Question3 17-Jan-2018 12-04-45

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Q uestion #3 o Figure (3) shows a park Structural plan of Concrete bridge - te bridge deck system 15 Composed From a group of precast Pretensioned prestressed beams , spaced at Lom. The beams are Covered with So mm precast units having a |2omm GStin-Place Concrere Slab ConStructed on top of it . The pvecast Slabs are used os Shutteving for the cast-in -Place Slab. Shear Connectors are used between the bridy Floor slab and the pre-cast prestressed beams as Shown in figure c3) L-L to KN/m* Desie prestesachy Force at transfer T4oo KW Fou to Nim” Long term Losses 1S 3 Feu; = 30 Nimm™ RFT type (shear Comectors) §e0,6e0 = Required :_ tommy 2) Determine sectvon properties fer prestressed beam anal me bre Composite Schon. Bonn pepe Jae b) calaate and draw te- levees cConcke inPlane % rvesses bor the precast-prestresed beams and concrete Floor Slab afrer Tr Fellowing Stages: 2 Trans fer - Long term Losses. - Placing Precast Slab units. + Pouriny Slab. swerlsing Stage oft brid ge C) Determine The required amount of shear connectors Jw, ot the beam suppont only. tle whole d) If the Bomm precasr slab unit, are removed ond Zoo mm Slab 15 Sheed and casted— j exPlarn brvefld , Te changes . Plea, Solution — @) Determine section. Jropersies For prestressed bean and tre composi te Section. + Cololation For prestressed bean A= 400 ¥ B00 = 326000 mm™ Stop =Sbor = 4oo mm T= Hoo (800)? To NFL x10 !? vm aC Zhps Zoey s LHR 2 23 x10 vam? Hee xCalodation for Composite Sechion A’ = 400 ¥ $00 + 200 ¥ 2000 = #2 0000 mmt 7. teeKseentoo + Leex rose + 960 FL e000 = 6FF-8 mm J’. _A0e C800)? 2 2000 (200)? eee + Hoo B00 x (64#.8- 400) * (bh) Coladate and draw te Cnclete inPlave Streses. + At trans fer Wa 28% oF x08 = & Kl © 3 & (12006) Hs = eee 144 #108 deme . Stop? EE + Pte. Mow enp np Sop 2 ziteoele? oo elo? e255 tet #108 + = J 1 320000 AUF x 1oF 4-14 X10F = - 10 + Loe #2000 + (677.8 Joo) = 6-2E XI Mmm 4 poe ashi ei, Nsw, a Zor 2b = —l400 xo? Hooajo's 255 |.H4 x10® Z2o0ee 4.24 lot 4-24 #loF pasibeng ecm roses: Pe = 0:85 4 Moo= Yo Kw 3 Niger 10? N40 x10 #255 ——— + Pet P Boece A-2#¥ 107 _ paaare® [5.02 Nimn”| 4-24 elo? Boy = litete® _ 1140 n1074 255 Bz eee 4-2F K 10F eae tHe tle | 745 Mime" | 4244 fot T Placing precast Slab uni Wa. 2 0B #25 AZ = 4 KW) Psu eRe. “ Mpsy = EERO ste x lo” Mem Bavpot | A-2F alot 7 Poop 2 - Fas 4 BEM | cae wat ALF 1oF sPpouring Cast-im-Place Slab Fipp= 0-02 - Wop = 25 asirar= 6 Hie 2 Map + § (Roee)” | og Pipl yore = 167 2 beoBe to® Prop = - ai A elie, si q-2F alot = HAND Mim® J.o8 #108 HUF a oF foot 2 - 5°76 + =] — 136 Bimen™~

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