Tribute Paid To The Banking Cartel in Perpetuity: Twitter1.19.19

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The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

UK pays Pope 1,000 marks (£666) annual tribute since 1215

US pays Queen 20% of revenues from Virginia Co. in perpetuity

All federal income taxes go to pay interest on bogus country debt

This is an excerpt from my Tweet two months ago (see page 7):
I would like to explain US history, in order to explain how this corruption has come about.
In October 1781 when the Earl of Cornwallis capitulated to the British East India Co
employee George Washington, the name of the Virginia Co. was renamed. The New Secret


The Terms of the Capitulation was that the SECRET CORPORATION would continue in
existence forever. The arrangement that the King(or Queen) of England would continue to
receive 20 percent of the revenues from the Virginia Co. as per the old Charter of 1607 again


This is an excerpt from the teleprompter for my program in the Series on the Network of
Global Corporate Control on November 13th 2018: (beginning page 8 of the teleprompter

The United States is defined as a federal corporation under US code 3002 section 15. The
Virginia Company was transformed into the United States corporation during the Revolutionary
War by Freemasonic Founding Fathers like George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, John
Hancock, and Benjamin Franklin who were working under the Grand Lodge of England. The
Virginia Company was issued by the British royal family from the City of London Corporation
for North American settlements. Around 1213 King John surrendered the Kingdom of England
to the Holy See under the Golden Bull or Bulla Aurea. In 1215 under direct papal authority King
John issued the Magna Carta (Latin for Great Charter) and this officially established the one mile
square block called the City of London Corporation as a sovereign entity from England and
London. The Holy See uses Latin for official documents and the Vatican uses Latin as its official
language. Novus Ordo Seclorum is Latin and translates to New Order of the Ages and is on the
United States Great Seal and United States one dollar bill. Washington DC is located in both
Virginia and Maryland. That is Virgin Mary Land. DC was originally called Rome in 1669
which is stated in the Catholic Encyclopedia. DC is Roman architecture and Capitol Hill is
named after Capitoline Hill in Rome. The ancient Roman fasces symbol is all over federal
buildings and federal seals. This is all fraudulency.
innocent-iii-taking-england-under-his-protection Bull of Innocent III taking England under his
protection From this time onwards, the Pope would be England’s feudal overlord, receiving an
annual tribute of 1000 marks (£666). On 3 October 1213, at St Paul's Cathedral in London, these
arrangements were confirmed by a royal charter bearing a golden seal, and by the King placing
his hands between those of the papal legate as a token of his submission The Magna Carta is one of the earliest
ancestors of the United States Constitution. This is a translation from the Latin. The city of
London shall enjoy all its ancient liberties and free customs Given by our hand in the meadow
that is called Runnymede, between Windsor and Staines, on the fifteenth day of June in the
seventeenth year of our reign (i.e. 1215: the new regnal year began on 28 May). The Virginia Company of
London was a joint-stock company chartered by King James I in 1606 to establish a colony in
North America. (15)“United States” means—
(A)a Federal corporation; Vatican
City Languages: Italian and Latin. The
phrase Novus ordo seclorum (Latin for "New order of the ages"; English: /ˈnoʊvəs ˈɔːrdoʊ
sɛˈklɔərəm/; Latin pronunciation: [ˈnɔwʊs ˈoːrdoː seːˈkɫoːrũː]) is the second of two mottos that
appear on the reverse (or back side) of the Great Seal of the United States. (The first motto is
Annuit cœptis, literally translated "[He/she/it] has favored our undertakings".) The Great Seal

was first designed in 1782, and has been printed on the back of the United States one-dollar bill
since 1935. As settlements advanced up the
country from lower Maryland, a fair proportion of those who acquired land in what is now the
District were Catholics. In 1669 "a parcell of land. . .called Rome. . .was layd out of Francis
Pope. . .extending to the south of an inlet called Tiber"; this gentleman, "Pope of Rome on the
Tiber", was sheriff of Charles County, and, in all probability, a Catholic. The well-known
families of Carroll, Digges, Queen, and Young were the possessors of extensive landed estates
before the American Revolution. Within thirty years, the
fraternity had spread throughout Europe and the American Colonies. Freemasonry became very
popular in colonial America. George Washington was a Mason, Benjamin Franklin served as the
head of the fraternity in Pennsylvania, as did Paul Revere and Joseph Warren in Massachusetts.
Other well-known Masons involved with the founding of America included John Hancock, John
Sullivan, Lafayette, Baron Fredrick von Stuben, Nathanael Greene, and John Paul Jones.
Another Mason, Chief Justice John Marshall, shaped the Supreme Court into its present form. During the revolutionary
era, masons of note included George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin,
Samuel Adams, Richard Henry Lee, and John Hancock.

Nick Blain
get right down to it by listing something I copied from a website. Here is the link followed by
commentary from the website:
america-1907.pdf Following are excerpts from the attachment CORPORATION TRUST
COMPANY OF AMERICA 1907 11 pgs beginning on page 2; “To provide, to keep, to maintain,
for and in behalf of and as the agent of corporations. (both domestic and foreign) whether
organized under the laws of the state of Delaware or elsewhere, offices, principal or otherwise,
and therein to keep the stock, transfer and other books and documents records and property of
every sort and kind of such operations, for all purposes including the transfer of stock.”………..
“…..To keep and maintain safe deposit vaults and boxes and to take and receive upon deposit for
safe keeping for storage stocks, bonds, securities, papers, books and documentary records and
personal property of every sort or kind, and to let out vaults, safes and other receptacles. To
promote, reorganize or otherwise assist and afford facilition (word unclear on original doc) to
any company or companies organized or to be organized under the laws of the State of Delaware
or elsewhere and desiring to do business in the State of Delaware and elsewhere, and to any as
the agent, trustee or otherwise for and in behalf of such corporations.”…… pg 2 last line cont on
pg 3 …..”To act as the fiscal or transfer agent of any State, municipality, body politic or
corporation; and in such capacity to receive and disperse money, and transfer, register and
countersign certificates of stock, bonds or other evidences of indebtedness..” To act as the trustee
for the holders of or otherwise in relation to any bonds, stocks or debentures issued or to be
issued by any corporation. To act as trustee under any mortgage or bond issued by any
municipality, body politic or corporation, and accept and execute any other municipal or
corporate trust not inconsistent with the laws of this State. Generally to undertake and execute
any trusts, the undertaking thereof may deem calculated directly or indirectly to benefit this
company. To act as the registrar of stocks, bonds and debentures and the transfer agent thereof
for corporations and others. To take, accept and execute any and all such trusts and powers of
whatever nature or description as may be conferred upon or entrusted or committed to it by any
person or persons, or any body politic, corporation or other authority, by grant, assignment,
transfer, devise, bequest, or otherwise, or which may be entrusted or committed or transferred to

it or vested in it; by order of any court of record, and to receive and take and hold any property or
estate, real or personal, which may be the subject of any such trust……….” ( see end page 3)
Please read the attachment VERY CAREFULLY to understand how this corporation is reaching
into your private trusts, mortgages, deeds and anything else the reader may have felt was private
personal and owned outright free and clear. This is the Form N-CSR (SEC) filing for New
Covenant Funds, the Presbyterian Foundation:
Agent for Service: The Corporation Trust Company of Wilmington, Delaware.

Hidden History

I have spoken about the hidden history in the United States -- after the French
Revolution how the Crown Prince of France, Louis Charles Bourbon-Capet was made
manager of the United States Corporation in 1805 until the Payseur family lost control of the
Virginia Company in 1933 when the Company had to file for bankruptcy. When you learn about
a hidden puppeteer, history looks alot different. France of 1789, Britain of 1640, Russia of
1917, Germany and Hungary of 1918-19, and Spain of 1936 share common traits.
Provocateurs aiming to destroy the fabric of society. In the United States patriot
community, the provocateurs are playing both sides against the middle. When the fact
that the US is being ruled by martial law is acknowledged, and that it is possible to
return to the Constitution of 1789 without bloodshed, these provocateurs are unmasked
for what they are. First there was the informer against Schuyler Barbeau, for selling a
short barrel shotgun. Pete Santilli is nothing more than an agitator hijacking what was
marketed as a "peaceful demonstration. U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken, who
resentenced Dwight Hammond Jr. and his son Steven, was not presiding over a Court
under Article III of the US Constitution. Under the Global Currency Reset, the 1789
Constitution is going back into effect and martial law is ending.

Justice Antonin Scalia may have been ready to disclose the fact that the United States is
secretly being governed by martial law. At the beginning of February, ten days before
Justice Scalia's sudden death, I called Justice Scalia on the carpet for refusing to tell the
American people that the US is governed by martial law, and "tweeted" his picture.

I also mentioned the corruption in the Supreme Court and posted a picture of Justices
Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas during the DCTV broadcast on December 9, 2015:
On February 10, 2016 I told the American Bar Association that lawyers are too corrupt
to regulate the legal profession any more, and that there probably shouldn't be a legal
profession. This was after the DC Bar refused to answer my question whether the US
was being governed by martial law, and then the following month the DC Bar magazine
talked about the Constitution of 1789 and the Magna Carta as though the Constitution
were in force and effect when this is not the case. In an earlier episode we mentioned
how King John ceded the UK to the Pope on October 3, 1213 and has to pay tribute to
the Vatican.

The US Congress and the legal profession have refused to admit that the US Congress
has been extending a secret state of emergency to justify martial law. This martial law is
no longer secret. The people have not consented to be governed this way. Our
Constitution of 1789 makes it clear that people consent to be governed, and they have
not consented to be governed by martial law. This power grab is not ok. The World
Bank Board of Governors has declared the US to be in interregnum because the
representatives of the US on the Board of the World Bank and IMF have been breaking
the Articles of the World Bank and IMF.
Justice Scalia had this to say about Article V:
"The founders inserted this alternative method of obtaining constitutional
amendments because they knew the Congress would be unwilling to give
attention to many issues the people are concerned with, particularly those
involving restrictions on the federal government's own power. The founders
foresaw that and they provided the convention as a remedy. If the only way to get
that convention is to take this minimal risk, then it is a reasonable one. "

So I asked each of the Governors, the Adjutant Generals who are liaisons to the National
Guard for the Governors, and the Secretaries of State of the 50 states, to deny that there
is secret martial law. The Governors are hard pressed because people know that their
titles to land and cars and other property are being withheld from them under war
powers ever since 1937, and this corruption is not something that the Governors can
continue evade. I told the Governors that I vote the US shares on the Board of
Governors and Boards of Executive Directors of the World Bank and IMF because Jack
Lew, Matthew McGuire, and Mark Sobel had broken the Articles of Agreement and had
no further role to play in the Global Currency Reset.

The Secretaries of the 50 states know full well that the US monetary gold reserves are in
the Global Debt Facility and that the Global Debt Facility has liens against the Fed and
the agents of the Network of Global Corporate Control. It is against the security
interests of the United States to allow the Federal Reserve note to crash, thereby
unilaterally surrendering our military. It is treasonous to punish our heroes Vice
Admiral Tim Giardina and Major General Michael Carey, who refused to nuke
Charleston South Carolina on October 7, 2013, and Captain Heather Cole, who refused
to communicate a first strike command against Russia on March 16, 2015.

Where are we? Is it uncharted territory?

Not exactly. The power transition model is quite accurate. When Germany's and
Japan's and Brazil's Executive Directors asked for me to be admitted to the Spring
Meetings so that the Minutes of the Board of Governors that had been adopted the
previous day for the Global Currency Reset could be presented at the meeting, and I was
nevertheless not admitted, this was a violation of the World Bank's Articles. The Secret
Service tried to "paper over" my being locked out of the meeting by presenting me with a
barring notice. This barring notice was signed by Martin Kraus, who had been fired the
previous day by the Board of Executive Directors. It is not worth the paper it is written
on. Has the Network of Global Corporate Control succeeded in stealing the world's
monetary gold reserves? No. The liens against the Federal Reserve, and the 2
quadrillion in Treaty of Versailles Bonds are still there. The Minutes for the Global
Currency Reset have been adopted, and by their terms they supersede the Minutes that
are currently on the internet. I spoke to a representative of Greece about the fact that
country debt is being offset against the 2 quadrillion in bonds that the One Bank owes
us. I spoke with a delegate from Japan about how the US military is not surrendering
unilaterally through a crash of the Federal Reserve Note, and that I was in regular
contact with the Joint Japan Committee under the Status of Forces Agreement. The US
military does not have to deal directly with the Knights of Malta in the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, they can simply deal with the Joint Japan US Committee under the Status of
Forces Agreement.

At the end of the Spring Meetings, I exchanged cards with an official who works for the
Institute of International Finance, the lobby arm of the Network of Global Corporate
Control. Our conversation was very cordial. We know that this impasse is getting
resolved in the people's favor. The world's wealth is still in the Global Debt Facility and
it is going to be deployed in the Global Currency Reset that was approved by the Board
of Governors of the World Bank and IMF.

Here is where it gets interesting. Some Loose Ends

There are more articles in Russia Today about the location of the Amber Room.

It is the Board of Governors who are authorized to deal with the claims for these
treasures that are owned by the Global Debt Facility, and in between meetings, the 25
Ministers of Finance and Development on the Development Committee. The World
Bank's General Counsel and the Executive Secretary of the Development Committee lost
their jobs during the Spring Meetings when they refused to admit me. This was a breach
of the World Bank's Articles. The General Counsel doesn't know how to read the World
Bank's Articles, necessary to preserve the Gold in the Global Debt Facility.

Then, there's the article in the Independent two days ago (this was taped april 26th)
about the gold in the vaults beneath the Bank of England on Threadneedle Street, which
I pointed out was owned by the Global Debt Facility and not the Bank of England. The
correspondence of the Members of Parliament and George Osborne, the Chancellor of
the Exchequer, which had left things hanging, is there for everyone to read.
Remember when we were talking about the interregnum in the UK because of Queen
Victoria's elder son and first marriage, making for a different regent? That issue isn't
going away any time soon, and Gregg Hallett is presenting a corrected family tree in the
UK in a couple of weeks,

On Tuesdays at 7:00 pm EST

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