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The BBC interviewed thirty-six people born in 1900 to make documentary called 100
Years Young. The producers, Lucy Jago, found many unifying factors between thirty-six
people. “They were very positive and full of optimism. Even if they had suffered
terrible hardships, they are all seemed able to put the past behind them. They had also
had incredibly healthy lifestyles in their youth, eating organic food that they picked
and ate the same say. They worked hard and, unsurprisingly, had far more exercise
than the automobile-driven generation. What’s more, they had all suffered less stress
because of the slower; quieter pace of their lives”. Independence must also be a strong
factor. Less than 3% of centenarians live in residential care.

Curiously perhaps, many of the people interviewed were either childless or had few

Dr. David Weeks, head of gold age psychology at Edinburgh University and author of
Superyoung, also found that people who managed to live to a very old age were good
sleepers and preferred mental activity to more passive pastimes like watching
television they also followed the “work hard, play hard” philosophy, since they
continued working well past retirement age and explored new areas of learning- but
they never lost their sense of playfulness!

A good example is Len Vale Onslow. Len invented a special racing bike in 1926.
Remarkably, he still works a 48-hour week- indeed, he was awarded the MBE (Member
of the British Empire, an honour awarded by the Queen) a few years ago for being
Britain’s oldest worker. What does he do? He repairs and test-drives motorbikes!

1. Choose the best title for the text.

a) Stress and old age.
b) How to live to be a hundred.
c) The differences between young and old people.
2. True or false? Take the evidence from the text.
a) The thirty-six people interviewed for the documentary had lots of things in
common. ........................................................................................................
b) The old people who were interviewed have special, healthy diets
c) Most of the old people were active and had little stress when they were
d) According to Dr. David Weeks, sleeping well and watching lots of TV are
both important factors in order to live a long
e) Most centenarians live in special homes........................................................
f) Len is a good example of an old person who works and is
3. Look at these words from the text and break them into smaller units.
a) Hardships hard +ships
b) Lifestyles.........................................................
c) Unsurprisingly...................................................
d) Childless....................................................
e) Retirement................................................
f) Playfulness..................................................
g) Test-drivers..................................................
4. Look at these words from the text and say what type of words they are: noun,
verb, adjective, and adverb. Then write a synonym or explanation of what you
think the word means.
a) Hardships........................................................................................................
b) Lifestyles.........................................................................................................
c) Unsurprisingly................................................................................................
d) Childless..........................................................................................................
e) Retirement.......................................................................................................
f) Playfulness.......................................................................................................
g) Test-drivers.....................................................................................................
5. Write a composition on one of these 2 topics (100-120 words)
a) Modern life is too fast and stressful. Do you agree?
b) Describe what things you do to relax yourself.
In British schools children aged 5-11 are now being taught how to be “nice”. They
have special lessons explaining how to make friends, how to resolve disputes and to
control their tempers, for example. They also learn how to express envy, how to say
“Sorry”, how to compliment other people and how to listen to other people’s
problems with a sympathetic ear. In one session children talk about their different
emotions and play a game called “Guess what I’m feeling”, and they also build an
“emotional barometer” to show their feelings. In another lesson they write words
like “generous”, “sensible” and “honest” on bricks and then they use the bricks to
build a “wall of friendship”.

The government, which is spending about ten million pounds on this initiative,
believes that many children no longer learn these things at home, so schools have
to provide the emotional and social guidance that they need. School inspectors
emphasise that bad behaviour and indiscipline in many secondary schools is
affecting teaching and learning; the government hopes that this new project will
improve the situation. But some people think that only a small minority of children
need this sort of help and that these lessons will use up valuable time that should be
spent on academic subjects. Nick Seaton, the head of the Campaign for real
Education, says these lessons are absolute nonsense: “Parents do not send their
children to school to have them spending their time talking about their emotions in
this way. They send them so they can learn to read, write and add up.”

What do you think? Would lessons like these be a waste of time in your country?
How would students in your class react if such an initiative was introduced into your

1. Read the text an answer the questions in your own words.

A) Who are the lessons aimed at?
B) What are these special lessons about?
C) What is the purpose of the game “Guess what I’m feeling”?
D) Why does the government think these lessons are necessary?
E) Does Nick Seaton agree with the government’s opinion?
2. Say if these statements are true or false. Give evidence from the text.
A) These special lessons are mainly based on human relationships
B) Students have to learn by reading books and learning theory
C) The government says that parents don’t teach their children how to
behave emotionally.
D) According to the inspectors’ opinion, learning will improve if students
know how to manage their feelings and emotions
E) Nick Seaton says that parents are in favour of the government’s policy.
3. Find words or phrases in the text that have these meanings.
A) Quarrels ................................
B) Building material ....................................
C) Give .................................
D) Advice ...................................
E) Make better ........................................
F) Rubbish/meaningless .........................................
“Improve your concentration! Feel more energetic! Perform better!”promise the
advertisements for many the popular energy drinks. But do these beverages really live
up to these promises?

Well, they seem to, at last temporarily. These drinks are basically a mixture of caffeine
and sugar. Caffeine is a mild stimulant that can increase alertness and energy levels.
Although amounts differ among manufacturers, energy drinks generally contain about
the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee. As a comparison, cola has about half
the amount. Most energy drinks also have quite a large dose of sugar, which is another
source of quick energy. In addition, some of the drinks also contain some vitamins and
extracts from plants that are believed to have some health benefits.

So with little new to offer; how have these beverages become the favourite drink for
millions of young people, whether before exams or while out partying? The answer is
probably because of the young, vigorous image promoted in advertising campaigns
directed mainly at people under thirty. This image is further emphasized through
youth-oriented sports and music events sponsored by some of the major
manufacturers, by which they link their names to achievement and enjoyment. And
finally, there’s the trendy packaging, which is often colourful and in some cases
resembles beer cans.

There are a few things that energy drink fans should keep in mind. First, do not mix the
drinks with alcohol. According to some recent research, the combination could cause
heart problems. And, if you drink them before or during physical activity, such as
running or dancing, be sure also to drink a lot of water, as high amounts of caffeine
cause the body to lose more fluid than normal. Finally, remember that energy drinks
provide only temporary increase in energy. If you are aiming for long-lasting high
energy levels and increased concentration, a healthy diet, plenty of exercise and
enough sleep are more effective than energy in a can!

A. Decide whet5her the sentences below are T (true) or F (false). Find evidence
in the text to support your answer.
1. An energy drink doesn’t improve concentration
2. Energy drinks have twice as much caffeine as colas
3. Energy drinks can be used instead of water
B. Answer the following questions
1. What are the effects of the caffeine? ................................................................
2. How have energy-drink manufacturers marketed their product to young
people? .................................................................................................................
C. Find words or expressions in the text that mean:
1. Drinks ..................................................................
2. Ability to think quickly .................................................
3. Amount ......................................................
4. Plaid for .....................................................
5. Connect things together .............................................
6. Remember ...............................................
D. Complete the sentences.
1. Advertisements for energy drinks promise that your concentration
2. There’s the same amount of caffeine ..............................................................
3. Manufacturers of energy drinks link their name to achievement and
enjoyment by ...................................................................................................
4. Heart problems could ......................................................................................
E. Write a composition of about 100-120 words. Choose one option.
1. In your opinion, should there be a minimum age for purchasing energy
2. Should athletes be allowed to consume energy drinks before sporting
The x-men
Comic book superheroes finally become film stars

Yes! After nearly forty years of existence, the world’s best selling comic
book is now a blockbuster film. Many people knew the X-men from a
popular Saturday morning cartoon series in the 90s, but was long ago as
1963 that writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirkby invented the X-Men, a
group of teenage “mutants” born with amazing supernatural powers.

In the film, the story involves two groups of mutants. One group, the X-
men, is led by Professor Charles Xavier, who tries to teach young mutants
how to control their powers and function in modern society. Professor X
feels that the mutants can co-exists with humans and work together. The
other is commanded by Magneto, a powerful mutant who can generate
magnetic fields and control metallic objects. Magneto’s aim is to destroy
the world for not accepting him as an equal. In fact, Magneto feels that
mutants are the next natural step in the evolution of man, born superior
because they are destined to be the leaders of the world. The story, then,
is not just a question of costumes and capes. It is a battle of ideologies
which explores themes such as intolerance and ignorance.

Director Bryan Singer (Usual Suspects) does a great job of turning the
comic book into a film. There are no actor superstars, but Australian Hugh
Jackman is brilliant in the role of Wolverine. (Actor Dougray Scott was
going to be Wolverine, but he had a serious accident in a motorbike stunt
in Mission Impossible 2). This is a film is without question one of the best
adaptations ever of a comic book!

1. Read the text and answer the questions

a) Who created the original X- Men?
b) Why were the X- Men famous in the last decade?
c) What is the difference between Professor X and Magneto’s ideologies?
d) Why did Hugh Jackman play Wolverine in the film?
2. Find these words in the text. Explain the meaning of each word as it is
used in the text.
a) Nearly (line 1) ..........................................
b) Best-selling (line 2) .........................................
c) Aim (line 19) .........................................
d) Role (line 31) ....................................
e) Stunt (line 34) .................................
3. Write about your favourite film (100-120 words)
Consulting youth

Traditional advertising doesn’t convince the new generation. Young

people know instantly when big business is trying to sell them something-
and they’re immediately suspicious. If it is not cool, they won’t buy it. So
instead of employing middle-aged executives to create adverts, more and
more companies are working with a new kind of marketing specialist- the
youth consultants.

These young professionals travel the country to get new ideas from places
that are fashionable with young people. They visit nightclubs, skate parks
and rock concerts, finding out what young people are eating, drinking,
wearing and listening to. To advertise products, they organise activities for
young people. For example, when Nike wanted to launch a new type of
running shoe, youth marketing agency organised a race in central London.
Three hundred competitors ran around specially constructed courses of
sand, mud, water, smoke and burnt-out cars, accompanied by music from
hip hop Djs. The agency believes that Nike’s trainers wouldn’t have
become the market leader if they hadn’t organised events like that.

Youth marketing agencies know that traditional campaigns, like covering

the stage at a rock festival in advertising banners, don’t work. This kind of
advertising is too obvious and not cool. Agencies find that they are much
more successful if they provide something different- a tent with
exclusively designed furniture where people can relax, for example. Selling
to young people is very big business but not many old-style executives
know how to relate to today’s complicated sophisticated youth market.

Youth consultants have many responsibilities. They do marketing, public

relations and advertising, organise events and advise on design issues.
They claim that they can take a product and ensure that every “opinion
former” in the country is using it, eating it, drinking it, wearing it and-
most importantly-talking about it. Up to a third of some electrical items
are sold to people who had heard about them from a friend or relative.
This kind of market penetration is greater than TV and radio, postal
advertising and catalogues combined.

1. True or false? Give evidence from the text.

a) Young people will buy the product if it has a good image.
b) Youth consultants spend all their time working in their offices.
2. Answer the following questions
a) Why doesn’t traditional advertising work with young people?
b) What are “opinion formers” and why are they so important?
3. Find words in the text that mean:
a) Purchase ................................
b) At the moment ................................
c) Trendy ..................................
d) Provide ...............................
e) Make sure ..................................
4. Write a for an against essay on the following topic: “Should alcohol
advertising be banned?” (100-120 words)

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