, John W. Creswell cites from Mills that “action

research are systematic procedures done by teacher (or other individuals in an

educational setting) to gather information about, and subsequently improve, the

ways their particular educational setting operates, their teaching and their student

learning.”2 Meanwhile, David Kember defines “action research is portrayed as a

cyclical or spiral process involving steps of planning, acting, observing, and

David Hopkins, A Teacher’s Guide to Classroom Research, (New York: Bell and Bain
Ltd., 2008), p. 1.
2John W. Creswell, Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative
Research, (Boston: Pearson, 2012), p. 577.
reflecting.”3 From brief description above, it can be concluded that action research

is a research that is done by the teacher or individual which have an educational

background contains with cyclical procedures which emphasizes practice and

improves the quality in teaching and learning Classroom action research offers a positive

effect for student and teacher.The effect gives improvement in the quality of teaching and

learning itself tomake student learning outcomes better. In line with that, the goal of action

research according to John Creswell is “to improve the practiceof education by studying

issues or problem they face.”4 Moreover, The function of classroom action research itself is

“as a tool to repair the quality and efficiency in learning process at the classroom.”5 Based on

the explanation above, the maingoal of action research are to improve the quality of teaching

and learning and to solve the specific educational problem by focusing in the practice and

raising the students’ learning outcomes.In the classroom action research, there are four

different designs. The first design is Kurt Lewin, the second is Mc el Kemmis and Mc

Taggart’ design, thethird is John Elliott’s design and the last is Dave Ebbutt’s design. The

writer in this research used Kurt Lewin’s design in which the cycle divided into four steps

are planning, acting, observing and reflecting.6 The second cycle will be conducted if the first

cycle is unsuccessful. from definition above, it can assumed that by applying effect

technique, the student got the information from the object being observed by themselves, and

the student could express their ideas into good writing so, effect technique can be done by

introducing topics and processing good writing.

David Kember, Action Learning and Action Research, (New York: Routledge,2010), p.25

W. Creswell. loc. cit.
Zainal Arifin, Penelitian Pendidikan, (Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2011), p, 101.
7Wina Sanjaya, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (Jakarta: Prenada Media Group, 2009), p.49
B. The operational definition of variabel

Guessing game

According to Webster (2013), guessing game is a game in which the participants compete

individually or in teams in the identification of something indicated obscurely (as in riddles

or charades). Klippel (1984:31) states that the basic role of guessing game is very simple.

One person knows something that the other one wants to find out. He further states “as the

person guessing has a real urge to find out something, guessing games are true

communication situations and as such are very important for foreign language learning. They

are generally liked by students of all ages because they combine language practice with fun

and excitement".

From these, guessing game can be used in every level of age. In doing the game,

people sometimes make variation of it. Klippel argues “variation is a vital ingredient of good

games. You can try changing the rules of familiar games or doing things in a different order,

and you will find that one game idea can be the nucleus of many new games”.

Dealing with the statement above, picture-guessing game then is a variation of many

kinds of guessing games. In this game, picture becomes the thing to be guessed. This game

requires students to logically guess what the picture is based on the clues given. The

implementation of picture-guessing game is explained as the followings: (1) the teacher gives

explanation about picture-guessing game; (2) the teacher gives a general clue before showing

the first part of the picture.; (3) the teacher continues the next clues, while showing the parts

of the picture, until the picture is guessed.; (4) to guess the picture, each team has to send a

representative by raising his or her hand; and then (5) When the picture is guessed, it is the

end of the game.

Descriptive text

Descriptive text is one of text-types which is taught in English teaching. As its name,

the text is descriptive. Martin, et al (1985:143) state “descriptive writing is writing that

describes a person, a place, an idea, an organization, or an activity”.

Oshima and Hogue (2007:61) state “descriptive writing appeals to the senses, so it

tells how something looks, feels, smells, tastes and/or sounds. It is in line with Meyers

(2005:60) who says that “a description of a scene allows your readers to see, hear, or even

feel the subject matter clearly”.

Gerot and Wignell (1994:208) also define “descriptive text is a text which has social

function to describe a particular person, place, or thing”. In the context of writing, every text

has structure to compose it. Furthermore, Gerot and Wignell give generic structure of

descriptive text as the followings:

(1) Identification : identifies phenomenon to be described.

(2) Description : describes parts, qualities, characteristics.

There are also lexicogrammatical features of descriptive text. They are (1) focus on

specific participants; (2) use of simple present tense; (3) use of attributive and identifyng

process; and (4) frequent use of ephitets and classifiers in nominal groups

Based on the theories above, we can conclude that descriptive text is a text which describes

something or someone so that the readers can look, feel, smells, or taste what is told. To be

like that, in writing descriptive text, writers need to consider its generic structure and

lexicogrammatical features.

C. Population and Sample

Population : Before the sample was collected, the researcher had to determine the

population. According to Sugiono (2010:117) Population is geographic

generalization there are : object/subject has quality and certain of characteristic

that set by researcher to learning then make the conclusion. The whole of research

subject (Arikunto, 1998:115).

The population of this study is the one semester of academic year students in the 2016-

2017 at SMPN 1 Muntok , Bangka Barat consisting 11 classes. There are about 35 students,

10 male and 15 female as the population.

Sample: Selection of the sample is very important step in conducting a research

study. Sample is a part of population which will to be analyzed. Sample must be

representative as one is to be able to generalize with confidence from the sample

to population. According to Sugiono (2010:118) Sampel adalah bagian dari jumlah dan

karakteristik yang dimiliki oleh populasi tersebut, (sample is part of number and

characteristic those set in the population). Population form a part of population

representative population, so if the researcher find information on sample its mean

that information was constituted from the sample.

D. Sampling Technique

Sampling is the way or technique of taking samples out of population. According to

McMillan (2001: 175) said that there are several probability sampling produces, the most

common ones used in educational research: simple random sampling, systematic sampling,

stratified sampling, purposive sampling and cluster random sampling.

The sample of the research is taken by random sampling. The researcher takes

random sampling technique because the researcher takes the classes which have low score

in writing and based on the teacher‟s suggestion to get the sample.

E. Data Colleting Technique

To get the result of the research, the researcher applied the data collecting techniques

consisting of observation, interview , and test.

1. Observation
Based on Burns (1999:101) stated that observation is a technique of collecting the

data by closely watching and noticing classroom events or happenings, or interactions, either

as a participant in the classroom or as an observer of another teachers‟ observation. In pre-

research, observation would be conducted to get information about classroom environment,

class condition, the teaching techniques of the teacher, and learning techniques of the

students. The researcher did the observation in every activity related to the researcher, from

cycle 1 unit cylce. In this way, the observer observed all activities done it the process of

teaching and learning writing in the classroom.

2. Interview

According to Bugan (2007:111) stated that interview is the process of gaining

information by giving question. The researcher conducted interview from pre-research. The

researcher made interview to the teacher and the students. In the pre-research, the researcher

interviews the English teacher of VII B SMP Negeri 1 Ngemplak, Mr. Syaifudin, S.Pd in

order to know the teaching and learning process. The researcher also interviews some

students to know what the problems faced by the students in the process teaching and

learning in descriptive text.

3. Test

Brown state that (2003:3) a test, in simple terms is a method of measuring a person's

ability, knowledge, or performance in a given domain. A test is used to examine and measure

the qualities of someone or the knowledge or abilities of someone. On the other hand,
Arikunto (2013:266) defines that test is a set of questions or exercise or other means used to

measure skill, knowledge, intelligence, ability or talent of an individuals or group of people.

There are several tests before and after do the treatment. There are try out test, pre-test and

post-test. The researcher conducts test of descriptive text. The text gave in three times. There

are in the beginning of the research, in the end of cycle 1 and in the end of cycle 2. The test

conducted to measure the students‟ writing in descriptive text by using Guesssing game.

F. Data analyze

In this research, the researcher will use both qualitative technique of analyzing the data.

1. Qualitative Data

The researcher uses qualitative data analysis data from the qualitative data such as

observation, report, interview, and documents of the teaching learning process. After

evaluating the data, the researcher found some problems in teaching learning activities and

the way to overcome the problems. Here, the researcher uses interactive model of analysis the

data. This model contains three main competent. According to Milles and Huberman in

Sugiyono (2011:246), after collecting the data, the researcher moves among three component

of analysis, they are:

A. Reduction of the Data

Reduction of the data is a process about data classification which focusing on

reduction and transformation of the raw data gained from pre-research observation, interview,

and document. The process includes selecting, focusing, simplifying, and abstracting the data

in field notes. The researcher selects and takes the important information from the data and

ignores the less important.

B. Display of the data

The process of display the data relates to arrange information description, and

narration in order to draw the conclusion. By presenting the important data, the researcher

considers what should do next and makes the analysis based on our own understanding.

C. Verification/ Drawing Conclusion

The researcher writes down the conclusion based on not only what the researcher had

been seen in the observation, but also interpretation of the observation. The conclusion is

written down based on the data and what the researcher had been seen, then analyzes all and

makes a conclusion.

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