spɑ Kɔɪnɑɪ Nɔ: ʧɪ/ /prɪ Ve:t/ / Dɔbrɪ Veʧer/ / Dɔbrɑɪe Utrɑ/ /spɑ Si:bə/ /PƏ Ʒɑ:lstɑ/ /'zdrɑ:sste

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CCI English


Greetings 1
Match the phrase to the translation.

1. Good morning
a. Пожалуйста.
2. Good evening
b. Добрый вечер.
3. Good night
c. Доброе утро.
4. Thank you
d. Здравствуйте.
5. You’re welcome
e. Спасибо.

6. Hello (respectful).
f. Спокойной ночи.
7. Hello (with friends).
g. Привет.

Match the phrases a-e above to the phonemic script.

___ /spɑˈkɔɪnɑɪˈnɔ: ʧɪ/

___ /prɪˈve:t/

___ /ˈdɔbrɪˈveʧer/

___ /ˈdɔbrɑɪeˈutrɑ/

___ /spɑˈsi:bə/

___ /pəˈʒɑ:lstɑ/

___ /'zdrɑ:sste/

* underlined consonants are palatalized

Once you’ve gotten confirmation from Nastia, use the Whatsapp voice recording option
to send each other the following conversation.

 ‘Good morning’ or ‘Good evening’

 ‘Thank you’
 ‘You’re welcome’

CCI English
Aliyat Hano’ar 42 | 6745023 | Tel Aviv-Yafo
www.ccienglish.com | info@ccienglish.com | +972 073-7694499

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