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Invention Letter Project


1. Research an invention by Thomas Edison.

2. Write a business letter requesting a loan.
3. Use the Mail Merge feature in Microsoft Word 2003 to send the
letter to three banks.


 Imagine that you are Thomas Edison and that you need to
borrow money for a new invention. Go to the Internet and
research an actual invention by Thomas Edison.

 Write a letter to a bank asking for a loan to finance your

invention. Briefly explain what the invention is and estimate
how much money you will need. The letter should be at least
two paragraphs. Use an accurate year in the letter date based
on the invention you chose.

 The letter will be sent to three banks. Make up an addressee,

bank name, street address, and city, state, ZIP for each letter.

 Thomas Edison will sign the letter that YOU have prepared for

 Create the letter using mail merge. Be sure you use the correct
business letter format. (Get your letter handout if you do not
remember letter parts, spacing, etc.)

 Print the main document and the three letters.

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