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ISE ONLY apps 1/7298 3 August 1977 TRANSLATIONS ON USSR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES (GUO 28/77) Errects oF NONTONIZING ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION U. S. JOINT PUBLICATIONS RESEARCH SERVICE | : Declassiied and Approved For Release 2012105/10 proved For Release 2012/06/10 : CIARDP80B01135R000200120008-6 ; 2 gecmarvec ears fh Mor sPas 7298 'SRANSLATIONS ON USSR SCIENCE AND_TECHKOLOGY StoMeDICAL scxENCES (GUO 28/77) Sf¥ects of Nonionizing Electromagnetic Radiatio Joint Publ teations Research Service Tn0o North Glebe Road Arlington, Virginia 2220. Spang tan Raa wo Baie tes aw above 7 the report contains Information on aerospace nedictne, sgrotechnology, bionic IM Lipacowstles, biochentstry, biophysics, eavironnental and ecological | SiGntema, food technology, sterobiology, epidenfology and immunology, | Serine atology, milltary medicsne, physiology, public health, toxtcolosy, ; lisotology, veterinary medicine, behavioral science, hunan engineering, Siehologye psyehtatty and relaced fields, and scientists and scientific Bruantzations in blonedical Fields. REY a a OR Fan Dee uss Medicine Rerospace Medtelne Microbiology Agrotechnology Physiology 1 totoay Paychology/PsychLatry 1 wotany Public Health Epldentology/Lmmonology _—_—RadLabfology Ngnan Engineering Toxscolony. Marine Biology Veterinary Medicine re cosa Fes so _25 SEs 535 6) 8A This vovernment dsers Ouly. Sold by NTIS Soringhieldy Va. 22051 San an TT 56 Pfacuassien a Release 2612108/10; Cia-ROPGBBO1125R000000% GOVERN 3B ONLY 2005-6 JPRS 1/7298 3 August 1977 TRANSLATIONS ON USSR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES (Guo 28/77) Errects oF NONIONIZING ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION Contents Pace Arterial Pressure es Related To Exposure to Lov-Intensity Microvaves ‘and High Tenperatire (er ne Becebtvova, et al; GIGTYHWA RUDA I PROFESSIONAL’ WYTE DABOLENANTYA, No 2, 19TT) -++--5 Reactivity of Bone Marroy Megakaryoeytes in Albino Rats Exposed to Microvave Lov-Inteusive Eh ic Field (B. 1. Obuktan; TSTTOLAGIYA T GHNETIKA, Wi 1, 1977) Contraction Function of the Myocardium in Patients Suffering From Rheumatoid Arthritis With Microvave Therapy (According to Polyeardiography Data) (B. fe Pokutses VOPROSY KURORTOLOGIT FIZIOTERAPLI 1 LECEEHNOY FILICAESKOY KUL'TURY, No 1, 1977) + . Effect of Different SHF Biergy Levels on the Functions! State of the Body (iis G. Shandaia, et al.; VRACIGSHOYE DELO, Wo 12, 1976) Erfects on the Orgauton of Brief Datly Exposure to Lov-Frequency Blectronagnetic Fields (i. B. Koryario, et ales GIGIVINA I SANITARTYA, Wo 4, 1977) «6. 22

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