Park 1995

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J Am. Cemm. Soc.

, 78 [61 1475-80 (1995)

Fracture Criteria for Piezoelectric Ceramics

Seungbae Park and Chin-Teh Sun
School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907- 1282

Fracture criteria for piezoelectric materials were investi- crack closure method in conjunction with the finite element
gated. Mode I and mixed mode fracture tests were per- analysis is employed to calculate the mechanical strain energy
formed on PZT-4 piezoelectric ceramics to verify the release rate. The maximum mechanical strain energy release
validity of the mechanical strain energy release rate as a rate is used to predict the fracture loads under combined
fracture criterion. Experimental results indicated that mechanical and electrical loads. Also, mixed mode fracture
crack extension could be aided or impeded by an electric tests using unsymmetric three-point bending were performed.
field, depending on the field direction. Further, the direction The direction of initial crack growth was investigated based on
of crack extension was studied. A crack closure method, the direction of maximum mechanical strain energy release rate.
together with finite element analysis, was introduced to
calculate the mechanical strain energy release rate. The 11. Possible Fracture Criteria
maximum mechanical strain energy release rate was used
to predict fracture loads under combined mechanical and Using Stroh formulationT1° Park and Sun' obtained closed-
electrical loads. It was found that the mechanical strain form solutions explicitly for all three modes of fracture for an
energy release rate criterion is superior to other fracture infinite piezoelectric medium containing a center crack with
criteria and predicts fracture loads fairly accurately. electrically insulated surfaces.
From the solution obtained by Park and Sun: the near tip
I. Introduction stresses and electric displacement for Mode I and Mode I1 are
expressed in polar coordinates originated at the right crack tip

I N ADAPTIVE structures, piezoelectric ceramics are used as

actuators, since they possess strong mechanical-electrical
coupling. However, piezoelectric ceramics are very brittle and
(see Fig. 1) as

= J
cos 8 + p , sin 8
susceptible to fracture. Moreover, actuation forces may act as
crack driving forces. The presence of cracks would degenerate
mechanical as well as electrical performances of the actuator. ( k = 2,3; n = 1,2,3)
Mechanical and electrical fields of piezoelectric media con-
taining a crack have been analyzed by several researcher^.'-^
However, the fracture behavior of piezoelectric media under
mechanical and electrical loading is still ambiguous. Specifi- where T = (ub u;, DYJTrepresents remote mechanical and
cally, it is not clear whether the electric field impedes or electrical loadings, a is half crack length, p , are eigenvalues of
enhances crack propagation. Efforts have been focused on the a characteristic equation, and M and N are coefficient matrices
use of the total energy release rate as a fracture criterion. This with inverse relations to each other.
criterion indicates that the presence of electric fields always
Using the conventionally defined stress intensity factors and
impedes crack propagation. However, all available experimen-
tal observation indicates otherwise. Park and Sun6 proposed a electric displacement intensity factor, stresses and electric dis-
new fracture criterion based on mechanical strain energy placement at the crack tip in the crack plane, 8 = o", are
release rate. Since fracture is a mechanical process, it was given by
thought that taking only mechanical strain energy released dur-
ing crack extension as the fracture criterion is more logical.
Experimental efforts have been made to observe fracture
behavior under both mechanical and electrical loadings. where
McHenry and Koepke' measured crack propagation velocities
under electric fields. They observed that electric fields increased K, = fig;, K,, = K,, = f i D Y
crack speed, and crack propagation deviated from its original
direction under a strong electric field. Tobin and Pak8performed
Vickers indentation tests and found that the apparent fracture
toughness ( K I c ) of the material was reduced or increased,
depending on the direction of the applied electric field.
In this study, possible fracture criteria for piezoelectric
ceramics, namely, the stress intensity factor, the total energy
release rate and the mechanical strain energy release rate, are
presented, and the suitability of each criterion is discussed.
Mode I fracture experiments were conducted to verify the
mechanical strain energy release rate using PZT-4 piezoelectric
ceramic compact tension specimens. The results indicate that
an electric field can either aid or retard crack propagation. A

S. M. Wiederhorn-contributing editor

Manuscript No. 193062. Received November 8,1994; approved January 16,1995.

Supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research through Grant No. 49620- Pig. 1. Infinite piezoelectric medium containing a center crack with
92-J-0457 to Purdue University, monitored by Drs. C. 1. Jim Chang and Walter Jones. far-field loading.
1476 Journal of the American Ceramic S o c i e v P a r k and Sun Vol. 78, No. 6

Table I. Material Constants for PZT-4 Piezoelectric Ceramics

Elastic constants (N/m')

Cll CI, c
33 c44

13.9 X 10" 7.78 X 10'" 7.43 X 1OO

' 11.3 X 10'' 2.56 X 10'"
Piezoelectric constants (Urn2) Dielectric permittivities (C/Vm)

e31 en
- - Ell E33

-6.98 13.84 13.44 6.00 X 5.47 x

It is noted that stresses and electric displacement are uncoupled Mode 11:
in this plane. This indicates that the electric loading alone l 8
cannot produce mechanical stress in the crack plane ahead of GF = lim- a,,(x,)Au,(S - x 2 ) dx, (Sb)
the crack tip and vice versa. If the stress intensity factor is used S+" 2 8 1
as a fracture criterion, the effect of the electric field cannot be
accounted for. This leads us to conclude that stress intensity Consider an infinite piezoelectric ceramic containing a center
factor is not suitable as a fracture criterion for piezoelectric crack and subjected to Mode I remote loadings. As an example,
materials. material properties of PZT-4 piezoelectric ceramic were used.
Another fracture criterion for piezoelectric materials is based The poling direction is assumed to be parallel to the x,-axis.
on the total energy release rate. The total energy release rate ( J ) The mechanical strain energy release rate (Cp) and the total
is derived in parallel with the path-independent J integral for energy release rate (G,) are obtained as'
elastic materials. It includes mechanical and electrical energies
released as the crack propagates and is given by G,M = ?(1.48
X 10-"a;~ + 2.67 X 10-2a;3DP) (N/m)

J =
[Hn, - ul,n,uL,,+ D,E,n,] d r

where H = ~ c , , ~ ~ - s , ;e,,E,E,
~ s ~ ~ - e,,,s,,E, is the electric
(ij = 2,3) (3)
G, = -[1.48
X 10-"u;~ + 2(2.67 X 10-2~;3DT)

8.56 X lO'D;'] (N/m) (6)

enthalpy, r is an integration contour around the crack tip, n is

the unit normal vector to the contour, u,,, s,], and E, represent or
stresses, strains, and electric fields, respectively, and ctiblrelk,,
and E, represent elastic constants, piezoelectric constants, and +
G,M = y ( 2 . 1 2 X 10-'la;~ 2.67 X 10-l"a;,E;) (N/m)
dielectric permittivities, respectively. It is noted that the J inte-
gral given by Eq. (3) is also path-independent. Alternatively, J Ta
can be obtained by using the crack closure integral as' GI = -(2.76
X 10-"u;~ + 1.23 X 10-'"~~,E~

J = G = lim-
s-to 26
[u,,(x,)Au,(8 - x2) - 8.56 X E$) (N/m)
The result indicates that the mechanical strain energy release
rate may be increased or decreased, depending on the direction

+ D3(~2)A4(8- xdl d x z (i = 293) (4)

of electric loading, implying that crack propagation may be
where 6 is the assumed crack extension and u, and 4 are enhanced or retarded. However, the total energy release rate is
displacements and electric potential, respectively. always negative in the absence of mechanical loading. More-
Considering the mechanical process of fracture, Park and over, the presence of a strong electric loading always reduces
Sun' proposed using the mechanical strain energy release rate the total energy release rate, implying that electric loading
as the fracture criterion for piezoelectric materials. The always impedes crack propagation. It is noted that these inter-
mechanical strain energy release rate includes only mechanical pretations of the results are based on linear piezoelectricity and
energy released as the crack extends. The mechanical strain there may exist factors beyond the scope of linear piezoelectric-
energy release rate is defined by the mechanical part of the ity that would affect fracture through the singular behavior of
crack closure integral as stresses and the electric field near the crack tip such as dielectric
Mode I: breakdown and local depoling.
-1 -8

GF = lim-
8--10 26 i, a,,(x,)Au,(8 - x,) dx, 111. Experiment
Mode I and mixed mode fracture tests for PZT-4 piezoelec-
tric ceramic were performed. The purpose of these tests was to
verify the validity of the mechanical strain energy release rate
4.6 , 6.9 ,1/ 14.0
1- 1-


(b=3.2 L K .Power Supplier

1-0 /----I---
I Dimension : mm
Fig. 2. Compact tension specimen, PZT-4 Fig. 3. Test setup for Mode I fracture test using compact tension
June 1995 Fracture Criteria.for Piezoelectric Ceramics 1477

Figures 2 and 3 depict the specimen and setup for the experi-
I ment, respectively. The procedure of testing was to increase the
tensile load under a certain electric field until fracture occurred.
A Test To generate electric fields, a power supplier which can produce
up to 50 kV in dc was used. Mechanical loading was applied by
E 120 the crosshead displacement control of the MTS machine. The
-20 crosshead speed was 0.0013 mm/s. During initial exploratory
f tests, electric discharging between electrodes through the air
5;80 A
was observed when the electric field exceeded 5 kV/cm. To
prevent this and to enforce an insulated crack surface boundary
condition, the specimen was immersed in a tub filled with
LL f silicone oil.
60 Figure 4 shows the fracture initiation loads under different
electric fields obtained from the experiment. It is evident that
40 the electric field significantly affects the fracture load. More-
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 over, positive electric fields, which tend to open the crack,
reduce the fracture load, while negative electric fields increase
Applied Electric Field ( kV/cm) Using a Vickers diamond indentor, Tobin and Pak8performed
indentation tests on PZT-8 specimens and found that a positive
Fig. 4. Fracture loads under various electric fields for compact ten- electric field would reduce the apparent fracture toughness
sion specimens. (KIc) of a crack perpendicular to the poling direction. On the
other hand, a negative field would increase apparent toughness.
Their observation is consistent with the present results.
as a fracture criterion for piezoelectric ceramics. Attention was
focused on the effect of electric fields on fracture. (2) Mixed Mode Fracture
Most mixed mode fracture experiments were performed
(1) Mode Z Fracture using oblique crack specimens. Due to the limitation of the size
The specimen was commercially supplied PZT-4. It was of piezoelectric ceramics, it is difficult to make the oblique
obtained as poled with dimensions of 25.4 mm X 19.1 mm X crack specimen an experimental model. The symmetric three-
5.1 mm. Poling was done along the axis of the 19.1 mm dimen- point bend specimen has been used extensively in obtaining
sion, and electrodes were coated in silver on top and bottom Mode I plane strain fracture toughness, K,, . The three-point
surfaces. Material properties for PZT-4 are listed in Table I. bend specimen with an unsymmetrical crack was adopted for
The side surfaces of the specimen were polished with 9 km mixed mode fracture.
grain sized diamond abrasive. Subsequently, compact tension Specimens were cut to 19.1 mm X 9 mm X 5.1 mm dimen-
specimens were made with the dimensions shown in Fig. 2. The sion, and poling direction was placed along the 19.1 mm dimen-

crack was created by cutting with a 0.46 mm thick diamond sion. Surfaces of the specimen were polished with 9 pm grain
wheel perpendicular to the poling direction in a depth of sized diamond abrasive paste. Cracks were introduced using a
10.5 mm. To better approximate an ideal crack, the crack tip 0.46 mm thick diamond wheel cutter at three different loca-
was further cut by a sharp razor blade with diamond abrasive, tions, i.e., the midspan, 2 mm, and 4 mm from the midspan. As
resulting in a final crack length of 11.5 mm. was done in preparing the Mode I compact tension specimen,
the crack tip was refined further by a razor blade with diamond
abrasive paste. The final depth of the crack was 4 mm.
MTS Machine

D C.P o ~ e rSupplier

Silicon Oil Tub

17.1 5.1 4

Fig. 6. Typical fracture paths for the three different crack locations in
Fig. 5. Experimental setup and dimensions of specimen for mixed the three-point bending test under 5 kV/cm: (a) center crack, (b) 2 mm
mode fracture test. off-center, and (c) 4 mm off-center crack.
1478 Journal of the American Ceramic Society--Park and Sun Vol. 78, No. 6

-a 4
160 + x2
a ------+

100 t- 8 4
4 A
Fig. 8. Finite element mesh for the crack closure integral.
80 ’ ’ ’ ’
, , ! , / , I , ; I , . ,

-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Electric Field (kV/cm) ,


Fig. 7. Fracture loads for various crack locations and electric fields I
in the unsymmetric three-point bending test.

Figure 5 shows the three-point bend setup and specimen. It is

noted that the poling direction is parallel to the span of the E3_L
bending setup. The prepared specimen was placed on the sili- T
cone oil tub which was mounted on the MTS machine. The
entire setup including indenter was made of Plexiglas to avoid
electric discharging. Critical loads which caused fracture were
measured for each set of specimens for various electric fields.
For each electric field and crack location, three tests were
Figure 6 shows typical fractured specimens under the electric
field of 5 kV/cm. Figure 7 presents fracture initiation loads
for various electric fields. Center-cracked specimens produced
Mode I fracture and exhibited the same fracture behavior as the Fig. 9. Finite element model for a piezoelectric medium containing a
compact tension specimens. Specifically, positive electric fields center crack under both mechanical and electrical loading.
decreased fracture load, whereas negative electric fields
increased it. The specimens with an off-center crack also exhib-
ited the same trend.

IV. Finite Element Analysis

In the experiments, fracture loads were measured. To deter- where u and 4 are nodal displacements and potentials, respec-
mine the corresponding energy release rate, we resorted to tively, and
finite element analysis. Four-node multifield plane elements in
ANSYS” were used in the analysis. The mechanical strain
energy release rate was calculated using the modified crack
closure The concept of the crack closure integral is
K,, =
AEcA,dV K,, =
I A;e’A,dV

that if a crack extends by a small amount h a , the energy

released in the process is equal to the work required to close the
crack to its original length.
AieA,dV K,,=
i A$A,dV

in which c, e, and E denote elastic constants, piezoelectric


Figure 8 illustrates the finite element mesh near the crack tip. constants, and dielectric permittivities, respectively, and
Let the internal nodal forces at node ( d ) contributed jointly by
elements 1 and 2 be denoted by FYI and Fid), and the nodal
displacements at node ( h ) and (c) be uLb),u$) and u t ) , u t ) ,
respectively. The work done for crack closure in a mixed mode I-%
problem can be obtained as
A, =

where N , are interpolation functions.
Similarly, the total energy release rate can be obtained by add- From the finite element analysis, the nodal displacements,
ing the electrical crack closure energy to the mechanical strain
energy release rate. We have
u, and the electric potentials, 4, are obtained. Equation (10)
yields the nodal forces and charge for each element from which
the quantities needed in Eqs. (8) and (9) are obtained.
An example finite element analysis was performed to verify
the validity of the modified crack closure method in calculating
where Q‘”)is the nodal charge of elements 1 and 2 at node ( d ) . the mechanical strain energy release rate for piezoelectric mate-
It is obvious from Eqs. (8) and (9) that nodal forces, displace- rials under combined loading. The example considered was a
ments, electric charges, and potentials are needed in the finite finite center-cracked piezoelectric medium with both mechani-
element analysis. However, ANSYS does not provide the nodal cal and electrical loadings for Mode I fracture. The finite ele-
charge, Q, as an output option. For the calculation of nodal ment mesh, specimen dimensions, and loading conditions are
forces, F, and charges, Q, used in Eqs. (8) and (9), the stiffness shown in Fig. 9. It is noted that the lateral dimensions of the
matrix for an element was obtained ad5 medium are much larger than the crack size. Thus, the near tip
June 1995 Fracture Criteriafor Piezoelectric Ceramics 1479

30 t


6 g3 100
10 ~ ANALYTIC r=: 80
0 F.E.M. 60

O l ' l ' I ' l I ' l ' I ' l ' I

-20 -IS -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20

E F (kV/m) Applied Electric Field ( kV/cm)

Fig. 10. Comparison of the mechanical strain energy release rate Fig. 12. Comparison of predictions and experimental fracture loads
between analytic solution and finite element solution. in Mode I fracture tests using compact tension specimens.

4 , 1
E3 (kV/cm)
I Kinked Crack, ' I

-t-0 A


Original Crack
z i

0 Fig. 13. Kinked crack model for variation of the mechanical strain
energy release rate with crack branching direction.
-11 ' ' ' ' ! ' ' '
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
rate are also included in the figure. The superiority of the
Load (N) mechanical strain energy release rate over the total energy
release rate criterion is apparent. It is easy to see that the
Fig. 11. Mechanical strain energy release rate for different electric mechanical strain energy release rate criterion predicts the
fields in the compact tension specimen. effect of the electric field quite accurately.
(2) Mixed Mode Fracture
solution should be nearly the same as that for the infinite With the finite element model, the critical loads were pre-
medium. The mechanical strain energy release rate obtained by dicted for specimens with cracks at various distances from the
finite element analysis was compared with the analytic solution midspan. In the prediction of critical loads for mixed mode
for an infinite piezoelectric medium, Eq. (7). The comparison fracture, it is necessary to investigate directions of crack
shown in Fig. 10 indicates that the finite element solution is growth, since the crack would not grow in a self-similar man-
quite accurate. ner. By modeling the kinked crack tip as shown in Fig. 13, the
direction of maximum strain energy release rate (GEJ was
V. Data Analysis and Discussion obtained. It is noted that GM is composed of Mode I and
( I ) Mode Z Fracture Mode 11, i.e., GM = GY +
G,M.Models with 2 mm and 4 mm
off-center cracks under the electric field of 5 kV/cm were
The compact tension specimen was analyzed first using the chosen as examples.
finite element method. Figure 11 plots the mechanical strain Figures 14 and 15 show the variations of mechanical energy
energy release rate for increasing mechanical loads under dif- release rate versus crack branching angle for 2 mm and 4 mm
ferent electric fields. For a given load, the mechanical strain off-center cracks, respectively. For the 2 mm off-center crack,
energy release rate is higher for positive electric fields and G2axoccurs at 2 9 , while GEa,,,occurs at 7.5". Similarly, GEax
lower for negative electric fields. For the negative electric field occurs at So, while GKdxoccurs at 10" for the 4 mm off-center
case, the mechanical strain energy release rate is negative if the model. Experimental measurements of the directions of initial
mechanical load is less than 40 N. From the solution for the crack growth were 3" -t 1" and 5" -t 1" for the 2 mm and 4 mm
crack surface displacements, it was noted that in this region of
negative strain energy release rate, the crack surfaces penetrate off-center cracks, respectively. Since the mechanical strain
each other. If the mutual penetration of crack surfaces is pre- energy release rate shown in Figs. 14 and 15 is not sensitive to
vented by requiring surface contact, then the mechanical strain the crack branching direction, a conclusion cannot be drawn on
energy release rate should become zero rather than assume the crack growth direction.
negative values. We assumed that the crack would propagate along the direc-
Using the fracture load for E , = 0 given by Fig. 4, the critical tion of Gga with GF = G,M,= 2.34 (N/m) which was obtained
value of the strain energy release rate, GZ = 2.34 (N/m), was by Mode I compact tension test. Figures 16-18 show compari-
obtained using the finite element program. Using this critical sons of predicted fracture initiation loads with experimental
value, G Z , the fracture loads for other applied electric fields results for the three unsymmetric three-point bending speci-
were calculated and shown in Fig. 12. For comparison, the mens. They show good agreement. The mechanical strain
fracture loads predicted according to the total energy release energy release rate accounts for electric field effects very well.
1480 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Park and Sun Vol. 78, No. 6
2.5 180
2mm Off-Center Crack I
0 Tvt
2 h 160 G’ Prediction
E 1.5 I40 - 8 t
i5 ‘
., -1

31 -GmBx
M 2 mm Off-Center $
120 -
100 - 0

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Angle (Degree) Electric Field (kV/cm)

Fig. 14. Variation of the mechanical strain energy release rate with Fig. 17. Comparison of fracture loads for 2 mm off-center crack.
crack branching direction for 2 mm off-center crack.

2.5 r 220 C\ 4mm Off-Center Cracl

200 1 \\ 0 Ttst
__ G Prediction
0 ‘\

4 mm Off-Center 3 140


\++ , l ’ l ’ ” l ’ ’ . ’ m l , i L

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Angle (Degree) Electric Field (kV/cm)

Fig. 15. Variation of the mechanical strain energy release rate with Fig. 18. Comparison of fracture loads for 4 mm off-center crack.
crack branching direction for 4 mm off-center crack.

Positive electrical fields aid crack propagation, while nega-

160 tive electric fields impede crack propagation. In other words,
Center Crack positive electric fields decrease the apparent fracture toughness
0 Test of piezoelectric ceramics, while negative electric fields

z GMPrediction increase it.

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